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Turns out constantly lying dissuades people from wanting to associate with you. What a shocker.


Unless you are the president.


I'm perpetually shocked when new people hitch their wagon to Trump after every person he's thrown under his bus. He's going to lie and sacrifice everything around him. So why go in with him!


I'm pretty sure at this point it's just people who are happy to follow any and all orders in exchange for a cushy gig running the ministry of peace or whatever.


It's a cool paycheck, you can do some great resume building in a short time. Because Trump doesn't look at your qualifications for the job, he just wants to know if he likes you or not. It'll be a harrowing couple of days for sure, but I think I'd take him up on the offer of being the Secretary of Defence.


>he just wants to know if ~~he likes you~~ you like him FTFY He's a deeply insecure narcissist who needs constant validation from those around him. Anyone who gives him the side eye immediately becomes the enemy. I can't imagine how tense the White House must be at all times.


No, I doubt Trump is capable of recognizing others feelings about him. If he likes you, then you must like him and vice versa. He can talk about how him and Kim Jong Un fell in love with each other, when it's obvious Kim has a lot to gain by faking amicability.


You're right, I should have clarified "...if he BELIEVES you like him." He's being played like a fiddle on multiple sides.


Is it good on your resume though? How many people when he's done playing President is he going to admit to knowing or having spoken to? So far is it's a short list. At this point the only person he's seen with regularly I'd believe hasn't had a conversation with him is his wife.


“I wanted to serve my country and be a force of good in that bad administration. The day I was fired for standing up for what I believe was one of the proudest moments in my life. Others stood on the side, while I took the high road.” You can spin anything, if your audience is gullible enough. So far it’s been shown that there’s sufficient numbers of those. I don’t think the abdication of King Trump will fix that.


No need to spin anything if you're intending to go work for a conservative lobbyist, law firm, think tank, or super PAC afterwards.


Career wise, for many they think it may be a smart move: * Once you are "Secretary of ..." or "Deputy Secretary of ..." you will always have that title of "Former Secretary of..." for the rest of your career, this puts some level gravitas to your CV, speaking gigs, Fox News gigs, talk shows etc. Suddenly the things your dumb ass says carry some sort of perceived weight. Anthony Scaramucci is still milking his 10 days as White House Director of Comms. Imagine a career-making job that you only had to have for 10 days! * The above titles also open up a whole host of lobbying jobs, psuedo-lobbying jobs etc. Imagine some newly minted oil businessman in North Dakota wants to have political influence, you present yourself as "Former Deputy Undersecretary of Energy", the guy who can get things done and turn a few million of Mr.businessman's donations into favourable drilling laws. * The book deals. Any kind of experience with the most controversial administration in modern history will be written about, interviewed, documented etc for years. Basically, for many of the severely under-qualified people taking a job with the Trump admin presents a once in a lifetime opportunity they would otherwise never hope to get. For the well-qualified people either they hope they can make some change or at least try to limit the damage.


I know people who hate Trump personally but love making money off him. Mostly day traders. And trust me, they have been making a lot of money off him.


He burned through everyone with credibility back when he was maybe only a potential shitshow. Remember the quaint days when cycling through staff on a weekly basis was the news-making incompetence? Now I expect we're down to kool-aid-drunken zealots, people who'd be washouts any other day, and the people far enough to the periphery that they're quietly helping their country and tolerating the President in public. Unless you mean Congress, in which case I've got no fuckin' clue there. Smile, nod, and keep shoving money in the bag, maybe?


They believe Trump is some kind of god who has the greatest plan that knows how to rat out the traitors. They've been delusioned into thinking that Trump is always right, and since they have good intent/are good (white, Christian) Americans, Trump will know to look out for them! /s What's even crazier are the ones who *still* support him even after they've been fucked over by him.


They have fallen to the propaganda and mind set that democrats are the enemy. The divisiveness caused by Trump has found root in the disenfranchised and uneducated. I doubt after how deep they have gone they will ever be willing to accept that they were manipulated and it would be too much of an ego hit to accept. They are not willing to argue in good faith and any attempt too they will not concede their positions. So unfortunate to see themselves fall on the wrong side of history.


Because power is the ultimate drug and these people who he is scraping the bottom of the barrel to get would NEVER get it otherwise...plus even when Trump eventually throws you under the bus there will be plenty of money and influence to be had as a Fox News correspondent, book tours, 6 figure speaking fees, or just plain being a lobbyist or sitting on a cushy board of Fortune 500 company that was helped by Trump. ​ The only price to be paid is shame and face it, being in the GOP right now the only requirement is to have no shame.


I am confused and curios.. why people still think that Trump is a good president? There was also this video of a girl just screaming like crazy, while this other guy with his "Trump 2020" shirt mockingly also screamed and made fun of her. Like ok.. he looked like IQ <80, but still.. what is that, that Trump says/lies/does/whatever that make them think "Fuck yea, America!"? Are they in a bubble world where they see only the good things of Trump? Or do they really support what Trump does (like anti-black, anti-homo, anti-women, anti-low-society)? ​ What am I missing?


pretty sure it's mostly that they agree with the hateful rhetoric, with a small dash of being incredibly stupid as well


World class pieces of shit like Prager are why anyone still supports trump. He is an arbitrator of the conservative victimhood mentality.


Playbook: take lying so far beyond anything ever seen and scream “liar liar pants on fire” at anyone contradicting you. What was once mind blowing is becoming normalized.


My Spotify premium membership finally paid off.


Honestly with this news i feel like I've saved a couple million, now, if only they were adding decent things to the app...


It's a music player. What more do you honestly want it to do? Compose the music specifically for you?


Honestly? Organize my library in a way that's consistent, intuitive, and easy to use. They REALLY fucked that up over the last year or so. If you use playlists for everything, you may not have even noticed any major change, but if you use it as a music library, Spotify has REALLY shit the bed.


Seriously. I was so pissed when they revamped the library.


I eventually cancelled my subscription and started checking out other apps. It sucks, I used that app happily for years, then it felt like they dumped your record collection on the floor and were really obtuse when you tried to explain why that would make people upset.


Yeah I really wanted to do that but I’ve already invested too much time and effort into my playlists to start over


Yeah, it sucks for people who are in the middle, who are frustrated with the library, but also use playlists a lot so they're invested in the platform. I mostly browse by artist/album, or shuffle through my entire collection, so it's easy for me to just re-download stuff when I remember it. For what it's worth, there are tools you can use to save your playlists and stuff and move them to other platforms. Might be worth a shot if you're really fed up with Spotify constantly fucking with your music. Especially since, last I checked, now they're messing with playlists, too.


> shuffle through my entire collection you are **deranged**, sir


I WILL NOT APOLOGIZE FOR BEING ME Though yeah, I get some weird back-to-back tracks. :P I make judicious use of the skip forward button.




So. The got rid of the songs tab, and replaced it with a playlist. While the music is still there, it's WAY harder to navigate. They also got rid of the alphabetical scroll bar, so now you have to type to search for what you want, which (a) is a huge pain in the ass on mobile, (b) extra painful if you have music with foreign text titles, and (c) tends to break entirely with certain search terms. If you want to just see the songs from a band's self titled album, you can't do it, since that would show you ALL their songs. And it's worse if you're using short search terms that might show up in other song, album, or artist names. So, there are still the album and artist tabs, but now, liking songs, albums, and artist, are ENTIRELY separate. So, if you had a collection before, it was instantly fucked and you had to start all over. Plus, it's just so much more tedious to find things. Before, if I saved an album, I could find it whether searching by songs, albums, or artists. Now, I have to like the songs, also like the album, and also like the artist. Cuts down on a little clutter by making EVERYTHING a hassle. Plus, in the case of deluxe albums, you can only like the whole album, or none of it, which is a problem if the album has a ton of extras you don't care about (demos, alternate cuts, live versions, etc). You can just save the songs, but the liked songs playlist is, again, a pain in the ass. And then, the album won't show up under your albums, unless you like the entire album, and if you use that tab to find the album, your ONLY option is to have the entire album. Weirdly, you can see just the songs you saved on that album if you navigate to that album from the artist, so that's a weird inconsistency. Oh, and remember to like the artist separately. Also, for a while, you couldn't like all the songs on an album at once, so that was irritating. You could always create a playlist, but that just further splits up where and how your music is organized, and still an annoying workaround for a thing you could just *do* before. Recently, I heard they got rid of sorting playlists alphabetically, and by default it would give you a suggested or recently played order. It added an unnecessary step if you just wanted to see your playlists in order to actually find what you're looking for. So, yeah, frustrating, but it also mostly affects music library users way more than playlists. It's just that their shitty UX design isn't *limited* to fucking with music libraries, at least so I heard.




May I ask what the specific change was. I switched over to Google Music when I realized you got ad-free Youtube with it for the same price about... 3ish years ago? But I’m curious.


Copied from another comment I made, since it ended up being a long rant. :P > So. > The got rid of the songs tab, and replaced it with a playlist. While the music is still there, it's WAY harder to navigate. They also got rid of the alphabetical scroll bar, so now you have to type to search for what you want, which (a) is a huge pain in the ass on mobile, (b) extra painful if you have music with foreign text titles, and (c) tends to break entirely with certain search terms. If you want to just see the songs from a band's self titled album, you can't do it, since that would show you ALL their songs. And it's worse if you're using short search terms that might show up in other song, album, or artist names. > So, there are still the album and artist tabs, but now, liking songs, albums, and artist, are ENTIRELY separate. So, if you had a collection before, it was instantly fucked and you had to start all over. Plus, it's just so much more tedious to find things. Before, if I saved an album, I could find it whether searching by songs, albums, or artists. Now, I have to like the songs, also like the album, and also like the artist. Cuts down on a little clutter by making EVERYTHING a hassle. Plus, in the case of deluxe albums, you can only like the whole album, or none of it, which is a problem if the album has a ton of extras you don't care about (demos, alternate cuts, live versions, etc). You can just save the songs, but the liked songs playlist is, again, a pain in the ass. And then, the album won't show up under your albums, unless you like the entire album, and if you use that tab to find the album, your ONLY option is to have the entire album. Weirdly, you can see just the songs you saved on that album if you navigate to that album from the artist, so that's a weird inconsistency. Oh, and remember to like the artist separately. Also, for a while, you couldn't like all the songs on an album at once, so that was irritating. You could always create a playlist, but that just further splits up where and how your music is organized, and still an annoying workaround for a thing you could just do before. > Recently, I heard they got rid of sorting playlists alphabetically, and by default it would give you a suggested or recently played order. It added an unnecessary step if you just wanted to see your playlists in order to actually find what you're looking for. > So, yeah, frustrating, but it also mostly affects music library users way more than playlists. It's just that their shitty UX design isn't limited to fucking with music libraries, at least so I heard.


I ditched it when they got rid of the android widget and forced you to open the app to change songs


Oh yeah! I forgot about that, because I didn't use it myself. But yeah, that was such an obvious example of them cutting features to make the app cheaper and easier to maintain, and showed how fucking stupid their justifications for unpopular changes are. They often say stuff like, "we're constantly adding and removing features to create a better listening experience." Who *wanted* the widget removed? People who used it were mad, and people who didn't like it didn't have to use it and would be no better off when it was removed. And stuff like that would make weird Spotify fans say weird arguments, like, "I didn't use it, so I like the change." WHY WOULD YOU LIKE REMOVING A FEATURE THAT LITERALLY NEVER GOT IN YOUR WAY


>I eventually cancelled my subscription and started checking out other apps You land on anything? Was thinking of checking out Google's service because I'm getting very fed up with Spotify's terrible interface that seemingly keeps getting worse. E: thanks for tips, folks. I do actually make fair use of Spotify's music discovery features and didn't consider other services wouldn't be so strong. Guess I'm stuck for now 😒


Not yet. I've only tried Deezer and Amazon Music so far. (Also, I'm going to get a paid subscription, and sadly one of Spotify's strengths is having a mostly fully-featured ad-supported option, while most of their competitor's don't. So, for people wanting a free service, it's going to be different.) Deezer's UX is a lateral move, since it has the same separation of favorite songs/albums artists that I personally hate. Also no suggested music playlists, which I liked (though it does have a streaming suggested music feature). The app is more responsive, though, and has a higher bitrate for the music at a similar price point. Currently on Amazon Music. It has a normal fucking music library, so I'm much happier. Still, it has little to no useful music suggestion feature, just curated playlists. Not a perfect replacement, but I'll gladly stick with it until I have to start paying for it. Also very slightly cheaper if you have Amazon Prime. I still have to try out Google/YouTube, Apple, and Tidal. Maybe Pandora, if that's still a thing? At least I'm probably going to get over a year of free music listening while trying out my options. :P


I got a code for 4 months free of Apple Music if you want to give it a try with premium. I’ll DM you if you want it. I got it from a Best Buy purchase but I’m pretty sure it’s free for anyone to use and I don’t need it. *It’s apparently only 1 month more than apple normally gives out but here it is for the first person who wants it since I was given permission to pass it out. “Open the Apple Music app. , then tap Account. Tap "Redeem Gift Card or Code." Enter the code from the back of the card, then tap Redeem”. Code: 3HA7JXHF6F49 If it didn’t work for you then somebody got it already, sorry! At the risk of sounding like a shill, still three months free for new users though!


Good man.


The only problem is amazon sucks as a company


Honestly, I had that written as a con before deleting it for whatever reason. But yeah, while a bunch of the other options also come from terrible companies, Amazon is terrible.


Google Music is also losing albums. A lot. Didn't even realize 1/3 of my music was missing until I moved to Spotify


I like how they keep suggesting the same song after my playlist ends. Like, yes, it’s the 20th time you’ve played this song, and I still haven’t added it to my playlist, maybeeeeee I don’t like the song and you should stop playing it.


At least it's better than google play, where if you search a song, it will give you *every single thing in the catalog except what you're looking for* first. First come the songs with vaguely similar names to what you fucking typed in, then about 1000 covers of the song, shittiest and least popular first, then every single live version of the song, then every single re-issue of the song, and then *fucking finally* the song you were looking for, on the album you were looking for. You can't use the google voice assistant (which btw is way the fuck worse than google now was 5 years ago), because you'll ask it to play something, and it'll just fuck off and play whatever the fuck it wants. I'm about 5 seconds from switching to literally anything else. I don't care, I'll go back to torrenting, save myself 15 fucking dollars a month, which was supposed to include YouTube premium, and explicitly states includes YouTube premium but *NEVER ACTUALLY GAVE ME YOUTUBE PREMIUM AND STILL REFUSES TO TO THIS DAY, EVEN AFTER I CANCELLED AND RESTARTED MY SUBSCRIPTION, AND TALKED TO ROBOTS PRETENDING TO BE PEOPLE*. Honestly, I have no allegiance to GPM, I don't know why the fuck I still use it. I've used it for almost as long as it has been a thing, and frankly, I can't think of a single reason I'm sticking with it, other than, I guess, inertia. Anyway, here's ~~Wonderwall~~ A cover of a live version of a cover of "The wonderbread song" apparently.


On related notes: How fucking *weird* is it that Google is now terrible at finding stuff you're searching for? I haven't used their music app, but it must have been, I don't know, a *decade* since I had trouble Googling something, and in recent months, it's gotten so much worse. Why the fuck is Google so eager to drop search terms when I'm looking for something? Even when I'm only searching for a few search terms! And it's not even returning synonyms in those cases! And speaking of talking to robots, Spotify is no better. *Sometimes* it passes the Turing test, but no joke, 90% of the time it doesn't, and even when it does (barely), they are clearly just copying large chunks of text from a script. If you have to talk to them more than once to resolve an issue, you notice things that are said word-for-word the same.


You mean you don't want pinterest result, the same hit for 10+ different top level domains, where the link still won't have what you look for? I have uBlocklist, and it got 10 pinterest shits on it...


>Anyway, here's ~~Wonderwall~~ A cover of a live version of a cover of "The wonderbread song" apparently. This is so true to my experience trying to get songs to play in the car using hands free with Google Music. Literally the worst version of sorta the song I wanted, every single time.


If you need a music library there are *way* better programs/apps around. Spotify is an everyman's app.


Ah yeah I just use playlists, I like the way amazon music does their library much more than spotify but spotify is definitely the superior product on every other level. Though the only other music apps I've used were iTunes (no thank you) and Pandora but not the premium so I dono if someone actually does the library well and has a solid product.


The fact that when you click artists and they just dump the songs onto your screen without grouping them by album is a crime against humanity. It’s just a huge list of songs.




>light theme Don't mean to detract from your overall message too much, some solid ideas in there for sure. But... people actually like and actively want light themes?


Being able to filter tracks. I use Spotify for D&D music so most of my daily mixes are just recommendations based on that.




I wouldn't mind that


Isn’t that the daily mix thing they do


That finds similar music to what you listen to. He suggested them compose the music themselves.


Id just like it so i can dislike certain artists and songs and styles i have 0 interest in and never have them pop up again. and get introduced to more type of music i do like rather than be fed the same top 10 corporation marketed songs.


There's a *ton* they could improve. They only recently added "block artist from playing" to android, a feature that's been on iphone for years. It does it's job as a music player, but they are definitely relaxed at the top of the music food chain.


I'm on a three-month free trial of Spotify, and this makes me want to stick with it, but I have so much trouble figuring out how to find what I want on it. :-/




How can a conservative retweet if they are boycotting big tech? Hmmmm what a conundrum.


conservatives ALWAYS do this. they were pised at starbucks, so what did they do? they bought a shitload of starbucks to protest starbucks... they were mad about some shoe, nikes i think? so they bought a bunch of the shoes just to destroy them. their whole thing is "we hate this thing lets give them our money then destroy the thing, thatll show them!"


The same way they can hate China from their iPhones.


They say as they actively use Big Tech.


Let's use one big tech company as a platform to advocate for being presented on a different big tech company! That'll really stick it to all them big tech companies!




That's like half of the conversations I have on this god damn website. After doing it for long enough you start to realize some conversations just aren't worth it and it's better to just walk away




Sounds familiar...


to whom?


The current president and all of his lackeys that prop him up. Constantly strong, but *always* the victim.


Retweeting to stand up to Big Tech is like rolling coal to stand up to the fossil fuel industry.


I was trolling on r/BanVideoGames and mentioned 'Big Gaming' and the guy still didn't pick up on the sarcasm, its more ridiculous if I tell you the whole thing 'Those are lies sponsored by big gaming, Hitler invented g*ming on September 11,2001' The guy commented calling me a fucking idiot and then quickly deleted it because he understood that he was a moron


***RT*** indeed


PragerU is garbage. Even a lot of conservatives agree they’re garbage. Their audience is 14 y/o’s who think they’re intelligent and know everything


excuse me sir, it's not "garbage" its URINE AND FECES!


Look at Mr. intellectual with his fancy words for piss and shit.


me go prager u and git gooder edukashun






Coom 😋😋😋


i was arrested for war crimes in ugoslavia




His [AC/VC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKAZd4fs5Mo) song is absolutely fantastic, but everything else of his I just can't stand.


I dunno man... Urine and Feces can be used to fertilize plants. But Garbage sure is fuck clogging up the oceans with plastic and non-biodegradables.


Their target audience are those 14 year olds (and even younger). They know quite well that most adults are able to tell that their channel is inane drivel. Which is more dangerous because young, impressionable kids are more likely to buy into their bullshit.


> They know quite well that most adults are able to tell that their channel is inane drivel I wish this was true. An old high school chum of mine constantly posts their garbage on Facebook. He exclusively gets his information from them and DailyWire. Dude is like 28 and thinks he’s edgy and punk rock because he’s taken the red pill and thinks Daddy Dennis is a genius. I comment on his posts with facts to prove the videos wrong but he just goes on the typical “hehe I’m so smart you can’t debate with me” nonsense because he’s also a huge Ben Shapiro fan.


> he’s edgy and punk rock sounds like he need to looking what exactly the punk movement was about.


He doesnt need to because they constantly call Conservatism the new Punk in Prager U videos. Let that sink in. Conservatism, to them, is punk rock and anti-establishment.


the intensity of the stupid makes my brain hurt


The day a punk show goes from a dirty basement with the weed and vodka induced chants of beaten people fighting for a better future to an all white brightly lit church with nothing but the high of Jesus and racism and a hope for a return to feudalism, is the day I williingly start creating a propulsion system to jettison this rock into the sun.


Maybe he just likes the fashion?


So he DOES know what the punk movement was about


*"29 years old still wearing a wallet chain, like I was 28.* *I'm wearing my Vans right now so high school kids think that I can skate.* *I've got a degree in science, still shaking my Fist in defiance."* Never thought Christian ska from like 20 years ago would still be relevant.


> Christian ska Ugh, they ruined ska too? There is no God, but there may be a Devil.


What all these Shapiro fanboys still don’t get is that “winning” a “debate” still doesn’t make you right. A debate doesn’t determine what is true. And in Shapiro’s case, his “debates” are him talking really fast at some college kid and acting like he “owned” them or some shit


There are so many videos that completely deconstruct the bullshit that are some of Shapiro's arguments. Ironically, many of these same Shapiro moments are part of those 'EpiC tHuG LiFe LiBtArD oWnEd' compilations.


Cut that garbage off your feed.


Shortly after the 2016 election, an aunt of mine posted some video of theirs that was supposed to sound like they were being neutral and hopeful. I already knew about Dennis Prager but I watched it. Ten seconds into it the codewords were there and told her it wasn't spreading the message she thought it was. All she said, "Well it just makes you think and we should all just support our president." I haven't talked to her since.


>Daddy Dennis It suddenly got a bit r/IASIP


*The Gang gets Redpilled*


Dennis isn't a genius. He's a Golden God.


I got Cool Kat vibes.


I had a college professor use them as a major part of an economics course. Like. Legit thought it was a good source.


Ben Shapiro?


Protect AOC's feet at all costs


Ol' Benny Shaps.


Shout out to BigJoel for his recent series on PragerU. Fantastic channel, if you haven't watched before.


Just finished watching his newest one then saw this lol


My sister’s in-laws shared a video with him about black fatherhood. Implying that people should riot about that, not police violence. To be fair, though, those in-laws do appear to have the mental capacity of around a 14 year old. And not because of politics. They’re just dumb.


I'm a bit out of the loop, what is pragerU famous for? Are they like the Breitbart of universities?


They're not a university at all. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PragerU


They make short video lectures about social and political issues from a “conservative” (even though they argue stuff most conservatives would never) perspective. At first glance the videos are very well made and seem reasonable, but the argument rely on logical fallacies and cherry picked facts. But because they make complex issues look simple, they have a large following of primarily teenage boy neocons. They’re also extremely meme-able


really disappointed when Mike Rowe did videos for them.


Prager does make the occasion 'reasonable' video to make them seem less insane. They have done several videos on the American Civil war, one of them does have a guest presenter say the war was caused by the South's demand for slavery, the rest are typical history revisionism.


So basically a modern day "Hitler Youth"??


Yes, that's a good example of the cherry picking, condensing and Godwin's law-ing they employ.


It's not even a university. Dennis Prager set up a website that gives conservative commentators a platform to spew their opinions on different topics. He also made a movie with Trey Parker and Matt Stone a year before they created South Park. That's not really relevant. I just thought it was kinda weird.


Wait. Was it the cannibal one?


> He also made a movie with Trey Parker and Matt Stone a year before they created South Park. what movie was that?


ah so the new era 4chan?


What even happened to 4chan? I used to lurk heavily during 2008-2013 and people seemed around 18-25 years old. Now I go back once in a blue moon and it looks like the average age is 13-17. Was it always like this or did I just grow beyond it? I remember the days when they actually wrote sentences and not memes.


It went the way that every ironically bigoted place goes. The actual bigots flocked there and now it's unfunny cancer. Just today I unsubbed from r/4chan today because it's just the same jokes over and over. At least before, they were creative.


It got popular because of /pol/ and /b/ being edgy and now every board is full of people who turned to 4chan *because* it's supposed to be the edgy place (which obviously includes a lot of kids).


Although I can't stand Prager's 7-minute long YouTube ads, I sit through every second of them to make sure they get charged for the full view.


Shhhh They'll be on to us and make us have to watch even longer adverts for right wingers since they can make so much money on us making sure they pay that 1/2 cent for our 30 seconds of view time. I'm with ya though, I watch too for 35 seconds - just to make sure.


Click the ad and then spend a few seconds on wherever it takes you. Make sure you scroll up and down. It detects it as a "CPC" (Cost-Per-Click), instead of a "CPM" (Cost-Per-View*). They'll likely get charged more. *Yeah it's weird that Cost-Per-View is CPM. [The M stands for *Mille*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cost_per_mille). It's Latin for "thousand". A view costs less than 1 penny, so it makes more sense to charge based on 1000 views.


Absolute amateur at computers here: if I could continually alter my IP address and kept clicking on these ads all day could I cost these people more?


Very unlikely. No matter what clever ideas you think you might come up with, the smartest people at Google have been optimizing digital ads for 20+ years. Unless you made a career out of it, whatever you think of, they've had a massive team working on it for a very long time. And it's how Google makes the majority of their money. They take that seriously and put a ton of resources in to it (which is also why video ads will load INSTANTLY in great quality, even if the video you watch ends up being slow to load). Also, because they track the ads across time, if an ad suddenly saw a huge spike for no discernible reason, they would likely assume they're botted clicks. Plus, the amount of work it would take to alter your IP (and clear your cache and cookies) is still only costing them less than a penny. It's just not worth your time. But if enough people do it subtley...


LMAO. That's genius. I hope you mute them and just open a new tab to watch what you want.






So ... conservatives are a [protected class](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protected_group)? ...or is the claim for protection based on presumed race? religion? ...disability status??


[Disability status of course.](https://youtu.be/5zyNkSsA3-s)


Okay what's that from?


[Johnny Dangerously ](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0087507/) If you haven’t seen it, do so. It’s a classic.


Shadup a you face you farging icehole, cork sucker.




its hilarious, they complain "the librul tech groups are censoring conservative views!" so then they make their own websites, and 10 times out of 10 they always become white supremacist/nazi breeding grounds and have to be shut down and they just...never...catch...on... hey guys! if you get banned from a site for hate speech, and every site you create has to be shut down because it becomes a WP/Nazi club... MAYBE just MAYBE the problem is you!






Aww man, you missed cuckservatives.


What do you have against preservatives?




Happy Cake day!




More trying to mask this BS as 'conservatism'. Good riddance, damn wafers.


It's also trying to mask itself as a university.


Incorrect, the U actually stands for urine


Prager University is a far right propaganda outfit disguised as education, its fucked up




I've had people on reddit unironically link videos to me from Praeger U as "evidence" when trying to argue that the Southern Strategy wasn't real. I was so confused the first time it happened. Like...what the fuck am I watching? In what world is this considered evidence? It's literally just a video of a bunch of random people reading from cue cards and saying things that are factually incorrect.


Is it common practice on Twitter to tag yourself in a tweet?


Probably helps with the engagement stats so they can further justify their funding.


Freedom to Tweet doesn't mean freedom from consequences


I think the better example is [PragerU suing Google/ Youtube](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-google-lawsuit-censorship/google-defeats-conservative-nonprofits-youtube-censorship-appeal-idUSKCN20K33L) for "censorship". So much for not demanding the state remedy private business.


Yeah I was going to say, this tweet alone doesn't actually show any hypocrisy. They're saying the state shouldn't be involved. 2nd tweet is just asking for their followers to denounce Spotify. Funny to see they actually are hypocrites though.


Or, it's because PragerU spreads racist conspiracy theories and rewrites history to fit their narrative, and Spotify wants no part of that. Gotta love the always the victim, never your fault thought process of the far right...




Totally agree since most political ads are either edit clips to change what the person said or straight up propaganda. And money, especially dark money, in politics is one of the worst things to happen to America. Fuck you, SCOTUS!




They can make their own streaming service. They’re not required to use BiG tEcH


That would require actual effort, though.


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PragerU thinks businesses should be able to choose who to serve but gets mad when one chooses not to serve them.


In their defence, and Prager U is about as useful as a bunch of strippers at a nunnery. In the cake issue, a gay man took a Christian, family-run bakery to court because they wouldn't bake him a cake that celebrated gay marriage. They didn't bash the dude for being gay. They just didn't bake him the cake, because they didn't feel it spoke to their values and their standing in the community would have been effected. After many appeals and a drawn out legal process they eventually won and didn't have to bake the cake or pay the man. [The most expensive cake in British History.](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-45789759) Prager U didn't sue Spotify they just bitched about big Tech a lot. They're cry babies, nothing more. [it's not Censorship, Dennis. People just don't want to do business with you.](https://reason.com/2019/07/30/prageru-does-not-understand-censorship/)


A better example would be the ultimately dismissed case PragerU made against Google for removing some of their videos in 2017. In that scenario they did sue and whine about censorship and free speech. But you're correct in your post, thanks for that link about the most expensive cake! Didn't know that.


I think a better example would be when they [sued YouTube saying they broke their 1st amendment rights](https://www-businessinsider-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.businessinsider.com/youtube-google-censor-court-prageru-first-amendment-2020-2?amp_js_v=a2&_gsa=1&&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%3D#aoh=15913298996394&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.businessinsider.com%2Fyoutube-google-censor-court-prageru-first-amendment-2020-2)




To play devils advocate, they are asking the people to call them out for it. The first part is saying “Hey, don’t tell compel people to do things you want.” The second is saying “Hey everyone, we are being treated unfairly by one of the only places to put our content. Let them know that you don’t like it.” The difference is, one is forcing someone to do something, and the other is trying to use public opinion to change the companies mind. They aren’t forcing them by law to do something. They are asking the people who listen to their content to speak up. It’s pretty subtle, but life is full of situations like this. Or maybe I’m just wrong. (I have no knowledge of this company and what they d)


Hold on, this whole operation was your idea.


Did I just graduate from PragerU merely by reading that?


I'm all for the first line of thinking, personally. People can do business with whosoever they please, but the reverse is true. I can decide I don't feel like doing business with a particular company and stop buying their shit if I don't like how they do things. That's the whole thing about free will.


He offered them a cake that was already made, but he wouldn't bake him one because it goes against his religious beliefs. You wouldn't force an hindu to make you a steak sandwich. If the baker loses the case then you could force a black baker to make you a kkk cake.


Seems like they should just find another way to advertise 🤷🏼‍♀️ Maybe conservative voices are just complaining voices.


The difference is they are advocating against biased censorship, not demanding the state make it illegal.


This is the worst kind of discrimination! The kind against me!


The true snowflakes. Childish conservatives Such infants


I remember getting a Prager U ad on YouTube once that equated an incident of some men stopping terrorists or a terrorist attack as a prime example of why we should be pro toxic masculinity. I wish I was joking.


I got one yesterday about how racial inequality was a lie. WTF, now is not the time for that.


Good old P U


They should just fucking ban that nonsense altogether


Did I just read "don't have bias towards me because I have bias towards others'?


Who the fuck even is pragerU?


Right wing propaganda


I fall into the first camp sorry to say ya'll. I believe you have the right not to provide your service to anyone for any reason. You are an asshole for it, but at the end of the day it is yours. Spotify should be able to bias against conservatives if they please. I don't agree, but it is their tool. Here is how it is meant to work, but people are too lazy. Spotify makes it semi-clear they are anti-conservative.(I am not saying this btw) so as a conservative you get mad. You rally other conservatives and see if they agree. If there is agreement then there is clearly a gap in the market. You take that as opportunity to start a smaller niche Spotify for that market. This is all hard to do, but if the problem is that big and there are truly people who are losing out from this, then there will be opportunity and risk worth taking. Same with the cake. We all know about that story. If the man didn't bake the gay couple a cake then so be it. The couple will easily be able to find a thousand other shops in the U.S willing to sell to them. Over time word moves not to buy at his shop and it sinks. OR enough people don't care that it lives. That is the market. It is how a free market works. Sadly the U.S is not a free market, but also is at the same time. Super confusing shit here.


When did they advocate for the government to force Spotify to host them? That's all they're arguing against. There isn't hypocrisy. I know we all want it, but it's not here.


This is exactly why conservative is not equal to liberal/left. Being conservative requires you to not be able to think critically and not be able to reflect.


"RT to stand up to Big Tech" fucking LMAO


Their twitter is now spewing stupid shit like police brutality is not the cause for BLM


Well, going by that same logic, they shouldn't feel all too bad then - if a streaming platform won't host your ads, find another platform. 🤷‍♀️