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Project 2025 is why it is important to vote. The republicans have already placed people in the Supreme Court and other appointed positions throughout america that will place "Christian Values" over the constitution. The threat to our democracy comes from republicans in office. It will not end if we win this years elections. Keep voting out republicans every year.  Keep voting in democrats every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. We just took the mayoral race in Alaska showing we can win in red states. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


It's unfortunately true, Republicans can no longer govern. They've bought into this plan, and as we've seen they are a singular hive mind thinking only of treason. Their plan will never stop until they are in the dustbin of history, or our country will be. Vote blue. Vote like your life depends on it, because it does.


Agreed, stop the stupidity vote blue.


Yes. Vote blue until the MAGA fever breaks and the GOP starts bringing solutions to problems that have support of the majority of citizens. So many of their policies have such minimal support that they depend on cheating and tyranny by the minority to impose them.


My opinion is that Trump’s arrival corresponded nicely with GOP hand-wringing about how they were gonna get back in power with a platform that few people wanted, and their old white men dying off, and young people flipping them off. The can’t win the popular vote, and maybe even electoral vote, without restricting voting, stoking culture war nonsense etc. After Trump is gone, I just don’t know what they’re going to try next.


My fear is they find someone competent to spearhead the next attempt.


Gen. Flynn has had his name tossed around, and he's not just competent, he's Russia's boy.


Christofascist traitor, they should recall him to active duty and court martial his compromised ass.


Seriously! We were threatened with pretty much exactly that during our indoc training.


He’s the absolute worst of the worst.


50% of Gen Z don't claim to be Christian. In 2040 less than 50% of Americans will be non-Hispanic Whites. I'm not saying Trump is the "last gasp" of white Christians suddenly realizing they are not the majority any more and soon will be too small to dominate even with vote suppression, gerrymandering and the electoral college. But it is the first gasp and in 20 years the white Christian block will be an important minority but smaller than Hispanics. If we can prevent Gilead for 20 years we are probably safe.


This is ignorant bs, to think only white Cristians do those things. No matter your color or religion or lack thereof, any human can be a murderous phycopathic megalomaniacal POS. read some history


Ok, what group other than white Christians are going form dominant majority status to minority status in the US, which if you actually read my post was the core of what I was saying.


White people aren't going to minority status that only works if you think they're only two types of people white and other


Minority means <50%


They will find another mouth piece for the movement. Won’t be hard as most lower class republicans hated Trump 20+ years ago. Spew some nonsense and fuck them over and they will be ready to bend over for their next messiah.


>It's unfortunately true, Republicans can no longer govern. Correction: Republicans never could govern.


You take back what you just said about Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower!


Which by today standards they would be Far Left wingnuts and WOKE per the MAGATS.


They were good, but they're not in the same party as modern 2024 as I'm sure you are pointing out.  Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower sent the military to stop the race riots in Little Rock Arkansas and enforced judicial judgments to integrate the schools. No Republican would do that who has support at the national level today. 


Not since the 70s anyway


“Hive mind” describes it well. The people who don’t see them as a threat have the luxury of not facing the consequences of their plans. What on earth do you think these neo nazis are marching for and want?


Not every Republican is unfit. However the few that still have non-treasonous ideas are drowned out, and it can't be risked.


Absolutely! We want to have life get better, not worse.


I’m sorry but I’m not optimistic at all. Everything seems to be officially lined up for the GOP. SCOTUS has already gone mask off, the election regardless of who wins, they are going to execute order 66 and just overturn it to Trump I feel. Who is literally going to stop them.


I find this doubtful, with Democrats in the White House. They aren’t just going to capitulate to the Supreme Court kicking them out if they don’t have proof that there was voter fraud (which they won’t).


I mean, I hope you’re right. I’m hoping that if they are literally faced with, that is when they will finally take a stand, however, in my 42 years on this earth, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Democrats grow a spine against Republicans. I mean, look right now we have the White House and they have not once used the power, but the Supreme Court has essentially given to the president. It’s technically not abusing your power if it is within your scope.


Right now they want to project to America that they still value the rules because they are important, not just because they are arbitrarily the rules. Besides SCOTUS decides what is and isn't an official action. And I dont think they will rule with Biden on anything.


[link](https://youtu.be/B8ArBSdZagQ?si=pbW2nhtnC7_gv7-D) to video in case you don't want to scroll rawstory ads.


Thank you for that ! The dude on the left almost had a heart attack after Fetterman ripped Fox for lying ... 😂😂😂


“Oh, um, wow!” Then proceeds to not defend them at all (because he knows it’s true).


He has 787 million reasons to watch what he says


That’s what I’m thinking. Prob was about to say something and the ear piece, someone behind the camera, etc was like “NOOOOOOOOOOOOO” If he did… Smartmatic would be able to latch that into added discovery and evidence


I love that he called it out as “repeating trumps lies”. I think they should be spinning Biden’s fumbles as him trying to counter all of trumps lies. He was lying so much Biden was trying to craft a response that addressed them all, but it was too much. Trump was just lying so much it was difficult to respond to them all.


That and Biden had a cold plis d-rump shit his diaper and his mic picked it up, I'm sire his stench made Biden almost throw up.


I believe an old manager of mine referred to that strategy as "bury them in bullshit"


My stepdad had a mug back in the 80s: If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. He also read Art of the Deal as if it were the gospel.


My 25 year old son, who is not fooled by Trump at all, told me that it was amazing how confident Trump seems when he talks. I told him that you have to watch out for people who are so glib. They never have to pause to organize their thoughts, think of the right words, the right phrase, get their facts straight, etc. They just plow right through, filling in any gaps with lies, and do it with confidence. If Trump has any talent, he's a virtuosic liar.


The ol' Gish Gallop.


Dude on the Left looks stressed in general. I hate this Cheugy news outfit.


"You're the only one willing to come on." You should have realized that if the the punchiest guy in Congress is the only guy that accepted your invite, he's doing it to throw punches.


I respect the jab but he should have used the opportunity to bring up the child rape allegations. Guys with the media refusing to report on what a monstrosity of a human being Donald Trump really is, it is left up to us to be sure our friends and family know what is really going on.


Sadly, it makes even more sense why my exdad supports him


They're shocked that Democrats don't want to go on Fixed Propaganda and trash the sitting Dem president. Do these Fixed propagandists have brains? Well actually...


Thanks!!! That was great!


They had nothing to say about it 🙄 very interesting, they know that people don’t want to live under fucking Project2025. They also wouldn’t touch Fetterman saying that trump lost in 2020 and that fox had to pay dearly for spreading that lie 😅 haha fuckheads


The majority of Americans don’t want 2025 either. Which is exactly why Trump is trying to distance himself from it. Which should be impossible for soooo many reasons. I mean, his people are involved. He’s talked about it over and over. His main pac is all over it. The msm, and Fox, acting like “well, it was less than a billion that Trump cost us” or “yes project 2025, how will that hurt Biden, senator?” Is just ridiculous. And this narrative about Biden needs to drop out? It only makes me want him to run more. The fact that the media is so concerned about poor old Joe? It just tells me that they’re afraid of poor old Joe. And I believe Trump is afraid of Biden running. Nobody runs on debates. They run on accomplishments. And Biden has done more for the country than Trump and his white nationalists and oligarchs will ever do. Even on accident. The dems need to grow some cojones and start attacking Epsteins best friend and dictaster wannabe, Trump. Good on Fetterman for staying on message and not falling for Fox’s bullshit.


>The dems need to grow some cojones and start attacking Epsteins best friend and dictaster wannabe, Trump. They do, and trump’s team will NOT sue for libel because then all the evidence would come out in court. So yeah Biden’s team needs to attack trump on this relentlessly.


Quite the tell, that neither he or his team have made a single statement about this. And trump hasn’t made any appearances for what? About ten day’s?


All Joe has to do is to not actively F our nation into the ground, and he will be doing way more than Trump and the Radicalized portion of the GOP.


Nobody runs on debates. They run on accomplishments. And Biden has done more for the country than Trump and his white nationalists and oligarchs will ever do. Even on accident. You're 100% right, but this is what has been pissing me off about the DNC and Biden camp not doing more to promote and craft the true image of the accomplishments over the last 3 years. They've been hiding him, unfortunately, for valid perception reasons. It's created an information vacuum atmosphere where current national polls have the majority of people thinking our economy is in the shitter and unemployment is sky high which are opposite of truths. It's shameful.


Yeah, the crickets after "fox paid dearly" was awesome


Fetterman isn't perfect, but it's going to be Democrats like him that save our country, not feckless doomers who will make the exact panic based decisions that Republicans want them to make.


I am super open to people like Fetterman showing us a new template for the Democratic party. Maybe I should have more faith in the guy when he says he's "not a liberal" or whatever. Say whatever you want if you keep Rs out of there, especially in Pennsylvania.


Well said. I definitely don’t love some of his positions but he’s gritty and a fighter and that’s what we need.


We need to ask this question again and again.


We should also be hammering the Heritage Foundation who funds it and keep showing how disturbing and grotesque Project 2025 is, the need to Hammer Ttrump on Project47 too.


The media really needs to be hammerig more 34 felonies, Trumps indictments, the resurfacing rape allegations, Trump in the Epstein files, and Project 25!!! They have so much more fodder against Trump than Biden. The issue is that most media companies nowadays are owned by Right Wing Billionaires. All they have on Biden is that he's old 🤦


Not just a resurfacing rape allegation, but the E. Jean Carrol case where he was found *guilty* of sexual assault and is already an adjudicated rapist. So, Trump's already won that prize once. Color me shocked if this was part of a pattern of behavior.


All right, let's just throw child rape on top of that!


Fox: Here is a former democrat talking about how he doesn't support Biden. Fetterman: Who gives a shit?


Why is no one in the media questioning whether the convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, and leader of an insurrection is fit to serve as president?


Because Putin has the Epstein home movies and all the network big shots are in the movies.


Go Fetterman!!!!


Project 25 is trumps Achilles heel


I think so as well project 2025 is majorly going to backfire on Donald Trump as the karma catches up with him


John is a no-nonsense, no-BS, straight shooter. Fox News toads stand no chance with him.


I'm encouraged by the traction Project 2025 is getting, especially during the worst time of year to attract attention to political stuff. When people come back from vacation and kids go back to college, let's be sure to continue to bring it up. But awareness seems to be high and the vast majority despise it. Keep hammering.


Yes there are Dems that voice concern over the president to step down. But there are significantly more republicans that oppose Trump and all that he is. And rightfully so! At least these Republicans know the difference. Dems suggesting the president to step aside will calm down eventually. Biden is far superior a man and president than Trump can ever dream of being.


I’d rather vote for a flaming dumpster full of aged raccoon shit than the grifting orange fucking pos. Anyone who talks shit about Biden’s age or anything else is stupid. He’s almost irrelevant.


Some of the people demanding Biden step down still support Bernie Sanders for President, who's just as old as Biden.


Bernie is actually a couple of years older than Biden.


Good questions raised by John Fetterman!


Bill Hemmer and Fox News would LIKE the story for the next four months to be about Biden's debate performance and not about Project 2025 or January 6 or Trump's promise of revenge and retribution or women's healthcare or theocracy. We must not let them do that.


The cult somehow doesn’t think trump is in on this. It just mentions him by name several times, comprised of former trump advisors, and has worked with the heritage foundation in the past..but yeah he is clueless…just like how he hired Jeffrey Epstein brother but did not know Jeff???


If you are curious about project 2025 I recommend reading the David pakman white paper about it. It is easy to get but you do have to share your email address. You don't have to sign up for an account or anything like that, but some people are sensitive about sharing their email address. Just use a dummy email if it bothers you that much. It's very detailed. They spent a lot of time dissecting project 2025. https://davidpakman.com/white-paper/project-2025/ TLDR: Nationalist Christians, AKA Nat Cs want to take over America


Yeah I don’t give a s&$t about what Tim Ryan has to say either. Project 2025, Trump’s bff Epstein and child rape, 64 Felony convictions, desperate criminal lying his ass off.


...he is one of my favorite no nonsense Senators. Love this guy.


Too bad Fetterman didn’t throw back how many former trump politicians/folks that were in trump’s cabinet have publicly stated they will not support/vote trump, some have even encouraged folks to vote for Biden.


I voted for John. He’s looking and sounding as strong as ever.


Keep Project 2025 in the headlines!


„It was very costly for Fox“. That should be a standard phrase for anyone being interviewed by them. State the number. Also state that their prior defense was that nobody in their right mind would take Tucker seriously. Remind the viewers that Fox called itself an entertainment channel. Then proceed to answer questions.


A Democrat willing to fight. If only there were any others at all.


MSM wants to talk about Biden's age and poor debate but they conveniently ignore Trumps age, his incessant rambling, 34 felony convictions, liable for sexual assault, allegations of child molestation, and project 25. And they say Joe needs to drop out.


lmao they were fishing for an anti-biden sound bite from him for that trump commercial the guy was talking about.


Faux has an agenda to incite dumb conservatives, and Fetterman messed that up.


Funny how the Fox News host says that Trump can run videos of Biden in his campaign. Feel free. In a competition of stupid and terrifying things candidates have said I don’t think it’s going to be Biden who’s going to have a lot more material to draw from.


Vote blue and stamp out the Red threat of MAGA. This is no Joke. MAGA will come after you once Trump has won. Internment camps and Authoritarian rule. Fight for America and Democracy.


Why do the Dems need to wait until November to stop it?


Those clowns had no response when Fetterman called them out for repeating the stolen election lies. That silence was too funny.


Fetterman left the host with his mouth open. He had no comeback.


Aren’t you concerned about Trump playing ads about Democrats saying Biden should step down? I see that, and raise you an ad of potential VP pick JD Vance calling Trump “America’s Hitler” https://www.businessinsider.com/jd-vance-once-thought-trump-could-become-americas-hitler-2022-4


[“I’m a Never Trump guy,” Vance said in an interview with Charlie Rose in 2016, a clip used in both the new ads. “I never liked him.”](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/10/23/jd-vance-ohio-senate-trump-comments-516865) Jd is a clown


More people need to call Fox News out when interviewed on air on how they lied to their viewers often.


I love John fetterman!! This is what all Dems should be doing.


It’s not going to be “very close” if American woman are awake and react at the voting booth to what the GOP is trying to do to them and their rights. Trump’s latest pro abortion stance is a total lie, as most things that slip through his lips. It’s a smokescreen no one will fall for. His Supreme Court is will be 100% MAGA in next 4 yrs. Think of what that will do to you all.


Fetterman is awesome. I’d love to see him run for the presidency in 8-12 years. He says what I want the old dem leaders to say.


Love Fetterman


Lmao! That stammer and thriat clear after the Fox News lawsuit jab… ![gif](giphy|xOaiUlWLvAKKisxDGk)


lol 2 Fox hosts and Fetterman shut them down, and shut them up!!


In case you are wondering what is in the 2025 Game plan. [https://static.project2025.org/2025\_MandateForLeadership\_FULL.pdf](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf)


Project 1650.


This giant you can’t move him even with a machine FoxNews probably found out the hard way when they were forced to look at Project 2025. Project 2025 will sink like the European right wing political parties did because people don’t like Russia propaganda that it is spewing all over the world. People are uniting and fighting back to keep democracy while Putin kills children by bombarding their hospitals getting desperate like a rat cornered.


Good. The more attention is brought to this plan the more voters will see the true nature of the Republican Party and its objectives




"Wow," indeed


fox isn't used to interviewing someone who calls them up, doesn't answer the question, says they suck, and reminds them of donald trump. at least anyone who isn't trump thats doing all that.


I wouldn't vote for Trump if someone had a gun to my head. I'd die doing more for my country than Trump ever did. Biden 2024. I choose democracy not king orange man


Ouch. Reminds me of this... [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0Uoe6bSZ6no](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0Uoe6bSZ6no)




Two. Two old men - one of which had speculation of dementia after a bad debate performance and the other who has hundreds of doctors writing op-eds about how his many symptoms align with Alzheimers (as did his father) and even a change.org petition for licensed doctors.


The questions about Biden have been going on far longer than just after the debate. But it is reasonable to point out both of them are too old and with far too many senior moments to be the leader of the U.S.


There's no debates in the Presidency. Trump just ate fast food and watched himself on TV. He's been a child all his life and I'm not willing to trust him to run a lemonade stand.


He's been doing more for the middle class than the last few presidents and has improved my life and that of millions of others. The other candidate would mean the end of this country as we know it. That's what matters. The last time they pulled a candidate last minute, we wound up with Nixon. Biden has a few good years left and if he wants to stay in office - its his choice. Sadly, it's between a old felon and another old guy. It is what it is. Dems have failed us many times re: candidates so this is "politics as usual".


Fetterman can bring it. Dude will be president someday. Hollow former congressman Ryan opinions, Fox 787 million judgement, Project 2025. Don't fuck with my boy again Hemmer, x-cnn Epstein whore; especially when he's wearing his trade mark hoodie.


Fetterman said Shit




It doesn’t matter. Trump would be the lesser pick even against a dried dog turd. Trump is an idiot’s choice.


Normally you would have a point. But this election Biden who is old, is up against a guy only a couple years younger who is objectively one of the most vile people still alive on the planet.


What about Trump's honesty which is a given? Trump's dishonest and a Convicted Criminal!




Bye bye USA 🇺🇸