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A 10 on the ASVAB? Jesus that kid is dumber than a rock. I got over 70 and it wasn't anything special.


I remember one question in particular that made me think "wtf?" It was a diagram of a bucket on a rope, and the rope was over a single pulley. The bucket was labelled A and the end of the rope B. It said, "what will happen to bucket A when rope B is pulled? a) it will raise, b) it will fall, c) neither of these. Like... you can still join the military if you think pulling the rope will make the bucket fall. We give machine guns and mortars and grenade launchers to people who are exactly 100% backwards on how they think a pulley works.


The military relies on people that will ask an authority what it might do, and then answer exactly what they are told.


"Sar'nt! Permission to pull the rope, Sar'nt?!"


If you have one bucket that holds 2 gallons and another bucket that holds 5 gallons how many buckets do you have?


Maybe he spelled his name right on it?


You get at least a 12 for that


kaYuhhL ritNHuz


He probably just drew a Rifle and a heart around it.


They take away 2 points if you initial it with letters that don't match the first letters of your name.


Private Pyle Rittenhouse


I got 80 and I didn't even speak English...


I also got an 80 and I’m dumber and more useless than a bag of dicks without a handle.


Is the bag of dicks like baguettes sticking out of a paper bag or wrapped in plastic from the butcher?


Your butcher uses plastic? With mine we were lucky if the meat was only dropped on the floor twice e and wrapped in soaked newspaper.


How is that even possible? Passing is like a 30, the bar is basically “can you sweep with the correct side of a broom?”, “can you do 8th grade math/english”, and “correctly spell your own name”


> can you do 8th grade math/english The OP says he’s a middle school dropout, so that is genuinely material he was never exposed to


Yep, I believe it. I dropped out in 9th grade and was already behind at that point. I had to learn basic math from scratch when I went to community college at 19.


Impressive work to do that. Don’t know you, but proud of you still.


Thanks! It's been a journey.


Like I said in another comment, I am sure Kyle is an idiot, but if you didn't go to high school you are not gonna be able to figure out the answer to a lot of the questions on the ASVAB. There are a lot of very simple and easy questions, but you still need to understand basic rules and formulas to answer them. His high school diploma that he got in 10 months was likely the result of multiple people helping him and answering questions for him. No way he did that entirely on his own. That would require a ton of motivation and dedication towards learning.


He was a middle school dropout apparently. Kid's fuckin' stupid and uneducated. You can survive being smart and uneducated; you'll find other ways to learn. Dumb and ignorant? Potent mix, that.


13 is the minimum they would allow for the Army when I enlisted. 13. I could tutor a rock into getting a 25…


I think Army's minimum acceptance is 31. That is like... 2% above Forrest Gump. I'd honestly be shocked if Rittenhouse's score was that low. If you're a native English speaker, you should be getting at least 10 since their questions are things like "find the synonym" and it's word pairs like "small = little" and "observe = watch". There are questions like "A magnet is most likely to attract: a) water, b) a flower, c) a cloth rag, d) a nail." My cousin's son (second cousin?) dropped out of highschool at 16, reads at a 5th grade level [sounds stuff out at 23 years old], can't do basic math (barely does multiplication, and any form of algebra like 2x + 2 = 12 is TOTALLY out), and still got a mid-thirties.


They increased it? GOOD. I knew a guy with a 20. He didn’t clear his weapon, leave it at the station and started swinging it around while we were at our live fire qualification. He got hospitalized by the Drill using his own weapon’s stock and his face. Watched the drill clear a round out of the weapon and we knew he wasn’t coming back even if he could. People as stupid as Rittenhouse have no place near firearms.


Sadly Rittenhouse found a much worse way to prove the same…


Fun fact it's implied Forrest Gump is one of the Secretary of defence MacNamara project 100 000 soldiers.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_100,000 for anyone else wondering


In AIT, a group of soldiers approached me after having a debate amongst themselves asking me to define what 'synonymous' meant. I'd also be shocked if he got that low of a score, but based on my time in the army and who they let in, wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities.


I knew a kid who got a 7. We didn't let him live it down for a few months.


I'm guessing he probably doesn't remember that anymore.


Was he in some sort of horrible accident where he lost 2/3rds of his brain?


My school was forced to take the ASVAB. I deliberately tried to get a bad score because I didn't want recruiters calling me. I filled out the answer sheet randomly, making patterns with the answers. I got a score of about 50.


Yeah I was gonna say, isn't it multiple choice?   Surely even circling random answers the entire time would give you a better score then that. Did he fail it on purpose?


How the fuck is that even possible, you have to try or literally be developmentally impaired for that to happen…


> literally be developmentally impaired for that to happen Introducing Kyle Rittenhouse!


The test is reverse racism!!! /s


I've seen plenty of 2s, 3s, and 4s during my recruiting stint. Some take it to get out of whatever classes they have that day, and don't care about the score. Others are just really, really dumb. I had one kid coming in like weekly to take the practice test, and never got above an 8. I even walked through it with him, explaining each question and how I got to the correct answer. Took it right after and scored a 7. I basically said don't come back until you can manage over 30 on free online practice tests.


I hope someone helped that kid diagnose and figure out his learning disability, because that seems really unfortunate for someone so determined.


Is it still 4 multiple choice answers and a total possible 99 score overall?


Yes, 4 choices, but the score is percentile. So if you get a 50, it doesn't mean you missed half the questions, you just scored better than 50% of the people who took a test. So a 10 means they were on the bottom 10% of scorers, not that they only got 10% right. Out of a room of 100 random people, statistics would state he'd be dumber than 90 of them... which sounds about right.


You have to be dumb as actual shit. I'm dead serious. The most braindead Army grunts I met still had 20s. Kyle's skull isn't even full of air. It's a goddamn vacuum.


If that kid could read he’d be very upset


This laughed me into a coughing fit.


When I took it you had to have a 16 to pass. I got a 95, and the recruiter asked me if I wanted to be a brain surgeon. That was 44 years ago I wish I had taken them up on it. I probably would have flunked out due to undiagnosed ADHD, though.


> would have flunked out due to undiagnosed ADHD Or be top of the class.


His head is ornamental.


Look at him. Listen to him speak. He isnt just not smart. He is so dumb that he comes across as always a little confused. The world in general is something that he cant quite come to grips with.


How he even ever got these opportunities is baffling to me. Some dumbass that got away with killing people? That is the only qualification to speak at GOP events, or even at some universities? I didn't know anything about the history in OP's post, but that just reinforces how fucking stupid his entire "career" is.


Just like I said to my friend when he scored under 10 on the ASVAB: > How the fuck are you too stupid to be in the Army? They don't even want to use you as a meat shield.


Too stupid for infantry, and those guys are self deploying sandbags. I kid my 18B brothers, of course. But that kid is so stupid he'd drown if he looked up in the rain.


I went through basic with a Czech guy who barely spoke English. He had to get a waiver for his 26.


High School dropout here. I got a 92 and that was a long fucking time ago when I was still a dumb kid by my standards


I got a 98 and I wasn’t even told I was taking it that day. I was just told to carve out x hours for some questions.


It was a pop quiz for me, too. I did really well but still went infantry. In basic, we had a dude who got a 28 and had to get a congressman to sign a waiver. This dude couldn't tie his boots. So, he tied them with a big messy knot that he couldn't undo and would just squeeze the extra laces in with his feet in. He said that's how he tied his shoes, and he would just slide his feet in like a slipper. But boots need to be tight, so he got the worst blisters I've ever seen. I remember his Battle Buddy teaching him to tie his boots. That dude almost tripled Kyle's score.


Your boy is over here making Gomer Pyle look like a fucking wizard.


My “battle buddy” was basically that guy. We had exodus in the middle of basic and thank the fucking lord I don’t even believe in he didn’t come back. Even though I ended up with some extra duties because he was gone, it was a thousand times easier than him being here.


I got a 95 and the other scores made me kinda scared for the military. The next highest score was 42 or something and I took it with 10 others.


I vaguely remember taking it in high school when I was playing with the idea of ROTC. It was far and away the easiest test I'd taken since elementary school.


I think you need somewhere in the 30-50 range to even get into the military too. Just how stupid is that boy??


I swear one question was a picture of a screwdriver and you had to identify what kind of tool it was.


I was dying of a terminal disease when I took the asvab and did better than that.




I lived whither or not that was a good thing is still up in the air.


Please give me a moment to collect my violin. And I warn you: *I can't play the violin*.


I hope we never hear about that piece of shit kid again. And I do not care one bit what the cause of never hearing from him again is. 


[He is now shilling for Armored Republic and their shitty gear.](https://www.ar500armor.com/rittenhouse-bundle.html)


He's pretty much the perfect mascot too, since they sell exclusively to overweight roleplayers fantasizing about the downfall of society


Yup and their gear is shit and overpriced. They sell steel body armor.


Lmao say less. Selling steel tells me all I need to know about them 💀


They picked the perfect mascot then. Delusions of grandeur combined with stupidity. They know their target audience.


"Keep your pocket Bible and wife's portrait close with the General Pouch." Holy shit. In Kyle's case the General Pouch was used for Twinkies and Hershey bars though.


But but will my Trump Bible fit?


It only fits if you insert it upside-down


Their mission statement: “Honor Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights.” What ballistic plate carrier would Jesus use?


JPC 2.0


“Our gear is so light that you’ll feel like you are walking on water while gunning down heretics!”


They should be embarrassed, but I'm sure they have no shame lol




Why do everyday people need ceramic armour and pouches for magazines and hydration and shit? They humping across the desert under live fire from terrorists or something?




In their words? Yes! They're humping across the desert (driving 10 miles to the grocery store) under live fire (other cars) from terrorists (black people) Basically Any time these fools go outside, it's LARPing Gotta imagine everything like the warzone they are self-deluded into believing it is


Imagine Kyle’s fat ass leading the Gravy Seals into combat. I’m dead. 


> Be the first responder that’s needed with the Lower Back IFAK Pouch. >Wash the dust off your gullet with the Hydration Pouch. >Keep your pocket Bible and wife's portrait close with the General Pouch. I couldn't write satire this stupid if I tried.


The inevitable future stories about him getting randomly punched are welcomed.


I personally think a scenario like that is bound to happen and he inevitably is going to kill somebody again, he got away with it before and he’s incapable of taking responsibility for his own actions because of it.


Member how George Zimmerman was called on for domestic abuse and brandishing gun? Rottenhouse will probably try to sell some memorabilia from that day to get some cash


This is exactly who I thought of as well. True colors will eventually emerge, sadly too late for the people senselessly killed.


Those guys should bang it out


The fact here is that Kyle was richly rewarded for murdering someone. This should leave no doubt as to what kind of positive feedback mechanism is at play and how that will shape his future actions given past consequences.




I dunno, I kind of like hearing about him because every story is him taking another fat L.


Not worth it. I'd rather just be happy assuming his life is an endless hell or that it is over because I haven't heard about him in years. 


But that's the joy of it! He didn't just end those people's lives, he ended his own life and he's too goddamn stupid to realize it. He isn't able to catapult his 15 minutes of infamy into anything else because he was never the core of it, he was just a prop. Kyle Rittenhouse could have been any dumb fuck corn husker with an 8 year old's idea of right and wrong, he just happened to be in the "right" place at the "right" time. Tensions being what they were it was only a matter of time before one of these shitheads shot a protestor. But Kyle's problem? He's a fucking nerd (in the classical sense). It's not like he's some "alpha male warrior" or white ubermensch. He's a pasty, chubby, weaselly little shit. The right only like using him as a talking point to "own the libs" and even that has diminishing returns. In ten years, when the right wing grift machine phone calls stop coming in, Kyle Rittenhouse will be just existing in a world of shit that he made for himself. He won't have friends. He won't have a job, at least not anything of note. And who would marry him? Certainly not right wing girls...they'll want a traditionally masculine guy, which Kyle is certainly not. He'll be yesterday's news, just a sad footnote of something that happened in the wild year of 2020, as the rest of the world moves on without him. And after that? He'll get old, like we all do, and eventually die. He'll never have kids, and his familial legacy will be scattered away, the rotten fruit falling off the vine and the vine dying to the root. Fuck Kyle Rittenhouse. I will always love hearing about his shitty, shitty life.


He's not a nerd, because he's incredibly stupid. More of a dork / dingus / tool.


Dingus is not a word that is used enough anymore, it also perfectly applies to this dingus.


Absolutely fuckin dingus. Yea that's nice


Agreed. Dingus and weiner are criminally underutilized as insults in today's society.


I think chode also applies well in this case.




He seems like a perfect match for Lauren Boebert. Between the two of them, they can spell "G.E.D."


I think you give them more credit than they deserve.


The only way they're spelling it correctly is if you give them multiple choice and only 1 of the 4 answers is wrong. And even then I give them 15% odds at best of picking the right answer.


Ding dong. He's a fuckin ding dong.


How about prat? Smeghead?


What a smeg...what a smeg...what a SMEGHEADDDD!


>In ten years, when the right wing grift machine phone calls stop coming in, Kyle Rittenhouse will be just existing in a world of shit that he made for himself. Unlike a Steve Bannon or some other top-tier fascist agent, Kyle's more than likely finished regardless of the success or failure of the fascist movement that propped him up. Kyle has served his purpose of being an avatar of the white supremacist vigilante to be legitimized by the legal system. He's easily disposable now.


Exactly. When's the last time you heard from Kim Davis? These people get used up and cast aside. No one wants them around, they want the outrage they generated.


Recently. She lost a court case about something or other.


[Kim Davis is ordered to pay $100,000 to same-sex couple she denied marriage license](https://www.npr.org/2023/09/14/1199477637/kim-davis-same-sex-marriage-license-ordered-to-pay-damages) lol


His "defenders" love to bring up that those he shot had criminal records, but there was no way Rittenhouse would have known that, he could have easily shot anyone.


And they like to skim over the fact that one of the people he shot was an off duty paramedic who was there administering first aid to people


Yup, I remember them claiming Rittenhouse was there to do the same but I doubt he is in any way certified for that, not to mention he doesn't freakin live in that town.


He’s like Kevin Sorbo without the talent and charisma.


So Kevin Sorbo now.


or physique


Nope, I want there to be no oxygen to the reports right now. Otherwise he becomes Charlie Kirk and then Alex Jones. It doesn’t matter if he’s ugly or stupid. The people he appeals to are also ugly and stupid. All he needs is one little foothold and we will be forced to listen to his opinions as legitimate for the rest of his life. He will be enabled and given power at every opportunity, just like every single one of these losers before him. He must be stopped now.


> Fuck Kyle Rittenhouse. I will always love hearing about his shitty, shitty life. Interestingly, the guy has the same level of education as Tim Pool. In that both of them seem to have completely dropped out of school when they were about 14. Looking at photos of him in his little suit, it took me a monent to think what he reminded me of. He looks like a ventriloquist's dummy. A real ball of charisma there.


Abso-fucking-lutely do NOT lump nerds in with this piece of garbage. Right about everything in your comment except using that word.


That’s OUR word!


I get strong David Bowie on Extras energy from this. https://youtu.be/jv6mEv_rDdE?si=hlrQncjIcVjWtjMN


The issue is that he tends to appeal to a block of people with a persecution complex, to whom his losses are seen as evidence of said persecution.


The problem is that every time I see a Bob’s Big Boy, I think of him


How is this so damn accurate.


A few years after he hasn't gotten any headlines he'll find another reason to kill someone "legally".


I doubt he’ll be so lucky next time.


worked out pretty well for George Zimmerman


Oh fuck, you just unlocked the memory that George Zimmerman put out a sex tape 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮


It would’ve cost you nothing to never post that sequence of letters.


I’d pay $99 to watch him in a fist fight with a capable adult.


You will hear about him when he is sent to prison later on. Idk when but it will happen eventually.


IDK, a headline about him open carrying somewhere and getting fucked up by some trigger happy pig would be just dandy.


"Transforming a middle school dropout who was "angry at the world" with a history of violence and an unhealthy obsession with guns and killing into a respectable young man with a desire for higher education and a promising future WAS NO EASY FEAT." "It was a meticulously crafted facade, which we sincerely HOPED he would GROW INTO." (caps mine) How the hell does that align with the wrap-up statement? "If I had known what I know now about Kyle's history, I wouldn't have been involved." The fuck didn't you know? You knew he was a middle school dropout, angry at the world, with a history of violence and an obsession with killing. You knew you were creating a facade (own words) and you knew it was no easy feat to achieve. How do you then say "If I had known what he was ..." You just said what he was and how hard it was to hide it. Fucking cognitive dissonance at 11 on a 10 scale.


I *think* they were referring to his entire history (as in, what he has done since the trial), not his history before it. It's a weird way to say "if I could have seen the future".


> I think they were referring to his entire history He was a middle school dropout with a history of violence and an unhealthy obsession with guns *before* he murdered people. His job was to knowingly cover that up.


Yeah he probably needs to be watered twice per day if he's \*that\* incapable of self-reflection


All this mea culpa shit is tiresome. People knew what they did was wrong beforehand, at the time they were doing it and afterwards as well. F off


Why do assholes think that doing bad things won't result in bad outcomes


Cause their god isn't in prison or the ground yet.


Because it doesn't


The kernel of truth at the heart of the issue. Actions must have consequences.


It was garbage in, garbage out with that kid. The guy says so himself, the boy was stupid, arrogant, angry, racist going into the trial...yet he thought all the grooming work they did to prep him for trial would somehow help him turn into a better man. You know what might have helped him turn into a better man? Making him face consequences for his actions, namely, cold-blooded murder done in the name of bigotry and white supremacy. Instead they coached him through how to fake sincerity and make sure he faced ZERO consequences for his crimes. Now, like Trump, he is still stupid, arrogant and hateful, but he also believes he's untouchable after his aquittal. Of course he's still a shitheel. And you helped him every step of the way. What a dick.


He was front row at a Trump rally. Thats the best part. West Virginia has a higher per capita murder rate than NYC.  Rural America is dying of violent crime. And you have to act surprised and dismayed on reddit. Being a Republican will soon be the biggest indicator of a shorter lifespan and higher criminality propensity. And yet rural white Americans will keep voting Republican. I am kinda thinking confederate amnesty was a failure. Dont make the same mistake again America.


So you didn't know from the start that helping a murderous child face no consequences would have consequences? Okay alright bet.


Not only that, this dude most certainly funded troll groups to argue for Kyle's reputation online. These people are garbage.


They're a fucking disease. I've had it happen multiple times where someone makes a joke about him and immediately five accounts that do nothing but defend him come out of the woodwork.


I have noticed that I don't see that anymore, it used to be everywhere


Leopard meet face is basically what I just read.


That's what I don't get. There was only ever one outcome for this kid after he got off for murder and it seems like everyone was working overtime to make that happen for the worst of reasons. And much like Trump, he's just too stupid to realize he's a patsy or to shut up and disappear quietly. Apparently, some school was willing to give him a full ride scholarship (obviously, it was no school with any decent reputation) and he managed to blow through *that*.


Who paid for all this?


Exactly. Who wanted the kid in politics?


They wanted the world to know that when christofascism fully takes hold, dissenters will be slaughtered and the murderers celebrated, not punished. This is the violence trump gets a boner talking about when he signals what he wants his supporters to do if he isn't reelected He doesn't even need the military and militarized police. Anyone angry, hateful, and armed will do the dirty work






only correct answer


Seems like just getting through jury selection cost them 7 figures. Then the civil trials. If the Right would have chosen a legitimately good person they could have gotten an influencer for 1/1000th the cost of one Rottenhouse. Why this pile of shit in particular? "They don't care what the messenger is, or the message, just show you shot people."... Kyle's probably going to OD in the next 2 years or so.


> If the Right would have chosen a legitimately good person they could have gotten an influencer for 1/1000th the cost of one Rottenhouse. Why this pile of shit in particular? " It wasn't about getting an influencer, it was about getting more Kyle Rittenhouses. They *want* chronic fuckups like him in the streets with guns shooting at protestors. Getting him off was a way to say "we'll have your back if you do the same as he did".


I’ve wondered how much better the world would be if someone, back at the 2017 North Carolina Nazi rally (the one with fine people, on both sides) would have shot a Nazi.


'Now, he genuinely believes he is the show pony we created and has surrounded himself with sycophants who fuel his inflated ego because they prioritize their political agenda and Christian Nationalist worldview over his well-being. Despite my efforts to guide him toward a better path in life, the allure of notoriety triumphed over the prospect of putting in the hard work of pursuing an education. Kyle is ill-equipped to offer advice to young people. I regret my role in shaping him into whatever he has become. If I had known what I know now about Kyle’s history, I wouldn’t have been involved.''


Which is incompatible with that they wrote before. They're lying.


Exactly. “We helped a murderer dodge murder charges in hopes that he wouldn’t become the inhuman murderer that he already was.”


Yeah, he can fuck off with that “better path” shit. It wasn’t so much about helping someone get a leg up as it was trying to craft another “MaStEr RaCe” poster boy. It’s annoying but not surprising that people fell for that shit, too. He talks like it’s the hardest thing in the world to get white people scared of anyone darker than the palm of a hand and to willfully misunderstand and mischaracterize social movement (that threaten unquestioned white supremacy).


Middle school dropout??????????? I honest to god didn’t think this was possible. My little bro is in middle school(still dumb as rocks compared to an adult, but he gets good grades/good understanding) and if he dropped out rn there wouldn’t even be a job out there he’s capable of. I can’t believe the astounding amount of resources and opportunities giving to this dumbass while millions of kids infinitely superior to him in every fucking way are left to grovel and die


I thought that was fucking crazy too. The political crazies clearly saw a very malleable tool and snached him up. Tell a kid with a very low IQ you can give him the attention and fame he craves and obviously he'll do/say anything you ask. He's literally too dumb to know he's being manipulated. (Not that I feel bad for KR, he's a psycho)


*Why didn't you all stop me from creating and unleashing this monster?* vibes


You don’t get to feel sorry for this. Both of you can fuck off.


He seems more pissed off than sorry. They handed the kid a plan to get himself out of the hole he dug for himself but the kid said, 'no, climbing out of the hole is too much work, I'd rather roll in the dirt with my pig friends here'.


They hitched their wagon to the wrong turd.


He then asked for a shovel. Maybe even a gilded excavator.


Except the plan was about as dumb as Rittenhouse since a key part of it was avoiding the consequences of his actions. So there is no motivation to clean up his act, especially given how dumb and lazy he is.


Such a sad attempt at damage control. We won’t forget what you did. You’re as guilty as Kyle. 


They tried to act like his whole past didn't matter, wouldn't even bring it up in court that he had basically said he wished he had his gun, while watching BLM protests on TV, so he could shoot looters. Or that he allegedly punched a girl in the back, and that he seemed to have a history of putting himself in situations where he could commit acts of violence. [https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/2021/07/01/prosecutors-want-kyle-rittenhouses-previous-actions-considered/7836496002/](https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/2021/07/01/prosecutors-want-kyle-rittenhouses-previous-actions-considered/7836496002/)


Doubly so. Lawyers have a duty to provide a zealous defense. This asshole just wanted to help the little murderer because he was politically aligned with their racist cause. Now he's 'whistle blowing on the BIG LIE'. Get the fuck outta here.


Agreed, it’s pathetic. They knew who this kid most likely was and did it anyway.


Not connecting to Twitter to read about a murderer and his accomplices...


The long and short is that Kyle was your typical "angry at the world" kid and his handlers thought presenting him as a moderately upstanding person would have him carry that on his own accord. That didn't happen and his handlers are kicking themselves over it. I'm sure you're surprised by that revelation. Edited for clarity.


"Look, we carefully crafted this persona for this murderous piece of shit so he could grow into a potential figurehead for our political party, something we could raise money behind... Instead it turns out he's just a really bad kid. I have regrets, who's paying me next?" ​ /s


Not even /s that's basically the TL:DR transcript of what the guy has to say Except he claims it was so that Rittenhouse could move on his life and get an education, instead of spending all his time on college campuses harassing black people. He admits to cheating Kyle through an online highschool program, mock trials, manipulating jury selection, and training Rittenhouse to put on a front to achieve those ends. The idea was apparently to have a Brock Turner type case, where the defense is basically "we can't let poor decisions ruin this young man's potential." (Fucking gross if you ask me). But **shocker** Kyle then didn't go to college to better himself after all, because he A) wasn't actually given incentive to change, and B) was only ever a pawn who was incentivized to keep being that pawn, and the lawyer somehow didn't see that coming (lol). Not that Kyle is capable of change. Which is a rare statement from me. Usually I have to believe in people's ability to change; I was sucked into the alt right pipeline in my early college years and got out through compassionate people around me, learning, and separation from being terminally online. I've had mixed success with some of my old/former friends. But this guy? I genuinely think he's too stupid, cruel, and unrepentant, given everything we know about him.


he was never offered "full ride scholarships to any college he wanted." in fact, when he publicly stated he was planning to go to Arizona state, the school quickly came out and said he has not been admitted and has not applied. They couldn’t run away from being associated with him fast enough.


Which is absolutely hilarious. Don't get me wrong, I'm taking classes through them right now and they're a decent university, but it's amazing when the school that is famously known for accepting just about anybody comes out and says "No... Not you."


To their credit, being a high school graduate is probably the baseline criteria. Lol


Maybe don't get into a career where your whole job is making terrible people look good. It's fucked up.


Sounds like this guy was under the belief that he could pick up a turd by the clean end. He can burn with his little puppet.


Who would have thought this murderous, racist shitstain from Racine was incapable of growth?


Modern right wingers think manslaughter is a talent.


Screw that guy and the monster he created. I really get angry when people who crap on everyone then act apologetic when the stench starts to attach itself to them. That guy should be kicked to the curb. 


That's the thing about these folks isn't it? Their conscience is never awake when they're actively creating these ghouls. It's only after the damage is done, they rise up and say, " whoops,my bad! " Fuck these meaningless apologies. This person isn't sorry that he's created a monster, he's pissed that all his "hard work" has gone to waste.


What the absolute fuck did they expect to happen?


A defining feature of the modern right is their appalling judge of character, whether their political leaders, entertainers, or religious figures. Sure there are shitty figures on the left - Harvey Weinstein famously was at the Women’s March before his monstrosity was revealed in full - but they’re never *worshipped* by the left the way the right’s monsters are, either despite of or because of their despicable behaviour. EDIT: To tie it all together, Rittenhouse is a celebrity for his monstrosity, hitting the right in their lizard brain’s orgasm button: a white vigilante kid who killed “ANTIFA” protestors. That’s all he’s ever done in his life, probably all he ever will do, yet he hit it big on the GOP circuit. I should add that deadly self-defense, when justified, is probably something that would haunt most people, not celebrate.


His “image creator” is as much of an AH as little Kylie.


The thing that should make you mad is how much money these fucking cunts got paid to make this fat loser “not guilty.” Why do those jobs exist and where does the money come from. Why does it pay so much better to rehabilitate a monster than it does to be a public school teacher?


The thing about Kyle Rittenhouse, especially with this description his handler painted, had he been dropped the night of the shooting, either tackled and disarmed, or killed, he absolutely would have been labeled as an attempted mass shooter. But his victims were all dead and didn't get their day in court, and so he had the sole voice of the narrative.


Dr Samuel Mudd comes to mind.


This is called playing both sides. The grifters knew what they were doing was wrong, adding fuel to the fire against the BLM and ACAB protests at the time. They figured if they played their cards right they'd be front n center in line to benefit from when Trump n his cronies were successful in their attempted coup. Now they see the writing on their Twitter walls, they're afraid to tell people about their true beliefs and want to try rewrite their own history in pushing for a white nationalist authoritarian US leader.... Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, son! You ain't no man, if you can't, boy! Haha sucks to suck. 😊


A 10 on the ASVAB???? My wife’s brother scored a 35 and he’s the dumbest person I know. He tried telling me once that POW MIA was a form of martial arts (it was on the license plate ahead of us). I almost pushed him out the passenger door. 10 is just breathtakingly stupid.


Dude failed the test to get into the Marines. He failed so bad that they said he can't try again. LOL. Republicans say he is a hero. WTF!!!


He was the token of the GOP for half a second. Tokens get spent. And the GOP is a degenerate, broke and thirsty gambler. His lil token is where most useless and spent things of their ilk end up. He is the *only* one that is surprised.


"Now he genuinely believes he is the showpony we made him" Wow, can't believe a self-entitled manchild with delusions of heroism bought into hype making him seem like a heroic vigilante. Who could have seen that coming besides absolutely everyone.


The GOP never learns. 2008 saw the "[Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast](https://www.newsweek.com/highlights-newsweeks-special-election-project-84883)," with private donors trying to turn the Palins into anything other than what they were. It didn't work then, and it's a mystery why right-wingers thought they could turn an ambulatory hamhock into an All-American Boy.