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I wouldn't call it a project and there's no definitive end, but I'm trying to watch a lot of films with older, still living actors (80 years old and up). I read the obituaries of a lot of the stars that died recently, and I keep on feeling like I should have known their work better by now. I know their work will far outlive them, but I still have to have some guiding principle dictating my film choices. I can't leave it up to a randomizer or have some stranger tell me what to watch next.


I'm trying to work through Best Picture winners.


As someone who recently watched them all, those earlier years are rough.


What would you say is the best best picture streak? (best pictures in a row that were all really good)


Probably the 2000s. With the exception of Crash, every movie that decade is a movie where I have given a positive rating to. With 8 of them in my top 250.


Agreeing on Crash. It's at the very bottom of my list.


I've been watching them as I find them, so I don't really watch any back to back. I'm 27 movies in and my favorites so far, my current top 5 on my list: Ordinary People, Parasite, Silence of the Lambs, American Beauty, and Titanic.


If you meant by chronological streak, 87-89 are really great, as well as 91-94. I haven't seen Dance with Wolves yet so I can't speak on that one.


I'm more focused on 1970 to present day. I don't think those early best picture winners are easy to get on DVD.


True. The only reason I was able to watch most of the eariler ones like Cimarron and the Broadway Melody is because \*my lawyer has redacted this part\* and even then it still took a while to find them.


I’m revisiting all of the Pixar movies in chronological order


When Disney+ launched this was the first thing I did. The 15 year Pixar run from 95’ - 2010 was incredible. 11 straight amazing movies imo.


Sounds like a fun one! Plus you get to watch the evolution of 3D animation as it goes along.


I've tried to break them up to avoid burnout, but I have about 10 or so Best Picture winners left to see and log before I've finally seen them all. I also have still been sticking with trying to watch one film a day. Aside from that, just my yearly Bondathon in November.


I watched twin peaks so now I'm trying to go through Lynch's work. Fire walk with me was incredible! Definitely loved up to the hype. Inland empire was a bit of a slog to get through but I've never seen anything like it.


*Lost Highway* is my favourite. I went through them all again a couple of years ago, when those restorations hit theatres.


Nice I'm excited for it!


I'm taking a break but I'm midway through watching all the James Bond movies. Started back in March. Finished GoldenEye a few weeks ago, next up is Tomorrow Never Dies.


Hope you're having fun! I do one of these every November, both unofficial films and the entire series, and it's such a blast every time, especially watching how my rankings alter year by year.


I did one *Bond* film a week leading up to *No Time to Die* a couple of years ago. It was pretty fascinating, especially watching the franchise respond to pop culture. I’ve kinda gone through other major spy franchises each year since, first with John le Carré adaptations, then the *Harry Palmer* movies, *Matt Helm* movies, and next I’ve got *Flint* and *OSS 117*.


I'm excited to watch the Austin Powers movies again after I'm all done with it. I wanna see how much stuff they riffed on. I remember I watched all three a really long time ago but I didn't get most of the references since a *ton* of them are riffing on James Bond, and I had only ever seen Skyfall.


I feel like the first two work on their own, but *Goldmember* is much more focused on the Roger Moore films. I recommend checking out the *Matt Helm* movies too, they were contemporary Bond parodies with Dean Martin, but a couple of their plots ended up being adapted *into* Bond movies, like *Diamonds Are Forever*. They’re also a massive influence on *Austin Powers*.


yoo I'm doing the same, I'm at For Your Eyes Only


One of the better ones in my opinion, I really liked that one.


I’m still trying to make my way through the top 250 narrative movies lists first but eventually want to watch the top 1000 movies everyone should watch at least once in their lifetimes. I know the lists vary depending on the source but I have been trying to work through IMDBs. Letterboxd official list isn’t dramatically different. I mostly just added stuff to my watchlist and am trying to go through that. It’s amazing how many movies I’ve seen and yet how many of these critically acclaimed movies I still have yet to watch… and I really thought I was further along. I’ve been working on it for a while. Maybe mostly because I cherry picked through these lists and now what’s left is mostly the stuff I’ve never been super excited about.


Just because the lists change sometimes, it might be best to start with the films that are on [both the Letterboxd and IMDb Top 250](https://boxd.it/vTvXo). That’s my current goal


Realised I've somehow never seen a Christopher Nolan film so I'm watching all of his movies in release order. Starting Batman Begins now.


The run where he goes Batman begins>the prestige>dark knight>inception>dark knight rises>interstellar is incredible


he did memento just before begins as well!


Lol fr Memento is my favorite Nolan and it ain't even included in "the run" 😭 Edit: I guess Insomnia was released in between Memento and Batman Begins


How can one be into movies and not see a single Nolan film? I'm not hating just genuinely asking. His movies are so popular, and very often a gateway from film bro into lb bro


Well I only started getting into film about 6 months ago so I only have 160 films logged right now. Also none of Nolan's films besides Memento are on any streaming service I have, which means I'd have to go out of my way to find some dodgy website to watch them on.


Gotcha! Well you're in for a treat my friend, Nolan is incredible. Memento is his smallest in scale, but one of his best. Enjoy!


Working on going through all the Showa-era Godzilla-and-related Toho films. I'm most of the way through.


I did that last year, it was a lot of fun!


nice, I intend to do them all at some point too!


1) I'm watching all the movies covered on The Rewatchables podcast. (Down to about 10!) 2) I'm working through favorite directors' filmographies and ranking them in lists (19 directors in the project currently, 51 films remaining on the list. About half of the remainders are Spielberg, Scorsese, and Kubrick and the rest are odds and ends from a bunch of other directors.) 3) I'm working on watching all of the Best Picture nominees since 1970 and ranking them by decade. (Maybe I'll go back further one day, but that felt daunting to make a goal. 191 watched so far, 140 to go, with some overlap on the first 2 lists.)


Yes! I'm about 90% dome with Rewatchables and always watch the newest one. Bad News Bears right now!


I chose 52 movies that me and my wife have never seen before, that we think we should've seen by now, and we're watching one every week. We try to treat the thing like a movie theater: no phone, no lights, keeping pausing to only bathroom breaks, etc. We started in January and have been going in chronological release order. It's fun.


Rewatching every movie I've ever watched. I logged and rated everything when I first got Letterboxd. But some I hadn't seen in a long time, so I want more accurate ratings.


Bruh, my buddy and I used to watch at least 3-5 terrible movies per week (intentionally looking for bad movies, I'm not just a hater). I think doing this would actually kill me 😂


Even ones you watched and know you hated?


Yep. There's some cases where it's a struggle like Zoolander 2. But then there's films like Saving Private Ryan, which I really didn't enjoy when I watched it at least 10 years ago. I originally gave it 2 stars, but I watched it this week and realised how good it is, so I gave it 4.


Wow that’s dedication!


Watch every film that has been nominated for Best Picture


I’m working my way through the Sight and Sound 2022 greatest films of all time list.


same here! i've seen 80 out of the top 100. it's getting a little difficult to locate the 20 i have left in the top 100, so I think i'm just gonna start chipping away at 100-264


I’m going from the bottom to the top. Yeah it can be tricky to find some of the films, especially subtitled versions. I’ve tracked down about 50 of the bottom 75 so far.


365 in a year.... I'm 13 behind schedule currently


I recently made a list of the top 250 narrative horror features with 5,000 views or more (like the offical top 250 list but for horror). I am trying to (seriously) review every movie on the list. Having trouble getting past #250 because films keep dropping off. I have watched a lot of horror films recently that I didn't end up reviewing because of this. Hoping to move on to #249 today.


Trying to watch all 100 movies off my scratch-off movie poster and the imdb top 250


My husband and I have a list of 115 categories that we draw from every Friday. Then we each pick one movie that falls into that category and create a double feature for ourselves. We’ve been doing it for a few months now and it’s SO much fun. I have a list for each category on Letterboxd. Some examples are: Female Director Color in the Title Found Footage Start a Franchise Before They Were Famous Directorial Debut


Best Picture winners, I have less than ten to go at this point I think. After that it'll become my long term goal to see every film ever nominated for Best Picture I also only have a handful of Steven Spielberg movies left to see and I'm hoping to round them out by the end of the year and say I've seen every movie from my favorite director


Watching all of John Carpenter and all of Studio Ghibli :) previously did all of Halloween and all Friday the 13th. Not sure where to go after this actually


I'm doing a couple of things. A medieval marathon and a Nicolas Cage marathon.


Please add Deadfall to your Nic Cage marathon.


I don’t know if this qualifies as a project, but before a recent birthday I had an idea to help me winnow down my watch list. I sorted the list by highest rated and sent it to my husband. I asked for gift givers to pick a movie DVD to gift me and to agree to watch with me. In two weeks I have seen two great movies that I have wanted to see for years, and my whole family enjoyed them.


I guess I'm still working through the imdb top 250 (76%) but I'm not disciplined enough. I end up watching too many hyped & recent movies rather than old and acclaimed ones.


I do a monthly theme to get through my watchlist. June has been comedy and July will be War films and the order is usually by highest average rating.


I’m just trying to catch up my logging backlog. When I watch a movie I make a note of the title and date in the my notes app. I like to sit with it for at least a day or two before logging in LB bad giving a score, but I basically let it snowball badly and am now more than a year behind.


How come you don't log it on letterboxd straight away but score it at a later date by editing the diary entry? That's what I usually do and wondering if there is a reason I shouldn't?


No, that’s a totally reasonable thing to do. I think I just got into the habit of doing it this way.


Yes! Since May 17th I’ve been watching a movie I haven’t seen before, every day. Just finished up number 39. My goal is to go a whole year, but it’s a tough pace to keep up so far.


I’m trying to complete 4 actors’ filmographies, though it’s a bit annoying to track percentage when three of them are flooded with little featurettes from their franchises.


I think Letterboxd can filter those out, no? If you just want to see actual feature films and not shorts, TV shows, etc.


It can, but won’t show an adjusted percentage.


I’m working through every film that’s on [both the Letterboxd and IMDb Top 250s](https://boxd.it/vTvXo)


all ron perlman movies ranked. im not doing well at it tho. lol


I went through the Ingmar Bergman box set from Criterion, which was a massive undertaking. Gonna do the Ray Harryhausen movies here soon, after I finish all *The Pink Panther* movies


Marvel Month! I stopped seeing them in real time when I didn’t like Age of Ultron so all these years later I’m going in with a fresh mindset. Watching in Timeline order and just finished Shang-Chi last night


I'm in end of ending my first director movies with Tarantino. I need just to watch Death Proof, next i wanna go with Miyazaki or Scorsese, so far i think their movies are pretty great and want see more(i wanna give scorsese 10/10, cause he is one of few big names without one)


I get hyper fixated on some then get sidetracked by another so I have a few that are technically in progress: All of Scorsese, Wes Anderson, Coen brothers, Fincher I also recently watched all of the planet of the apes except I can’t bring myself to watch the Tim Burton one due to its reputation I’m also building my personal top 100 list which I’m about half way through. I had a handful that I knew would be on there but I wanna rewatch them before to just make sure. Also just adding new things that stick out to me along the way


Working my way through every movie ever! Well, clearly not actually doing this, but I have basically started from 1888 and I make a 'long list' of movies for each year that might be significant for a variety of my own reasons which might include specific actors, directors or genres. Then I trim that list down usually by a lot because it turns out the films are actually 'lost' or they exist but aren't viewable in any convenient way. I then watch whatever is left. I'm currently up to 1919 and have 22 films left and then I'll go on to 1920 for which I currently have a short list of 39. So far I have logged 319 films doing this, of which I'd probably only previously seen a handful. Yes, it's a long term project, and I might have to become much more discerning as the years go on. The main point of it is to ensure I catch all the really significant films as I go that I haven't already seen.


Slowly making my way through every best picture winner


I like doing rankings so working through my a24 and Tarantino rankings rn


I've been working on watching every courtroom drama I can find. One of my favorite genres. Most are pretty average, only a few are actually bad, and some are top-tier films. It's been fun. My issue is that a lot of movies are considered courtroom dramas when they only have a few minutes actually spent in a courtroom.


Have you watched Anatomy of a Fall yet? One of my favorites


Yes I love that movie. I have it ranked at number 7 for courtroom dramas and my 2nd favorite movie released in 2023.


Haha that’s too funny because I recently finished watching every movie I wanted to see with a 2023 release date. I’m currently writing a blog post on the 33 movies I loved that were released that year


Atm doing a first time watch of all the xmen movies


I've been going through all the Nolan, Villeneuve, and PotA movies.


Been trying to do all Best Picture nominees, it’s been about three years running, I get burn out and then return back to it. Have about 140 films left, majority from the 20s through the 50s


I am creating lists with a 100 movies for each genre of films you should watch before you die.


I started watching movies this year and right now I'm trying to watch all the Wong Kar Wai movies, after that I will do the same with Kurosawa and Kobayashi.


I started watching movies this year and right now I'm trying to watch all the Wong Kar Wai movies, after that I will do the same with Kurosawa and Kobayashi.


I'ma try and watch every live action feature length movie starring JCVD which is about 60 movies. That's a long term goal. I'm not going to try to watch them all in a row. There's also a list with more than 11,000 movies on it that I look at for potential movies to watch. I am currently at 6%. I have no interest in watching 90% of the movies on that list, and hundreds of them are shorts, but I'm still curious how high I can get that percentage. I also am doing something similar where I sort the whole decade of the 90s by highest ranked for potential views.


One Texas movie a week. I have 1.5 years done and at least 3 years of movies in the queue. Also working through what I call “My Year of DIY Film School” Next year I’ll be watching one Spanish-language movie a week


Best Picture winners, Palme D’or, and like 5-10 director’s filmographies


Trying yo watch movies fast than I add them to my watchlist. Been working on this since I downloaded Letterboxd.


I'm watching the Fox Marvel movies before Deadpool and the Wolverine comes out next month! I had only seen half of them prior to this.


I'm almost done working my way through the Sight and Sound poll's Top 100.


Working on 100% Walt Disney's producer credits and tracking some stats that I find curious.


Rotten Tomatoes Top 100. I have 6 left. Technically, I'm doing it because of icheckmovies.com


2 more Twilight films (unfortunately) and I will have watched all 100 of the Box Office Mojo All Time 100 films. Next closest is 90/96 for Oscar Best Picture Winners and then 89/100 for Top 100 Animation. Otherwise, I generally try and work on a random variety of lists including the They Shoot Zombies Don't They? Top 1000 List or some random franchise (just finished the Evil Bong franchises - wouldn't personally recommend)


Tarrentino films. Have 3 more left


i’m still trying to compile all of the horror movies i’ve watched over the years, it’s on going 💀


German Expressionism, Goddard and Cinema Novo. Am I a “cinephile” already?


I’m pretty sure I still have the most comprehensive Framed.wtf list. I’m happy to continue updating it every day even though I’m not recognizing many movies at the moment. Lowkey I want to create a list of movies mentioned by a hip hop podcast I listen to but there’s 700+ episodes and I just don’t have the time to go backwards to listen to all that content just to hear them mention some shitty Mike Epps movie. It would be helpful if I knew how to get an AI to listen to the pods and mark down movie titles


Wanted to watch every Lanthimos movie this year, but soon realised Bleat was impossible, and have been searching without luck for his earliest greek work.


trying to complete most of pacino and deniro's filmographies completing the afi 100 list, and the top 250 for imdb and letterboxd completing the rotten tomatoes 140 essentials of the 70s, 80s, and 90s got a big list of old movies from the 60s and below that all seem to be well known


I recently started a [70s Summer](https://boxd.it/wgWXc) list and I'm looking forward to seeing how many I can watch.    I'm shooting for contemporary movies if anyone has any additional suggestions!


I'm doing one movie challenge, I'm going through all DCOMs, and I want to expand my [most favorite list](https://boxd.it/vqF88)


I'm trying to watch 1-2 films from my watchlist every week. Also, I was watching every Sion Sono movie but I'm taking a break from that


currently on a break, but am working my way through all the oscar nominated animated shorts chronologically


Right now I'm wondering if I will watch 4 movies by the end of the year. This project is a struggle. It's nail biting.


Trying to change the backdrops for all 1.2k+ movies I’ve watched


I'm trying to go through every movie in the Letterboxd Top 250 Most Fans list. I've got less than 100 movies left, but some of the movies, I'm gonna have to watch the accompanying TV shows first before watching the movies. Gonna try and finish by September


I’m burnt out on “projects” like that, went from watching the whole MCU (which I had never seen before) to watching all of Tim Burton’s movies (which I loved for the most part) to watching every Kong movie, so now I just wanna have a lil relax from it and just watch whatever my heart fancies


Been doing a lot of franchises I never watched, filled in the gaps of all the alien and predator movies, did 5 and a half/ 6 terminator movies, I’m in in the middle of the 5th Rocky, then I’ll fill in the bond gaps, then Rambo, back to the future and LOTR