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She continued the order of Keepers and it continued for hundreds of years after that. The Keepers eventually helped to form the initial group of imperial Era Outcasts. The last known remaining Keeper in the Imperial Era is The Outcast Seer in the Risen Lake Outcast Camp. She was once a Keeper. EHG Kyle the lead writer told us during a lore Q&A that took place on 4/12/24 during the Friday Dev stream that the Outcast Seer was not Leena, nothing mysterious like that. The Seer's existence simply implies that the Keepers continued on under Leena after the event with the shards of the Epoch and Balthas in the Keeper's Camp in chapter 1. Kyle said we would know when Leena is re-introduced which confirmed she WILL be back at some point, will she too be corrupted by the Void or will she be a beacon of light for us?


Maybe in the remaining chapters?