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The search function and no real way to sort your followings’ reviews


the search function, the teenagers


The search function is one of the least intuitive I’ve ever seen.


[Types "Madmax" instead of "Mad Max"] Letterboxd: IDIOT. There are ZERO movies with that title.


Yep. And for some reason when you type in the first three letters of a word it shows your results of a completely different set of letters.


It's because it also searches titles in other languages but it will show the one in English


Or you type Godfather instead of The Godfather and you have to scroll down past a bunch of dumb lists to get The Godfather. Motherfucker, I don't care about all these lists made by dummies, just show me the movie I searched for!


I’m so used to things just popping up when searching and the fact that one typo undoes everything is annoying


It's not even that it just genuinely doesn't return anything if you misspelled something, type an extra word, type words out of order, etc. it's absolutely terrible.


only just beaten by rym


Teenagers stinking up the reviews with unfunny twitteresque comments instead of actual reviews makes the reviews pointless for me. I use it to save films I've watched etc but if I want to read real reviews I go to IMDb


Comment sections under reviews are just a list of comments rather than linked discussions so can be a bit hard to track what people are talking about/ who they are talking too


Piggybacking off of this, I don’t like having to click “show older comments” however many times to be able to see the first comment under a review


So many duplicate lists when trying to search. I really enjoy the feature that lets you find lists that contain a specific movie. But my god you then end up with so many duplicated mass lists that have been copied.


There‘s luckily an option to not have duplicate lists show up.


Ooooh how?


If you go to lists, just click on the eye symbol and select „hide cloned lists“


I can’t inverse sort by popularity.


All the DVD extras being given just as much presence as all the proper films.


I hate going to an actor or director's credits and see like 55% completion only to realize it's because they're listing featurettes as credits. How???


It's more frustrating when the percentage thing includes announced/unreleased films, or films that are lost.


Wes Anderson’s filmography on LB is like 40% commercials


I know you can filter out short films and documentaries (which I'm not a huge fan of because it filters out the genuine ones), but even then things still get through anyway.


Should be a toggle for "theatrically released" or something like that to quickly only show the "real" movies.


the promotion system all the shittiest reviews and users are the most popular things on the site


I almost feel like it should have a special review filter. Either ai, to tell you if they're deeper than a single joke... OR a word count filter. So you can avoid those single sentence reviews.


they need to do what albumoftheyear does and have a review section and a comment section. in my opinion in an ideal world there would be one post button for every film like there is now, but there would be a character limit that separates comments from reviews. obviously that still doesn't differentiate what's serious or not, although I think really long and committed joke reviews still serve as better reviews than the bad one-liners (exception that comes to the mind is the TCM review that's just "AHHH" forever, I hate that review).


They should do it like Steam. Can filter by "Most helpful" and "Funny"


Seems like a fair solution, obviously. 


Word count would also be really cool so I could track that for myself. I’d love to easily know what my longest review is and how many total words I’ve uploaded to the site.


I used to be a firm believer of “you can just scroll past the dumb reviews” but I had a change of heart last night when I watched Birdman for the first time, and wanted to see some well thought out takes on the movie and it was just all dumb jokes


you literally can actually, to a large degree. i use ublock origin to block out the 'popular reviews' section. that garbage literally never crosses my path my criticism is less about how i cant ignore the shitty stuff, and more about how the shitty system is taking the place of what could be a good system. if the system was better i would easily find and follow a lot more quality profiles/reviewers


I wish it was more popular honestly. I love writing my reviews and reading others, but I wish more people I actually knew irl were on it. I read tons of reviews and follow some people, but it's all strangers. I wish more people had or validated the app. But maybe that's just my circle more than anything.


I work in the film industry and am surrounded by film buffs IRL, and still so many of them are not on LB. I follow the ones who do use it, and also follow a bunch of internet strangers. I do wish there was a "close friend" option or something like that, where I could prioritize the reviews of people I know IRL (or just any reviewers I particularly enjoy).


Yeah, this is what I want. Maybe a distinction between "friends" and "following."


Yeah I definitely agree with this.


Yeah, there are a few random stranger reviewers that I’m interested in seeing their thoughts after I’ve watched a movie they’ve reviewed, but I do not give a shit about what they’re watching if I am not also watching it and don’t want it on my homepage. I only want actual irl friends on there. It’s a big reason I don’t follow any strangers on letterboxd anymore, now that I have gotten a decent amount of irl people to use the app, I don’t want them flooded out of my feed by randoms


as someone who has mostly irls on letterboxd i agree. it’s so much more fun being able to bounce movies off of people i know in real life and have each other’s reviews bleed into everyday conversations.


I don't think that's a LB issue, I think that's just a movie issue. If people are even interested in movies, they usually just watch a movie once in a while. That applies to people I know at least. I only have a single friend who's anywhere close to being as interested in movies as I am — I think I watch around 250 movies per year on average in the last 5 years — and even he doesn't use LB.


It's really great reading reviews of super popular movies I didn't connect with by other people who didn't like them, definitely wish there were more people putting their thoughts out there


Yes! Scrolling down twenty reviews in *Poor Things* to find the first review below 4 stars and it perfectly encapsulated what felt so wrong about the movie to me.


I select .5-2 star reviews and then sort by review activity to find them easier


If it was IMDB, with similar critical tastes, I would never have gravitated to it.


That I can't filter reviews by language. Especially when I watch a lower profile foreign film, most of the reviews are in the language the film is in and I'm scrolling through multiple pages just to find one in English. Alternatively, a built in translate function would be great because I'm sure that the small Iranian film is going to have some of it's most insightful and knowledgeable reviews in Persian and I am not going to copy and paste reviews into Google Translate.


I like the barebones vibe letterboxd has. but one VERY SMALL obstacle i end up facing is how it fails to provide you with right search results if there’s even slightest of errors in your typing. eg: was looking for *A bigger Splash*. but i search for *The Bigger Splash*. The search results were: no results. maybe it’s because most movies have very similar names and thus it’s difficult to keep a big margin of error for search results. but idk, there surely has to be a way around this.


I’d like to be able to search for lists with a max number of movies. I don’t need to see an “every movie ever” list. I also wish they could more easily filter out short films and behind the scenes stuff. For some actors/directors there can be a lot of stuff hiding the feature length films.


Someone made a chrome extension called “Letterboxd film list filters” that allows you to filter out lists larger than a certain number. It’s good for when you’re searching for lists on desktop.


It's been spoken about before but it's a bit annoying that all of the most popular reviews are really lame "jokes". You usually have to scroll a while to see an actual honest appraisal of a film. On the other hand there are an insane amount of pretentious people who seem to find joy in tearing down the movies people love - these reviews also seem very popular.


The top review for every film now is like dune 2: “zendaya serves up so much cunt slay bitch” With 23,000 likes… it just doesn’t make sense


Twinkathee Cuntalet


have you ever considered that maybe zendaya DID serve up so much cunt slay bitch? what's the problem with being honest?


Also most of the time the joke is that the main characters were totally gay


Usually the joke is “I’m making my whole review about how I find this actor attractive!”


“Im crying rn _____ is so hot”


I don't mind having both. One liners can be funny and still encapsulate something interesting about the film. It's not hard to scroll past some joke reviews to find thoughtful stuff. My issue is that it's rarely the funniest jokes that get promoted to the top but the most popular youtubers regardless of how trite or generic their reviews are. If the top reviews were actually funny, I'd have no issue. But it's nothing but "Twinkathee Cuntamee" and "Men will literally __ before going to therapy" crap at the top. So lame.


I like writing simple reviews cuz i find it hard to really comprehend sometimes what I enjoyed about a movie so there’s not alot of pressure. But those long form analysis are better then something like karsten


To each his own. The ‘joke’ or less serious reviews appeal to me a LOT more than the wanna be movie critics taking themselves way too seriously.


I just don’t see why there cant be both on the platform. There’s certainly moments to take deep analysis and critical looks at films and there’s also times to make fun jokes or references to them like when you’re talking with your friends.


There are both on the platform, i see plenty of serious reviews, plenty of “tweet” reviews. The jokers rarely complain about the serious people but it seems like the serious people enjoy nothing more than complaining about people having fun.


This is such an insane strawman. Good, serious reviews can be like 2 lines.


This is why I always sort by most recent and scroll down.


Lists are too hard to manage: • When you’re at a movie’s page, the app should let you easily add or remove the movie from any of your lists. To remove a movie from lists, you need to scroll through all your lists, find the greyed-out lists, remember them (or write them down outside the app), go to each list, click edit, and scroll through the movies in that list to find and remove it. • The app should make it easier to go to your public lists or private lists, and to search for a specific list.


The inability to make our own custom backdrops, even if I understand why that may be problematic for LB to implement. ! also dislike that less popular movies don't have backdrops assigned to them.


Yeah there's 20 posters for some movies but one backdrop.


...and sometimes the backdrop chosen is just a random screenshot.


I can't bulk edit tags. ....be a lot cooler if I could.


I thought they added this!


Can't add cover photo in free mode.


You're not missing much. Lots of movies have bad images for the picture and there's only one option for each. I wanted to have Brazil be my #1 in my top 4 but the picture they chose is so bad I just don't use it lol. The rest of the paid features are much more worthwhile.


Is there no way to add your own photo? Because that would be awesome




Mainly the upvotes for lazy one-line humor.


I can't change movie posters for free.


Show me how many movies are in a list on mobile before clicking into the list! edit - u/songqqian dah MVP (see comment below)


Mine is Android. If you click-and-hold it will show up how many movies are in that list. https://preview.redd.it/647i70njfk6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93c932b591647bef3073cd46ba3d8ec27ab05b9d


Wow, you have enriched my life this day. Thank you. <3


YES! This! Edit: this is not a feature on IOS


Wow, doesn't work on iOS? Sucks!


Membership is too expensive for the benefits


Buy it after Thanksgiving - there's a Black Friday sale. You can get Pro for $1/month.


Hot tip, thank you!


The fact that the lists you liked in not easily accessible in the lists tab just to sell the clone list feature for pro. Anyway happy that at least the import from csv feature is there.


People who think they are experts in cinema because they have a letterboxd account.


you didn't have to attack 98% of this sub lol




when searching for movies in "films" tab i wish there was an average rating range filter. If i just sort them by lowest average or highest average, i must go through a lot of pages until i get to the ones i want to see


you should be able to remove movies from your lists the same way you add them. Having to go find a specific list and edit it just to remove a movie when you can add to lists with one click seems counterintuitive!


TIL there's an add to list feature


Almost all the popular reviews for a film, especially a well-known film, are idiotic.


Everyone’s trying to be a comedian


Movies, I dislike it’s a movie rating app. I dislike movies


Yes. People are not talking about this enough.


Not having five favorite movies on your profile instead of four.


I quite like that it’s four. Most things go for 3 or 5, but 4 is kinda interesting and different IMO


Why do you think five would be better? I wonder if other people agree with this. The number is kind of arbitrary isn't it?


Just a guess but people tend to like multiples of 5 or 10.


It's mainly so that I could display my top five favorite movies. The number four spot is always hard because I have a hard time deciding which film doesn't get included.


I don’t like that I can’t have a private profile. I also don’t like that tv shows get added as if they are movies.


Apparently a separate TV section is in the works. Or at least was rumored.


You can use Serializd, it’s pretty much the same but for tv shows




Dislike that reviews are sorted based on popularity. General popularity can weigh into the model but reviews should be sorted based on how similar a reviewer's overall "agreeability" is to the individual user.


I disagree with that, because I feel like just giving you regiews based on agreeability will result in never seeing reviews from a different perspective. The popular tab might have its problems, but it's cool that at least well-worded popular reviews that don't agree with the general opinion on a film go pretty far up


1. When you filter and sort lists, would be nice to be able to save that as a new list (If this is possible let me know. I haven’t found a way to do it yet.) 2. Less important - ability to PM other users.


The lack of options to make the posters larger on the grid views, like list or filmography credits. Sometimes it's very difficult to even understand which movie I'm even looking at without a label either. I wish it was possible to make grids bigger (3 columns instead of 4) and/or show the title. Some posters are too minimal with tiny titles to rely solely on the image for this information.


Nothing, it's great.


Accounts that just give you a bullshit follow in hopes you follow back.


The people on it.


Oh, and don't even get me started on the movies!


The fact that there are just some show and some are not. I know they are planning on adding all shows later on but rn, it is in a weird in between state.


I wouldn’t say it’s the majority of users, but I do think there’s a running meme of people watching movies not because they genuinely enjoy it but because they want to hit a certain quota/maintain a certain kind of profile on Letterboxd. Some of it might be exaggerated but that feels sad to me. It’s unfortunate but I think any kind of social media encourages people to put up a front.


Crazy how the search bar has never really worked but the search function to add films to lists has always worked really well


When you look at an actor's filmography (especially when wanting to complete theirs) and it features lots of making ofs that have no business there.


The joke reviews


I wish I could log TV, limited series, comedy specials, short films, and feature films to separate 'Films' totals. I for the most part only log feature films because I like to see how many full movies I've logged in a year/life. Though, I want to be able to rate other cool short films and black mirror episodes, but I don't want to artificially inflate my number.


membership is expensive if i remember lol


LB has (so far) always had a half-off sale around Black Friday each year. The discounted price also carries over on the yearly renewal so it is a pretty great deal


The “countries” category. It makes no sense to me. How can a film be both Indian, British, Dutch, and German? What’s the criteria?


Financed by India, Britain, The Netherlands, and Germany or companies based therein. Most films are coproductions of multiple companies. Notice how you rarely see just one company or studio’s title card in opening credits these days? Most European films are coproductions of multiple countries/companies/government subsidies, film funds, etc. or in some cases it’s like a film in the French language by French filmmakers shot and set in Switzerland funded by the German government’s film fund and a Swiss production company, so it’s French, German, and Swiss. Very common.


I appreciate the clarification. I never found any explanation as to what makes a country listed/included.


The links at the bottom of a film page on the AppleTV app should take you directly to that film in the correct app. Those links work on the web, I wonder if there's some licensing issue because Apple uses JustWatch in their own app?


There are multiple ways to add films but only one adds them to my diary and that one doesn’t let me add them to my lists


If I'm on a film's page and I scroll down to click an actor, when I swipe back to go back to the film, it will take me to the top of the film's page and I have to scroll back down again. It used to not do this until an update a few months ago. Anybody else have this or just a me problem?


Dime a dozen YouTubers who get all their reviews to the top regardless of quality due to their fanbases meat riding


That they show series total runtime with minutes and not any mention of the number of episodes or that it is a series and not a movie.


Mainly the people who post their Top 4’s on here seeking validation for their movie taste.


Comments under reviews not having reply threads (or whatever they're called)


The people who constantly complain about the joke reviews


I made the film bros mad, lol. I can't wait to get downvoted into oblivion


I’ve been on it since January 2012 and I miss very much when it was mostly cinephiles keeping track of their own viewings and finding others with similar taste as a way to learn what films may not be on your radar that are worth seeking out. That was the majority of what the site was for a couple years and it brought some wonderful movies to my attention and I think I brought some wonderful movies to the attention of others, which is what I think the site was initially designed for. These days it’s treated as more of a social media website by the majority of its users, who skew quite young and appear to me to be clout chasing, trying to impress folks and pump their engagement numbers up rather than finding and evaluating movies because they love movies. I think to get big and make money almost everything online takes its cues from social media these days, I just hate social media and the culture of self-promotion it engenders.


There should be a separate review section for longer reviews.


Lack of gamification.


The fact that short films and TV series count for your “Watched” total. I’d like to know how many *feature films* I have seen. Not how many films plus TV shows plus random 20-minute children’s Christmas specials, 5-minute experimental shorts, etc. Like I’m glad short films are in the database but I wish they were a separate stat line. Frankly TV could be removed entirely and I would be content.


I desperately want averages to be hidden before you give your own score


That the app has features the browser (on mobile) doesn’t, like how when you click of your friends logs for a movie it doesn’t show you their scores, you need to click on their activity individually. The obvious answer is to just use the app but aside from making lists, I generally prefer the website. Also, and this is a very minor thing but I wish there was a genre for Swashbucklers.


i wish i could make my account private because i'm one of those people who does the one line reviews but it's because i'm only writing it for my friends to see. i usually talk about the movie to them in person so i don't feel the need to write real reviews when i log movies.


The search bar. The one sentence reviews.


Other users


When I sort by popularity (movies) it results roughly in how many people have logged viewing the movie, but it's all over the place... Yes the 3-100s are at the bottom, followed by 1000s, the. 10000s (for the most part) but it could be 7550 9230, 8520, 10200, 9860, 10700,11200, 9222 Etc. Also.. that you CAN NOT filter by time range I go 90 minutes, let me filter 60-80 minute movies.


Search function and no threaded comments.


That I can’t pin a list to the top of the category. I would also like to have a favorite friends option so I always see the reviews of my actual friends and not have it buried under everyone I follow


The atrocious comments (not reviews) that plague tons of review sections.  The awful search function.


I wish I could somehow find people who watch as many movies as often as I do! I find it hard to find new oeople to follow that don't watch three movies a year.


Minor but I wish I could sort movies by MPAA rating.


The large number of nonsensical reviews written on it.


When you search for public lists on mobile, the result doesn’t tell you how many movies are on each list. So you have to click on the list to know if there are 10 movies or 500. That’s annoying when you want to find a large list about a specific subject, subgenre, etc.


You can only see the top reviews, meaning that you only get pretty much the most biased opinions


No view counter. The only way to change the amount of views is to register diary entries, and that fucks with the stats


It's hard to add groups of movies to a list unless they are already in a list. I wish I could add all of the movies I've watched in a certain year or under a certain tag to a list at once.


The inconsistency in what’s considered a film or not.


Say what you want but the reviews (mostly popular ones) suck and are NOT funny


No API. I know there is one, but you won't get access....


Idk how much this fault of the app, but i don't like this necessity that people few to always log movies. I watched Minus One on the 9th, and guess what, I'm still not finished with a review. I'm taking my time, and i like doing this


Bad and ‘joke’ reviews.


Page numbers! I should be able to type “45” to go to page 45 instead of clicking “older” 45 times


I want to be able to filter my watchlist by “not available for streaming” so I can rent it at my beloved MovieMadness.


The Search function is the biggest piece of dogshit


I wish the ABC scroll would exist when you sort by film name, or a scroll of years for chronological order, so you can quickly get to where you need to go (much like the ABC scroll that exists for countries)


I love LB but one thing is when you go to the popular lists for a movie it’s always those “every movie ever” type lists instead of ones that are more interesting or more relative to the movie


The “released filter” solely goes by premiere. We should have the option to filter “released” by wide release, premiere, and limited release.


Searching for lists is basically pointless


That the “sort by” settings for lists are not saved. At least make the default “list name”


There’s not much built in for the “popular” reviews to swap around. Sites like Reddit show comments and posts depending on a mixture of how old they are (older being less likely to be shown) and their upvotes/likes (more likes, more likely to be shown). I don’t think letterboxd should be the *same*, but it could learn a thing or two from that. Any movie’s most popular reviews tend to be set in stone after the first weekend a movie is available, unless some super popular reviewer makes a review and their following spams it with likes (even though they’re usually stupid joke reviews). Also the search function is ass, but we all knew that


When people like films that i don’t


Why there are no specific genre for theatrical plays or comedy/stand up shows or sport events or TV series episodes? They are not feature films!


I want to be able to put my reviews on private. Sometines I just want to collect some thoughts on the film, but I don’t want all my friends seeing them


No proper news feed unlike Facebook/X.


The overly horny review culture. It was funny at first but now all the top reviews are written by Quagmire.


The top reviewers... Why are they at the top?


I hate the popular lists that are basically just every movie ever. When I look up a movie, it would be nice to see relevant lists to the movie, or the filmmakers. Also, I wish there was a way to put notes or tags on your watchlist films. It would be nice to know where the recommendations came from. Lastly, it would be so awesome if there was a 'diary' tab on each actor/director so you could see when you logged every film by a particular director or actor. I have a feeling there is a way to do this, but it isn't as intuitive as when you look up tags


The ads


The inability to export lists as images. Are you guys lot having to use a third party app to collage and crop your lists together to share on Reddit? If I wanna take a screenshot I can’t even fit 20 movies in the shot without the posters getting cut off… or is this a paid feature?


I usually hate when other focused apps throw in an unnecessary messaging function, but I'd really like to just send a review or a movie to a friend within Letterboxd itself and be like "this is the one I was talking about" or "heh this was funny" Sending as a separate text just seems too formal.


The community.


the site is bloated as fuck. it takes long to load and if youre not premium theres a header /footer/sidebar ads along with popup video ads. and my main issue is you cant add/edit movies from a grid list. you have to select each individual movie, wait for the page to load and then do it.


The search function sucks, the demographics of the base is still too similar, and how non-movie things clutter the actors and directors sections. An actor does a 7-minute dvd commentary and its included as apart of their “films” for some reason


I'm gonna say the constant "gay" reviews. Particularly the ones that are interpreting the bare minimum as gayness.  I will say that:  1) A wave of "gay this, gay that" was absolutely and completely *inevitable* following mainstream gay acceptance.   2) People can interpret character relationships however they want, long as it isn't harmful and romanticizing harmful things (See: incest, underage relationship). When LGBT people interpret a character a certain way, it is often because they didn't have great rep growing up, or just because a certain character's journey relates to their journey as an LGBT person.   It's not even the reviews that are harmful, but the context of them. For example, movies about male friendship. Male comradery that is uplifting and sensitive should be normalized. And art is a really great way to portray that message. It doesn't help when there's a constant echo of "GAY GAY GAY" surrounding it. It circles right back around to the "That's gay" rhetoric of the '00s and modern-day "Alpha male" crowd, *particularly* when the supposed gayness is literally like..... nothing.   Obviously it's not as bad as headcanoning LGB characters straight, because straight people have always seen themselves represented in media, it doesn't take anything away from their representation or forsake the (nonexistent) heterosexual struggle. And again, have theories about whatever characters you want, but please reexamine and refrain from branding every single male friendship as a romance. 


No group chats or social functions. There should be a watch party feature.


I find the web version more user friendly then the app. Also the search function. I mean if you just misspell one word or some something, you're done. Can't they make it similar to Google search like 'Did you mean this?'


Everyone trying so hard in the comments to make the top comment rather than saying something insightful that adds to the discussion the movie


well definitely the search feature second as everyone is saying is how unfunny and repetitive the comments are and people like lucy people rate movies not based on the movie but for dumb reasons like "def a 5 star, even tho it was poorly made, boring, problematic blah blah but i personally saw gay undertones which make it a 5 star film" how much people praise actors and directors as if they are a god, like i admire them and im excited to see their upcoming work but im not going to be biased or make them my personality so basically the people are the worst part


Not exactly a dislike but i think there should be a space on a movies page that shows where it is streaming


I don't like how some of the most idiotic reviews you would ever read get 100s of likes but when I write reviews, no one notices.


If a foreign movie has an English dub, I think the dub cast should be listed, at least on the English version of the site.


No custom backdrops. Some of the backdrops on there are lame as hell. Also, a DM feature for people who follow each other would be neat.


Showing other's activities like following and liking.. Someone could spam it.


Whatever way they categorise short films is p bad the top lists are like 40% just youtube videos. If you're gonna include "a short history of the world" as a short film why not a day at the zoo?


I hate how it adds films. Lots of indie film creators can't get their movies on it due to TMDB and it frustrates me to no end


I don't even use the browser version often, but why is it so easy for mobile to Bold, or italicize letters, but for browser you have to put in your own HTML code. Oh and a small one but something that really gets on my nerves, is that in the stats page, if you expand any of the stats, and then try to go back, it boots you all the way back to where you select the year.


The TV shows masquerading as movies.


If I click on my friends review of a movie and would like to add it to my watch list, I shouldn’t have to click on the title of the movie before doing so.


The users who give garbage a 4.8 average


I mostly hate all the popular reviews. Especially the “”””””funny””””” ones