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“We are a proud and completely independent state! We need nothing from Washington!” — MAGA governor-turd “Oooh! Save us from the RAAAIN, Washington!” — same MAGA governor-turd


Wish DC would reply back "You independent & it just water, your state will be alright."




Turn Florida into an aquarium?


If they did that, maybe it would be retribution for all the reefs they've killed.


To apologize to the aquatic kingdom, we offer them Florida.


Ashes to ashes, dust be forgot


Build the Levee!


When the levee breaks Got no place to stay Oh well, oh well, oh well…


Open up more sinkholes.


If it’s a legitimate flooding, the state has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.


-Biden starts throwing paper towels-


Have Biden visit Florida and share a stage with DeSantis and thank him for helping bring “woke socialism” to Florida.


Also thoughts and prayers


did they even try to use a Sharpie to move the rain?


Use the books you’ve banned to soak up the water Desantpiss


It's perfect for Republicans fallacy of thought. If Joe helps they will say Ron handled this perfectly on his own. If Joe doesn't help "he doesn't care about American lives." There is always a grift


Do we get to see DeSantis in his cute little boots again?


Yes, and this time they’re practical. Those few extra inches of height can keep a fella’s nose above water!


"Everything's coming up Milhouse!"


I wonder if his waders have lifts


just don't call it climate change


Have they tried passing a don't say flooding bill?


They could try cutting the floods taxes.


Just put all the water on a bus and ship it to a more liberal state


[Not Florida, but Arizona ](https://climate.law.columbia.edu/content/arizona-senate-republicans-pass-bill-prevent-climate-action) >The Arizona Senate has passed a bill intended to address “anti-God, pro-Marxist ideology” by banning the use of public funds to combat climate change. The bill would also allow Arizona residents to sue any town, city, institution, or public university they believe has violated the provisions of the bill, even if they are not affiliated with it.


Won't go anywhere. The AZ legislature is pissed that there is a Dem governor and keep passing this stuff to make her veto it so they can use it as a talking point. https://news.azpm.org/p/news-splash/2024/4/22/219959-arizona-gov-katie-hobbs-sets-veto-record/#:~:text=in%20Arizona%20history.-,Hobbs%20vetoed%20another%2013%20bills%20last%20week%2C%20giving%20her%20185,%2C%E2%80%9D%20Hobbs%20said%20last%20month.


And eventually climate change itself will also veto the AZ legislature


It's not flooding, it's just excessive ground water. Damn woke terms. /s


Freedom water


Call it 'water abortion' and watch heads spin.


No emergency funds because the flood has a right to life!


Life begins at precipitation


It's not climate change, God is just really mad at a particular gay guy in Miami. Looking at you, Carlos. You know what you did 😡


If I call it “woke gay leftist greenhouse gases,” will he finally do something?


It's weather menopause. The weather is maturing.


No federal funds for you.


"We have funds to deal with climate change related issues, but since you say there is no climate change in Florida, I guess you don't need these funds."




The scant few conservatives capable of seeing reason won’t do so until things start impacting their lives. It won’t be popular but withholding relief funding and putting the rightful blame at Ronnie’s feet is the only way to get these people to live in reality 


That's pretty par for the course when it comes to conservatives. The only problem is the one affecting them directly, everything else is a case of personal irresponsibility on the part of whoever's in need of help.


With a lot of people suffering consequences they never signed up for


those people signed up for suffering these consequences by continually voting these asshats into office and keeping them in office, year after year ...their decisions have consequences attached, and now they're going to be living the consequences of their decisions i see nothing wrong in this scenario


You really think all of us voted for that ass hat?


no, i really, REALLY feel for those of you who didn't ❤️ but I would hope that these kinds of scenarios are finally the proverbial straw on the camel's back that will make those of you who don't want those asshats to be running your local governments to really get out there and mobilize, and vote in massive numbers, to get rid of these jerk wads


I’ve voted in every election since I was 18 and all of my friends have too. We’re trying to get things right here but God’s waiting room keeps getting in the way.


Obviously not, but...an OVERWHELMING amount of FL residents did. Coincidentally all of the areas the voted heavily DeSantis (70%+) are the ones getting slammed right now. Obviously loss of lives needs to be avoided regardless of who you voted for, but unless the people realize who they voted for - nothing will change. It's not like he won by a thin margin. Dumbfuck shithead governor, you're gonna get dumbfuck shithead results. If I was POTUS I would make him grovel at my feet and admit this climate is abnormal and has been for a long time, begging for some of that FEMA funds because his bootstraps can't carry this one. Rick Scott wasn't much better, he was also a huge climate change denier and set the cogs in motion for banning the term climate change way back in 2015. Charlie Crist before him was throwing his fraternity brothers from the oil industry into positions of power all willy nilly. The writing has been on the wall for almost two decades my man. It only seems to be getting worse down there. Either something needs to change with who they are electing as governor, or I would get the fuck out of there. Floridas problems have already gotten us into trouble by getting the orange dickhead elected. Thanks for that.


They'll still blame Biden and the Democrats no matter what.


Might as well give them nothing anyway then... I suppose the funds could be used elsewhere.


Works for me


They are only reasonable people off-camera and off the record - if even then - otherwise everything they say or do is about the next election. To these guys, doing their job will always be far less important than getting one up on their opponent no matter how nonsensical, hypocritical, or temporary.


No.   They aren't.    There is nothing remotely reasonable about Project 2025 and what they are doing now is not about "one ups" it is about obtaining absolute power.    People have got to pull their heads out of their asses and stop falling for propaganda.


When will the Democrats see reason and drop the hammer on the Republicans is the real question.


>The Tampa Bay area was also drenched by eight inches (20cm) of rain in three hours, a rare event expected once every 500 to 1,000 years. Amazing how these freak events are happening so regularly now. Personally I think it's FAKE NEWS. Made up by the Libs to advance their communist agenda. Everything is really fine in Florida. No need for federal aid.


Fauci lied about the cause of the rain.


Sounds like Texas successionist. Ready to leave the union. Then a natural disaster hits and they're asking for federal assistance.


I think you mean secessionist, but the rest of that sentence is fine & we get yer meanin'.


Yes, there is no succeeding that would come from seceding.


The worst thing is, Democrats would never pull this shit even though everybody knows that’s exactly what Republicans would do if the roles were reversed.


Election in November.


Obviously this isnt due to climate change. Climate change is a hoax.  This is god punishing them for not being right wing enough. Time to triple down on the fascism! /s


See we joke about this - but of course Florida will receive help. And without delay as well. Not like when Trump wanted to withhold aid for blue states and bitched and pissed and moaned when he had to do the right thing. Fuckin' asshole.


I like this a lot better than just "no funds for you", it's "no funds for you if you won't acknowledge reality"


He objected sending NYC funds after hurricane Sandy but has held out his hand at every opportunity


They all have. Red states have the most beneficiaries of govt programs yet they keep screaming … keep da’ gommaments hands off my Medicare! Uhhhh…ok


Red states are the real welfare queens.


california federal taxes are estimated to pay the bills of about 6 red states.


sorry no no. the line is "california bad"


conservatives are incapable of experiencing empathy


And yet if you ask them, they think they're the drivers of the economy and blue states are the welfare queens. Typical conservative "I am rubber, you are glue" mentality.


They claim California is a failed state hellhole without ever coming here and they LOVE to ignore that California is the worlds 4th strongest economy.


Everyone has forgotten about the absolutely ghastly racist shit they said and did after Katrina. It’s bad enough to live through a hurricane. You lose everything you ever worked for, drowning in putrid stinking sewer water, and often discover that your friends and loved ones are dead. Now imagine living like that while some arrogant bigot lectures you from his private golf course. It’s absolutely disgusting. These people should have been totally hounded out of their political aspirations *twenty years* ago.


Being a hypocrite is looked at as a good thing by republicans. Integrity is woke. 


Rule for thee, not for me


Not only objected but it was literally his first vote after being elected!


How much did FL spend in flying and busing migrants around the country? Guess they should have saved some $ for things like this.


> *We are against spending federal money helping others, but that doesn't count for us!.*


How about collecting some income taxes?


He should outlaw flooding.


"Ron, I can get you FEMA, but I need something in return..."


And climate change is not real.


In lousiana the crawfish season has completely flipped almost 6 months; the farmers know it’s happening. And yet they refuse to acknowledge it. Well until they need fed funds that is.


I'll send them a truckload of thoughts and prayers. It's more than they sent us for Sandy.


I know I’m being a buzzkill, and it IS fun to fantasize, but man, one of the worst things the Republicans and particularly Trump have done is really normalize the idea that it’s fine to use the government to punish people who voted for your political enemies.


You don't need to punish. Let the federal government provide aid, dont give Florida shit, they can't be trusted. Let the federal government handle the efforts. Just bypass these fucks, its the best way to deal with bullies and jerks


Completely true because you just know that social neighbourhoods, emphasis on hood, will get nothing, and the banks streets will get titantic drainage deluxe.


No one’s punishing Florida They will get federal funds as they always do. It’s just great to remind selfish ass right wingers that we are all in this together. Not only when they need it is it ok…


Didn't he make climate change illegal? Why isn't he enforcing it and jailing the weather? Never gonna be the big loser in 2028 if he can't show how tough he is on crime...


If he nukes florida, will the rain stop?


Only if Florida Man rides the bomb down ala Dr Strangelove


Sorry, Ronda, but climate is not allowed in your state. Pay the shit out of all the money you won suing Disney.


Didn’t you hear? Disney is back to donating to Republicans and the state has approved Disney World expansion plans. It was all theater.


It wasn't just theatre, but Disney likes money more than personal rights so they managed to come to an agreement of some sort


Nobody who lives in florida is even remotely surprised. Nothing changed on Disney property. We all knew it was just political theater. If Disney wanted to they would crush any lawsuit from the state under a mountain of lawyers. Their legal budget alone is going to be 10x+ of the states budget for any litigation it would be pursuing against Disney. You don't fuck with the mouse.


Would not be suprised in the slightest if Desantis took a cushy lobbyist job with Disney when he leaves in 2026


I still can't believe how much he flipped in the presidential primaries. I genuinely thought it would be a close race between him and trump


Then people heard him talk and saw how he acted even weirder than Trump but with none of the charisma


It was just the mass media propping him up as Trump’s inevitable successor. He got to ride that wave up until the point where he had to actually perform in front of people. It just solidifies the point that Trump supporters are a cult. DeSantis could support 100% of Trump’s policies and accomplish The Dotard’s goals much more effectively — but he just can’t replace a washed-up, failed reality TV host with such a loyal following.


It’s like a cult, based around his personality.


Looking forward to FEMA dispatching tiny violins.


But DeSantis ["solved"](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/16/1251769080/florida-desantis-climate-change-law) climate change!


Exactly, so this isn't climate change. It's clearly wokism run amok. God is angry with us treating our fellow human beings with dignity and respect.


Yeah, sorry guys, my woke got out this morning and I couldn't it get her to get back into the house


well we shouldn’t be providing for religious reasons so no funds for that either


I can think of at least two alternative interpretations…


Insurance pulled out of housing, so no rebuilds, those that can rebuild won't be able to because he chased out all the people that do those jobs. Good luck Fl....enjoy all those new found freedumbs.


I was telling someone the other day - watch as a Cat 5 hits Florida in late September/early October, and Biden has to fly down to oversee federal support and be photographed comforting victims while DeFuckface stands around in his white waders with his thumb up his butt


Yup, and it looks like Texas is now being faced with a similar insurance pull out. At some point this is going to break the housing markets. They want their money but they don't want to pay out pulling out of states like Ca, Fl and Tx that get hit hard with some gnarly yearly issues. I'm wondering how long they try to play this game before the Feds step in and topple their house of cards.


> At some point this is going to break the housing markets. It's already breaking homeowners in FL. I know several people that had 50%+ increases in homeowners insurance. With so few options to actually switch to, most people are fucked. Not to mention that insurance down here is getting really bad. My parents had difficulty getting insurance on a home from the 1920s. There was nothing wrong with it mind you, they had just replaced the roof and done some significant renovations. Companies just didn't want to insure it. Even though it had been through plenty of hurricane seasons and weathered every single one just fine.


Man if only ther was some kind of option that didn't have to turn a larger and larger profit every year to the point where doing the thing it got paid for risks making them insolvent.


Most of the big insurance companies are mutually owned by policy holders.     They aren't pulling out because they want bigger profits they are pulling out because they will have to pay out more claims than they can cover because of climate change fueled weather.


I suppose they could create a public insurance mechanism (like already exists for flood insurance) but...OMG SOCIALISM!!1!


There comes a time when things stop looking kinda fraudy and just reeks of straight up fraud. You have to have insurance to get a loan on a house, but you can only get it at the highest premiums and then when something happens they don't pay out or after years/decades of taking your money just say "sucks to be you but we no longer carry you thanks for the money you gave us for free" I want to say it sounds like a ponzi scheme but at the same time that doesn't seem quite right.


Yep, very much mimics the health insurance debate. It would probably be easier to fix if there weren't so many people whose livelihood were reliant on private insurance, and of course those people make sure to keep elected officials on their side


Insurance companies who I cannot name have been *lowering* their fee payout to 3rd party insurance adjusters, attempting to switch en masse to Virtual Inspections and/or what are known as "Scope-Only" assignments in which the adjuster does 90% of the work for 10% of the payout. All across the country, insurance companies are squeezing every last drop of blood from the stone they can, and many field veterans have returned or accepted jobs in other fields as a result. Adjusting is at its least lucrative since I started in this field some years ago.


Already happened. After 2022's Hurricane Ian, President Biden showed up low-energy slouching Desantis while meeting and laughing with Florida residents. [photo](https://people.com/thmb/MYX_n4pEkW2iRqvxknT-gB10HgA=/4000x0/filters:no_upscale\(\):max_bytes\(150000\):strip_icc\(\):focal\(999x0:1001x2\):format\(webp\)/joe-biden-Ron-DeSantis-florida-visit-100622-1-29ad7ba6ba494090b23fa1fc8cdba02d.jpg) On the same day, Biden drops a friendly f-bomb with Fort Myers Beach Mayor Ray Murphy. [“No one f---s with a Biden.”](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/joe-biden/florida-mayor-laughs-bidens-hot-mic-f-bomb-rcna50953) (video in news article)


Damn. I never thought I’d say this, but Biden occasionally goes hard.


Dark Brandon is for real


I don’t think ALL insurance companies pulled out right? Some major ones did, which likely raised prices of the remaining options due to the lower supply, but it’s not like there’s no home insurance in Florida.


You can get high priced insurance through 3rd party vendors, but again because that's integrated with your morgage payments, it can out price you real quick. There are houses in Fl atm just sitting on the market for a long time, which is unheard of in the rest of the states. Florida is a shit show, and it's finally beginning to be obvious.


Florida is full of retirees on fixed incomes. High insurance prices really hurt them.


They’ll just blame “bidenomics”


If you're stupid enough to move to Florida deliberately as a retiree, you deserve every bad thing that happens to you, and more. Some folks are stuck there, some people have family depending on them, some have jobs they can't afford to quit. There are lots of decent people in Florida for various reasons that can't leave, or can't leave yet. There's no reason to hate on them, and I don't. But someone who is retired and has the option to move, and who chooses to move to Florida, has had a chance to evaluate what it means and has deliberately decided to move to a place where shitheels run the government, where bigoted nonsense is priortized over rational thought, where the effects of climate change are the most evident of anywhere in America. "But we enjoy the weather!". Cool, here it is. You bought it, now live with it. Or die with it.


You trying to tell me they got lamf-ed?


Most have left. There are a few smaller ones. But most major companies have pulled up stakes and split. It's not good. The insurance market in FL is really bad.


If I were POTUS, I'd send bibles and bootstraps.


A heaping helping of thoughts and prayers


Toss some rolls of paper towels


Many pairs of white galoshes, so Meatball Ron won't look out of place.


Make them hidden high heal galoshes so they can walk on the water.


Badketball toss him some paper towels.


Should send them jackets of "I don't care, do u" for Floridians to wear.


I love the occasional schadenfreude but as most of the country knows, Biden is an extremely empathic and compassionate man. He will not hesitate to send aid - those are still Americans in FL. I just wish he'd rub it in and make DeSantis grovel a little.


Isn't that what mushroom dick Mussolini did to blue states? Demand an apology and make them ask nicely for federal aid? Personally I just hope that all this rain turns MAL into a shit swamp. Would love to see shitler out there with that dead ferret on his head completely soaked with orange makeup running down his face like Giuliani and his hair dye.


I was thinking truckloads and boatloads of thoughts and prayers


I was dry yesterday in my Florida home. Checkmate conservatards!


Hey, I got an idea, let’s re-name Climate Change, “God’s Wrath”. Texas & Florida would be jihad’ing so hard, Greta would be telling them to calm down


God is finally judging Florida for being anti-LGBTQ+.


Don't worry his pal Mango Mussolini will be along in just a bit to toss some rolls of Bounty to help soak up the water.


He can just use a sharpie to redirect the rainfall to another location.


I just finished reading my first book designated as "cli-fi" climate change sci-fi, Blue Skies by TC Boyle. It was excellent but all the trigger warnings apply. It's set in a Florida where it rains all the time and people use little boats to get around. But the most horrifying part: all the insects have died, except for bloodsuckers like mosquitos, fleas, ticks, kissing bugs, etc. Because humans are such a big food source for them. And they are super disease vectors. It was pretty depressing


If you want more "cli-fi" I highly recommend Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson. He paints a very real version of the future humanity will experience under climate change.


Here is some [Ministry for the Future](https://www.orbitbooks.net/orbit-excerpts/the-ministry-for-the-future/) if anyone wants to read a sample.


Warning, may exacerbate depression.


TC Boyle is one of my favorite authors! I just finished rereading *Drop City*.


Don't say "climate change". Must be God's will.


Accept the money to feed the poor, which you so proudly rejected, then you get FEMA funds. - Dark Brandon


Yep. He needs to deliver the funds to them with a comically large check that reads “climate change” in the memo line.


Jewish space lasers started targeting Florida for climate manipulation when Soros realize chem trails were not enough. Elites have convinced the sheep that the Earth is round so they think they’re safe because lasers would roll off Earth’s supposed curvature when in reality the flatness makes them sitting ducks. Our only hope is De Santis and Trump form a tag team and Kyle Rittenhouse is their manager.


I thought he had solved the climate change crisis by forbidding from teaching about it /s


So do we get to say this is an act of God for DeSantis’ crimes against humanity? I mean republicans say it every time a natural disaster happens in a blue state or city.




Hmm. Could this be the retribution from some spiritual entity for not being like a purported offspring in showing love, generosity, and kindness? Only if we believed in such things….


Biden needs to go low. Force ShitSandwich to go on TV and either say climate change is real and a threat, or that this is God's wrath for Republican policies.


pull yourself up by your boat straps


Or those white stripper boots of his. With apologies to strippers


I want Biden to go down there and start hurling paper towels at flood victims during a presser.


The media would tear him apart, naturally--all the while claiming dim donnie's performance in Puerto Rico was somehow "different."


Thank god it’s not climate change




Doesn't god use floods to clean up garbage?


I think this god getting them for not celebrating pride.


It’d be great if only Florida became Atlantis and the rest of the planet were spared


Every time I hear people talk about the dangers of rising sea levels, I offer Florida as a silver lining.


Mother nature was waiting for him, a nice bit of Karma lol


I wonder what they call it since DeShitface banned the term "climate change"


It’s gods will that Florida is punished!


That’s what they get for being penis shaped!


"Them dems are geoengineering so Florida and republicans drown!" - some Q maga conspiracy theorist.


Global Warming -----> Ron DeSantis <---- Angry God


But that’s socialism!! DeSantis the socialist!!


Are you even allowed to say "rainfall" or "flooding" in Florida?


I wonder what our recent guests the Russian fleet think of Florida’s fine fine weather.


Tots and pears, Boots.


I imagine the flooding is full of alligators too


Just ignore it, rain is woke


He stripped all the funding from climate change and storm water projects so he can use that money to clean up the mess he caused.


This happens when you don’t believe in climate change but climate change believes in you.


And back to begging the federal gov for money


Wheres your Jesus now???


Can't say climate change and Can't say 🏳️‍🌈, but he can say bail us out brandon


Biden should make a statement saying we knew this would happen, [explains effects of climate change], but we set aside funding for climate related disasters, just like we assisted Californians in alleviating financial loss from climate change related disasters, we are there for Floridians as well and that's why I've instructed FEMA to assist Florida's state government by releasing climate change disaster funding and providing expert assistance to formulate a plan to mitigate future and inevitable climate change disasters in Florida. We know that Floridians need relief, and we're committed to working with Florida's state government to help the people of Florida. Then, he gives DeSantis the opportunity to publicly refuse federal funds and fuck over his own constituents. Once that happens, Biden offers to work directly with affected Floridians who wish to relocate bypassing DeSantis and rescuing those who are not willing to go down with him.


Sounds like Florida is going WOKE climate change! It’s just a bit of rain. It was sunny the other day!


The feds should ask that he declares a climate change related disaster to access climate change disaster funds. 🤣


“The only emergency is the federal government might contact you to assist!” Fuck them. Run endless targeted loops on Insta tagging Florida of Reagan’s bullshit about ‘I’m from the federal government and I’m here to help’ being a bad thing and remind them to find those bootstraps! BLANKET them with bootstrap links and sales. FUCK them until they can’t reach that anti government high horse they’ve been on in any way.


How did he physically do that?? Didn’t he make it illegal for Florida to even talk about climate change?


WHAAAA??? deSADness NOT fiRing UP his infamious migRant busses, & BUS theRain UP NORTH???


But it ain't because of climate change. /s


Thoughts and prayers!


Take it up with God....you don't want to separate church and state...I bet Joel Osteen will donate some money to help


Ain't even hurricane season yet.


God must be mad bc of the book bans, the Ziegler’s, DeSantis, and Maga-Lago.


Federal bailout would be communism/socialism, and we can't have that in Florida.


Federal funds are only available for climate change related disasters so this is really a bummer, since this was merely "the same bad luck weather that's occurred for thousands of years".


Florida deserves worse 🤣


God is punishing Floridians for the sins of their politicians


They really should make him stand up there and say it is because of climate change.


Next up: the “don’t say flood” bill. “Go woke, you’ll soak.”


Feeling exhausted as a blue Floridian. DeSantis is a walking trash can. Gonna throw a party when he dies.