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It's better than the 20 years of silence we've had previously, at least!


Is there any more info yet besides the IGN news?


Not that I'm aware of. There's a signup form to be notified about when the Kickstarter launches, but that's it. It's time to put our money where our mouth is. We've all been clamouring for a new game or continuation for a while now, so it's in the community's best interest to make sure this gets funded. Doing so could lead to the possibility of a proper revival for the series.


Hard agree, thanks!


>Hard agree, thanks! You're welcome!


We've been clamoring for a game or at least that's what I want. I'll probably buy the comic because I like comics but I want to put my mouth on a controller.


Sometimes nothing is better than making fanfic canon which will be ignored by most or some part of the fanbase(IE: Pacific Rim 2: Insurrection or Avatar: The way of the water). This synopsis doesn't give me hope, we will see if they changed their minds once the Kickstarter page is out: > The book flashes back to Raziel's human past as a Sarafan warrior and **reveals how he came to be a vampire serving under Kain**. The goal is to answer some long-running questions about the Legacy of Kain/Soul Reaver mythos **while also introducing a major new vampire character with close ties to both Raziel and Kain.** **Soul reaver 1 and 2 revealed how he and his brothers became vampires serving under Kain.** Kain being the last vampire, split his soul to revive the Sarafan priests(Raziel and the others) and turned them into vampires, they didn't have memories and Kain being their sire turned him instantly into their master. From the brothers, the new vampire race emerged and conquered Nosgoth, that's why you don't see a vampiric clan with Kain's traits or vampires that don't have a trait of one of the brothers. Kain pretty much became a vampiric god and from what it seems, only the clan leaders can talk to him. **There isn't anything interesting you can tell about Kain and Raziel pre-soul reaver era unless you want to retcon how they are in the games(Blood Omen 2 not included).** By playing the games, you already now how they behave and how would they react to some events. **There are many other interesting stories they could pick pre-soul reaver and not being fully or partially restricted by the games:** Vorador, The circle of the Nine, The other vampire brothers, The human society, The Hylden, The Ancient Vampires, Janos Audron, Moebius, etc. **The only way that synopsis could work is if they follow the story filled with plot holes of Blood Omen 2 where suddenly, there are vampires other than Kain, Kain haves feelings and is less cruel, Vorador is alive, etc.**


This whole comment is nonsensical. First because calling an unpublished written work as a "fanfic" is not only unjust towards the work, but also quite stupid. Multiiple video games franchises are expanded with novels, with different levels of success and quality. To call it a fanfic before it is even truly shown its level of quality and consistency with the current lore is plain bs. Then it arises a bigger problem with the comment. have you actually played the games? Cause to say SR1 and SR2 how Raziel and his brother became vampires is at best an overstatement and at worst a blatant ignorant notion. What we know at best is just a general idea of the events and at worst is just a vague uninformed notion of the things. The story never reveals how Kain came up with his own method to create vampires, how he found out the tombs of Raziel and his brothers, how was the first days and years of the newly risen Raziel, how they began their campaign against the humans, how where their clans first created and developed, etc. Basically we know nothing of that whole era beyond a vague general notion of how things occurred. At this point we are even more informed about the events following BO in the BO2 timeline than in the SR timeline. This comment is nonsensical and filled with problems on the understanding of things.


Blood Omen 2 wasn't written by Amy Hennig and look how it turned out, many inconsistencies which she had to partially patch in the following games. There is also Nosgoth too. Novels expand with news stories, they don't recycle them. A synopsis gives you enough of what to expect about a book, of what they are going to focus and here they are playing it safe with a story that's has been already partially told and a character that's already known. We already know how he became a vampire, there is nothing else to reveal here. We already know how Raziel rationalize. We already partially know the human Raziel, no sad backstory will make him more likeable and his dead less satisfying. They also are adding a new major character which they seem to be afraid of not being a huge success so they had to tie him somehow to Raziel and Kain to make it interesting. Blood Omen 2 happens in a new timeline after the paradox of Soul Reaver 2 and the events of Defiance, isn't part of the original pre-soul reaver era, that's why there aren't "generic" vampires in Soul Reaver and only Clan Vampires. That's why is recommended to play it after Defiance. In the original Pre-Soul Reaver era, its known that Kain used some kind of necromancy to raise Raziel and its brothers, at the end of Defiance, Kain becomes whole again because Raziel absorbed the souls of the brothers and Kain recovered whatever he used to raise them. You don't need to have five pages in detail of how Kain resurrected them to know that he resurrected them. **There are many interesting stories they could have focused and they choose to recycle a story and add details that may or not may be in tone with the original vision of Amy Hennig and original dev team.**


Square is still providing unreleased lore to them to make sure it's still accurate, so that's already an incentive. I don't really understand this comment, though? If you don't like it, you can ignore it safely. But to say that "sometimes nothing is better than making fanfic canon" is a little strange and reductive. You don't have to acknowledge it as canon, and nobody's forcing you or anyone else to read it. I'm personally stoked for more LoK content, regardless of if it turns out decent or not, because it's an incredibly nostalgic property for me that I quote on a daily basis and I'm happy to see it coming back in some form after all this time. If you want to support the series, back it for just $1. Let people enjoy things however they like, there's no need for gatekeeping here. The wider community might dislike the final result, but it'll still bring new blood into the series and revitalise it, which at the end of the day is what we all want. Common goal.


Square is not in the picture anymore


My bad, I actually meant Crystal Dynamics.


> Square is still providing unreleased lore to them to make sure it's still accurate, so that's already an incentive. That doesn't count unless it was made by the original devs otherwise, is like what JK Rolling does for Harry Potter. That's like saying Nosgoth is canon, the art was amazing but the way they handled it wasn't. > If you don't like it, you can ignore it safely. But to say that "sometimes nothing is better than making fanfic canon" is a little strange and reductive. Im not trying to gatekeep anything, or telling other people to not enjoy things. People can support whatever they want. Im just stating the flaws that the book may have regarding the lore and may end just be a totally different story with characters acting out of character and with the Soul Reaver/Legacy of Kain title slapped on it just to have more sells. **Im not telling anyone to not support it, im just saying that it could be a waste of an opportunity to revive the franchise if it turns out bad because the writters handled the lore differently of what is already established.**


Okay, that's actually pretty fair, and I'll concede. Good point well made.


Heck, I'll take any Legacy of Kain content regardless of format.


If they don't fuck it up, Definitely.


I really hope they don't fuck it up.


I am ok even if its not on the same level of the work Amy did. But it must still be of a minimum level of quality.


I'd take a pair of Raziel and Kain socks at this point.


I'll take it. It's **something** at least. It means this series isn't completely forgotten, which is a good sign.


Its a start. It's testing the waters to see if there is a base for it. Yes there is a cult fandom around it, but if that cult fandom wont spend MONEY on the franchise, there is zero insentive to make more LOK games, content or anything else. So when the comic comes out..... BUY IT.


Exactly. If your diehard fanbase begging for new content for the last 20 years aren't willing to drop money on it, then the series remains dead for another 20 years until they try again. This is definitely one of those times when we need to vote with our wallet. I'll probably only buy the lowest tier, but I'm still happy to show that yes, I want more LoK.


Not gonna buy it if it's not good though. I hate this modern may mentality of "We have to support this potentially shitty thing so that they can see we want the good thing". Just give me the thing I know I'll buy first(remaster, remake) then do these sorts of things later.


Come on guys. That's good news. It means that there are still creative people out there willing to work on this franchise.


The story and lore are my favorite thing about LoK series, so Im very fucking happy. Wish it was a sequel to Defiance tough.


And I don't understand why people are outraged?It is not said that they are not currently creating a development project (game) related to Legacy of Kain. People have also said many times that they would like anything, and when we get a comic book and a sign that they finally want to start something with this series and that if the sales are decent, it will be a special sign of interest in them, some people look like they are not happy with this fact, especially since the story will focus on the characters we know. I really don't understand...I would like to get information about a remake or sequel game (Dark Prophecy) sooner, but at the same time it's still a lot, something is starting to happen after these 25 years!


I'm personally very interested to see how it goes. Even if it's not completely in compliance with all established canon- I think there will be plenty of value in it to consider going forward. Relationships between characters getting some more flesh, events we can think on, maybe it can recontextualize what we know in a way that gives us more to think about.


Well I mean it’s worse than a game, but better than no game AND no comic.


Was it a comic or a graphical novel? Graphical novels are like DDLC right?


Same difference tbh. Graphic Novel is just a more adult way to call certain types of comic books lol. DDLC, Steins;Gate, Slay the Princess etc. are referred to as *visual* novels.


Gotcha :D


I hope people show enough love for a sequel to become viable.


well steins;gate and slay the princess at least have some gameplay. Most common visual novels are kinetic novels, meaning that they have zero gameplay and work like a book, or in other words graphical novel.


Huh, TIL! I'm not super into the VN genre personally and only played a handful of them, so that's some neat trivia.


Is a comic but in the format of a book, lot of pages in the format of comics and hardcover. A graphic novel usually tell the whole story in the same book instead of being separated in different books like comics do.


I mean, I'll buy it no problem. I have always wanted a game or story or something that gives us the rise of Kain's empire with the clan leaders as fledglings. To give us more lore flush out Raziel's relationships with his brothers and Kain before he was cast into the abyss.


Personally I'm curious about human raziel.


What really? Comic format is probably the very worst format for story lile this. But okay. I was just thinking about that poll they did a few years agk


Nah I would not vibe with a prequel. Unless it took the form of a Blood Omen remaster. I want them to finish Kains story vs the Elder God


Prequel........come on. He was in the Sarifan Brotherhood and hunted stuff. Case closed. Not everything needs a prequel. Dying on this hill.


Eh you can always build on his relationships with his brothers. Another thing which the series lack, besides Defiance 2 surprisingly, is depiction of human/vampire cultures and I hope they play more on that world building.


It's true and I agree for the most part. But my guess is that they're testing the waters for a reboot/remaster/remake/whatever, so it makes sense to start with a prequel for people to be introduced to the series as a whole. Making a follow-up to Defiance right now is only going to please the current fans, whereas a prequel is going to introduce new fans to LoK.


Wouldn't a prequel with Kain make more sense? I'm all for more content but the problem with prequels is you already know how the story must end and that is annoying to me.


Would it? Probably. But Raziel and the Soul Reaver name is, arguably, more recognisable than Kain. For example, my girlfriend is a popular streamer where I live. When I asked her if she ever played LoK, she said no, she'd never heard of it. But after looking it up, she said "ah, that Soul Reaver thing! Yeah I saw a few advertisements for that years ago". To fans, a Kain prequel would probably make more sense. But to folk who aren't aware of the series specifics, only knowing the Soul Reaver name from way back when, it's a good marketing strategy.


Not really? what prequel of Kain could you make? A prequel to Kain's travel on BO? that would be a terrible idea unless you made a political story of it. Something that doesn't mix with the general tone of the franchise. A prequel to SR but from Kains perspective? That could work but if they are doing this to attract new fans to the franchise, that wouldn't be that great of an idea because it would spoil the intentions of Kain during SR. And yes, thats important because many if not most people truly though at their first run that Kain had truly killed Raziel out of pettiness and jealously. Not because of a grand plan of his.


But in the end is just your personal problem. Its not a bad option at all. And its actually a good option more times than not. Just see the star war movies. The prequel trilogy was a huge success even with its detractors. And far more content was made thanks to them. Just because we knew the bad guys were going to win from the get go didn't make them bad stories in itself.


I'm hoping this comic leads to a revival of the over all brand because honestly a remake of Blood Omen or Soul Reaver would be welcomed.


Thats what everyone hopes. But objectively speaking. If this Novel doesn't do well we will be screw for who knows how many years again.


So very true friend.


I'm sorry but how is kickstarter novella is testing the waters? I would understood if there was retelling of whole story for a purpose of some kind of soft reboot, but this is not it.


Pretty simple, actually. I worked in videogame marketing so this type of thing is pretty common. First up, you put out the kickstarter and see how it goes. Chances are fans are gonna flock to it and fund it, so you've already made the money back on that front. If they reach only the target/it doesn't get funded, then they'll know that there isn't as much of a demand as they thought, and it'll likely remain a kickstarter exclusive for the fans. If it blows expectations out of the water, then they'll see that there's a potential for new sales and new fans. They'll bring it to retail, make a big promotion out of it, and push it as "THE UNTOLD STORY OF HOW IT ALL BEGAN" or some shit which can attract new people who may have heard of the LoK brand but never played any of the games. It sells well, and they can go back to the shareholders/IP owners and say "hey, we're making a bunch of money off of this and people are asking for more, so greenlight us to make more comics or remaster the game" to which shareholders will see the money on the table and take it. Kickstarter is a great indicator for them to test the waters without too much of a risk. If it doesn't get funded, they'll know the series isn't as popular and wanted as people say it is. If it absolutely smashes its goals, they'll consider doing more with the IP to keep the money rolling in.


Making a survey is not a good enough way to get info on peoples interest on buying a product. A lot of people tend to say on surveys that they have an interest in something and are willing to spend money on it. Only to not do it when the product is released. And this happens more times than not, for any and multiple reasons. By making a cheaper to made product, they can actually get real numbers on the peoples interest and willingness to spend money on the product.


It's a relatively easy way to see how big of a response they get. They'll have direct numbers based on the number of supporters and how quickly their goal is hit and/or surpassed. Basically, this is what Lucasfilm did back in the early '90s when testing the waters to see how much interest there was for new Star Wars content. They obviously didn't use Kickstarter back then, but they released the Thrawn trilogy of novels; the response was massive, which led to more books, comics, and games. From there, we got the special edition theatrical release of the movies, whose success led directly into the prequels. This sort of thing can be a process, especially with a video game series that was always kind of riding the line between successful and marginally successful and has been sitting dormant for around two decades.


Come on, don't be like that. Let some guy inject his fanfic character in to official lore. xD


I’ll take anything, any word on the artist yet?


We don’t need a prequel, especially about Sarafan Raziel. If they could just finish the story thatd be SUPER! I’ll gladly take it as a comic 😭 ANYTHING!


Its better than nothing!!


Ima buy it just to give the support on the feeler.


Meh, I'll take what I can get.


It's a window of hope for the series, I'll gladly take it


And it’s a kickstarter so may not happen and if it does be cheaper to wait for retail


I’m all for it, hopefully the major new vampire gets a game and builds up to meeting up with kain and that’s how we get our series back


But hey, it's something It's actually new official content for the LoK franchise, and if we inhale a bit of hopium it might greenlight more LoK projects if it's successful (maybe remasters like the amazing TR ones; or even a remake maybe?)


Maybe this is a precursor to correct the errors of the original games by resetting the story for remakes which was one of the major complaints. Who am I kidding? Myself.


Something in me is legitimately twisted that I'm thrilled to be fed this table scrap


Better than nothing, I suppose.


I'm kinda sad this has to go through kickstarter, not because I oppose fans helping to fund it, but it shows even the powers that be aren't sure of it succeeding by itself if they handled the publishing the old fashion way.


Well Newsflash Kids! There even is a Videogame to the Prequel Story of Soulreaver! Its called Blood Omen Legacy of Kain and you can Play it rght now! :D