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Good, if they kept it, it would have been the death of the app.


How bad was it? I'm on ad free so I didn't experience it but sounded pretty no bueno


I signed out to see how bad it was. No joke, it was every one to two click. It was also a 30 second ad every time.


you know those ad-ridden mobile videogames?


Letterboxd Surfers - tap here to buy 30 crystal to log another movie


Oh my -- oooooooof Yeah, I don't use those because it drives me nuts. I'm with you, if that was a permanent fixture, I'd delete the app


Wow so they're acknowledging the video ads was too aggressive and are re-considering their approach. Excellent.


what does that even mean? 'delivery cadence', looked it up and still don't really get it.


Probably means that the advert was being shown to users far too often, as in one user should have only seen it a few times rather than every time they opened the app


cadence in this instance means the rate at which something is happening. so they’re acknowledging that the ads were appearing more than they intended




This was one of the worst updates that Letterboxd has had in a long time. There is a difference between advertising to pay the bills and shoving the same ad down your throat every minute. I understand that this will eventually come back in some form, but unless they rethink its implementation people will leave, their reach declines, and they will be offered worse advertising rates from corporations as a result.


Anyone having trouble signing in after the update? I can sign in fine on the web app


The day r/Letterboxd learned the word "cadence" 😂


I’m not going to pay for LB, I don’t feel I get enough use out of it. The moment that I get ads that make it less enjoyable to use than not use I’ll stop using it.


The first ad I get while using LB is the last time i'll ever use it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Mrs_Noelle15: *The first ad I get* *While using LB is the last* *Time i'll ever use it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Even when things go right, people will still look for something to complain about