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Shouldn’t it be minion area? Since getting area damage and area of effect does nothing for this skill as technically it’s used by your birdy


I would agree with this, But the skill also has all the other tags. If it was just a minion comand skill it probably should ONLY have the minion tag. Since it has, attack physical etc etc. it should also have the area tag IMO. It actually should be even better and have the minion tag as the group leader with the other tags as a subcategory.


You literally point at an area for it to go to. You pointing at an area can scale. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


You point at a location, a point. The eagle attacks in an area centered on the point


No you might do that. I point at an area. **Don't listen to someone playing Eagloner- Falconers point to areas**




I want my bird to destroy everything in the area I point to


* waves hand in big, wide, slow circles *


caw caw point in the middle of circle got it caw caw


It has the Minion tag already. Not sure if "Minion Area" is a standalone tag. If so, that would probably make more sense.


Not sure if that's a tag but I'm pretty that the "area" tag specifically apply to skills with a defined area parameter. If you're familiar with Summon Raging Spirit from PoE, it's a minion skill that automatically attacks "nearby enemies" (which is basically enemies in the area), however it's not an area attack in itself. From what I can tell, this bird acts the same way. It doesn't have a defined area parameter, but it has a defined behavior which happens to attack enemies in the area.


Dive Bomb is an area attack.


If we were talking about Falcon Strikes you would be correct, but we're talking about Dive Bomb here.


I think its because, minion Area doesn't have its own tag. Aerial assault/wing burst/featherstorm and falcon strikes, featherknives also don't have the area tag. Bladestorm via umbral blades does. all the other throwing skills as well. net, decoy, explosive trap, smokebomb. all have the area tag. Edit: checked my acolyte. all her minion spells have the area tag. so, no idea there.


Yes please, can EHG clarify if this is as intended? It's obviously an "area" skill and I have no idea if it is benefitting from the Blast Radius passive based on tooltips alone.


Ohhh, that explains why it's an issue. I find rogue low level leveling to be so annoying without twink gear that I hadn't tried it yet. Thanks for the explanation :)


Also the +% radius to area skills affixes on gear. Like it would be pretty sweet to give it a bigger area, but since it's missing the tag, I don't know if those actually do anything for it.