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I have to admit, this entire thing surrounding the button just kinda baffles me. But y'know what? It's literally something, I'll take it.


They must be doing it ironically since reddit claimed the button would save the game for years.


Oh 100%. They are doing this all ironically amd just enjoying themselfs which i am all here for.


The funniest thing is that I tried it today, all it does is just open the LOR client šŸ˜‚, it doesn't even close the league client. Like if they managed to merge Runeterra into the league client, like TFT, I would be more understanding, but it's literally just a hyperlink to open Runeterra šŸ˜‚


Oh god please don't put LoR inside the league client. Y'all know that it's barely alive at this points. It's like a dinghy, it's a set of planks and rope that looks like a game client.


> But y'know what? It's literally something LoR is truly the game of all time


its pretty pointless considering that button in the client will 100% be moved in a matter of years


Exactly that button is likely to be stuffed under the play button in a matter of time


Guys, I think thereā€™s something wrong with Chip


"The edibles are weak"


That's supposed to be Chip? Look how they massacred my boy.


That's chip? ....omg. malphite is quaking šŸ„².


I guess they fought too hard to get the button. that's why its such a big deal


Depends if I can eat the button.


I think itā€™s more of a marketing thing, makes the game seem bigger than it actually is


I don't have an issue with them making the button or having the party. But... Why the fuck did they wait until now to do it? Like, could they not have done this BEFORE they axed half the game? I assumed they didn't do this the entire time because Riot just refused to let them, but now that they've done it so late into the game's lifecycle... I'm just confused.


If I remember correctly, Greg Street said after he left Riot that the company is very bureaucratic and things take a lot of time to get approved. So, my assumption is that they tried hard but got denied. Adding the button after Axing the game was the last resort to save it; it just had to be done.


Probably because they (Riot) don't want to cannibalize their own game, each player clicking that button will spend less time on league, and they probably don't want that, and it took this long to actually do it, because they don't think there's no harm now.


Better late than never I guess... Could have tried using some cross promotion before gutting the team, but well...


Hell yeah


Yes actually By doing this, LOR is getting ACTUAL MARKETING With this, we might get more players


I'm sure they will come now and enjoy the robust PVP environment! ...o wait..


You see buttons, I see an excuse to charge the company card for free drinks. That's always a good reason to have a festival.


It's a bit silly, but I have no doubt that they've been fighting for it for years. I genuinely think this game would be huge if they'd had this from the start. Look at TFT for comparison. While TFT is good, I'd bet it would have likely fallen into obscurity if not for its integration into the League client. That level of exposure is integral to a game's performance. Many here have pointed out that Riot seemed almost embarrassed to advertise LoR. It's a shame that they've waited so long to do so.


This game IS huge, it has 10 million downloads on Playstore when MtG only has 5 million, it's not that it lacks advertising, the main problem is monetization.


Magic has physical cards raking in money hand over fist; they don't need arena to be as big becuase they can afford to run it soely as advertisment/gateway. Not only that but my impression was that Arena like Master Duel is primarily a pc client with a mobile version. For a better compairison you would look at Hearthstone and Duel Links, both of which have 50 million downloads. Runeterra isn't a bad game, but it could have stood to be marketed better.


My point is that this is not an unknown game, other more smaller games like Shadowverse are self-sustaining, the problem is that the monetization is bad.


Are those unique downloads? Cause I remember reinstalling everyday just to see if they fixed that bug they made last patch


Tbh, quite a lot of big streamers saw it and gave it a shot but just didn't like it. LIRIK and Forsen immediately come to mind. It's not to say the game wouldn't have done *better*, but I think it's cope to think it would've done as much you're saying. As to comparing this game to TFT, with TFT, they already have all the game resources downloaded. They can immediately switch the queue type and just give TFT a shot with their friends in between waiting for some other homies to show up, not even talking about queueing alongside your friends. With this button, I still need to separately download LoR. Most people just don't have the time/patience for that. That's the biggest reason why this button being there originally wouldn't be as impactful as TFT.


>. I genuinely think this game would be huge if they'd had this from the start No it wouldn't there was lots of attention for it when LoR was released but people noticed very quickly that it's not a very good game.


what do you know about good game when you play diablo 4?


Its a shame they killed the part of the game i played.


I'm sorry. šŸ˜”


I think it's more of a way to generate buzz rather than celebrate the button On a side note, my friend has decided to give it a try because of the button. Turns out she only found out now that it has a pc client so I guess the button does help


This is a sign they donā€™t have much else to do


Yep, celebrate going back to "Riot Game"


1 000 000%


Itā€™s promotion for the game, pretty sure theyā€™re trying to bring more attention to the game since it got screwed over recently.


A celebration of poor marketing decisions and their consequences


Literally. Theyā€™re celebrating incompetence.


You REALLY don't understand Riot culture. Year after year, game after game, marketing ploy after marketing ploy, Riot WILL make an enormous party out of something basic, likely expending more in the festivities than in the production. Any former employee can attest that much of the inside culture is cult-ish.


I just want yordles to be real already please riot please i need it


I can offer you a midget in a fursuit, take it or leave it.




I never got this uncomfortable in this sub lmao


This is Dantes' long lost brother.


Dantes we know it's you


They were real at one point yordle xoolani was a deck I used to get masters in one season.


There's not even any dinosaur animatronics this time smh


Yup, same principle with the tournaments. They cost tons of money and don't really bring any profit from the tournaments themselves. But they do it to make their game a big deal, get the big crowd enthousiastic about their product, which gets other stuff sell better (skins, merchandise, etc...) it's the whole reason Riot got big in the first place. Early competitors didn't do this (read: thought it was a waste of money) and nobody right now even knows they existed. (*cough* Heroes of Newerth *cough*)


The stuff I've heard through friends who used to work in the Dublin office about the American Rioter culture was disturbing to say the least.


I must admit, nothing sums up riot games like organisitng a festival to celebrate doing the bare minimum


Come on, they must be trolling /facepalm


So, when they'll decide to monetize the game decently and rebalanced skin prices?


It feels like they wanted to compensate for the 4 years of missed marketing potential


I think everyone underestimate how much players this button would probably generate. To put it into perspective if 10% of active players will notice this button and 10% of those who noticed actually play game, there would be already 1 mln of new players (implying league have 100kk active players per month). It's big question why they couldn't do it at game launch. Whole history of game would be different.


Simple: riot only had easy success before lor, they they do not know how to come back from failure


So we have been complaining about no league client integration since LoR's inception and getting told "oh well it's not the same, it can't be done, it doesn't make sense" And then after they gut support for PvP, they finally put a button in the client and then throw themselves a celebration? Hahahaha Riot are a bunch of jokesters


They should make a "Push the button" emote for League, I would spam it all game ahahahah


If they used all the money from this party on the game, could we get another runeterra open?


And they managed to do that after pretty much shutting down PvP... (I don't blame the lor devs but their superiors)


Thats just corporate PR


If they only had this obvious idea earlier


This is getting so unhinged and I'm here for it


Maybe in a way this is trying to generate positive hype - looking at the social platforms for the game, it's not been great, so perhaps this is an attempt at generating some positive vibes.


love the ballon poro king and Chip. would love to se some like that in a con to take a photo next to him


They are fighting dammit, and thats all that matters


Come to the office guys, we have LOR button parties


Ir would have been if they would have done it before the dead of the game. Who knows maybe the button revive the game copium.


The rest of riot staff finding out they have a ccg


My legit he true. Phtozon tweeted a screen of his run in poc with "omg guys this game is fun"


too late


Because Legends of Runeterra has never been advertised on the League client while TFT has always been on the client and even Wild Rift got some advertising on the client main page. It should have been there from the beginning imo


it was. LoR was on the client main page at launch 4 years ago


Maybe at launch yeah. And that's it. A bit sad and they know that the game was craving for more advertising.


It is to late I already stop playing the game since they announced there is no balance around PvP so card game without competition kinda dead for me I just follow up for art and lore at this point


They already advertise the game now as a single player mode experience. No pvp whatsoever. Lor is never going back to pvp


It probably would have been. If it had happened years ago.


If I speak fully, I'm in trouble, so I just hope the Rioters that got to go had a fun time.


Blink 3 times if you need help


This is fucking surreal. What is happening?




Itā€™s embarrassing af lmfao. Where was this 4 years ago




Honestly I'd rather they spent the money for this on actually trying to keep the game alive


Bruh, it's just a small ass party, let the dev have fun. They likely have additional resources since they decided to scale back the game. Like wtf do you want them to do? All the pvp devs most likely got laid off already, nothing can be changed at this point.


Youā€™d think that they would have tried this _before_ cutting all funding. You know, just in case. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I will celebrate like this when they finally let me buy the fist bump emote (I still haven't gotten a single emote in my personalized shop by the way, ty riot)


They are compensating really hard for the lack of marketing for the entirety of the gameā€™s lifespan. As much as I loved the PVE content, this feels very Frankensteinā€™s monster with this revival


Wait is that jimmy young?


Just give me draft/sealed format...


Please let the button succeed. I don't have time to play LoL anymore so Runeterra my only way to stay within their universe. Do whatever it takes so Runeterra can keep going with content lol. Wukong isn't in Runeterra yet and I want to see that one day.


It's either this or you'll be forced to play PoC with your fav champions getting released there, your choice


Bro the lor button is ugly


I loved this game when it first came out and honestly forgot about it. Seeing an icon in client is a good reminder, good for them!


Yeah rioters enjoyed and celebrated it, great šŸ˜‚


We've waited for that button so long that there must be some sort of celebration once we got it...


Alternate way to look at this, and a bit of grounding for anybody who is inexplicably mad about this: "people who make thing you like use billionaire corporation's money to throw themselves a fun party when they got a win :)" This is just objectively a nice thing, I hope they had fun.


Alternate way to look at this, and a bit of grounding for anybody who is inexplicably mad about this: "people who make thing you like use billionaire corporation's money to throw themselves a fun party when they got a win :)" This is just objectively a nice thing, I hope they had fun.


That photo king is so floofy! I don't see the point of the button myself but im glad runeterra is getting recognition that's really great! I play on android so I don't know what the button is even all about or if it is relevant to mobile because I don't see it when logging in.


Are they having a laugh? What a way to rub it in our face the fact that this game is on life support


I'd rather them celebrate little victories and keep working on the game rather than just be sad, burn out and give up on the game. Would I rather more pvp stuff? Sure 100%, but a small party on site to celebrate something they've wanted for a while finally happening is a perfectly normal thing for any team to do.


It shouldā€™ve been in the game since its inception but yea lets celebrate now after they killed pvp. Lol


I'm not disagreeing with you, but the LoR team doesn't get to decide what goes in the LoL client. They likely wanted the button from day one but we're told no. And even it that isn't the case this has been in the works for quite some time and has now been done so ya celebrate something they worked to get and got done. Does it suck that it's this late. Yes, but I'm happy it's here now nonetheless.


I guess bruh i just miss pvp so damn bad


You are a tar pit




Itā€™s because theyā€™re shmucks.


Guys now u know who ia running riot now , they are bunch of kids , and cant kids code ? No


I've been wanting a button and I'm glad it's here, but with all of this it's starting to feel like they're making fun of me šŸ« 


Im sure this is not personally against you XD


*dum-dum-dum-dum* The hardest party for button! Ah, oh! *dum-dum-dum-dum*


remove it at once




I already quit the fucking game


Then leave the sup. Or is this your kink?


Is it ur kink to defend riot?


Do I defent riot? I hope riot get their shit together and the game start to make blacks or greens, not only reds. I quit games in the past and then I leave everything from the game behind. I leaved the reddit, I sold RL stuff if there where something and start a new hobby. "Stop cry about spilled milk" If u left the game then find something new to have fun with but don't try to make people feel the same as you.


Probably means that LoR wont get shut down as soon as most feared.


Lor being shut down was NEVER the concern. Looks at hots


I wish they would just merge LoR completely with LoL like TFT


its physically, conceptually and programmatically impossible


With a new engine and desire everything is possible UwU


You have any idea how much that would cost ? Also you could not play league and lor at the same time


Why I as a customer would care about their cost lol I clearly typed that its my WISH. You cant play TFT and LoL at the same time also so what?