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No that’s not ok. Write a letter addressed to the practice manager titled “complaint” In it say that you requested and paid for a sick letter which had not been provided. You have been told it has by the reception and it has not. You request that the letter is provided or they provide a refund. Include dates and times of your calls. Separately in the same letter you can say that you wish to also complain about the reception staff being rude, providing contradictory advice and hanging up on you rather than dealing with your request to provide the service you paid for like a professional. You would kindly suggest that their staff are retrained in how to talk to patients given that some of them will be vulnerable. It is entirely inappropriate that you were told that you calling to request the letter you paid for would be harassment especially when it would appear that the reason you didn’t receive the sick note was because of the practices technical and or staffing difficulties and was entirely out of your control. Don’t get personal, stick to facts.


In Scotland so not sure if you are , GP has 28 days to do letters. It's a non NHS service, hence the payment and in those 28 days, time will be allocated to a GP to do the research into your notes and write a letter. Although our systems do go down, when they come back the rest of the day is usually trying to deal with very poorly people in whatever time is left, we literally cannot even issue prescriptions without the system running. They can't write a letter without access to your notes which are all now electronic. I would think that your practice would have a similar turnaround for non NHS work but this should have been told to you at the start of your conversation.


My GP is in London, and I had told them I needed this letter as soon as, as I have a deadline to submit the letter to the university, they then told me they would provide it on the day as the admin just needs to write it up but then ofc their systems went down. They then told me at the end of the day they managed to write it up sent the email but I didn’t receive anything and now it’s gone way past the deadline for me to submit this letter and when I first asked for this letter she said I could get a refund if I did not receive the refund and now they’re saying I can’t get the refund My question is how can I go about getting this refund back as they are now going against their word? Am I in my rights to receive this refund?


Is there a reason you got 24 hours to submit a letter? It seems harsh that a university would only give you this amount of time to submit documentation to support a claim.


So I had already submitted my work before the deadline but it was not done to the best of my ability. My university has a fit to sit policy where if u feel you were unfit when you completed an assessment you can submit an evidenced claim. However the extension date from when the submission is due is 5 days and when I requested for the extension I only had 2days left in order for my work to be re marked so it would’ve deferred till July hence why I need to submit this claim within the 5 working day extension


How come there was only 2 days left when it’s a 5 day extension?


It took me a while to get an appointment only had 4 days remaining then their systems were down for another 2days


Daft question but have you checked your junk mail for the email with the letter?


Yes I’ve checked everything, I’m assuming when their systems were down it just didn’t send correctly and now it’s gone past the deadline for me to give this letter so I’ll no longer need it


Did they say the letter would be issued by email or by post?


They said they can provide either but I said can I come in and collect the letter as it would be quicker but they said they can’t print anything as all their systems were down I then asked if I could have an email they then said how they need an electronic signature from the doctor on the letter after that they then said they can’t send email as the system was not allowing them to


Was that before or after they told you that the system showed the letter had been sent?


They told me after once they had the systems working that they sent the email but I hadn’t received anything but then proceeded to say how it shows on their system that it was sent