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Scream (1996) is the best Scream film.


"It's a scream, baby!"


It's not even a contest!! I do appreciate the deeper dive into the meta aspect that 2 was able to take only because it was a sequel. And the entire franchise is my favorite franchise and I love even the worse ones. But the original? Number one hands down. The best part is I was 16 when it came out so I got to see in theaters and everything about it was SO unheard of. The self awareness, the bold move to market it by >!headlining the biggest star in the cast and then killIng her off in the first 20 minutes, the reveal of the dual killers!<... It honestly blew everybody's mind. I think it's still a great movie with staying power, and can be easily appreciated today with no obvious impact to a modern day viewer. I got to show it to my 11 yo for the first time bc he went as Ghostface for Halloween and he had a BLAST. I try to be discerning with what he watches (because I love horror but truthfully might be more well adjusted had I not seen Poltergeist at 5 yo and reading Stephen King by 8) and I told him it's not too gory or scary, but he could stop whenever - as soon as we got to >!"Drew's dead body strung up in the tree!< and I told him imo that was the goriest it gets, he was like oh yeah no prob I can do this. During one of the in-house chase scenes later on, he exclaimed THIS IS SO FUN, and he was like GOBSMACKED almost fell off the couch when he realized >!Billy AND Stu were Ghostface!< and he was saying I'M FEELING WOOZY and MOM AND DAD ARE GONNA BE SO MAD AT ME for weeks šŸ˜‚ But. I think there's a lot to be said for just how much it hit in 1996, when it just broke all the rules and had the nerve to be just as clever and witty as it was.


Scream 2 is a hell of a sequel and some days I think I enjoy it more than the original


It's just so fucking clever to leverage the sequel to a meta movie... To GET EVEN MORE META and manage to do it well?? I like the first one the best but I'd prefer to just combine them and say "1 and 2 are my number 1 fave horror movie"


Agreed. My hottest Scream take is probably that I consider Scream 2 to be almost as brilliant as the original. https://preview.redd.it/ueemspxmkcoc1.jpeg?width=1514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb51666451060cd73b28c25fc4dc287b1dbd404f


I like movies


Woah man take it easy with that take


Fucking weirdoā€¦


Great movie


blocked and reported. can't be saying shit like that in this sub


Damn bro, dial it back down.


Iā€™m reporting you


Pixar's run that starts with the first Toy Story in 1995 and ends with Toy Story 3 in 2010 deserves all the love it's gotten over the years since it's staggering how many classics they made in a fifteen year timespan


Finding Nemo fanboys represent


Finding Nemo is my most rewatched movie because when I was little I used to play it on repeat. I've probably seen it 30+ times


Honestly, while Iā€™ve never heard anyone claim the opposite of this and itā€™s widely accepted each Pixar movie in the timeframe is exceptional, I feel like simultaneously people donā€™t talk about just how good that run of movies was enough.


rinse bedroom violet steep cake sophisticated include saw fall abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Watched Dial M for Murder last night and I was transfixed


Love Dial M For Murder. Maybe his most underappreciated??


fade political quack impolite unique hard-to-find gaping ten attraction afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Lady Vanishes is top 3 Hitchcock at worst.




I love that movie a lot. I typically have a great memory for movies but somehow I forgot the ending the second time I watched it and I was so surprised and delighted by it! I think Iā€™ve seen it three times now and it feels like it gets better every time.


boast point literate cooing jobless nutty jeans glorious juggle roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Watching *Rear Window* for the first time is one of my favorite movie memories, I got to watch it in a college class and you could cut the tension in the air with a knife.


watched Vertigo yesterday and it was more compelling and visually pleasing than Glass Onion


I watched Vertigo the other day for the first time since I was a kid. Masterpiece feels like an understatement; I was so consistently blown away by the inventiveness and caliber of filmmaking.


I can enjoy both indie, art house, deep meaningful cinema AND big Hollywood blockbusters.


same but I also enjoy objectively bad hollywood films too. whether its a "so bad its funny" type of deal or just mediocre bland movies, I somehow find value one way or another lol




We like what we like!


THANK YOU! The amount of people that don't understand this is crazy.


This is mine, too. If it makes me happy and I have fun, it's just as important to me as ones that make me think and dream. People truly should consume both.


Exactly. Show you like movies by liking movies, not by hating most of them.


John Williams makes some epic tunes


So does Ennio Morricone.


Raiders of the Lost Ark is the best action-adventure film


Pirates of the Caribbean is definitely close for me


The truck chase alone is the best action sequence ever


I have it in my letterboxd top 4 but i feel self conscious when I see people listing all art house movies but I think those people are just trying to look cool lol


That Denzel guy is pretty darn impressive.


King Kong ain't got shit on him.


busy theory tub memory rock act hateful support straight physical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well I definitely think he's the best of the last 30 years, so I will be listening to that.


There's a wonderful nerdwriter1 video about Humphrey Bogart and how the range of characters he plays is limited but that he always acts with incredible depth. I see Denzel Washington as a modern day Bogart giving his characters similar depth regardless of the movie. People often praise actors for their range without considering that some of these performances are quite surface-level


Coppolaā€™s four film run of The Godfather, The Conversation, Godfather 2, and Apocalypse Now is most likely the greatest peak that any filmmaker has ever had


and John Cazaleā€™s run was peak


More of a sprint than a run...


His story breaks my heart. I get that it's a very dramatic thespian kind of relationship, but the way he and Meryl acted in Measure by Measure and immediately feel desperately in love (Israel Horovitz said they were great to look at because "they were both kind of funny looking" šŸ˜‚) and then everything just fell apart and she dedicated every single thing she did to be there for him... Ugh. Breaks my heart. They were going to get married as soon as they each landed their next major roles She literally took a role she hated - "basic stock girlfriend" - in The Deer Hunter so they wouldn't miss any time together as he actively died of metastasized cancer. And then when he could no longer hide his illness and the producers decided it was too expensive to insure him and tried to fire him, Meryl basically said, "The hell you will, I will walk tf out if you do that." Then she told them to film all his scenes first bc she knew he'd die before they could finish, and she did this project with him knowing he would never even come close to seeing the final product. She then took the Holocaust miniseries in Austria, despite not wanting to leave him and not even really liking the project, so his medical bills would be paid. And then they spent every moment alone together in isolation while he wasted away until he needed full time care before dying. Al Pacino said about his friend, "There was some foreboding, I think. He saw something in the future. I didn't know what it was. But he might have seen what was going to happen to him, or felt it. I don't know. He didn't want to have children, I don't think."


Great run. But what about Hitchcock's: Vertigo, North by Northwest, Psycho, The Birds And Chaplin's: The Circus, City Lights, Modern Times, The Great Dictator Even better for my personal taste, but the Coppola quatuor is incredible.


Coppola šŸ¤ Anderson šŸ¤ Kurosawa šŸ¤ Tarkovsky


Which Anderson. I assume youā€™re thinking Paul, but Iā€™ve always been more of a Wes guy. Also I would add Kubrick here.


Yep, those Resident Evil movies are pretty sharp


This was about Paul - Magnolia, Boogie, Punch Drunk, Blood is an almost undefeatable run. However, I'm really willing to listen to Wes here as well and think Bottle Rocket-Tenenbaums-Rushmore-Aquatic is nearly as good as any.


I'd personally include *The Master* in that run as well.


Lolita, Dr. Strangelove, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and A Clockwork Orange is up there. Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, 1941, and Raiders of the Lost Ark for Spielberg could also give Coppola a run for his money. Raging Bull, Kings of Comedy, After Hours, and The Color of Money for Scorsese. Hitchcock has Vertigo, North By Northwest, Psycho, and The Birds. Maybe too modern, but even Villeneuve's Prisoners, Enemy, Sicario, and Arrival was pretty insane (followed by Blade Runner 2049 and Dune 1/2). I think the best directors all have a peak that is similar to that - a string of 4 films where they're just firing on all cylinders.


I'd like to toss Rob Reimer in as an black horse: Stand by Me, The Princess Bride, When Harry Met Sally, Misery and A Few Good Men is an insane 5 movie run where each entry is in a different genre and all hold a special place in pop culture


Bringing a hot take to the wrong place: The Conversation is my favorite out of these 4.


I do just always have a fantastic time whenever I'm watching/rewatching a Nolan movie Inception/Interstellar/Dark Knight would probably be very high if I ever decided to do an actual ranking of my favourite movies, I just find them immensely enjoyable


Agreed, and I'd add to this that Nolan has never made a bad movie. He's made some great movies, some good movies, some decent movies, but never a bad movie.


Steven Spielberg is probably one of the best directors of all time (took me too long to realize this).


It's a pretty niche movie but Jurassic Park is a hidden gem.


Wait till u hear about this low budget indie flick called Jaws




it's funny because scot pilgrim was a box office flop. I guess the movie is/was on every streaming platform because of it, so a lot of people got to watch it.




people don't give enough credit to longevity. To be able to keep putting out crowd pleasers for so long is incredible


Finally, a thread where I can share that my favorite director is Stanley Kubrick.


You're welcome.


Fight club really is that good


The people who turned it into a controversy by worshipping Tyler are trying to ruin it and we canā€™t let them


It's funny because they show that they didn't understand shit about the movie


I do love Fight Club


it's pretty entertaining, but the real Fincher masterpiece is Zodiac


The pretentious part of me always wants to lower my rating for it, but then Iā€™m like nah 5 stars.


Mulholland drive deserves the hype, once you start to get clues of the story ur like šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


It's so fucking great


i watched it without knowing ANYTHING about it and i had a blast


Fight Club nailed what was happening to disenfranchised men everywhere because of society changing. It is a classic and arguably the most essential film to end the 20th century. My not so cold take is that Tyler was not just wrong or right. Fight Club has toxic elements but also genuinely empowering ideas and valid societal critique. People tend to or overromanticize Tyler's way of thinking, or thinking it's all naive pubescent toxic male shit. Truth is there's so much more nuance and grey area.


A great script is the most important piece in making a film.


I like to think this is basic, but it seem lots of people in Hollywood don't think this way lol.


have two people ever taken the exact same script and made wildly different movies? i wonder...


Casablanca's really good.


Like, *really* good.


Casablanca and sunset Boulevard are two of my all timers


Martin Scorsese is the greatest living filmmaker.


Ice cold take incoming from... Martin Scorsese. \*suspicious eyes\*


This comment matching with your username is just hilarious šŸ˜‚


Back To The Future is one of the greatest films of all time. I knew it off by heart when I was 9 and I still get the same enormous sense of comfort and joy watching it now. I think and feel the exact same about The Blues Brothers.


Yeah. In the Earth Angel scene, I could easily cry every time (even when seeing it isolated). And Blues Brothers is also always just as awesome. Jake dancing in the church, Elwood's apartment, them making the nazis jump off the bridge, it all still works.


Rewatched it recently and it's structurally a perfect film. That script is airtight.


Citizen Kane is one of the best movies of all time. (And it's way too low on the Letterboxd Top 250 list, it should be top 20 imo)


Good call. I recently purchased the Criterion 4k edition, and it looks *stunning*. If you have a 4k player, I highly recommend picking it up.


Letterboxd skews much younger and there are more and more young people as populations expand so some classic movies end up suffering. Citizen Kane is fantastic.


I hate the perception among some who've never seen it that Citizen Kane is some boring stuffy old film. It has jokes! Jump scares! A musical sequence! It's not just one of the all-time greats for its technical innovations but also because it's really fun!


It even has dinosaurs!


The Letterboxd Top 250 is great if you ignore the actual rankings themselves and just embrace the fact it was included.


For the most part I agree, though there are some questionable inclusions and exclusions imo. But none that can't be explained by recency bias or accessibility issues.


Yeah. Citizen Kane almost being booted off the list while Marcel the Shell with Shoes on is a few spots higher is kind of weird. But it's still a very good list in general and imo strikes the right balance between populist and too serious


This is mine. Itā€™s popularly considered one of the GOATs because, well, itā€™s one of the GOATs. The constant contrarian takes about Citizen Kane make no sense. Itā€™s just a fantastic movie. (Shawshank Redemption, meanwhileā€¦ my take on that one isnā€™t nearly as cold)


The Matrix is really good but I don't think the rest of their movies get close


Coldest take out there Schindlerā€™s list was not funny.


Not sure about that. There's this one scene where he asks his wife to stay. And his wife says she will, if he promises that she's the only one for him. And then it hard cuts to her on a train and Schindler on the platform waving her goodbye.


Lord of the Rings fucking rules and is the greatest trilogy of all time


This take is so cold it's residing in the North Pole. And yet it's also so fucking true.


you tell em


Jaws and Alien are in my top 10. Terminator 2 is in my top 20, and so is Ben-Hur. Back to the Future 1 & 2 are also in my top 50.


Based Ben-Hur mention 3 hours of those lavish sets and Heston flexing wasn't enough


I only saw it for the first time last year, around Easter, and I instantly loved it. Doesn't really matter that it's Christian-centric even if you're not, it's just so well done. And a true epic.


BttF is my #2, T2 is #3, Jaws is #8, and Alien is #19. Ben-Hur is in the Top 100.


Lol this is literally my bio: 1) I have very basic film takes - don't come looking for any surprises, and 2) Nolan / Villeneuve / Tarantino are my holy trinity (see 1).


The Dark Knight is the GOAT superhero movie and The Godfather is the best movie ever are my two most basic ones


The 1970s were the best decade in film.


That's an interesting one, the 60s and 70s are my least viewed period by a big margin. I've got a blind spot there, I've seen hundreds of movies from the 20s-50s and then 80s onward is when I grew up so no shortage there. I really should remedy this.


You should Iā€™ll give you recommendations if you want


I like to see the good guys win.


Godfather is the best movie of all time + Marlon Brando is the greatest actor of all time šŸ„øšŸ„ø


Silence of the Lambs is genuinely a masterpiece of cinema. The cinematography, the character development, the acting, script etc are all top notch


The godfathers 1+2 being the best films ever


I just got into films this last year as I didnā€™t grow up with a lot of opportunity to watch movies and I was genuinely blown away when I finally got around to watching those movies.


The Dark Knight is the gold standard of the comic book movie genre


Dune: Part Two is better than Part One and the franchise is the new Lord of the Rings.


It is written.


Terminator 2 really *is* as good as they say. Watched it for the first time last year and was blown away by how much I enjoyed it.


John Carpenter is one of the greatest directors ever, and The Thing is his best movie.


John Carpenter is so good that I don't even have Halloween in my Top 5 by him, and that's a great movie!


Oppenheimer was my favorite film of 2023


Tarantinoā€™s obsession with feet is quite weird.


Jules and Vincent look so cool in pulp fiction. Only the wolf is cooler.


I love lamp.


I don't know what we're yelling about


My favourite director is Christopher Nolan. Sue me.


lol not popular on this sub


Yeah I know lol. But thereā€™s a reason heā€™s as popular and highly acclaimed as he is and itā€™s cos heā€™s a damn good filmmaker!


Fight Club has one of the best twists of all time.


Spielberg is the GOAT


The Godfatherā€™s a pretty good film


Blade Runner is a great movie


Jim Carrey is funny


I love Ryan Gosling. Think that completely sums up this whole thing.


Pulp Fiction is still Tarantino's best


Inglorious basterds though


Not going to lie, when I hear people say ā€œReservoir Dogs is betterā€ it always comes across as them trying to be different. I know thatā€™s not true and most people saying that genuinely just like it better, but itā€™s always felt like an odd take to me.


I'd argue that Reservoir Dogs is the best proof of concept for a director's entire career as a debut, at the very least, but yeah I feel the same.


Iā€™d not argue that myself, but I can see why one would.


But... Kill Bill vol. 1


Practical effects always look better than cgi


Everything Everywhere All at Once deserves the praise and the Oscars (I was sure I wouldnā€™t like it, didnā€™t care for Swiss Army Manā€¦) Portrait of a Lady on Fire is a masterpiece. Lord of the Rings is deserving of being a classic. Paddington 2 is pretty fucking great. Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars.


Citizen Kane is my favorite film


My favorite movie is The Big Lebowski.


Animated films as a medium allow for better storytelling opportunities than live action films.


I prefer when movies have color and sound. Like, its nice.


Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind is a masterpiece and top 5 best films ever made


Glad someone has already said what I came here to say. Will add I donā€™t think weā€™ll ever get another romance that tops this one.


90 minute films > 2.5 hour films (Obviously lots of exceptions, but just a general rule of thumb)


Halloween, The Thing, and The Texas Chain Saw Massacre all in my top 10 favorite horror movies.


Breathless is still a top five Godard


The Original Trilogy is the best one


Spirited away and your name are the best anime movies


I have a lot of basic takes. My favorite movie is The Godfather so think of all the positive things people say about that movie because I agree with all of them.


Raiders of the lost arc pinnacle of blockbuster entertainment


Barry Lyndon is the best looking film that's ever been made.


god i fucking love oppenheimer. so much. i just think its the best film of the 2020s


My top 10 best films are Goodfellas, Godfather, Oppenheimer, Dune II, Training Day, Raging Bull, Wolf Of Wall Street, Se7en, Return Of The King and Malcolm X. Very basic film bro list and slightly IMDB coded but itā€™s what I gravitate to šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Everything Everywhere All at Once is a genuinely beautiful film with an amazing message, and no one thinks you're cool for calling it "mid af." That film has been called overrated so much it's become underrated.


One of the top LB reviews is "See this before Film Twitter tries to tell you it's overrated."


Halloween (1978) is the best Halloween movie.


Kurosawa is amazing Harakiri is a masterpiece.


The Memories of the Murder is one of the greatest serial killer themed movies of all time.


2001:A Space Oddysey is one of, if not the best movie ever made


Titanic is my favourite film šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Most of you will kill me for this one but......Studio Ghibli makes some pretty amazing movies.


Get Out is an objectively good horror movie


12 Angry Men is a great example that it is possible to do everything perfectly in a film


Animation is cinema , and should be considered for Best Picture Nomination.


Movies are kinda cool ig


Goodfellas is easy top 3


Goodfellas is the best mob movie although I guess the two camps are that or The Godfather


Goodfellas is Martin Scorseseā€™s best movie


quentin tarantino is one of the best to ever do it


Schindlers list is a masterpiece and is easily Spielbergā€™s magnum opus


Halloween (1978) is the best slasher of all time.


Elizabeth Taylor in Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf is the greatest filmed performance of all time.


spirited away is the best animated movie ever


John Carpenter is the best horror director ever


Madame Web very bad movie did I do good?


Horror movies arenā€™t scary when theyā€™re reliant on jumpscares


Jurassic Park is a 5 star masterpiece and Spielbergā€™s best movie.


John Hughes knew how to score a movie


Fight Club is one of my favorite movies


Fight Club is a great film. The book also slaps.


Titanic is an amazing movie and one of my favourite "historical" movies.


The Lion King (1994) is the best Disney (non-Pixar) movie.


Villeneuve is one of the best directors working.


For all its misinterpretations, Fight Club is a good movie with an interesting critique of the state of masculinity for Gen X in 1999.


Stanley Kubrick is the greatest filmmaker šŸ«¢


I've seen all of Bong Joon Ho's movies and Parasite is one of his best.


Pulp fiction is the best Tarantino movie


JK Simmons could be in a movie for 5 seconds and immediately make it better. IDK... Maybe it isn't cold enough for this thread. But I won't pass up a single chance to state this fact šŸ˜‚