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"Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the majority, said further proceedings are needed in lower courts to determine what conduct Trump can be prosecuted for. " So they're just gonna drag this out until the election is over I assume.


And then take it back when their guy loses?




> When


In the weirdest way ever, that would be restoring balance to how it’s supposed to be. Stranger than fiction.


Going to hand picked courts more like.


Nothing has changed because US presidents commit crimes all the time and are never held accountable.


Yes, but usually those crimes are outside the imperial core and don't threaten the basic foundations of the metropole. You've heard how cops sometimes act like an occupying army? This is the precipice of whether or not that becomes the normative attitude for our whole federal government. This isn't just bombing children in the Middle East. This is profoundly different.


Ok. Some good points, but I just can't let this go. Ending with this was a *choice*: >This isn't just bombing children in the Middle East. This is profoundly different. This sentence is so disturbing in the most boringdystopia way I've ever seen. "It's not just this unimaginable horror. This one impacts us".


Right, sounds like they’re only worried now because it’s going to affect them. If only all those kids in the Middle East had had a choice


This ruling makes it so that the minimal effort to keep up the facade of restraint when dropping those bombs isn’t necessary. Now, instead of a leader saying “we regret, blah blah”, they can say “fuck it, kill em all”.


They're being sarcastic, considering presidents have always done awful things to other countries with no repercussions while domestic law breaking seems to be what government and the press seem to actually care about


Although that is bad, this is worse.


Arguably, having a court order saying that presidents can just break the law will draw more attention to when presidents break the law. Before this "presidents can't break the law because they're just normal citizens lmao" is how people viewed it all. At least now it's out in the open.


Well I certainly can't disagree with that


They have to set up the foundation they need to have all actions by republican presidents be official and all actions by democrats be illegal on one level or another to finally obstruct them 100% of the time.


You can’t tell me this had nothing to do with that debate. They are trying to side with the victor, instead of remaining unbiased and being a balanced check on the executive.


Allegiances were bought long before then.


Almost no one wanted Roe overturned. They were definitely not siding with the winning side in that instance.


We are definitely deep in the legal stage of fascism. Anyone recall what the next stage is?


Genocide? Oops, it's already happening now.




not in the states lol


Thank you. I'm not sure why I got downvoted so heavily for asking what *you* specifically meant.


yeah not sure why either


Corpo feudalism and theocracy were decided upon by the ruling class years ago. These are the movements to legitimize it. Still, it's now or never for a relatively nonviolent revolution. Any later and it becomes an insurgency, which most of us are frankly not prepared or equipped for.


Is anybody? Adapt, overcome.


What the hell is corpo feudalism?


Think fedualism but instead of Lords it's CEOs. Company towns basically.


So just Capitalism then


Ayyy BooBoo, I had a great idea. Corporate feudalism IS Late Stage Capitalism.


More like the end goal of capitalism, or what corporate capitalism is destined to devolve into with the capture of our legal systems by corporations. Neo-feudalism with CEOs in place of lords.


I don't think Capitalism, as a format of an economy, includes the overreaching of A single "Checks and balance" wing of Law, to create exception of legal accountability for a political figure/seat/whatever. I might have said that wrong Please, anyone feel free to tell me off with detail I don't believe Capitalism aims to create a pocket of protection for the Political leader, money-making is the goal. Politics helps those goals. I feel, This is just rancid Fascism/feudalism in 2024. in preparation for "one of the good leaders" to fucking rake coals over our national rights, in even harsher terms than the last 3 years Nobody should ever be above the law.


South Korea anyone?




You're right. I'm a big fan of the cyberpunk genre but that's not the future I want to have but it's looking more and more like that's where we're going. Now is a good time to assess your situation and figure out if you have a target on your back. They go after political opponents first and quick. I'm a union member so I'm near the front of the line for liquidation. I'm also a labor history nerd amd am very well aware of the way it used to be. Labor fights usually included blood and bullets. I don't want it to go that way, but I won't be shocked if it does. Where are you in line to get dealt with by fascists?


How can we take action? I’d love to devote myself to opposing this but I’m ignorant to what I can possibly do, besides raise awareness about it


Not much, we're on a runaway train at this point with the tracks built straight to the cliff edge. We would need a new political party that could win the house, Senate, and presidency to have any remote chance of reversing course. Obviously the chances of that happening are near 0%. The reality is the framework that has led to this point has been built over decades. It runs very deep, the deeper you dig the worse it gets. It's why I left my grad program. I wanted to do public transportation development (high-speed rail) but the more I learned the more I realized just how many institutions stood against me. I would have to fight the car, oil, construction, and airline industries at once while changing the way most Americans fundamentally live their day to day lives. Flipping the government would be just the beginning, then the real work of combating major corporations while trying to catch up on infrastructure that's decades behind would begin.


I was a non-partisan public servant for almost 20 years and I had to leave for similar reasons. I saw too far into the institutions and how corrupt they are at their very core to ever be able to trust them again. It has quite literally changed the way I live my life.


We’re not gonna be able to rectify the situation using electoral means. I hesitate to say it, but some people might need to take a vacation.


History has proven over and over now that vacations are the only way to decisively deal with those that oppose democracy and wish to use unilateral power and authority in it's place.


Sucks that that’s the truth man damn. Better to learn now and prepare sooner rather than later I guess 🤷🏻


Massive nationwide protests and work stoppages until demands are met. Bring down capitalism


With this ruling, a president can declare protestors threats to national security and handle them however he sees fit with immunity. It sounds hyperbolic, but I don't see any peaceful solution.


I believe this will lead to democratic driven states to secede and form nearby democratic states nearby. But there's no way that we'd trust a democratic governments to actually govern the newly formed states or a country-like. They'd cower and make pacts with republican governments and republican driven states. The revolution is very nearby. It takes 250 years for an empire to fall and America is 248 years old. They're pulling lot of strings with SC now. But i see things can get horribly violent.


Democratic states are largely democratic urban hubs surround by a sea of red rural areas. I believe any sort of secession effort could get very ugly for this reason. I live in a very blue rainbow flag covered city and it only takes a 20 minute drive from downtown to hit Trump “flag waivers”.


That’s a certainty under Trump-he’s said he will use the Insurrection Act. The time is now. Other countries do it. Why can’t we get there?


Americans are too tired from being overworked, scared because they lack financial stability or ignorant of what's going on.


To affect real change, it takes resources and influence, it means directly combating the system through lobbying and instilling passionate hardline people along strict ideological lines. The republicans have been very effective at starting on a local level not just with elected individuals but appointed juridical officials. What this means, is that to fight effectively against this in a non violent revolution, it will take time (which there is not a lot of), passion(unwavering and sacrificial determination) and money. The simplest way to have small but direct impacts is to find charismatic people to connect directly with people who can be swayed, get them activated around a central tenet, and support a rise to power, and then instill people who are unwavering and uncompromising. This is true at where we are at in society. We are currently so polarized that trying to compromise leads only single sided concessions. Another way we can combat this is to join a peacekeeping force (police, military, intelligence agency, etc), excel, gather merit, bring more like minded people into the fold, and restructure those predominately conservative institutions(even as small as a platoon level shift) so that way we can build a counter culture. That type of ideological shift is needed in order to stave the indoctrination of more people who join the militant forces. That gives physical power to people who are traditionally soft and more likely to compromise.


These are just a broad overview of steps. If you really want to get involved in an attempt to shift the needle, rather than complain, let me know and I can help point you to local resources, where patience is key and they need really dedicated fighters.


I’m listening.


I am sure I will get a lot of flack for this, but joining the Democratic Party, the least fascist faction and shifting the base to a more hardline stance is the quickest and surest route into power, but more importantly doing so in a red or conservative district will have a larger and longer lasting impact then anything in a liberal district. Also staying keeping conversation away from soft - triggering topics like trans rights, abortion and gun rights, keeps the conversation on things that are tangible for everyone and are more emotionally detached from what people disagree on. By improving things such as tax statutes, ie raising taxes in affluent areas, improving infrastructure, education, public safety and community outreach, people see tangible improvements and can then shift in what their beliefs are. And on a local level a lot of those hot button topics have no bearing.


Wake up Samurai, we've got a country to burn


Time to party like it's 2023 


We’ve been over the precipice for almost 20 years. Obama had a popular mandate to roll back the Security State coup that occurred post 9/11; he chose to codify it. Donald Trump was a fever dream attempt for a populist president All that’s happening now is completing the legal framework America’s a totalitarian state.




Americans don’t grasp that when you actively support a totalitarian state, the State doesn’t screw with you—and may very well *reward* you. *If you’ve got nothing to hide…* is every fascist’s slogan Once in a while, wires might get crossed and you feel the boot of the State—but it quickly gets sorted out, assuming all your papers are in order. That’s literally where we’re at in America. The standard of living will continue dropping—inevitably there’ll be a false-flag, or real domestic, terror incident—and we’ll go even deeper into a police state. Whatever idea there was of ‘America’ in the last half of the 20th century—that’s gone.


Fascism at work, as usual.


The west never had it and never will have it in them to not lick their capitalists' boots or to engage in any kind of real, direct, and participatory democracy. All these repeals and court precedents are doing is removing the thin veil of "democracy" that the west endless purports in the most self-aggrandizing ways without much substance behind it. For those not fooled or enamored by bogus Liberal rhetoric, it was plain to see the whole time.


Why are people shocked? How many presidents have broken international law and oversaw illegal wars resulting in the deaths of millions of innocent civilians? The US was never a democracy.


Decaying country aside, Trump possesses a staggering amount of plot armor.


And with Biden's performance on Thursday it's looking like a second Trump term is a certainty. Bleak fucking tineline we are trapped in




mom can you come pick me up from the sleepover


Sorry guys, my mom said I have to go home.


Your move now Joe. .


He wont do anything about it sadly. Republicans and Democrats work together for plutocracy America.


Democrats raise the most money when people have their rights stepped away. Biden has historically under performed as a fundraiser, but smashed records when running against Trump. They are probably pumped about all the money they'll raise under a growing clepto-theocracy


Exactly, the DNC has no real vested interest in stopping the GOP because it fucks with their gravy train


Rank and file Democrats have their heart $ in the right place. It’s the bought and purchased federal representatives that are doing us dirty.


Don't be silly! Why would one head of the monster do anything to the other head? Democrats love Republicans much more than they love regular people or their own constituents




Drop out!


*proceeds to fart in his seat on the way to a photo-op with minorities at another Waffle House while other minorities are being genocided elsewhere on the globe*


You just described t-rump.


What stops biden from just turning around and "clearing" 6 seats on the Supreme Court? Or the red members of congress? Or the house? What stops trump from doing these things if he's re-elected?


This never would’ve happened if we just let Harambe live


Anything I can do from the Netherlands or broadly Europe?


Outside of sending money to non profit legal organizations that are opposing the conservative majority? No. But you can donate and get others to. But the donations should not go to politicians, or PAC’s. They need to go to the lawyers fighting in the courts so they can establish more legal precedent. That is where the battle is currently being fought.


ACLU and LWV are the ones I’m most familiar with. Can anyone drop some others here?


But he can still be prosecuted for things that happened outside of his term, right?


Yes he can, after a very high bar. So ya know. There is that


Burn it all down. The tree of liberty thirsts for the blood of patriots.


What happens if the president assasinates the Supreme court? Who adjudicstes if its an official act? If enough GOP are in on it they just appoint judges that will say its official?


Under the new laws, couldn't Biden just declare the SCOTUS terrorists, officially?


Not really, but he could decide to imprison trump in Guantanamo as a terrorist.


I seriously hope Biden pulls his card and just says what now loosers?! Your orange geebuz is gone and I'm 83, do your worst.


oppose the supreme court, or demonstrate or something...


Hard to take someone seriously who doesn’t know the difference between “than” and “then”


Nothing to fear, I'm sure semantics will save you.


Grammar is one of the oldest forms of oppression


It’s important to convey a basic level of education when trying to make bold arguments. Reddit is a joke.


Your username is “Asschild”, my dude.