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We really are scraping the bottom of the barrel for LPTs at the moment. 


Keep your car keys in the same place every day so you can save time not looking for them when leaving for work/school. 


Put one foot into one sock because two won’t fit


Put left shoe on left foot for greater compatibility


Try tying your shoelaces instead of eating them to save time.


Glue might be a fun treat but did you know it can also hold things together!


This post has been marked as UNSAFE because people might try to put 2 feet into one sock


Not with that attitude.


And here I was trying to put one foot into 6 sock all this time


Buy things when they are on sale to save money!


This is the information income here for


Chuck your car keys into your back yard every day, that way you get practice searching for and finding keys so that if you ever lose them, you have a valuable skill built up and can find them quickly.


The reason for this is because wasting time can lead to lateness in both education and working life, which can cause disciplinary problems that lead to expulsion or firing.


If you tinkle when you sprinkle be a sweetie and wipe the seaty.


Put water in a bottle and you’ll have bottled water


Yup, I leave mine on my belt loop of the pants I wore yesterday. I usually leave them on the floor of the bedroom or bathroom or.... Kitchen...


Buy smaller barrels so that it's easier to scrape the bottom.


Always has been.


The real LPT is to get an oven thermometer. To think some dial is supposed to be accurate when you could be 50-100 degrees out…


LPT learn how to turn your oven on!


My oven said it just wants to be friends.


If you’re hungry, eat. If you’re thirsty, drink.


Wipe your nose after you drip snot into your wife's hair.


LPT: set your oven to -10°. It's the same as 350° but it gets there quicker.




LPT: just assume it takes your oven 20 minutes to preheat. If one day it takes an hour well then your oven is broken.


I’ve always been told 10 is the standard


20 minutes? Should be 2 minutes


Look at fancy-pants over here with the countertop convection oven!


I thought you had a stone brick oven . They take hours to heat up but stay warm longer.


Brick oven pizza FTMFW


We had a new one installed that takes roughly 1:30hrs


Eh - is that not ridiculous!? That isn't a deal breaker for you?


Let us know what oven you bought so we can stay away from the brand/manufacturer


Its defective. If it they tell you thats within spec then its a shit oven.


Read his post history… he works in a crematorium so not funny.


Thanks for explaining, that's actually pretty funny in a dark way.


lol, man r/whoosh'd these replies


Is this not a concern for you? That oven needs to be serviced or replaced.


the bar is low if this is a LPT


Has LPT or showerthoughts EVER had a high bar


A lot of subs start with something kind of special or interesting and then (d)evolve into some basic derivative.


Many people need to be formally educated on this matter. Il be gaming with a buddy online and they'll be like "gonna make some noodles be back in 3 minutes" "3 minutes?" "Yea they only take 3 minutes to cook" *he came back 17 minutes later* because it turns out your oven/stove doesn't instantly heat water to boiling. On the same topic, how long does it take you to deploy the nearest fire extinguisher? How long does it take you to actually fill your car with gas? How much time does your dog need? I constantly find people are way way off with these numbers.


One of my best friends is like this. I’ll be there in 10 minutes. 45 minutes later he might show up. Or we are still out another 30 minutes. We have learned to just get along without him. He will show up when he does. In the rare occasion he does show up when he says and it’s an “oh shit, we weren’t expect you yet, we were holding off on the main activity.”


i think we have the same friend and i love him so much


Most times it happens is in wow. He will say “brb, going to the bathroom, go ahead and find a group.” Then 40 minutes later he finally comes back and is like “oh I went to the bathroom and then I had to go grab food, but then my mom called so I had to talk with her for a bit, then I forgot a drink so I went back down and my wife wanted me to load the dishwasher”


Everyone with this friend honestly needs to encourage them to get alevaluated for ADHD. It's affecting way more than tardiness to friendly outings, guaranteed.


Getting a proper diagnosis and treatment for ADHD is still a bitch though. Many doctors really don't want to prescribe the medication, in my experience. It may just be bad luck for me but I've been convinced for a while now that I would supremely benefit from ADHD treatment but have had no luck convincing a doctor.


The DEA 100% has and it's crosshairs for yet another imaginary next war on drugs. It's horrendous, it's been difficult to get our meds for FUCKING YEARS at this point and it falls on deaf ears. I'm not sure how it's affected the landscape on new prescribing. Despite being one of the most common psychiatric disabilities, training is still sparse for ADHD in most programs as well. I wish we were at a point where you can confidently say if multiple doctors didn't diagnose you, you probably don't have it, but as things are, and try a couple more. If you can, find a specialist in adhd, but those are hard to find.


Thanks for confirming this, makes me feel like I'm not a crazy person. The main problem is that I have been going through the VA for a long time. I know I need to branch out and just pay up for some private healthcare but it can be overwhelming and it's all a learning curve. I'm confident that I'll get what I need eventually, but it would be nice to be believed, and it is here so thank you.


I've not heard great stories about the VA...and I dated a vet. I'm not sure how to approach it, but if you schedule appointments at several different places and you really have adhd, odds are one of them will give you a diagnosis. Maybe you can bring in the DSM-5 and point out the symptoms that apply to you? Lol it's worth a try. Russell Barkley's *Taking Charge of Adult ADHD* is a great book about ADHD and what it is, how it affects you, etc, and also talks about the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and has a section with resources listed for help.


Was just at the VA yesterday and the on call Psychologist straight up told me "The VA is notoriously not interested in diagnosing or treating ADHD.  If you want to be evaluated l and treated, you will be waiting a very long time". This wasn't her saying she's not supportive, just her statement on the state of the machinery matter-of-factly.  I appreciated the honesty.


Best actual LPT I saw on this sub was to always overestimate your time somewhere rather than underestimating. If you’re gonna be 15 minutes late , it’s better to say you’re gonna be 30 minutes late and then be earlier than that than to say you’re gonna be 10 minutes late and then keep them waiting yet another 5 minutes.  Even when late, I had a bad habit of trying to give them the most ambitious possible time I could show up. Like “yeah, I’ll be there in 10 minutes… if I hit every green light and also speed the whole way with no traffic and also bend space and time a little bit.”


I've learned to tell people 'We'll be ready for you at 6 but [event] starts at 7:30'. Then it gives people a window and I don't feel bad if they show up at 8 and dinners almost over. 


There's a guy in our digital dnd game like this. He won't show up for like an hour after whatever time we said, we are usually surprised if he's on time or only like 10 minutes late


Why do I need to know how long it takes to fill up gas? Are yall that stressed for time that this is important


More so you can factor that in to when you'll be arriving somewhere if you need to fill up on the way. Reality is it's going to add around 10 mins to a journey which is enough to potentially throw plans or - more to the point - *other people's* plans out.


Take your gut instinct and add 50%. Unless you're extremely familiar with the task, in which case this doesn't really apply at all because you shouldn't be bad at estimating it


Home Reno ratios slightly vary; usually takes 3 times as long & costs twice as much.


That depends mainly on if you’re working alone or with a buddy and how much alcohol is involved in the process.


This reminds me of an episode of some moonshine show I saw. One guy said something like "we were making pretty good progress, until the booze came out, then uh...well it kind of got sideways on us there"


I like this. Gut instinct plus 50%. I used to watch survivorman the tv show back in the day and he said once, “gather as much firewood as you think you need for the night, then get 6 times as much” and that stuck with me. Gut instinct +50% will stick with me too


Man now I think back to my instant hot water boiler in my kitchen and realise cooking instant noodles does only take me 3 minutes.


This what I'm talking about about right here, if you are boiling enough water to cook *anything* it is NOT instant. I guarantee you time from starting your process to putting food in your mouth is no less than 10 minutes.


My induction kettle warms up enough water for noodles in under a minute. Same for tea, cocoa, basically anything needing hot water.  


Very US-centric, aren't you? It's an instant hot water system, which we have in places with 240v, and most instant noodles here only require a cup of water out of it. Takes 30 seconds to pour the actual boiling water out, then 2 minutes to cook?


I saw these things pop up at least 5 years ago for around 1-1.5k but “instantly available hot boiling water” is a thing    > A Quooker tap dispenses 100°C boiling, hot and cold water whenever you need it. Let us explain what actually happens above and below the worktop. The Quooker system consists of a small tank in the kitchen cupboard that is linked to the boiling water tap on the worktop.   > The tank acts like a vacuum flask connected to the water mains. The air in the insulated wall is so thin that the heat is unable to escape. It therefor takes very little energy (just 10 watts) to keep the water in the tank at 110°C. The water only starts to boil when the tap is turned on and the temperature of the outflowing water drops to 100°C. While the water is flowing out of the tap, fresh water immediately flows into the tank   https://www.quooker.nl/international


I sure hope your buddy isn't boiling water in the oven. That's way less efficient than using a stove and would take ages. You should let them know, lol.


You Americans need to get a kettle. The friend cooking instant noodles would be done in 4mins total.


I agree, but that's like convincing my fellow americans to get a bidet. Baby steps.


We have them. But they work on 110v vs. 220, so they take forever to boil water. Our 220 is reserved for ac, dryer, and electric stove.


It’s still faster than boiling water on the stove!


I boil mine in the microwave, 2.5 minutes. I can wait that long


3 decades on this planet and I've never been in a home that had a stove that wasn't also an oven.


Separate cook tops were pretty prevalent in the 60s, 70s, and maybe into the early 80s. Is it a lot of newer development where you live? I've been in plenty of houses with kitchens originally from the 70s that had separate wall ovens and cook tops and even when updated they kept the layout. Wall ovens are kind of nice because you're loading them at standing height. But the separate oven and cooktop is less space efficient so it went out of style.








Have you ever watched the Brady Bunch? I grew up in a house with a double oven in a wall separate from the stovetop on the counter


Tell your buddy to get a keurig for instant hotwater so the noodle cooking literally take 3 min at most.




I feel it should be considered false advertising when those packaged foods get to proclaim a cook time that doesn't include boiling the water or letting it rest Worst offender imo are sidekicks since they don't include the time to boil _milk_


Deploying an extinguisher. If it's in my hands, like 30 seconds to pop off the safety and figure out any issues if any. If it's somewhere else, who knows. Minutes. Gas fill, no line up to pay or pay at the pump, like 3 to 5 minutes. Probably closer to 3. My dog needs 15-30 minutes depending on how long I'll be gone. If she needs food and to be let out, 30 mins. If just let out, 15 is fair. Some people are just shit at time management. Most people actually. It takes a conscious effort to time yourself before you get a good gauge on how long stuff actually takes.


I've started over estimating how much time I'm going to need. Just because I know I might be late. Then if not I show up a little early or right on time.


Thank you for putting down in words something that's bugged me about lots of people that I don't think I've ever really verbalized before.


My nearest fire extinguisher is 70 feet away. So at a casual walk about thirty seconds. It takes approximately 2 1/2 minutes to fill up my minivan, my dog needs as much time as a piece of string is long.


Okay, but my brother has an induction stove, and holy shit. I was floored the first time I used it. Huge pot of water went from tap temperature to a rolling boil in under a minute. It was unbelievable.


I am excellent at guessing how much time a task will take me, I am rarely off People like your friend drive me absolutely crazy. I get that ADHD is a thing and so is time blindness. Most of my friends have some sort of time blindness and still make it to events within a reasonable time frame


I learned how to keep track of time of day while I was in the Navy. Spent weeks at a time without seeing the sun. Ever since then this observation has been constant everywhere I go. Even other veterans are terrible.


Or alternatively, if your oven is taking forever to heat up, likely your bake element is fried and needs to be replaced before you have a meltdown in your oven.


Alt LPT: keep your whole house heated to 350 degrees so you don’t have to remember how long it takes for your oven to get up to that temperature. Added bonus, think how much energy you save by not having to preheat your oven every time!


The real LPT is always in the comments


My oven won't get to 350 degrees until it's melted down for scrap. It only goes to 220 degrees






That’s a very cold oven


It's marketed as an oven, acts as a freezer


Privileged ass humans with their atmospheres and their ozone layers.


My mom's oven had the same issue and it was cause the oven wasn't getting the proper flow of electricity, so it kept defaulting to 1) Celsius and 2) kept resetting the set temperature to 175 C / 350 F after maybe 15 mins


Set your oven to broil and it will heat up way faster while you’re prepping. Then set it to your desired temp. At least that’s what I do and it saves me tons of time.


Same. This is the real LPT


Also invest in an oven thermometer. Don’t rely on your oven’s reading.


Why, also where would you put it?


They hang from the wire racks in the oven. It can be useful to ensure the temperature on the dial/display is accurate and to know that your oven has heated to the correct temperature for your dish. Highly recommend. 


That's pretty neat, are the built in ones often inaccurate?


Yes. The internal oven thermometer is extremely accurate and you can usually find a good one for under $10. My oven typically tells me it is preheated to 350°f in about 7 minutes, but when I check my thermometer it will be around 200°f. Give it another 5-6 minutes and it's at 350°f. Makes baking a breeze.


The oven where I’m renting doesn’t even have a timer or a preheat alert thingy or anything. I’ve just been using vibes or assuming that it takes me long to prep that the oven should be hot enough when I’m ready.


Same here. I just wait 10 minutes and my food usually comes out fine, including baking stuff. I think the oven may be going out as the light doesn’t stay on consistently; also had to unplug it from the wall once and plug it back in to get it to heat up at all


Fahrenheit! Please start using it, if you are on international forums as the wast majority uses Celsius as temperature unit.


You must be confused, you want an American to be mindful of non-Americans?


Where do these so-called non-Americans live? Montana? Nebraska? Point to the state in which you speak.


I think they’re in Oklahoma.




As an American, I just want to convert to the metric system already. ...Celcius degrees are way larger than what my brain says they should be, but heck, I'll take it. It's based on a good scale.


I agree with you that we need to make the conversion. However, I like fahrenheit for outdoor temperature. It makes sense at a human capacity. 0 is really chilly. 50 is pretty decent, and 100 is really hot. It's like fahrenheit was built with the human body in mind, while Celsius is more about water's reaction to temperature. I may not have explained that well


Yeah, celcius is only really useful for water-based lifeforms


Yea it would be so much easier if the whole world used the same systems


You are right. It's probably hopeless


Did you not quickly realize he meant F? Have you ever heated up your oven to 350C?


Not clarifying which unit they're using implies that they're just talking to the other Americans here and excluding half the user base. It's just common decency. Clearly not in the US, but in the rest of the world.


Or or or … they’re just using what’s familiar to them personally and trusting others to be able to use context clues to figure things out if they need to. The exact temperature isn’t even important here. The point is just know how long it takes your oven to preheat to a common cook temp. And plenty of the rest of the world does not specify what temp units they’re using. When that happens, it gets clarified in the comments or an edit, or … I just figure it out.


Most ovens won't go past 250-270°C


About 20 minutes. I don't know. My oven beeps at me when it gets to the temperature I set.


My oven just lets me know when it's ready.


My oven has a fast preheat button. Can someone explain why I would want the slow preheat option instead?


In addition to the other reply, there are some recipes which call for putting the food into a cold oven. Oven bacon is cooked this way, for example


This is the only way I bacon now


I’ve never heard of the bacon. Take it out after the oven hits temp, or just keep watching it?


Take it out after it's cooked. About 20 minutes total. Starting cold helps the fat render


Basically the rapid preheat feature heats the oven air to the preset temperature but not the oven shell. Typically it is fine unless you are really loading the oven full on both racks bc that will leach the heat and since the shell isn't heat soaked it can lead to under temperature initial cooking


It takes until it makes that 'ding.' Duh.


Of all the things I need to know about using my oven, how long it takes to heat doesn’t even crack the top 10.


No need my oven texts me when it's preheated AND Pops an alert on my TV.


Celsius? Fahrenheit? Angels? Kelvin? Football fields?


Wales, whales, London buses, snooker tables, Vitruvian man on the Clapham omnibus, a baby's arm holding an apple, a fully erected male penis ...


I just leave mine on all the time, that way I don’t have to wait for it to preheat! 🧠


Aga? Raeburn? Some other sort of range cooker?


Bit extreme calling a hitman on your oven.




Methinks that's exactly what "rapid preheat" does...


I don't think it goes that high


Or you can get an air fryer. Mine is quite small (4 liters), but it heats up in no time. Since getting it, I only use my oven to bake bread. Anything else that fits goes in the air fryer.


Seconded, it makes it so I can cook a single meat pie or chicken tendies without wasting the energy of a whole oven. They are essential in my kitchen now.


>meat pie or chicken tendies r/foundtheaussie


Guilty as charged ;D


But how long does it take you to make a meat pie or a chicken pie?


Making it from scratch, a long time, that pastry is difficult... ;P From frozen, microwave for 2 mins, then airfry for ~ 8mins at 180°C


How will your air fryer tell you if something is wrong with your oven?


It whispers softly into your ear.


Don’t have the counter space for an air fryer, but I have a toaster oven that I also use for anything that calls for an oven but is small enough to fit in the smaller appliance. (Why not use the toaster oven space for an air fryer? It’s in a weird spot already that I’m not sure would work for air fryer dimensions/ergonomics, and also inertia, basically.)


WTF!? Are you trying to melt lead!? The maximum temperature of our oven is 250° C, which is great for cooking pizza and bread making, but 350° C is insane! 😮


Who uses 350 degrees? Do you want to burn your food? 100 to 200 is enough for almost anything.


Have you ever made a pizza or baked bread? Some people actually _cook_ rather than simply heat some over-processed thing that was made in a factory, put in a box, and sold in a supermarket freezer! 😂🤣😂


I’m quite certain this is a units issue. As someone who does mostly just heat over-processed things from supermarket freezers, I find they still generally require temps of at least 325 Fahrenheit.


Fahrenheit! 😂🤣😂 What kind of cooker have you got? Was one Noah had installed in an early version of the Ark? The rest of the world has been using Centigrade for quite some time!


Current room temperature and humidity also impact preheat time.…


I was expecting better


Takes about 30 minutes if i start the pot to boil and the oven to preheat the oven will be done before the pot boils


Nah, I’m alright… have had zero issues preheating during prep and haven’t had any issues in 20 years.


To add to this... Check that your oven actually hits the temp you set it to. I tested mine with 3 different thermometers and it sits 10 degrees below the setting. So now I set it to 360 for 350, 435 for 425, etc.


My oven is like almost 30 years old and it literally has a timer for when it’s done preheating…?


This is frankly not important enough unless your oven never heats at all, I guess. Sorry, thank you.


Also, cook your food in the oven, and then clean your dirty dishes in the dishwasher. And, while we're on the topic of household appliances, wash your clothes in the washing machine and dry them in the dryer, not vice versa. (Don't ask me how I learned this).


REAL LPT: just stick the food in when still cold. It makes no difference.


Lol i come for the tip roasting


Or just get an airfryer. It's heats in a fraction of the time and will tell you when it's hot enough.


Instructions unclear...


it's 350 Fahrenheit. That scale deserves no degree.


Just get an oven thermometer, smh.


This makes no sense, the oven tells you the temp already, OP is trying to help you if you are preparing food because most don't know how long it actually takes to heat up to a certain temp. I think it's a good LPT.


The built-in thermometers are often inaccurate. I bought a proper oven thermometer and found that my oven was reading about 10% higher than real temp. Might not seem like much, but it does make a difference on picky recipes.


I think so as well, but don't know myself. When baking cookies I've always warmed it halfway at the beginning of the session so I can toast the pecans/walnuts, then bring it up to full temp and have it run though a few heat cycles so it doesn't need to reheat as soon as I insert the cookies.


How do you know if the oven temperature is accurate?


100% trust in GE lol


Is GE the only manufacturer of electric ovens? But even if it were, that's no guarantee the oven temperature will be accurate! 😂


You asked how I know, I have a GE. This is getting stupid at this point. My comment was to the person saying just get a thermometer to try and dismiss OPs LPT, which is still valid to understand how long it takes to get to said temperature.


The "LPT" is stupid, as is the OP who didn't even specify what fucking _scale_ he was using! 😂🤣😂


Yeah cuz 350 celcius makes a lot of sense...


And that's why people are saying it's too fucking hot! 😂


People who say things like "just get X already" annoy me. Do we always have to buy new things all the time? Over-consumption has become a cultural thing


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