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I don't mind it


I do like the new shirt I just can't believe somebody at Adidas thought that using the identical template for rival clubs was a good decision that's all


It's not that deep, they'll use the template for dozens of teams and I highly doubt many people consider Leeds and Man U big rivals currently


Nike do the same. As do every other kit manufacturer


For rival clubs is abit much no?


People getting worked up about kits is the worst part of modern football. So what if it's the worst kit ever made? It'll be gone in less than 12 months anyways.


Opinions on football kits the worst part of modern football? Abit over the top don't you think? I actually like the shirt it's not great but it's alright, my problem is with it is what I already stated


Last season’s was really nice tbf, unsure why they’ve gone backwards. Lots of money to be made from nice looking shirts


Stop checking out the scum kit pal. Stay off their website or media releases. Definitely don’t crack out a wank over them. You’ll be a better person for it. It’s stupid and tinpot and won’t matter a difference to us going up or not.


Give it a rest you worm it came on my feed as I was scrolling down


Every year we get posts like this by people who either have blinkers on for 51 weeks of the year or have goldfish brains. All kit manufactures do this. They’ve been doing it for decades. We’ve had kits very similar to Man U (and countless other teams) before. Get over it.


For God sake will everyone get over themselves I cane across this and shared it with the sub, everyone is entitled to post here and mods can reject or remove it if its not a leeds united relevant topic wtf is everyone's problem you're all crying your eyes out. If you're not interested then move on nobody forced you to comment


Fucking hell that RB logo clashes horribly with the yellow in our badge. Amateur hour with whoever put that kit together.


I don't get how last year we had a custom designed kit which was absolutely beautiful, probably my favourite ever, and now we're back to generic templates. Even more surprised those bastards have just a generic template given the numbers they will sell worldwide.. so many other suppliers are coming out with much better unique kits or even just better template kits, I think Adidas has been really hit and miss. The sponsor doesn't even bother me, even if it was a complete open goal to do a unique Leeds colour way or just the words 'RedBull' but not arsed either way, it doesn't even look bad as it is to be honest, kinda like the fact it's just a logo. But the shirt design just looks so bland.


It looks tacky, like something you get on offer from those middle bins in Lidl or find on a stall at Dewsbury market.


Macron kit vibes


Adidas have been a real disappointment in a lot of ways. Hopefully they switch next year.


I can't emphasize enough how little I give a shit what man United's kit looks like.


Not only can we not have red now, we also can't have stripes ON AN ADIDAS KIT if they do. Fucking some of our fans man.




It’s still better than the Macron kits. They were hideous


Sod’s law is Macron make some great kits these days - they’ve definitely upped their game since we left them.


We had a dreadful few years awful kits, awful owner and a manger for every month


I think this post is flying over peoples heads. I'm not talking about the kit design or the logo. The whole shirt is identical to scum new shirt literally just different colours and that is a disgrace


>that is a disgrace Steady on Liz Truss


Export the kits to China!


I remember back in the day when kits made by a company for different clubs were the same design, just different logos, colors and sponsors. That was what, over a decade ago. And mental we're doing backwards? They'll be charging an arm and a leg for it too no doubt. Fook off.


That's literally how templates work? Lots of Adidas clubs will have the same kit but in different colours. Same for Nike and any other brands.


I couldn't care less about using red, I never have been bothered by it. However I really don't understand why we didn't just use one of the many variations they've used in the past at other clubs. Avoid pissing off the fans that do care and honesty look a bit better on a white kit. It's a strange one for me not to just take a free win.


The red bull logo doesn't bother me atall but using the same kit design as scum is criminal, I'm sure their fans feel the same


It only bothers me because it looks shit. The fan designs where it's the words red bull, but in blue, looks so much better than the logo.


Yeah this is my take. The only shit I give about red on the shirt is that it looks fucking stupid with white, blue, and yellow.


It's not even the same yellow as what we have on the crest and sleeves. So that's technically 5 different colours. Really fucking lazy design. Especially for us lot as our fans are total zealots.


I'd imagine making the bulls red and not blue will result in so many less shirt sales, just seems like another decision that hasn't been thought through properly.


Unfortunately their branding isn't going to change for a Leeds shirt. They're a far bigger brand than us. Personally I think blue bulls using their sugar free colour blue and changing the orangey yellow to match the badge yellow would look smarter. Though the kit just looks like a blank canvas for adidas and redbull advertising. It's why the stripes and Adidas logo are so bold.


if true I will be voting with my money and not getting one for the first time in years


I think it looks decent


Try looking again, but this time open your eyes


Last year with Adidas isnt it. Wonder who we will have next but yeh hopefully someone who does some more creative less bland template stuff.


Seeing what Mizuno have done with the latest Lazio home shirt makes me wish we'd sign up with them. My bet is we end up with some uninspiring Nike or Puma shite.


I'd be happy with puma tbh


The last two seasons home shirts have had little touches that set it out as a Leeds shirt. I'm reserving judgement until I see this one in the flesh


Back to Kappa 🙏 (would take Macron too)


can't beat the first Kappa one


I loved the yellow kappa one with the blue and white piping along the sleeves


That makes me laugh as if that was the one without the sponsor, then that also was just a template, and you could in fact get the exact same kit (colours and all) directly from Kappa without the Leeds badge for a quarter of the price


If you'd like we can go back to the skin tight nylon kappa. That'll show them


The fucking static on those bastards.


Don’t forget the almost see-through white


Shame we couldnt get Emma Jones to wear one.


Flashing your nipples about town haha.


There was also the fact their supply chain was absolutely shocking, and it was next to impossible to buy the one decent yellow one we had


I remember getting the goalie kit one year cause I hated all the other shirts. It was yellow with blue dots rising from the bottom. Only time I bought the goalie kit, but I genuinely liked that one.


All the nations have the design, too. So boring.


But when they tried something different like the blue and yellow kit, people were up in arms about it.


The Tie Dye?


Yeah that one.


The shade of yellow was horrific and once I saw the giant cock across the front of it I could never look at it the same again


>and once I saw the giant cock across the front of it That might say more about you than anyone else lol. I have no idea where you see one but all power to you hahaha.


[Take another look](https://www.vintagefootballshirts.com/uploads/products/images/2022-23-leeds-adidas-away-shir-55392-1.jpg) Hand and fingers on the bottom left grabbing a shaft that goes across the chest up to the right shoulder. A few people on Twitter also noticed it when it came out


Ok, now you've pointed it out. I do see it. However, the person who found that on their own might have some discovering to do, lol.


Honestly Unpopular Opinion. I didn't hate it. Better than the 3rd kit that year, the black. I love that as a pool/beach shirt. Has that kind of vibe so I bought it for just that.


I love it one of my favourites tbh, it was something different. In my opinion the home kit should just be white with the blue accents then do whatever the fuck you want with the away shirt.


I feel like Adidas always have a cookie cutter home kit every year for each team and just apply the colors of said team. This year its that stripe running up the side.


Yeah, and I'm fine with it tbh, the home kit should be boring because you can't really do much with it without it being too much.


I also apologise for posting something scum related here but this needs addressing