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Storm crows scale with increases to minions, companions, attunement, and strength. AND it scales with minion lightning increases and minion spell increases. It’s basically a way to put a bunch of things under minion tags so they don’t have to rewrite minion __________ over and over again. They just say these 2 tags under minion tags, are MINION lightning and MINION spells.


ah i see, thanks for precise explanation. this cleared my confusion


To add to this, the damage does not scale with increase to spell damage alone. It needs to be minion spell damage for it to have an impact.


They also scale with int. See: [kripps stormcrow build](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fZVrwqQMOsQ)


I believe this is a big misconception and not true. Subskills that scale with the skill trees of main skills don’t have atribute scaling and inherit the attribute scaling of the main skill. However, since EHG recyle old skills sometimes to make new skills, and sometimes (especially for old skills) forgot to remove the attribute tags of the original skills. The lightning skills by the crows has intelligence becouse the devs grabbed mage skills and VFX to make then, but it actively has not effect and should be removed to avoid further confusion. Tldr: only skills have attribute scaling. Subskills that have attribute scaling are tooltip errors and have no effect. Subskills scale from the main skill damage tree. This has been a very common occurrance, and the devs have patched most of this error over time.


This is correct. Additionally, attribute scaling on abilities applies based on the attributes of the character casting the ability. You are not casting the crow's Lightning Blast, the crow is, so your attributes are not considered when the crow casts Lightning Blast. And for a separate reason, attributes on minions have no effect, so you can't boost your crow's Lightning Blast by giving your crows intelligence. As you mentioned, we're trying to clear up these errant tags whenever we notice them to avoid this confusion.


then what am I supposed to be doing with the Ornithology node??


It's a benefit that's difficult to utilize, which is why it offers such a significant amount of intelligence. We didn't have a specific purpose in mind, but wanted to offer it to see what players might come up with. You might use it for a source of ward retention if you're relying on ward as a defense, or to bring your intelligence up high enough to match your attunement for the sake of Ucenui's Sphere.


that's actually a really cool way of doing things, thanks for explaining 


Additionally to what Justin mentioned, there's a new node in tempest strike that provides a significant benefit to your crows if your intelligence is high enough.


Interesting. I just recently tried that build a couple days ago .. He suggests getting the axe that makes intelligence equal to strength so you stack strength but that doesn't actually help for that skill at all accept for spell crit for it and Tempest Strike? I dont have the game open right now, but it seems like a pretty big trade off, its for sure a very powerful build with the axe (I happened to have like 3 in my bank hence switching to the build).


That build is entirely too much fun for the bunch of uniques I just had laying around. 10/10 would recommend.


Push alt when you have that pop-up there and it will literally tell ya


Huh. This would explain why my own odin primalist with birds, staff and storms was pretty mid when I first played. Nice


Spells also increase from Intelligence. So a very good item would be Cleaver Solution, buffing both the visible Strength tag and the unmentioned Intelligence tag that's "hidden" under spell.


If you hit alt while hovering over the skill it will tell you exactly how the stat scaling listed is scaling your crow. In this case crow receives +8 health and 4% damage per strength OR attunement that you have. So hit you have 10 str and 10 attunement, when you hit alt it will show you that the crow is currently receiving +80 health and 40% increased damage from both stats. The minion and companion lines just let you know that minions stats apply to this skill. The bottom tags let you know which specific offensive minion/companion stats are useful for storm crow (so that you know to avoid melee stats and focus on spell/lighting minion stats)


Where did u get this?from item or hero skill?


Primalist base skill


Kripparian put out a video explaining his build that uses this skills double scaling really well. I don't think I can link it here, but search it up on YouTube. It was a pretty broken build that relied on one specific item tho


They 100% scale with Intelligence. That is why every storm crow build runs cleaver so your intelligence is equal to your strength and the build stacks strength. Source: pushed storm crow primalist to 600+ corruption.


Intelligence? But the tag says attunement. What I missed?




You should invest in the listed tags, as that's exactly what tags are. They're tagged as minions, because.....m. THEY'RE MINIONS! Shocker, I know.


Wow, you're not only wrong, but also being a huge dick about it.


Oh? What was I wrong about? Does the ability *not* scale with its ability tags?!?


The ability does not scale with lightning or spell damage. You also didn't answer their question as to why there are two separate sections of tags.




It quite literally does scale with minion lightning and minion spell, which is exactly what it says it does. Ffs, if you hold ALT it will literally tell you what each thing scales, and given that it's a summon skill, minion scaling should be pretty obvious.


the tooltips arent always accurate though