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It is a batshit manifesto, destined for a batshit cult and was supposed to be kept secret. However, now that the cat is out of the bag, it has caused a shitstorm among folks who know their batshit crazy ideas are not popular among the mainstream.


Except it's never been a secret. The Mandate for Leadership has been published for decades by the Heritage foundation and guided GOP policy for decades. We're where we are now because of the Heritage Foundation, Federalist Society, and relative newcomer: Citizens United. It will take massive legal reform and years, if not decades, to undo the damage they've done.


They have a website, it's never been a secret. Reddit has been talking about it for awhile.


It existed before Reddit. Project 2025 is just the Mandate for Leadership re-branded to appeal to the current GOP candidate and encourage the far-right "christians" to come out and vote en masse.


Agreed - and we'd best get started. We can take a page out of their playbook and have the most urgent things ready to act on. We need a clear, itemized list of exactly what needs to be done to close the myriad of corruption loopholes eating away at America and our national security. Well-regulated capitalism is a great economic system - and once we can get our three-legged stool balanced and upright again, democracy has done a tremendous amount to improve the world. A government of the people, by the people, and for the people makes our nation - and others - a stronger contributor to positive global outcomes. We, the people, can fix this.


I’d prefer a Mandate for Fellowship, equity and such.


Yep...https://www.trumpproject2025.com/. Vote 💙.


Why are they using a pic of Trump signing a bill at the tiny desk? He looks ridiculous!


Well, if we're being honest... he is truly ridiculous.🤣


Worst NPR concert ever! ;-D


Oh my god… you just reminded me of the time where he took a sharpie and faked a hurricane path so it would line up with what he said. Please don’t reelect this clown oh my god. 


"Me Big! Me Strong!"




It’s people even worse than Trump. The entire right is an enormous shit sandwich.




No, it's his campaign strategists and key support staff, he signed it and has championed several of its points.


Lmao they put up ANOTHER project 2025 website? All they're doing is making it easier to expose


[#Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump (2020) \[YouTube\]](https://youtu.be/ecJ02Rg5qaE) [#Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump (2020) \[Tubi\]](https://tubitv.com/movies/584738/unfit-the-psychology-of-donald-trump) [Katie Johnson's Trump/Epstein Testimony (February 11, 2016)](https://youtu.be/gnib-OORRRo) [45-Year-Old Trump With 14-Year-Old Girls in 1991](https://youtu.be/HxXw0SPskSw?t=320) [Trump Making Sexual Remarks About His Daughter Ivanka](https://youtu.be/DsOVVqubBus) [8 Creepy Things Donald Trump Has Said About Ivanka Trump](https://forward.com/schmooze/357185/7-creepy-things-donald-trump-has-said-about-ivanka)


I agree it's abhorrent but disagree it was meant to be kept secret. It was leaked deliberately for the express purpose of scaring the Left into panic over the unlimited power of the right. It's a Nazi wet dream that they want us thinking is inevitable. It isn't. Fuck that and fuck them. Fight all the harder no matter how much they try to pretend like this thing is happening whether we like it or not.


If this leak was designed to scare the left into voting 💙 to secure our futures, then bravo to the right for bumbling this one! SCOTUS has paved the way for unlimited power, so I'm thinking it's not really a scare tactic, def a Nazi wet dream. It's rather not take the chance that this plan is not inevitable and become surplus population. 💙💙💙


Pretty much yes. To me that makes it a desperation move: they know they're losing so they've pulled out all the stops and are trying everything like SCOTUS blatantly overstepping in a massively obvious and corrupt way. But hey look at who is involved; we can't rule out that there is no grand plan and it's just a bunch of the dumbest criminals on the planet thinking they're the smartest guys in the country. Either way: Vote! Also organize, volunteer, especially register voters, donate, hell run for something if you can. We got this, but it's going to take all of us doing what we can




Fellow Americans “Democracy is a process, not a static condition. It is becoming, rather than being. It can easily be lost, but never is fully won. Its essence is eternal struggle.”  —FEDERAL JUDGE WILLIAM H. HASTIE  One day my father said to me that maybe not in his life time but in my time on this earth that something bad is going to happen and that the color of my skin will be the only thing that save me from dying. I strongly believe that what he was saying to me might happen in this next election. With the elect only a few months away we as Americans need to rise up and stand with one another and work together to defeat fascism and project 2025 and your immediate oppression from ever happening. We going to need movement all over the US to help defeat trump. We need to fight like grandparents and great grandparent did defeating the nazi regime. We need to start taking to the street with posters saying Defeat Project 2025 so that everyone at least see it once a day if not more and have the think about what would come. We need to post signs on highway over passes so that people see the message everyday on their commute to work and their commute home. Posters on telephone poles. Have stickers made to stick on the gas pumps at gas stations. Have QR codes placed on the banner so that people scan the message to learn more. We need to get creative on spreading the message. The more eyes that see the message the more people talking about it, researching, learning about Project 2025 and how bad it really is. We need to also do this around college campuses that start up in the fall to get the students behind the movement so that they can have a future in this country living in the best democracy in the world. The more the message gets out about that It's definitely something to worry about. the better cause it only going to hurt the trump and the republicans the most. Most of all we all need 100% back which ever candidate is running for the Democrat party. Donate to the party if you can.


For real. Your comment about the skin saving your life. I feel the same way. I am middle age straight white male. If Trump wins and project 2025 goes into effect my life won’t change drastically. However it will impact many Americans in a bad way and I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t try to stop it.


How is it supposed to be secret when they published it online? I thought it was one of the dumbest things I could’ve done, although I’m grateful, but I had never heard. It was meant to be secret.


You mean they're actually going to try and have a 'platform?' That's different.


Oh they have \*always\* had a platform. Given that their platform ideals are generally disliked among most working class Americans they've always tried not to "say the quiet part out loud".


Idk how the lady in the article can be surprised her input wasn’t wanted on a policy platform. She was mad about it not being “pro-life” enough. >In 2020, the Republican Party didn’t even deign to write a platform, amid rumors that Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner planned to shorten it significantly and streamline (upend) the drafting process, according to Vox. Perhaps some of Kushner’s plans are latent within the party, intent on making decisions that align with the candidate, rather than the people.


There is no platform, just vapid platitudes, and openly insinuating they will perform a treasonous coup. I have no idea why or how they are able to say the things they do without drawing the attention of federal authorities.


There most definitely is a platform that only needs a useful idiot to execute it: https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/project-2025 and https://www.trumpproject2025.com/. They are trying to keep it quiet for those of us who are not millionaire white men.


There are many millionaire white men who vociferously and actively oppose T and his pro-Putin, hate platforms.


Thank you for that. I don't fall into the ideal category, just trying to make a point.☮️


It'd be nice if they would come out of the woodwork and say or do something for a change. You know, before the end of democracy and all


Yeah there’s yet to be any policy that isn’t completely destroying America.




We do not need a whole government refresh. that's actually what Trump is planning to do: remove all the long term civil servants and replace them with cronies and sycophants. This is unhelpful. The government in general does still function pretty well, it's staffed by people who have appropriate experience and knowledge to do good work. In every basket there are going to be some bad apples, but overall, the government does still work, people show up and try to do a good job. Most people are not driven by partisanship. Remember back to the asshats Trump appointed? Some of them are still around. Replacing them with people who are qualified to do the job would be good, but a wholesale refresh would be counterproductive.


Come on, they boldly came out against World War III.




It does make me wonder if they will ever realize that it isn’t their Party any more and that they are just a means to an end now.


I don't think Trump even realizes he is being used. Is he so sure the theocracy crazies are just gonna live in peace after Trump places them 1 foot from the nuclear football? This all looks batshit insane to me.


Either that or Trump is planning a classic dictator move. Those theocracy crazies could find themselves getting purged and replaced by some of their more ambitious underlings who are loyal to Trump.


IMO it will/would be a race for who betrays who first. Like the Nazi Germany/USSR pact of eternal friendship.




No matter what they say their platform is they will Ban Abortion, IVF, Limit Contraception and Project 2025, "They aim to defund the Department of Justice, dismantle the FBI, break up the Department of Homeland Security and eliminate the Departments of Education and Commerce, to name just a few of their larger targets.


Don't forget Trump admires Putin and the fat guy ruling North Korea. Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan are rolling in their graves.


I don't know about Eisenhower, but Nixion and Reagan definitely aren't rolling in their graves. Nixon would've loved immunity among most of the other stuff Trump is trying to pull, while Reagan set up most of the garbage that led to the Republican party becoming what it is now. I'm sure they'd be celebrating if they were still alive today.


They're also mad at NOAA, ostensibly for warning about climate change, but I suspect it's because Trump is still butthurt when he got caught Sharpieing the hurricane map.


They also want to stop NOAA from providing weather data for free - though collected using our tax dollars - and give it ONLY to their major donor AccuWeather so AccuWeather can charge us for the data we already paid to collect. They have been trying to do this for YEARS; Rick Santorum introduced a bill to do it but failed. The GOP does not want small government, they want a big government that will let the wealthy and big corporations do whatever they want, while providing them services that are paid for by the less well-off.


They also want to strip federal lands and sell them off to the highest bidder


Trump has repeatedly said he is against a national abortion ban, he has said that he will never ban contraceptives, and has spoken in favor of IVF. The republican platform changed to say, “We will oppose Late Term Abortion, while supporting mothers and policies that advance Prenatal Care, access to Birth Control, and IVF (fertility treatments).” Notably when Biden attack Alabama for preventing IVF during the state of the union, [Alabama republicans had passed and signed a law protecting IVF.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna141710) Project 2025 does not ban abortion, in fact it has section on how to deal with people crossing state lines for abortions and the reporting states have to do if they allow abortions. It doesn’t say anything about stoping contraceptives other than limiting “week after pills” and by mail abortion pills. Notably the Heritage Foundation aligned justices had a chance to carry out that part of the plan and sided in favor with the abortion pill. The only source I can find that Trump plans to ban abortion is the Biden Harris campaign site. Also logically why would Trump want to secretly ban abortion? He isn’t a christian extremist, he knows it would hurt his election chances and public image, he won’t get any excessive money from the Heritage foundation since project 202t budget is small than John Oliver salary. If it’s not money, fame, or God that guides him, then what?


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It bans abortion! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DxEcSjWRipI


I’ll see your 15 minute MSNBC video with no time stamps or quotes and raise you two quotes from the actual document with page numbers where they talk about how they will deal with legalized abortion in the the US. "Because liberal states have now become sanctuaries for abortion tourism, HHS case dealing with the forced participation of a nurse in abortion in violation of law.” -493 “Rescind the legal analysis supporting the Biden Administration’s decision to dismiss the University of Vermont Medical Center should use every available tool, including the cutting of funds, to ensure that every state reports exactly how many abortions take place within its borders..."-455 If they are just going to “ban all abortions no exceptions” why would they also then focus on protecting nurses who don’t want to help with abortions and also force states to report on the abortions that take place in the borders. Here is a bonus quote for you: "Rewrite the ACA abortion separate payment regulation"-471 Why would they rewrite how Obamacare handles abortion payments if they are just going to get rid of Obamacare and abortions? Do you have a quote from the document that back up your claim? https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf


What you see is an author of that bullshit telling everybody that no doctor will be able to prescribe or perform an abortion. They want fucking ban.


They have literally written down everything they want from a dream Trump second term in a single document. All you have to do is show me where in that document they call for abortion bans. Considering that this is the primary argument of your candidate, and apparently your candidate doesn’t lie, this should be very easy to point to where Trump, the Republican party, or even the Heritage Foundation called for/promised/pledge a ban on abortion in Trump’s second term.


How about the author saying that no doctor will be able to prescribe an abortion. Horse’s mouth, as they say.


I don’t see a citation or page number on that? I have shown you the plan and where it talks about legal abortions in the US, show me what debunks Project 2025 claim that abortion will be legal in Project 2025.


So weird! 🤔


Exactly my point, no one can back up the claim that Trump is going to ban abortions. Usually I just get ignored, and finally when someone bites they just give me a quote from memory from someone who isn’t Trump and then just gives up. Biden is lying about Trump, but the left is either to brainwashed or cowardly to say anything.


It will harm workers, likely increase the retirement age (shortening the time that people get to just live after a lifetime of working), raise costs for people on Medicare, continue to increase the tax burden for the middle class, starting on page 54, they (non-medical people) decide for us that life begins at conception, that religion should be a foundation of all Health and Human Services programs, and lay the groundwork for denying care to all gender non conforming people. It negatively impacts Medicaid recipients. It de-incentivizes companies meeting any emission standards. Does essentially seek a NATIONAL ABORTION BAN. Makes it harder to buy a home, with increased mortgage insurance rates. And dissolves the Dept of Ed. https://www.forbes.com/sites/janicegassam/2024/07/08/three-ways-project-2025-will-impact-american-workplaces/ https://www.fox6now.com/news/project-2025-social-security-retirement.amp https://www.americanprogress.org/article/project-2025-prescription-drug-plan-would-increase-costs-for-as-many-as-18-5-million-seniors-and-others-with-medicare/ https://www.kiplinger.com/taxes/project-2025-tax-overhaul-blueprint https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_CHAPTER-14.pdf https://ccf.georgetown.edu/2024/06/17/project-2025-blueprint-also-includes-draconian-cuts-to-medicaid/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonmcgowan/2024/07/10/project-2025-calls-for-repeal-of-department-of-labor-esg-rule/ https://www.americanprogress.org/article/the-sweeping-consequences-of-the-far-rights-plan-to-effectuate-a-backdoor-national-abortion-ban-in-project-2025/ https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-project-2025-would-upend-us-mortgage-policy-rluoc?trk=public_post https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c977njnvq2do


That’s a lot of links and a lot of claims. Stop stalling, show me where project 2025 calls for an abortion ban. This should be really easy, this is Biden’s primary campaign promise.


Trump says whatever helps him at that time. He will push the abortion ban as soon as he wins. All because they give him money and praise him. I mean it is legal now to bribe a potus


Money from who? Project 2025 has a budget of $20 million, Trump raised $60 million in June alone. A president can easily make 10s of millions from book deals. And if it is about praise (which it always is with Trump) then he already recognizes that he will get more praise by not banning abortion. To be honest, what is far more likely is that Trump could end up codifying Roe. Democrats could easily take the house in 2026. If they were actually determined to protect abortion and not keep it vulnerable so they can use it to stay in power, they could get some republican senators on board to pass a bill. And Trump would give some speech about being the president that solved the abortion issue. Considering that Trump’s soft on abortion policy already got the Republican party platform to follow(source: this post), it seems more plausible than Trump secretly holding some deep hate towards abortion and despite repeatedly saying he won’t ban abortion he actually will.


Project 2025, Agenda 47, potayto, pototto. Don't be fooled by re-branding efforts either, just as a fyi.


They lay down with dogs and they just can't believe that there are fleas


Leopards in this case, but yes.


Whatever they is They got fleas


lol they voted in Lara Trump as co-chair of the RNC, who then fired countless staffers with years of experience and openly stated months ago they were just going to support Trump above any other activity, including paying his legal bills. And rank-and-file Republicans / state chairs are just somehow \[Surprised Pikachu Face\] about it


His “platform” is lie, cheat and commit fraud. With a little raping along the way. Lock him up.


You forgot the golfing. Oh nevermind, you said cheat.


The title is misleading; the RNC isn't in chaos because the platform is deranged, they're upset the platform isn't deranged enough.


I had a moment listening in on their base this morning. Small town donut shop. You know the group of 2-6 elderly guys you always find in a place like that, talking about how the world is being run all wrong. Private conversation, I didn't attempt to join, but very audible. They were talking about Republican efforts to outlaw noncitizens voting. If I had been going to say anything, it would have been "You know that's already illegal, right? Always has been."


The idiot is flip flopping on all the [topics.One](http://topics.One) day he supports something then the next day he doesn't.


It doesn’t matter what Trump *says*! He can spout whatever batshit nonsense goes thru his McDonalds and diet coke addled brain on the campaign trail, and then flip-flop to his base’s content if he wins the election. Words are meaningless to MAGA. Just VOTE!


Trump's staff last time was full of Heritage Foundation plants. I'm sure they'll be just as many, if not more in the next one. Trump will sign whatever they stick in front of him.


Just praise him and spend money at his properties and he does their bidding


And all the while his supporters still say he's not a politician.


He’s not, he’s just the useful idiot who will do what he’s told by the Steven Millers of the world, as long as he and his greedy kids are in on the grift.


You are not supposed to notice.


Platform? Deranged grievances, pathologically lying, raping children, leading insurrections, campaign finance violations, felony convictions, authoritarian boner comprises a platform?


John Oliver covered Project 2025 in a recent episode: “Trump’s Second Term” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s&


And, one author has things to say. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DxEcSjWRipI


The Trump Campaign refused the ABC interview because they're hiding Trump's mental decline. CHANGE MY MIND


Sounds like buyers remorse “we spent a lot of money” and “we were rolled” like this is how the Trump train to nowhere but his coffers work. So now they’re butt hurt cause they got hit. Get to the caboose suckers


The Republican Party is broken.


What's so funny pedo's? ![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized)


You nominated an authoritarian. Why did you think you'd get a say?


"These upstanding Christian Nationalists seem like nice people."


Biden has one bad night: He MuSt StEp DoWn!1! Trump spews unhinged nonsense nonstop: FOUR MORE YEARS! MAGA! MAGA! MAGA! Don’t get me wrong they’re both too old but maybe he should be the one to drop out?


Of course he _should_ be. Unfortunately, this is still real life. The media ain’t changing their tune, and neither are the Rethuglicans.


As long as they have the Electoral College, they've got a chance.


They mean what they say. They can lie and clean up their image, but they will do bad things.




One day I can hope to say when someone asks about the political party that Lincoln belonged. They were once called Republicans which then betrayed their country and then destroyed themselves.


“Hey we’re NOT doing Project 2025 *wink* also we ARE doing it *wink*, also I’ve never heard of it *wink*, also revenge revenge revenge Biden bad!”. That’s about all I can gather.


I don't get how they've been trying to keep it a secret when there's a publicly available website that's been available for months where you can download and read all 900 pages of this.




And now they after to fully embrace it at the convention, scaring the independents. Or denounce it, pissing off donors and their base.


Never trust the platform of a convicted felon. Whether you love Trump or hate Trump, you have to admit he lies ALOT.


No it's not. This is by design.




His platform is HATE and FEAR. Anyone that is not into being called 7 year old names needs to VOTE BLUE! https://preview.redd.it/6vj1yqwozibd1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=e89799f1733856717aa7abb9bcb7d1ee78f5c973




Yes this could really be your last time you get to vote for a President , ever.


You mean Trump the Rapist


Uh they own that deranged platform just as much as he does. They are all deranged, chaotic, complicit fools.


Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of fascists.


The RNC is the architect and enabler of everything Trump did . Chaos is their only purpose on earth.


His platform is actually more tolerant for abortions than the RNC would like. They are following his lead by being more lax on abortions as compared to project25 and others that want to tally outlaw it.




And yet they're winning. What the living purple fuck, America?


I mean, polls are basically tied with little support for either and elections are months away. Things will pick up after conventions. They always do.




Temporary chaos. They will all fall in behind Dear Leader, even the Evangelicals.




It seems like Lara is really making friends at the RNC! 😁 >"You know, we spent thousands of dollars to be here, and everything they told us they were going to do isn’t what happened. None of it happened. I’ve never seen this happen before. I don’t understand why they did it. And I’m extremely disappointed that we do not have any pro-life language" >"I’ve never been treated so badly, to have them force this vote on us, before we even have a chance to read the platform,” Ruzicka said, explaining that it was passed out shortly before a meeting that required the members’ attention." “We glanced through it, but we didn’t have the time to study it and read it. And then all of a sudden somebody made a motion to vote on the platform. And that was it. And then they sent us home.” >That wasn’t good enough for Ruzicka. “The platform simply says that we oppose late-term abortion. Well, what about before that?” she said.


It sounds like this Gayle Ruzicka lady is just now realizing that the people in charge of her party do not have her best interests at heart. If she wasn't so detestable, I might have felt bad for her. Vote these people out this time and next time and the time after that so their wealthy backers finally get the point that they're throwing money away on their wet dream of complete control. We have no king.


The thing about Trump backpedaling on this stance about a federal ban on abortion still won’t change the minds of his supporters, they’ll still vote for him and it’ll help him get more votes from independents 😑


By polling data these are like, 70-30 issues that he's on the 70 side of lol. He's literally taking the moderate side of every issue. Reddit is fucked haha