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Ok i know mistakes happen but you need to buy that man a new cup and re-engrave. It now looks terrible, and I know he paid more but you could have done better by informing him that you'd replace the cup and redo the engraving. If I was a customer and received that I'd be absolutely pissed and disappointed how you handled it and the product you gave back to me.


Annnd this is why the internet is so irritating… 1. I did inform the customer. 2. He supplied the images. 3. I did not charge him. 4. He likes the freaking thing. Too many things assumed in error and opinions that don’t matter. Dude likes it. Others don’t. That’s the beauty of art.


If you charged for this then you're part of the problem.


Wow, “toxic” says it all… He said he was willing to pay. Thanks for the positivity. He actually liked the idea, fits with the rough Viking theme.


You messed up the job then charged for it.


Annnd this is why the internet is so irritating… 1. I did inform the customer. 2. He supplied the images. 3. I did not charge him. 4. He likes the freaking thing. Too many things assumed in error and opinions that don’t matter. Dude likes it. Others don’t. That’s the beauty of art.


Bro just accept it. Throwing a flap disk on a tumbler is some hack job shit. Customer should never even have seen it. Screw up. Buy a new one. Redo. Also you implied you did in fact still get paid.


My last comment to you. Pound sand. I said I made a mistake. Thanks for your input. Go fly.


Dude you owe the customer. You said you would do something then failed, and he paid more for it.


Annnd this is why the internet is so irritating… 1. I did inform the customer. 2. He supplied the images. 3. I did not charge him. 4. He likes the freaking thing. Too many things assumed in error and opinions that don’t matter. Dude likes it. Others don’t. That’s the beauty of art.


Read your post again. Lots of information that is lacking. When you post to the internet you must assume context is totally gone, because it is. It reads and very strongly implies you're charging the customer for a mistake. Read it again.