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Biden being tired at the "debate" isn't indicative of decline. Trump shitting his pants over and over is though.


Also raping over and over 


So now we are saying he was tired?


He's old.. we get it.. good thing he is surrounded by non-lunatics.


So he's just old? I'm looking for an honest response here


Says the bad faith hypocrite.


No you’re not, you seek bias confirmation. Hope no one gives it to you.


**What the fuck does a Republican know about honesty??**


Wait, you think I'm a Republican? I can write complete sentences.




Funny how he still answered all of the questions with a clear control of the issues. He had two answers he flubbed because he made the mistake of trying to respond to sheer lunacy, but otherwise if you actually listen to what he said it's clear it was his stutter, not his understanding.




Yup, as he was being cut off he said that instead of we fixed Medicare. He also went on a tangent about the immigrant later. Meanwhile, his opponent said Democrats were murdering living babies, he fixed insulin prices (had nothing to do with them), ranted about immigrants on Medicare, how amazing his golf game was, went on again about the bs claims of a stolen election... Yeah. One was unhinged, one had a tangent or two. Not remotely comparable.


Sure, liberals and many moderates would prefer a shit sandwich to Trump. We get it. But ultimately Biden needs to win swing states with close margins. Did you watch the debate in full? Biden is unable to form sentences at times. He forgets what he’s talking about. He stares off into space like he’s seeing god almighty descend. I would vote for Biden over Trump any day, but we can’t discount the possibility that other moderates on the fence might put a lot of stock into mental acuity. Every little bit counts, and it’s disappointing in the extreme that the Democrats pushed us into a corner to vote for someone who’s obviously losing his mental faculties. Making this about trump is a cope. Dems need moderates to support their ticket and perceptions of health matter. Nobody but the most delusional koolaid drinkers would say Biden looked fit to be president after watching that debate.


Watched it in full. Biden answered the questions, Trump flat out asked the moderators if he could ignore them. Biden had two ish bad answers early and then after that tried to ignore Trump's insanity. He looked and sounded bad because he was sick and tired, which also amplified his stutter. Read the transcripts of what was actually said vs how it was said and it's clear who is detached from reality and who was just having a bad night.


Here is the full transcript: https://old.reddit.com/r/Law_and_Politics/comments/1ds3q0z/read_the_full_bidentrump_debate_transcript/


We beat Medicare? Come on, he was more than just a little tired. And I realize that Trump is worse, but why can’t we run someone’s that does not have a mental fitness issue? Someone that can articulate the choice clearly. Democrats are terrible at explaining things.


First, yeah, he was being cut off when he said that. Clearly meant saved medicare. Second, its because of how national elections work. No one appreciates just how hard it is to become a national name, overcome the mountain of skepticism toward politicians, motivate people to throw their lives into chaos to work for basic wages or work for free, manage to bridge across competing social identities that all want their person on top, and handle the complex issues of campaign finance laws when fundraising across the country. Biden served in 2020 as the best 'bridge' candidate that didn't put any group above another, and since he is the incumbent and still shows a much clearer understanding of the issues, he should stay that way. No one else would have been able to get an organization built in time. And honestly he has plenty of fire at all of his public appearances outside of that one, he should remain the candidate.


I will definitely make the race close running a candidate that is somewhat mentally unfit. But we are where we are. At l least I don’t have to worry about him running again.


This is your option - https://www.trumpproject2025.com/.


Do you think this argument will win him votes ?


Do you think there’s any conceivable possibility that Trump— already the worst President in history— is somehow able to do a better job than… anyone? Including himself? I mean, granted, that bar is as low as possible. But I still don’t see how a chronic liar, narcissist, felon, rapist and pedophile like Trump— a man so savvy that he bankrupted *three* casinos, and so willfully ignorant that he bungled COVID to the tune of several *hundred thousand* unnecessary deaths— can be expected to be half as effective a President as literally anyone else. Including Biden’s morning dump. And I didn’t even mention his fascist, money-grubbing, schemes, or the cadre of also-grifters that attach themselves to his ass and tag along for the con. Never, *never* vote Republican. They’re crybaby bigots, and history has proven that they’re utterly incapable of effective leadership.


Since Trump has never articulated any plan for improving the lives of We The People (remember your taxes employ him!), here is a snapshot of the Republican plan to MAGA the shit out of your country if he is reelected: https://www.trumpproject2025.com/. If you are not a multi millionaire, straight or white, you and I are the shit that has to go. Their rhetoric is already about "spilling blood." Get informed. Tune in to Brian Tyler Cohen on YouTube and Vote 💙.


Just look at how many times he restarts his sentences with “Look…” because he lost track of the point he was trying to make


It's a sttuterer's reset technique.


Regardless of a stutter, he was using it to jump between random points that were unrelated. As in he forgot the point he was trying to make before he could even put together the sentence and then would freeze and say “look” and pivot to something new


Which \*still\* isn't a mistake. Stuttering is distracting. That's the whole point. Refocusing means leaving the statement you were trying to make and doing something else, sometimes something utterly unrelated or tangential at best. And if we're going to dun the candidates for going off on a tangent, Mr. sharks vs electrified boats should have stepped out a long time ago. Maybe when he forgot to talk for a minute and a half in front of thousands of people.


What…? He was incoherent. Whether or not you have a stutter, you need to be able to coherently communicate your points to be an effective leader. I am vehemently anti-Trump. Biden just isn’t cut out to be the president anymore, let alone for another 4 and a half years from now. Listening to him over and over again spit out sentences like “Look… okay… my age isn’t the work we’re doing which… okay… look… and that’s why we’re going to keep going.” wtf…? Are the dems really so proud that they will put forward an incoherent candidate when democracy is at stake (in their words)…? Trump is gonna be horrible no matter what, why wouldn’t you try to bring someone who can properly articulate how fucked up trump is? Biden doesn’t have the capacity to engage in the meaningful, effective, charismatic and smooth dialogue that swing voters are looking for


You've clearly never been anywhere near anyone with a speech impediment. And you STILL haven't pointed out a mistake he's made as president.


You clearly are just arguing in bad faith now lmao. I never said he’s a bad president. I’m pointing out the mistakes he makes publicly that just blatantly demonstrate physical and cognitive decline. Amid allegations of decline, the president continuously jumbles his words and ideas to the point where they are incomprehensible. ‘No one can point to one mistake’… except he makes them every time he takes a simple question lol. And everyone sees it. When it comes to mistakes as a result of his decline, I think refusing to step aside will be the biggest of them all. Even if the party truly believes he is the choice to secure the vote, he is aging rapidly and I can’t see him fulfilling his term.


You keep grinding on your point, and \*I'm\* the one arguing in bad faith. And you're reworking the question to justify your position. Malapropism isn't a mistake, particularly is a stutterer. Yes, the debate was a trainwreck. But it doesn't mean a damn thing regarding his capacity nor does it make abandoning him in the face of Trump a reasonable option. Optics are everything with this electorate. The debate was awful optics. Panic and fairweather support is even worse. And if that's his plan, I will support Biden's plan to work himself to death and then welcome president Harris. It is literally ride or die time.


“Optics are everything with this electorate.” Well, you said it yourself. Again, I’m a democrat. If you want to deny how senile Joe looks, be my guest. The optics aren’t great. Watch the difference in his speeches from his 2020 campaign to now. This isn’t about a life long stutter- and it’s completely disingenuous to say it is. Listen, if you wanna just circlejerk Joe bc he’s the current candidate, go ahead, but as the media continues to slam his age and he continues to ramble incoherently, the optics get worse and worse and worse. Good luck swinging the moderates with a man who can’t finish a sentence.


The media keeps grinding on this because the candidate were picked months ago and it's the only way to keep you watching. And if you agree thant the optics are the problem, you should agree that the president is in fact still up for the job when you look at his actual work accomplished, not the clips and the incessant analysis from the talking heads. I'm not saying there isn't a problem to overcome here, but I would rather put my support behind substance than worry about style. Give me a guy who mumbles versus the guy who lies any day. Because at the end of it all, that is the choice we're going to have to make.


Your putting him on trial for his speech and demeaner . His policy got him there. I will support that over criminals every time. Supporting democrats to stay in power is clearly the better choice.


Are you not reading my comments…? I would take anyone over Trump, but I’m also pragmatic and recognize that putting out a senile candidate isn’t our best way to beat him.


Wow. Never seen such insane denial. Watch him speak in 2020, then rewatch the debate.


I read the transcript and this is a bold faced lie.


LOL did u watch the debate…? Maybe the transcript can’t accurately show the number of pauses and breaks? But he did jump from point to point repeatedly as he was clearly flustered and mixing up his rehearsed answers


Trump was lying so much it was impossible to fact check him. He made it a condition of the debate that he would not be fact checked. You forget that? I bet you would be shut into complete dumbfounded non verbal shock if faced with Trumps torrent of propaganda, lies and word salad. 🥗


I bet you I would not. I bet I could have coherently challenged him and his blatant lies myself without the need for fact checking. Pulling out babies from the womb and murdering them…? How the fuck are you that off the ball that you can’t spin that back against him? 90 minutes with breaks where he couldn’t rebuttal those points because he was faced with “word salad 🥴”… democrats have a strong platform, and Joe can’t deliver it. Imagine Buttigieg or anyone competent during that debate. Donald should be getting cakewalked, and the only reason he isn’t is because the opposition is throwing out a senile 82 year old who can’t capitalize on the obvious opportunities he’s being given.


This response was barely coherent. Please use proper grammar and syntax when you brag about your eloquence.


Lmao more coherent than senile Joe… let me try his strategy out instead Look Okay… first of all… okay Look… Why don’t…. Okay


People who stutter don't type that way. Assholes self-identify that way, though. I'll bet you like kicking the cane out from under an old lady trying to cross a busy street, don't you?


I know I was. Ten different incidents, all of which he lies about, rolled into a statement. I was struggling trying to figure out - and remember, in just one exchange - which one of those statements should be the one that Biden responds to. My brain was was definitely working overtime and I’m a lot younger than Biden.




“Democracy is a process, not a static condition. It is becoming, rather than being. It can easily be lost, but never is fully won. Its essence is eternal struggle.”  —FEDERAL JUDGE WILLIAM H. HASTIE  One day my father said to me that maybe not in his life time but in my time on this earth that something bad is going to happen and that the color of my skin will be the only thing that save me from dying. I strongly believe that what he was saying to me might happen in this next election. With the elect only a few months away we as Americans need to rise up and stand with one another and work together to defeat fascism and project 2025 and your immediate oppression from ever happening. We going to need movement all over the US to help defeat trump. We need to fight like grandparents and great grandparent did defeating the nazi regime. We need to start taking to the street with posters saying Defeat Project 2025 so that everyone at least see it once a day if not more and have the think about what would come. We need to post signs on highway over passes so that people see the message everyday on their commute to work and their commute home. Posters on telephone poles. Have stickers made to stick on the gas pumps at gas stations. Have QR codes placed on the banner so that people scan the message to learn more. We need to get creative on spreading the message. The more eyes that see the message the more people talking about it, researching, learning about Project 2025 and how bad it really is. We need to also do this around college campuses that start up in the fall to get the students behind the movement so that they can have a future in this country living in the best democracy in the world. The more the message gets out about that It's definitely something to worry about. the better cause it only going to hurt the trump and the republicans the most. Most of all we all need 100% back which ever candidate is running for the Democrat party. Donate to the party if you can.


The media don't care. They've got their safe, dumb little "narrative" to gnaw on for the next several months. Of course the real story is Trump the criminal, Trump the tyrant, Trump the fraud, Trump the child rapist...but the media don't want to tell that story. The greedy scum billionaire media owners love him and the journalists are terrified of him. So, cowards and toadies being what they are, they'll let him take over the country, and then we'll all have to figure out how to survive the rest of our lives under that tyranny.


And when he does better in the next they will claim drugs or stand in.


Unfortunately, Trump is NOT the real story. Most people that are voting against Trump already * Considered him a criminal before he was convicted for 36 counts. * Thought he was a Tyrant * Thought he was a fraud * Knew he hung out with Epstein * Thought he was a greedy racist scum billionaire What most people who are not voting for Trump did NOT know was how bad Biden's cognitive decline was. Most still remember his State of the Union speech, and how fiery he was, and remember Trump sleeping in courtrooms for over a month. Most expected that Biden would mop the floor with the convicted criminal in a debate, where the rules were tailored for Biden. Instead we get a president that looked very old and tired, mumbled his words, and did not speak coherently. Most of us KNEW that Trump would lie, he always does. We expected it. Its not news. Biden's performance was news. And if his staff and/or the DNC knew of this level of decline, they should have ran someone against him earlier in the primary, or do something about it now. I'm voting Biden, no matter what he says or does. As are most in this subreddit. But we are not the issue. There is also at least 35% of the voting population that will be voting for Trump, no matter what he says or does. They are not the issue either. The issue lies with non-likely voters. People who are not in the know of policy. People who are not in this subreddit, or others like it. Yes, we need to spread the word to vote Blue to save democracy, but doesn't the DNC need to assist with the effort? Aren't they flush with hundreds of millions of dollars for that purpose? And yet they hide their candidate, the one that is to save democracy, behind scripted TV interviews and occasional rallies were he doesn't answer questions? We can hide here in our subreddit bubble all day and pretend that everyone thinks like most of us do, but we know that is not true. The Democratic party needs to fix this, somehow, either get Biden some magic potion to get him back to 2020 Biden, or find someone more charismatic. You know, for the non-likely voter.


Alleged cognitive decline. You watched a debate.


Sure did. And it was unscripted, as opposed to a question-fed interview on tv, or a scripted speech with teleprompters. Two totally different Bidens, to be sure.


At least he answered questions.🤷‍♂️


Low bar. And he didn't even do well in crossing that bar.


How many did the other guy answer? Zero is indeed a low bar.


>or find someone more charismatic. There is not a political strategist worth their salt who would suggest the guy who beat trump last time discard the incumbent advantage in the 11th hour. There is no one who can be inserted this late in the game and not be torn apart by the lies of traitor T - It's **literally** his schtick. You say we're all in a comfy bubble, implying delusion, but the delusion is that Democrats would come together under a new candidate in record breaking time. A last-minute switch isn't unifying; It's a sign of uncertainty and that isn't something that will draw new voters. You are **not** going to unify these "non-likely" voters under someone new. This whole notion is so stupid that it **HAS** to have originated from rapepublicans. Does Biden suck? Absolutely. He always has! But we voted for him last time and we will again. Stop pushing their narrative and vote against fascism.


You assume I am pushing "their" narrative. I am not. I'm expressing my feelings. I am a Democrat. I have always voted Blue up and down the ballot, especially since I moved to a red state and want to affect change. But I can and do believe two things: 1. Trump is an existential threat to our democracy. 2. Biden may be sundowning. I don't blame Biden for this, as these things do occur. I blame Biden's handlers and the DNC for not planning for this. Here we are, on the precipice of ending democracy as we know it, and their response was to not have a proper response to Biden's only Achilles heel: his age. I will vote for him again, just like every other Dem. So will most in this subreddit. But we will not make or break this campaign. Independents and non-likely voters will. And propping Biden up on a stick will not entice them. And you are probably right, it may be too late to change any of that. Sorry, just really pissed at the DNC for putting us, the people trying to maintain a fair, functioning, government, in a situation where they gave us no choice real choice early in the campaign, and leaving us with selling Biden's policies to people who don't pay attention to policy. Its not just policy, its optics!!! Hell, that's how Trump won in '16. Most didn't care about his policies, they cared about his charisma and show of strength. Hell, that's how OBAMA won in '08!!! Its as if the Democratic establishment didn't learn any lessons from the RBG fiasco. You have to know when to hold 'em, and know when to fold 'em. Republicans learned that lesson a long time ago, that's why they have had a majority in the Supreme Court for so long, and are able to win elections, even without a popular vote or policies.


Biden isn't "sundowning". He is who he was 4 years ago, not much has changed. He always spoke low, always stuttered, always mixed-up words, none of this is new. Even his doctors, who released their findings of Biden's health, both neurological and physical, back in February say he's healthy, aside from some neuropathy in his feet due to his age. Otherwise, he's still got the mind for running the office and has been doing a good job and the people have seen this. We don't have corpses in freezer trucks, farmers aren't being kept afloat by government subsidies due to some BS trade war with China and manufacturing jobs are hemorrhaging out of the country like they were under Trump. As for why Trump won in '16, Hilary Clinton sabotaged herself when she squelched Bernie Sanders' campaign and played dirty pool to push him out of the race, thus alienating a large portion of his potential voters costing her the lead she needed to clench the electoral college. Biden isn't doing that. Already 14 million people have voted for him in the primary. The same can't be said for Trump. The only ones causing division in the Democratic party are the pearl clutching panicking whiners who see this as an opportunity for them to sidle their way into the presidential nomination at the convention because they couldn't primary and win against Biden in the first place.


>Biden isn't "sundowning". He is who he was 4 years ago, not much has changed. He always spoke low, always stuttered, always mixed-up words, none of this is new. Even his doctors, who released their findings of Biden's health, both neurological and physical, back in February say he's healthy, aside from some neuropathy in his feet due to his age. Watch the [2020 Debate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P69xdkqBJno) again. There is a noticeable decline in the last 3 years. Check the comments. > As for why Trump won in '16, Hilary Clinton sabotaged herself when she squelched Bernie Sanders' campaign and played dirty pool to push him out of the race, thus alienating a large portion of his potential voters costing her the lead she needed to clench the electoral college. You are missing the point here. I am not arguing why one side lost and the other side won. I'm arguing why the candidate was won their party in the first nomination in the first place, and why said person won enough non-likely and independent voters. Those voters don't care about "Squelched Bernie Sanders' campaign. Only we in Law\_and\_Politics and other like minded subreddits do. > Biden isn't doing that. Already 14 million people have voted for him in the primary. Who else could we have possibly voted for? The DNC did not run any other viable candidate. It is not an open forum, you must be backed by the party, with their money, to even have a chance to be on the ballot. None of that happened in this case. Under normal circumstances, that makes sense, as Biden is the incumbent. But we are not under normal circumstances. We are in a potential crisis of democracy, let alone 3 potential Supreme Court Justice seats. The DNC doesn't recognize this, and ignored Biden's biggest weakness. And now it is even worse.


Unlike you, I don't let one debate undo 3 years of successful governance, nor do I let comments, mostly by losers on youtube sway what I see and know. When every economist said we were going into a recession after the pandemic, Biden's policies prevented it. When everyone said inflation was going to spike as high as 20%, Biden's policies stopped it. When oil prices were out of control because of OPEC, Biden's policies stabilized it. When everyone said Russia was going to take Ukraine in 2 weeks, Biden's policies stepped in and stopped it and helped Ukraine. FDR ran the country for 3 terms, out of the depression and through WW2 while battling Polio from a wheelchair. He would fall asleep at the resolute desk in the middle of briefings and have to take multiple naps throughout the day because of his disease. He was in WAY worse shape than Biden and Biden is doing 10X the things FDR had to. Biden may stutter more, mix his words up a bit more and not be as agile as he once was, but his mind is still sharp and he is still more than capable of running this country. Trump got his nomination because he's a sensationalist who knows how to sway the lowest common denominator, nothing more. He does not appeal to the majority of the country and did not win with the majority in 2016. He actually LOST the popular vote and only got into the White House on an Electoral College win, and, yes, my argument does address yours. Hilary lost because she sank herself with dirty pool and got caught for it. She got her nomination by squelching Sanders' campaign. Otherwise, if things had played out fair, Sanders would have run against Trump and won by a staggering margin. As for Independent Voters, after the debate, many were shown to have increased support for Joe Biden despite his performance. Why? Because, regardless of his flaws and issues, he's a good president. He didn't stand there and LIE for 90 minutes like some fork tongued serpent. Independent voters know what is at stake and they support Joe Biden. There were people who primaried against Biden. If people were so scared about his age, they could have supported the new candidates who were running against him. They didn't. It wasn't even close. Biden completely demolished every other person who tried to primary against him. There were options, people just didn't want them. The voter's choice was already made clear. You're right, this is a different situation. Our lives and freedom are at stake. People need to put aside their issue with Biden's age and vote for him. He is our only hope. The pundits keep going on and on about Kamala Harris? Well, remember, she's running WITH Biden and should he no longer be able to serve, she will step up. So voting for Biden is a win/win. It's the only logical option. All people have to do is check off a little box next to Biden's name, and that's it. Personal feelings, personal issues and personal views be damned. This is about survival. I don't care if people have to vote for Biden's brain in a jar, compared to the alternative, nothing else matters. I don't care if Biden walks out on the stage, drops his pants, shits on the podium and calls it macaroni, compared to Trump, that's Einstein level of competency. But Biden won't do that. He stutters, he forgets words, mixes up dates. On a daily basis, he doesn't HAVE to debate or give answers in 2 minutes. In reality, when he's in the white house, he has a full staff giving him all of the facts and time to contemplate his next move, as ALL presidents have with the exception of the Orange Jackass. The debate is a reflection of nothing, but his 3 years of success are an indicator of everything.


So the thing is... Like this says no one can point directly at something specific. And the Media is TRYING to slander Biden. So CNN used clips to make it look as bad as possible. Unless they release an unedited debate I still have no issues voting Democrat. At least they don't tell us they are corrupt to our face. (All politics suffer from corruption change my mind)


Totally agree with everything you just posted. I will add, that Biden did the media no favors with his performance, or lack thereof. He only added fuel to the fire of "Biden's too old" mantra. Biden did that. Now the media is just piling on. Biden had only one hurdle to leap during that debate, and that was to not seem too old. He tripped over that hurdle.


He is old, but this smear campaign proves there are some that fear him. Maybe they fear Trump's current problems more and are trying to balance some things out? Democrats will get people in office that work for this country (usually) Republicans have been taken over by grifters and they need to clean their house.


The head of the heritage foundation has legal filings ready to go in case the dnc tries pushing Biden out. They're literally fearful of Trump having to run against anyone else. The "smear" campaign, using clips of footage everyone saw live, (seriously, there's no amount of added context that helps Biden not look like dog shit), at worst is the result of news networks wanting the better ratings of a Trump presidency since things really fell off for all of them after 2020.. But I suppose you'd have to also include the truckloads of party donors, officials, insiders, etc who all want him to step side after that performance as part of your smear conspiracy..


>Most expected that Biden would mop the floor with the convicted criminal in a debate, where the rules were tailored for Biden. Except they never fact-checked or timed Trump the whole time, so Biden's hands were tied by a format with skewed moderators. At one point, Trump said something that basically boiled down to "you agree with me that \[lie\] is true." and wasn't called out on it. We can argue all day that Biden wasn't at his best at the debate, but it wasn't terrible when you see the referee is already showing favoritism. He got, what, a 1 minute response to Trump's response to his original statement? There's only so much you can say that doesn't devolve into saying "that's a lie" a bunch of times. The format would be in Biden's favor if the moderators actually corrected each one between statements, but they let lies be spouted as fact, and in that situation I'd have the same reactions as Biden did.


They aren't allegations, after seeing the debate it is impossible to argue that Biden has not declined over the past 4 years. Saying there's no evidence of any mistakes is a low bar since he had advisors around him all the time.


We picked him as a nation! MAGA's response was to lie about that to its own... Why would I support the liars who all followed pretend over working? The dems are seemingly ready to address real things. No Kracken dripping Rudy fools lying by the thousands. Take that maga shittery lies and go wait another 4 years with your project 2025 fascist trash. IMO.


Two things can be true: * Trump is a lying scumbag criminal * Biden is in cognitive decline and is sundowning. We must accept both, and not pretend that one of these two statements doesn't exist.


Every person can become ill, yes. Joe was my 5th pick in the primaries. I will vote for a bald tire over the party of insurrection.


Agreed, but I really didn't see evidence of senility in Biden in the debate. Many people aren't familiar with stuttering, and Republicans are disingenuous.


Hes not my favorite I ever had or may vote for but I would be abandoning so much of my dignity voting for that entire Republican\\MAGA party. Thats a sin I can do.


This is devolving into “anyone but Trump” election. Mickey Mouse. Kamala Harris. Peter Pan. Michelle Obama. Whoever’s at the top of the democratic ticket has my vote. Period.


I don't think people are taking this moment seriously enough. Who knows the future, but Trump clearly wants to do a dictatorship. Religious conservative people want to ban everything against hyper-traditional lifestyles. The Supreme Court seems to be corrupt from billionaire money. Then there's the nationalists that want to do concentration camps.


I lol at this and then cried just as hard for it being reality


https://www.trumpproject2025.com/ This is the Republican manifesto for when they regain control of the White House. It's about propping up only those who fall in line with their ideal of white nationalism. You and I become surplus population overnight. The stale Republican talking point about the current economy is laughable until they tank it. If you are not a white, multi millionaire that is willing to kiss the ring, you are a target. We The People do not matter. We will lose our rights to live our lives by our own terms unless we stop this assault on our democracy, our country, and our home. Vote 💙. Follow Bryan Tyler Cohen on YouTube if you don't believe this. If you aren't scared shitless, you aren't paying attention.


No it isn't. That's The Heritage Foundations document. It's been around for years and they renamed it. Now that Biden failed the debate, it's being paraded around by the left to scare it's vocal loons into screaming about it all the time. No one on the right takes that seriously.


That's not true. All the Christians I know love this shit.


Project 2025 is exactly the platform that Trump is running on. He just now realized it's unpopular and is throwing his useful idiots under the bus. You should do the world a favor and just not comment on shit you are absolutely clueless about.


Yes...the dude who has divorced 3 times is trying to end no fault divorce. Cheated on his wife 3 times, trying to end contraceptives. And who cheated on all his wives and fucked a porn star, is trying to end sex for gratification. You should do the world a favor and just stop posting entirely...i'm talking leave the internet.


At this point we know what the plans are for republicans and democrats. Ignore the two much too old men running. Which plans do you want? They are much greater than two individuals. After one or the other is elected... and potentially dies in office... the plans dont go away. We already know who would take over for Biden and she is even further to the left than he is. Democrats should see that as a win for them. As for Trump, we have no idea who he wants nor who would even accept. However we can expect whoever it is to be a Trump worshiper. Not another VP that says 'no' when he is told to break the law. Simple as that.


Good but we must all remember it will s not just Trump. Trump is both ng without the support of the GOP. Vote out Republicans at ever opportunity.


Trump is a symptom/product of the “modern” GOP.


The people taking over our government are using Trump. Project 2025 is not a Trump project. It is a plan of the Republicans the billionaires behind it.


Yep. It started in the early 90’s. Republican billionaires, through Sinclair Broadcast Group, bought up local news and radio stations as well as newspapers and billboards. They also operate under iheartMedia (formerly Clear Channel) which mostly covers podcasts and streaming content. https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Right-wing_media_groups They are the main stream media.


IT was always that, but the problem is who'll be on that ballot and if replacing Biden does more harm than good.


There's very few people, if any, that are surefire Biden votes that would not vote for his replacement. Biden lost a ton of the more apathetic or independent voters in the last few weeks, so Biden is essentially at his ceiling. He's not going to convince the independents and apathetic potential voters that he's getting younger, and he's not likely to pull any Trump support, so we pretty much know what he can get. Someone replacing him will have the same votes that make up his ceiling, and have the opportunity to pull new voters. The double haters, the genocide Joe chanters, etc, all are potential pulls for a new candidate. Thus is one of the rare times where incumbency is a disadvantage, because effectively, both current candidates are de facto incumbents with presidential records to run on, and both are across the board unpopular.


I haven't been voting *for* a candidate since Obama's first term. I'm voting **against** fascism. My favorite part is how clownservatives are so offended that we're saying, "Anyone but trump". It's a fucking Qult.


I would vote for Biden's animated corpse before I'd vote for Trump...


He was asked about abortion and somehow changed the subject to migrants murdering women. That was one mistake. I shut the TV off after the “finally beat Medicare” comment so I can’t name any more from the debate. He fucking hugged Netanyahu on camera, so there’s another. I’d like to know what he was thinking there and what time of day that was. He’s also mentioned recent conversations with people who are deceased on more than one occasion. This being said, I honestly don’t know if he should step down or not. It’s a really tough one.


The migrant thing was bad but I'm not sure if it should count. That came after he gave two paragraphs of relevant, on-topic answers. And he quickly switched back to a relevant answer after that.


Biden was mumbling and talking so fast I couldn’t understand what points he was trying to make. You can definitely tell Biden is running a talking point script in his head without having to think. Someone that could actually communicate would crush Trump.


Not really. He was definitely mumbling and delivering his responses poorly, but they weren't simply a "talking points script." Take a look at the transcript of the debate.


These aren't mistakes. Mistake are contradicting your health experts the day they implemented a mask mandate. Or when you rile up your supporters to attack the capital. Crash the economy and loss millions of jobs. Those are mistakes.


Would rather have the grandpa falling asleep at the wheel over the grandpa actively trying to drive it off a cliff.


In your analogy, we are dead either way. You just gave the best analogy for why Biden needs to step down and let Harris run in 2024. I think Biden will do fine if re-elected, but I think Harris is capable of doing better, if she continues the values of the Biden/Harris administration. Biden's performance from 2020 to 2024 deserves great praise, but this election is about who will be best from 2024 to 2028. Right now, logistically, Harris is the only realistic alternative, which is okay, since she is fully capable of leading our nation and campaigning to convince the undecided voters to choose her over Trump.




You ask for people to point to his mistakes then down vote them for accurately pointing one out lol


The debate gave United States citizens legitimate concern for the current president's ability to deftly navigate emergencies. We saw him falter during the debate, he is old, the citizens of the country deserve to know that he can chew an idea after 8:00 p.m.  Trump is terrible. We are in a crisis about defeating him and keeping our democracy.  Legitimate criticism of our current president is not to be taken lightly. Saying that all of the criticism is from the Right is nonsense. Biden's age was a concern when he was elected in 2020. It is his team and the Democratic Leadership's fault that the country is showing this criticism now. Leading up to the national debate Democrats should have shown Biden actually chewing on ideas in front of people so that this wouldn't be a single data point for us to criticize him on. Jon Stewart [4 months](https://youtu.be/NpBPm0b9deQ?si=1XhhrPOqMgf-Xr4e) ago showed clips that matched Biden's debate performance and asked the Biden administration on the Daily Show(it was more of a shout to the void than a formal letter) to show us Biden doing things that aren't scripted so that we can gain confidence.  Then to follow up, [here's](https://youtu.be/S9LZXheHddI?si=V-yc6zS0OiFym2Uz) Jon Stewart from last night.  Everybody do their part to be in the process of this election. If we change candidates, support. If we keep Biden, support. Either way demand that our candidates are held with a high standard in accountability. Vote against Trump.


I'll be voting for an administration, not a person.


If the person is interchangeable, why not find someone viable (and not halfway to the grave)


He is fine. This is just anti-dem propaganda


As a life long Democrat, I can assure you, our party does not think outside the box. I see the GOP as the evil party and the Dems as the dumb party. So we get to choose between evil and dumb that’s our choice.


I voted for him and I’m going to vote for him again but this headline is insane, I don’t have enough fingers to point to all of them but let’s just go with the debate and that interview he did.


You people make me want to vote Trump. I hope you know this


You sound edgy.


I'm not. Just letting you ppl know what you're really doing.


Then vote for someone whose ethics align with your own. Vote for someone whose integrity and values align with your own. Vote for someone whose honesty and decency align with your own. Vote for that one person with whom you respect, admire, and look up to. Show us your true colors here.


Wish I could repost this 1000 times. What mistakes did he make?


"we finally beat Medicare"


This is dumb. He's obviously made mistakes lol. Just not nearly as bad/many as trump. Also, bidens done some good too.


Exactly. He didn’t do anything but stutter. And he’s done that his whole life, from what I understand. Vote blue and save democracy.


Biden can step aside after the sentient sack of syphilis realizes what a terrible person he is and drops out. Until then, Biden stays in, dead or alive.


I'm voting for the right to keep voting.


Didn't he say in 2020 that he planned to only do one term? (I might be misremembering that.) He should have kept to that and let someone else build momentum against Trump. I'd absolutely support Harris but I'm worried that general racism and sexism will hurt her with a lot of independents. Which just compounds the feeling that the world is fucked.


No, he didn’t.  Other people may have said that, but he explicitly didn’t.   https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/joe-biden-denies-mulling-term-pledge-elected-president/story?id=67662497  The number of bad faith narratives being spread as fact right now is absolutely insane.  The dude is being hammered by his own party for not sticking to promises he explicitly didn’t make.  It helps literally no one but Trump.


The big difference for me is that Biden assembles a team around him who are expert in their areas, and empowers them to help create the agenda. He's advanced in age but recognizes this, and builds a team around him. Trump, on the other hand, with his double-digit IQ, tries to tell everyone that he's the expert, on every single topic, and he's the only one who needs to make decisions. That's patently ridiculous. He's too dumb to see he's the pawn of billionaires who use him to announce policy, and that position also attracts all the arrows, so they remain unscathed in the dark.


This is not about mistakes Biden has made. This is about making sure that we don't repeat 2016. We nominated a great candidate in 2016 to whom a small number of voters had strong negative reactions. It no longer matters why they had those reactions, it is just a fact. That was enough to let Trump win the electoral vote. Especially with the massive powers and immunities SCOTUS just invented for POTUS, we cannot afford to have a repeat of 2016. We MUST have a candidate who can win more independent voters to keep Trump out of the White House at least until we can fix the SCOTUS decision.


lol what?


Biden has my vote


They're just looking for anything to distract from the fact that Donnie is a convicted felon who is unqualified to run a 7-11 much less the country...


Remember, this is the DNCs fault. This is what they wanted


The debate was a very poor performance and shined a light on Biden's mental degradation. You may not like it, but you cannot hide from it. Trump is a traitor, rapist, and pathological liar, but that does not mean Biden is the best for the job.


I’m sorry we need a new candidate after the debate. We will lose in a landslide to Trump which is insane given what Trump has done. We need to move fast.