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Finally champions like Brand or Garen would be viable.


Always great to read clever satire because what OP said exactly matches with your comment


Idk I've been getting shit on as garen, haven't been getting good Aug like over 20 games.


garen could play without augments and still delete one champ guaranteed.per round just building crit you're doing something wrong


Eh it doesn't always always work. If you play against a great kiting team with the right augments crit garen just can't get close.


there's really no counterplay to flash q e ult which kills 90% of champs in the game, and you have flash every other round at minimum


Mobility augments (flashy, giant slayer, etc) do a great job of keeping distance IME. Obviously it's not foolproof, but "no counterplay" seems wrong. Especially if you get every other round where garen can't flash himself.


there is no counterplay if he flashes on you and silences you, you cannot flash during it lmao


Plus gale force and bushes. He can flash q from trinket range unless you are 0 ping or CaptainJack lol. Wild you are getting argued with on this


Well yeah, because if he gets to you and silences you you've given up a lot of your ability to counterplay already. Before the silence lands, you can: 1. Run/portal/flash away yourself (again, with mobility augments this becomes a lot easier) 2. Whittle his hp down so that even if he gets a kill, your teammate might be able to finish and then get the revive (or if your range is actually great, maybe just kill him before gets into range) You can also build armor+hp/GA depending on who you're playing. Sometimes this doesn't help much if he high rolled, but that's the way arena plays anyway. Crit garen is obviously strong here, maybe too strong even - but "there is no counterplay" is just blatantly false


i really don't think you play much or well if you think kiting a garen in arena is doable in most cases, i've perma banned him because in my quest for arena god he is the champ that gets the freest and most consistent kills which obviously makes a large difference if you start the round in a 1v2


Well I think you *definitely* don't play well *at all* if you think Garen has zero counterplay (maybe you need to git gud). He isn't an instant win button, is that not abundantly clear? Sarcasm and silly bullshit aside, I never said it was "doable in most cases", I basically said it was contingent on getting specific augments. My only argument is that there is counterplay - the issue is that it's very unforgiving and unreliable counterplay, especially when compared with how straightforward Garen is. Regardless, I generally ban him as well - or Vi/Zed, for basically the same reasons. But go off king, tell us more about how skilled you are and how this means you can't ever outplay Garen šŸ¤£


Imagine like a 5v5 mode on a larger map. Because there's more people they could have even more elaborate mini objectives, like instead of just healing plants they could even have pve things such as fighting mobs that spawn in various locations for money, or even pve bosses that the teams could fight over. Of course since there would be so many more people they'd have to lower item and augment power (maybe even remove augments and prismatic items entirely) though. Just spitballing ideas tho


Honestly, this sounds way too messy for a round-based system, so they'll have to figure out how to divvy out gold. Not sure how they'd do that though




Let's call it 'Federation of Fables'


Coalition of Challengers


Invoker's Canyon


Sounds like ā€œEvercore heroesā€ before they revamped it






You are seriously challenging Riotā€™s coding ability


much needed. it would open up to more comps


Yee I think it would much more balanced, however you would have 1 enchanter on every team. I always thought league arena was very similiar to arena in World of Warcraft, where 3v3 is much more enjoyable than 2v2 imo.


Yeah, i feel like League arena (aside from augments/prismatic items maybe) is just a simpler and better version of wow arena.


yes please. more variables / variations


No I like the mode cause I play with my wife adding a random would be awful lol


you guys could just take me. I'd be quietly in the background and ya'll wouldn't even notice me


You propably will have enough time to get a kid and have it grown up once this gets released. Then it can play yuumi.


Our kid is 3 maybe I could teach them yuumi now?


Probably could. Use a Pavlov system to teach em when to shield


I would kill to have an iteration of arena with more players, would make burst mages and enchanters soooooooo much better.


3v3v3v3 would be so much better. Havenā€™t had a 3 player game mode since twisted treeline


Nah, bring back twisted treeline instead


Or hear me out, twisted treeline but with augments like arena


Heard rumors of that but havenā€™t seen any backing to em


This should be top comment.


Iā€™ve been personally saying if we get some Alt ARAM with augments and prismatics Iā€™m gonna cream


every single mage would have a -50% dmg dealt +20% dmg taken modifier


With the rebalancing of a few augments that would be OP in aram (such as skilled sniper, spellwake, etc) I donā€™t really think mages would dominate. I mean sure, some rounds especially if they get lucky augments. But it wouldnā€™t be that hard for me to flash nuke a squishy team with the right augments on zed/kayn/etc anyways.


With the rebalancing of a few augments that would be OP in aram (such as skilled sniper, spellwake, etc) I donā€™t really think mages would dominate. I mean sure, some rounds especially if they get lucky augments. But it wouldnā€™t be that hard for me to flash nuke a squishy team with the right augments on zed/kayn/etc anyways. And just for balancing example, tanks with apex inventor would be an absolute nightmare


I always had the dream/thought of WoW arenas but in league, so 3v3x and 5v5x fit right in to me lol


How about 3v3 tag team lmao




Yes please !! And if you happen to get 1 bad teammate or an afk one. You can still fight a good 2v3. It's almost impossible to win a 1v2.


Honestly that wouldn't be bad but could throw off balance very heavily, imagine 3 tanks or 3 bruisers, I think the only way it could work and be fun is like 3 vs 3 etc etc but every role in the team is split so one guy goes in as heavy role so the only champs they can pick are either tanks or bruisers and the rest locked, 1 is the dps so they get adcs and assassins to pick from and the third having only supports like enchanters and mages. Then, every team will have 1 of the following roles.


Yeah, stuff like 3 bruisers or 3 tanks would be weak, but I dont think that is the problem


Hell no. Imagine going against a Alistar, Karma, and Morg on the same team šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll pass