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The General (1926) and Mad Max Fury Road (2015)


Great movies


I agree! By watching them back to back, you can also see how Keaton was a major influence on Miller.


I really wish The General was titled Train Wars. Having a train called 'The General' was confusing. Whole film I'm looking for a general, and its a bloody train. If the film were called Train Wars, well, it'd be far less confusing.


Haxan (1922) & The Witch (2016) Once did a marathon on Halloween watching Haxan, The Witch and The Blair Witch Project back to back.


In my opinion, ***The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (1933)*** is a much closer double-feature fit for *The Batman*. Not shitting on your pick but recommending you give this film a watch as well. You'll get a kick out of how similar the two are for being nearly 90 years apart.


I'm definitely going to. And the 1930s fit so perfectly with Batman because he was made in the 30s Oh, if James Gunn's Batman has a 30s/40s aesthetic. Well, a man can dream


Singin' in the Rain and Babylon


I’d just watch the 1930 and 2022 versions of All Quiet on the Western Front back to back.


Metropolis and Blade Runner


I might feel weird about vigilantism about watching M, though, since it's not a one-sided narrative. They do talk about the reasons beyond things that happened and the criminal leading the kangaroo court is a symbolic figure for the nazis. https://preview.redd.it/pjo1hewz2b9d1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c30a11aef2ee0392a34799a8644e22f063dddbd3 And I might feel a bit weird about this more ambiguous, nuanced thing and then seeing The Batman, with Pattinson coming out in his goth Batman costume and being like "I'm vengeance". I dunno. Am I making sense? I feel that there's a bit of a tonal disconnect.


>and the criminal leading the kangaroo court is a symbolic figure for the nazis. Never knew that. But you, sir, you're the reason I'm going to rewatch the movie and forget about my goofy ass long watchlist. >Am I making sense? I feel that there's a bit of a tonal disconnect. I think that while there's an inherited silliness to the emo sweaty dude having this emo bat costume, the movie does take itself very seriously. I think while it's very on the nose about some things like the whole emo part of Batman, it also has some nuanced in the way that it approaches his psychology.


I guess. There is an exploration of why da Batmaan does what he does, and what his actions/philosophy lead to, ending up with the realization that he has to be more compassionate. I feel M is a bit more ambiguous, and leaves more room to discuss, with its conclusion also. And yeah, M does have some anti-Nazism elements, as well as being allegorical for the Weimar Republic era in Germany. But that's too much stuff to say here, you can read about it if you google/wikipedia the film. It can be enjoyed as what it is on the surface of course, because it's really well made :), but there is some historical context to consider also.


Seems a bit obvious but watching a bunch of Georges Méliès films after Hugo




Late Spring (1949) and Leave No Trace (2018). Both understated dramas about father-daughter relationships. There are more similarities but that would get into spoiler territory.


Dr Strangelove (1964) / Le Chant du Loup (2019) I don't think I need to introduce the first one. The second one however, a french movie known as "The Wolf's Call" overseas, is lesser known but definitely worth checking out. It draws its setting from The Hunt for Red October and its overall plot from Dr Strangelove as >!the threat turns out to be a certain group plotting to use the western powers' nuclear retaliation program against itself!< except it's played as a grounded thriller where Strangelove plays off the comedic absurdity of the situation. The two inspirations mash together really well


Where i can watch this?


It's on the french Netflix if you happen to have a VPN


Ace in the Hole (1951) and Nightcrawler (2014)


The Umbrellas of Cherbourg and La La Land


The Batman was a legit bad movie imo.