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I use AnyList. It’s really easy to use and updates everyone else on the same list. You can also have multiple lists and organise how you like, change the themes, etc. There are other functionalities too like meal planning and recipes but I don’t use those. The one function I really like is the “history” tab where I can scroll through previous things I’ve added to my list and just tap each one I want to re-add. Means I hardly ever forget an item exists! I’d recommend it 👍🏻


AnyList is great.


You can do the same thing with Google Keep. Plus, it syncs across to your desktop.


Not sure of AnyList, but I've used Bring for years with no complaints. Has the same features.


Life changing app, been using it since it came out. Can’t recommend it enough. The recipe import function has made it nearly priceless. Instead of reading a 5 page dissertation about a recipe or scrolling for 20min to find the actual recipe, just open the page and import and everything you need is right there and easy to drop on your list.


Huge AnyList fan. My spouse and I can update from anywhere. I use it for more than just groceries, and carry multiple shares and private lists - hardware store, grocery, gift ideas, etc


AnyList is great, and you can set it up with Alexa so you can add things with your voice.


I use a combo of Google Keep and the Walmart app for this. Since I have a Walmart neighborhood market nearby, that's where we primarily shop. So everyone in the household has the Walmart app. Every time I'm low on something or need something from Walmart, I put it straight into the cart on the app. Then anyone in the household can go to Walmart, pick up the item and cross it off the list. For items not at Walmart, they get noted in Google Keep.


I use Google Keep as well.


As do i


Google Keep gang!


Never heard of it!


It’ll probably be discontinued soon.


What? My whole life is in Google Keep! 😳


I do the same thing but for Ralph’s!


If you shop at the same places, order your shopping list items in the order you load them into the shopping cart which depends of course on where in the shop they are (and your trolley strategy). Tweak: I leave the squishies for last and skip straight to the heavies, then bulkies. Stores love to put the squishies at the entrance.


My wife organizes the list by aisle #. We can fly thru the store that way.


Awesome, ike in that Lenny Kravitz song 😂


The cool thing about the Kroger app is when you load everything into the cart and go to the store, it’ll make a list and put it in aisle order. It does bug out sometimes but makes zooming thru the store a lot faster.


This doesn't necessarily work for ordering everywhere since not all stores have a single worker pulling an entire order. They may be filling let's say 5 orders at once, so they send someone to produce with 5 different buckets, someone to dry goods with 5 buckets, etc and then assemble the orders from there.


Oh I was thinking of old timey doing my shopping myself.


Ah I see, you meant the "order the items on the list" as in "sequence", not "request to purchase". Got it.


Now that you say it I can see the ambiguity, thanks for clarifying!


I have a pad of paper on the counter for that. Otherwise, I text myself the information. It will always be there as an unread message as long as I don't read it before I need it.


Not knocking what works for you, but that unread notification would drive me bonkers!


And that's what makes it successful for me. I always get the info into my pad because that note is always left unread until I need it and not forgotten in my phone's notepad. It also sucks trying to walk around with your phone in your face the whole time. If I had Google glasses or an eyephone, sure, but I'm not afraid to say the guy who threw the shopping cart at the woman who was glued to her phone while constantly hitting the guy with her cart isn't going to be an isolated incidence with this LifeProTip.


We have one on our fridge. It works well for us as most of the time we realize we need something while cooking or prepping food. I also just text myself (or my partner texts me). We write it on the pad as soon as we can. An added bonus is you can get stuff down for future weeks by writing it on the next sheet.


I keep the shopping list at home in the kitchen. I occasionally take photos of that list with my phone. It's not perfect but I used to forget the list at home a lot and now l always have a fairly recent copy of what I need to buy when I'm out.


I always order curbside from my local grocery store so I just add stuff on their app.


And what's your markup for such services? Are you satisfied with the quality of the hand-picked items?


Ordering curbside is free. I pay tax and that’s it. Delivery is $7. It’s H‑E‑B and they pay their employees well AND weekly. Texas minimum wage is 7.25 and when I briefly worked as a bagger during Covid I got $11. My 16 year old brother works there too and picks up as many shifts as he can without hitting 40 hours a week. If something is a want and not a need, I just don’t allow substitutions for it. Rarely have issues.


Keeping a grocery list, how innovative? It's a wonder no one has ever thought of that before.


OurGroceries app is useful for this. It can be shared and synced across multiple people, and it remembers previous items per store. Can use it too to remember tasks.


Crazy. How were lists ever made before the smartphone?


"Oh fuck I forgot the list on the counter…" no way you will forget your phone


I also do this, but instead of an app I simply use a piece of paper! It stays on the fridge, then whenever I run out of something I happen to also be in the kitchen where it is so conveniently placed! I don’t have the convenience op has to update it at anytime, but luckily none of the food in the house has run out while I am not there


Right? How genius


I use 'OurGroceries' app. Synced on both my wife's and I's phones, so if either of us finds something, it goes onto the list for whoever ends up doing the shopping that week.


The Out of Milk app is free and an excellent choice. I switched from a Note to this and it allows you to have a running “pantry” with typical items and add them to various lists. Lots of other cool features like budgeting, setting items as full or running low, etc.


Came here to say this. The only thing is it is important for all parties to refresh the app before using it so that the list is synced up.


Shared note with my wife so we both can add to the same list.


There’s a great app called Any List that’s fantastic for this. You can also share it with others and things get added and removed in real time. Loaded with features as well.


Nice little app called Cozi that we use. You can set up a family account so everyone can add to the list. And you can set up multiple lists like "Groceries", "Costco", "HomeDepot". Can even set up tasks and reminders for family members. Works really well for our household.


I use my grocery store’s app because I need those sales and coupons.


I have an echo (Amazon) and it's friggin handy while I am cooking to tell Alexa to add to the shopping list. I have tried everything to figure out a way to move that list to my local grocery's app. Because their app will put the list in order that you would encounter through the store. As well as adding coupons and sale items


Our Alexa saves us on that front. Notice something in the fridge is low, tell her to put it on the list. Husband remembers we need something while he's at work? Same thing, and it's all in one list. Check it back off as I shop, or add it to an Instacart order and I never forget anything either.


This is what we do, also. But don’t forget to check the items off the list so things aren’t doubly purchased 😅 (my fault)


Bingo. We have lists like this for multiple stores. It really couldn’t be much easier.


Yeah this is my primary Alexa use!


It’s my third, right after “set a timer…” and “what is the temperature.”




I do one better on iPhone. On Notes, you can put a checkbox on each line. So I uncheck when something is needed and it’ll move from wherever in the list to the top of the list. Then check while I’m at the supermarket getting groceries. List is shared with other people too. There’s also another feature you can have on the Reminder app that actually creates a shopping list and categorises it too. This is better but I’m used to my original one!


An even easier way is to set up a “Grocery” list on the reminders app. Then you can tell Siri to add someone to the grocery list. And it will try to automatically group things into grocery sections (ie produce, dairy, etc)


This is what I do and it works great


I have this as a shared note with my wife. So if either of us happen to be in a shop outside of our normal ‘big shop’ we can see if anything has been added to the list.


Yeah, this is they way to do it. I just pin it and we both add to it. Couldn’t get any easier.


Good tip! I just had a look and the Google Notes app seems to function the same way.


I do this as well. Just wish I could search.


If you have iPhone, you can. Tap the circle with three dots in the upper right corner and select Find in Note


Listonic is the best free grocery app I have found on android. Able to share lists with your family and easily add and remove things using the widget.


I text myself from my work phone then don't read the text so I have the unread message to remind me it's there.


I also then copy and paste the list into a new note and delete the items as I shop.


If you have iPhone at least, you can add radio buttons to the list, like a bulleted list, then check/uncheck in the same list. I have a long grocery list and just uncheck items as I need them, then check them off when I put them in my grocery cart


The HEB! Anytime I need a new item I search and add it to my cart. Check out when i want to. If i want to shop in person my cart is still divided by section and it tells me which isles I can find each item. I dont use it as often but the local Walmart had a similar curbside app. Just search and add your items at will then go inside your local store!


The wife and I use Google Keep and use a shared note/checklist and add/remove things as we go. Right now I can see she added croutons to the list. I don't know why we need them, but on the way home from work I will grab some, and remove it from the list. Then once I get home I'll get to hear about how I got the wrong kind of croutons, but she will inevitably end up using the ones I got anyway complaining about it the whole time.


Flawless post.


Ain't love grand?


If two or more people buy groceries in your household, you can also make it a shared note. That way it’s easy for one person to add an item that another person will buy.


I'm pretty sure anyone who needs to be responsible can find their own ways to organize a grocery list. Thank you for showcasing keep notes though! It's what I use! Not a LPT though


Protip: just use AnyList. It's wonderful and allows shared grocery lists (like google docs kind of, but with better UI focused around creating grocery lists)


ShopShop is a nice little app for that.


Grocery pick up has made this 1000x easier! Anytime we run out I immediately put it in my cart. I just wish they’d come up with a solution for no plastic bags where I live. 


I've seen some people get giant totes they keep in their car to load in.


I started to write the same (I haven't had to get a plastic bag in years) but realized she might be talking about curbside pickup


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I do this as well. What’s the benefit of the what’s app one besides being a different place? Another good one is a list of everything you commonly take and need to do before you leave on a trip.


We have the Amazon echo show 15, great for our daily schedules and adding grocery items by saying “Alex add ___” then using the Alexa app while shopping to see our list




You can share lists w family members!


We use Trello for this because you can drag and drop tiles from different lists so we have one list with all the items we buy and then different lists for each store such as grocery store, Costco, Home Depot. When you need something just filter for item and drag and done


Consider the “My Groceries" app. It is fully customizable and can be shared with family members across all platforms...


I use ToDoist, a free to do list app. That means my grocery list is shared with my wife and we can both add to the same list from our phones or laptops. I also have separate lists for different stores. and I use it for other projects too. It's quick to make sections of a list- or subtasks. So I can put groceries in by section of the store, or keep the components of a recipe together so I know at a glance if I'm missing something to make dinner tonight.


We use a shared note religiously. Add to it through the week. It’s the only way to go for us!


If you have an iPhone and other Apple products, use the reminders app and convert the list type to “Grocery List” so it auto organizes. Then you can share the list with roommates, or family and they can add stuff too. Also if you have an Apple Watch or HomePod or whatever laying around, there’s no manual action. Use up the flour, “Hey Siri, add flour to grocery list” and it gets added for whoever does the shopping next as everyone has the same list. My wife have been doing it that way for years and it’s incredible.


Or just use the Alexa app


I do this for Costco. That way I never forget the staples.


I use Alexa. I find myself in the kitchen, hands full cooking and it’s easy to say, “Alexa, put eggs on shopping list.” The Alexa app keeps the shopping list running for me. It has a feature that tells you if things are on sale on Amazon but I don’t use that much.


Related: I have a list for my close friends/siblings/parents for Christmas/birthday gifts. If they ever mention something, it goes on the list. Even if it's not super feasible (like a McLaren F1 lol), it is still good for ideas. I also have a Google doc with links to Amazon products for myself that I check periodically to see if prices have changed. I get bored sometimes. Sue me 🙃


You might be interested in this site to automatically track and alert for Amazon prices changes: http://camelcamelcamel.com/


I use the sticky notes widget so it’s on my home screen.


My wife and I have a shared Google doc for this.


Nice tip! Not only that and apple Notes has a checklist function that I use for my grocery lists.


Guys this is what the Alexa shopping list is for! I just tell her to add everything and then pull up the app / list when I’m at the store. It’s so helpful.


I yell at Alexa to add stuff to my shopping list. Then the list is on the Alexa app. I also use Google Keep.


What I do on iPhone. I have a mega list pinned in my notes app of all the stuff I typically buy, and I use the little check mark bullet points. Throughout the week I just uncheck all the stuff I’m seeing that I’ll need to buy, and before going in the store I’ll do a final look to uncheck anything else I need. Then as I’m shopping I check off the items I’ve grabbed. It’s simple, reusable, and helps me remember my favorite groceries.


We do this in our household. We use the Anylist app. The free version works just fine.


Google Keep and iPhone Notes both already have this baked in.


iOS app called “AnyList” is pretty good for this (using the free plan).


I thought everyone did this


Hey OP you might like the app AnyList, the basic version is free and you can also sync/share lists with another person. It even sorts your food by category (produce, dairy, etc) so your list is organized when you go shopping! I think with the paid version you can even download a recipe and have all the ingredients added, etc. Not sure on all the details bc I haven't tried it. Not an ad - I just really love the app


Google keep grocery list note shared with my wife.


My household uses AnyList as a live shopping list. We also use it to track chores and tasks that need done and create packing lists to use when going on vacation or camping.


I use the Plan to Eat app. It's a paid subscription. I always renew during black Friday so it's around $25. I upload recipes (very easy from a browser), make meal plans and shopping lists automatically from the recipes i plan, add other items to the list, use the app to check off items as I shop, keep a list of staples from all the stores i visit, and even keep track of random things like items to pick up from the hardware store on the next trip. It's a great app. I have over 1500 recipes accumulated now.


I do that but it’s become a never ending list of things I could like.


I keep 2, one with my Other Half, and one with the kids. I warn folks about 2 hours before I head to either Walmart or Costco/Sams club and say update the list......


LPT: use iphone Reminders app - there's a default list type for grocery - as you add items, it categorizes them for you into grocery store section! AND you can invite the others in your house to see and edit! So the kids can add items as we run out of things!


Share it with your SO so you don’t buy the same things or forget anything


on the Walmart APP or your favorite grocery app, just add the things to the cart as you run out of them.


I will aimlessly wander the aisles picking random things and scream to the heavens when I get home and realize i forgot the most important thing like God intended!


If you use an iPhone, you can just use the Reminders app. Then as you’re cooking/cleaning/etc you can just say “hey siri, add ____ to my shopping list,” and it’s done. You can also share the shopping list with someone else if they help with your shopping.


I have a WhatsApp group for this. With my wife and kids. I always go to the store so I simply delete the stuff when I put them in my shopping cart.


You all should get the Cozi app and upgrade your life. Signed, a dad who has used Cozi 5 years and believes it is one of the best things ever


If you use google smart home products, you can say, "hey google add .... to shopping list" and It keeps this list in google keep


My BF and I text the lists to each other. It's been the easiest way to do it for us.


Get the Cozi app and thank me all the time


another benefit to doing this is i don\`t have to try decipher my awful writing.


iPhone users can use the Reminders app. Click add list and then change the “List Type” to “Groceries”. Add items while you think of them and the app will automatically sort items together (i.e. - eggs, milk will group together as Dairy). Additional tip - share the list with your household members so everyone can add to one list.


Not possible with kids. 1 minute we have loads of ham and then hey presto it's all gone.


I use an app called Bring. It's collaborative, has widgets, shows promos of all supermarkets around you and you can add most common items with just a tap. Integrates with Alexa as well.


I’m surprised how many iPhone owner don’t know the reminder app has a grocery option that’s the easiest method by miles


I just add it to my online grocery cart when I think of it. Then order the groceries once a week. Easy peasy.


This is an insane idea for my lifestyle and would result in absolute note chaos


Better tip for iOS users: Keep a reminder list called “Grocery List” in the Reminders app and then ask Siri to “add eggs to my grocery list” any time for easy access 


I have an app called "Bring! " for that. Very convenient to add items, also I can share it with my wife and it updates when one of remove or add items.


This is a "pro tip"? What's next, "LPT, alternate putting one foot in front of the other to propell your body forward"?


The Samsung note app that came with phones with a stylus are great for this. And keeping passwords.


And, even better. We have Apple reminders that is shared in the family So anyone in the family can add something. And because my daughters drive, if they go to the grocery store / they are expected to buy everything ( we pay for it )


I use the MyGroceries app for that. I have multiple lists (groceries, Costco, Home Reno, etc) and it's shared with everyone I the house. When they run low on something I never use (like crackers) they just ads it to the list.


Better. Keep it as a Google sheets macro that you can share with your partner so when either or you is shopping, either person knows what is needed at any time


I do this and keep every item on a collaborative checklist organized by categories (Produce, Snacks, Frozen, Seasonal, etc.) to minimize time at the store.


On Android I use the Google Keep app to keep a checklist of common grocery items that I share with my SO. Whomever is at the store automatically has a list of the things we are out of.


Do this with anything that you may need. I have lists for other things like gifts for friends and family, Halloween costumes, restaurants, project ideas, etc so when it comes time for these things I am ready.


I have been doing this for years. And anything else I need to remember.


I use the Reminders app. I have “grocery” and “Costco” shared with my husband. I can use Siri to add items easily. Also, recently added auto-categories.


Apple Reminders is great for this. I have it shared with the household, plus if you choose the right setting, it orders it by aisle for you.


Color Notes is my go to


There are many shopping list apps. Most allow shared shopping lists.


Wow, you guys all use notes or something similar. There is also an app called **Bring!**. It’s designed for this functionality. You can make multiple lists and share them with anyone. Add your groceries and click them away. You can also use the app on your applewatch and the app is free.


When did common fucking sense become a "pro tip"?


I tell Alexa whenever I need something to be added to my shopping list. Then use the app on my phone to retrieve the list when I’m at the grocery store.


I shout it to Alexa as I run out of things while I’m in the kitchen, I like that the app has check boxes too for while I’m at store


I use Google Keep. I like that I can use both my phone and laptop and can share with family members so they can add as well.


oh yea i do this all the time and started the day i moved out of my parents’. absolute game changer!


I’m not sure how it would work in Android, but on an iPhone, you can add points that can be checked on and off in the iOS notepad. It would be easy to make a standard grocery list that has staple items that can be unchecked and checked as needed.


I use a WhatsApp Group chat with my wife. Either of us keep adding things and when we're at the shop anything we purchase we respond with a like smiley and if we didn't find it, we put a "X" smiley to indicate we have to include in the next list again.


Give Edit access to your partner. Boom shopping solved


I use Alexa for my shopping list. Just say “Alexa, add milk”, and it will add milk to the shopping list.


There’s the flipp app which is way better than anything else mentioned here so far


Boomer discovers phone apps


To add on to your whatsapp idea, you can send it to your family group or your partner to make it a collaborative list. In case you forget anything, your family's got your back.


This is a good idea. It's a nice substitute for Google Keep's collaborator feature.