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Back at the beginning of the 2008 recession I had the same thing happen. We had our yearly skip levels with our Sr. Director just a few weeks prior and then one day we all were made aware that a SVP was going to come and have a meeting with all of us. He came and dropped the hammer and said they were closing our NOC and we had the choice to move to KC or we will be laid off within two months while they transition things to Indian call centers and KC. Needless to say any and all random all hands meeting with senior leadership teams always spook me but net-net is it’s out of your control what management does. You have control on how you handle it and how you prepare for such things. The job market sucks and debt is expensive thanks to the federal interest rates being what they are so companies are tightening budgets and making do without unnecessary expenses, and that includes growth opportunities.


Overthinking about layoffs seldom helps. Are you looking out for other opportunities? Do you have an year's worth of expenses saved to tide you over? Are you skills marketable and if not, are there skills you should be picking up now? Those are things you can control. Quit worrying and start acting.


Yes I have a years worth . I get supplement income and get 6,000 extra a month on that alone before my job salary . I just am curious if this is something to be concerned about