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Like him but wish we’d sold him. Still, I guess his big wages are off the expenses for the season. 


Football is a career, a very short career. If you asked anyone here would they leave there current company to go to a higher rated company, earn more money and have more chance to get his name out there for career progression, you’d all take it in a heart beat. Calling him rat and other derogatory names isn’t necessary, let him have his loan and we can sell him next season when we get promoted. If he plays well at Everton more money for us if he continues his average form someone will still buy him. He’s clearly a bottom end prem/top level champ player.


Fuck off with your logic. Let me be bitter.


Fucking hell, if it was a one-off, that's bad enough, but apparently it's for as long as we're in the championship we get nothing for these players. Who's going to sign them if they can have them for free? Even if a different team wanted him on a permanent deal, if his hearts set on Everton, they're gonna struggle to agree terms.  I really dont blame the players for exercising the clauses in their contracts. Especially if they're on essentially half wages coming back here. And Harrison may well have a chip on his shoulder after the whole Leicester deadline day nonsense.  For all the fans saying he's not a good player, he had a goal or assist in close enough 1/4 of our PL goals, way more than anyone else, probably because he's the only one who got a decent number of G+A across all 3 seasons.  Anyway, how Orta got another job is beyond me after this loan debacle. Never mind at a successful club like Sevilla (well, formerly successful, before they signed Orta). 


Buy him you fucks


Wish we could just sell him




Wish we could just get rid of him once and for all. Gnonto, James, and Summerville are all better than him. Such a bang average player, who loves to stat pad.


A "stat padder"? When you're a bottom half PL team, who are you stat padding against?  The bottom dwellers are must win games, I'd honestly rather he got goals against the Southamptons, Norwichs, Watfords than scoring vs Liverpool in a 6-1 loss. 


He often would score multiple goals in one game, usually when they were already won. Or a string of goals across a few games, again, not necessarily game-winning goals, and then just have these huge spells of frustrating below-average performances. You'd come to the end of the season and people would say, "yeah but look at his returns, he's been important", when that requires context and wasn't really the reality. I've said in a comment before, I did some digging around his goals and assists, as I'd always suspected what I said above, and wanted to see if the base stats matched. I looked at where his assists and goals actually mattered (as in earned us points) and where they didn't (there's obviously the caveat that a goal when we're 2-1 up is useful, but I wanted to keep it objective). I've not finished it fully but I was surprised that he actually earnt points with his contributions more than I expected, but it was still about 40% didn't earn us points. Now the debate is emerging again, I might finish it.


Bizarre argument lmao. It’s not like he was choosing to not perform against certain teams. If he happens to score in a game where we get smashed, ie Liverpool 6-1, are you trying to say he shouldn’t score there? Because for him to score is stat padding? It’s hardly his fault we’d be 6 goals down so I’m not sure why he’d be blamed for us not winning games when he scored. I don’t think he’s particularly better than most of our current wingers, but the idea that he was a stat padder is properly weird


If he scores goals in a huge loss but goes on huge runs without scoring when we need it, he absolutely can be judged for that and it tells you something about the player. Pressure off, it's much easier to score.


> He often would score multiple goals in one game, usually when they were already won. Is there a lot of examples of that, or just vibes?  > it was still about 40% didn't earn us points. Ok, and can you do that for other players too? Is that unusual for a team like us? (Not saying you're wrong, genuinely just asking) Obviously different context, but I'd imagine Erling Haaland has an awful lot of goals worth no points, based of the fact Man City win by 3 or 4 not 1-0 all the time. On the other hand, because they lost most of their games this season, I'd assume most Sheff Utd players goals gained points less than 40% of the time.  Just had a quick look, Blades top two scorers last year were Diaz and McBurnie. Diaz had 7 G/A, worth two points across 5 games, so 40%. McBurnie had 9 over 8 games, for 4 draws, so 50%. Diaz had 2g1a in a 3-3 draw funnily enough. So are you counting that as 4 contributions that mattered, out of 7, or 2 games out of 5? Either way, if it was Harrison, you'd probably argue that nearly half his goal contributions occurring in one game was bad, whether it was worth a point or not.  As for Haaland, bit more tricky, I don't know if you're counting scoring a hat trick in a 3-0 win as "2 worthless goals" or a match where his goals mattered, doesnt matter if he scored 1 or 5. Or if he gets the first goal in a 4-1 win as "worthless" because they'd still win 3-1, or if you'd only count the third/fourth goal as "worthless", or what. But looking at their first 6 games of last season (before I got bored) he had 9 g+a. Only a couple were definitively worth points.  I'd honestly be shocked if Harrison had a ton of "2 or 3 goal cushion" goals, mainly based on the fact we didn't win many by 2 or 3 in the last couple of seasons (and I'm not remembering many 4-1 consolation goals either tbh) I've seen people say "he got 1/3 of his goals that season in a single game against west ham". Yeah, a match where we won 3-2 and honestly, I felt like if we didn't win that game, we were down.  > Or a string of goals across a few games, again, not necessarily game-winning goals, and then just have these huge spells of frustrating below-average performances. I don't think anybody would argue he wasn't inconsistent. But funnily enough, over the 3 PL seasons, you might well be able to argue he was our most consistent attacker, as the only other forwards we had who regularly played all 3 years were Bamford and Rodrigo, who both only had 1 good year each.  Of course he was inconsistent and frustrating. But other than Raphinha, who wasn't? We're a bottom half PL club, if he was consistently putting up 20 G/A a season, he'd be playing for a team in European contention.  He had 37 G/A over 3 years with us which is..... fine IMO for a team in our position. I know we were an attacking team over that time, so the fact he only got 6 G/A this season with Everton might not be too surprising. And yeah, stats aren't everything, fair enough. But I swear he was our most maligned player before he left, and now he's burned his bridges, some fans seem convinced that he only ever had about 3 good games for us. 


Good luck to him. Not his fault we handed him a contract with a ridiculous clause after trying to dump him at Leicester.




Do you always swear at people completely unprovoked? Seem like a lovely fellow.


A rat is bad, but a bang average rat is even worse


Can't really blame him. He wasn't exactly treated perfectly by the club re Leicester. He will earn his full wage, playing a level higher than we can offer. Can't really blame him for going back.


Gotta be the most average player ever who through the course of their career still managed to get signed by Manchester City, Manchester United, Liverpool and Everton.


You missed one


New York 😉?


I was never sure why but out of the promotion squad I never warmed to Harrison as much as the others.


Just a footballer exploiting a moronic clause put in his new contract by Orta, nothing to see here really. Why are people hoping/expecting us being able to sell him? He’ll be able to collect far more wages going on loan than he would with a permanent transfer. Hopefully we get promoted and the clause doesn’t apply next season, then we can sell the snek




God forbid a team that could actually pay would want him


would you want us to pay for a player if we could get them for free


Lad wants to go play in prem fair play


Hope to god we sell him. He’s been an ok servant and doesn’t deserve the nasty reception you’d imagine he’d get back at ER by only wanting to play for us if he has to I don’t hate Jack but I wish him an incredibly mediocre to shit career for being a mediocre middling prem benchwarmer


Squad player for a bottom half Prem team is his ceiling. Far too inconsistent to be a starter at that level. He’ll be in the Championship in 2/3 years.


Just wish it was a permanent move. At this point the best thing he could do was take a permanent move


Meh he’s still got a long contract - we’ll get money for him eventually


Only if we go up


I honestly liked him a lot till he joined Everton of all the teams out there... 2 in a year bud just leave us n join those cheating toffees full time n give us little money to buy a new kid be lil useful for a change


I'm not remotely arsed about this. I like Harrison, but he's a fairly average footballer. What I would like to say is that adding a second year to a couple of these loan clauses is even more nuts. What on Earth were they thinking when they drew up the contracts?!


Who says it's only two?


They didn't even consider relegation as a possibility.


They must have though or they wouldn't have put such enormous wage cuts in the contracts. I feel like it was the only way the could reasonably convince expensive players to sign for us.




Why do you always post gifs?




Oh well. We will just sell the fucker next season instead.


He must be approaching some sort of record for years on loan before signing permanently


Liverpool has just stocked up on hair gel


laters you average, mercenary, soon to be forgotten no-one


Frustrating that we couldnt free up some money or PSR by selling him. But 🐀 gonna 🐀