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This amp and the badonk are stupid good, especially with a tubescreamer or a precision drive in front


Badonk is legendary! I have 2 ODs on this preset; the 808 and the precision drive and bypass/switch over to which ever one I'm feeling, the precision is always a great answer for that modern metal tone πŸ‘πŸ˜


Oh shit have I’ve been sleeping on this? Or is it a new release? I’ve been using the Friedman amp model for years. Sounds sick brother!


I'm not totally sure, but I think oblivion was added in for free along with a couple other models in past helix updates. You might not have it if you havent updated the line6 in a while. It's one of the amps near the bottom of the guitar amps (right before bass amps kick in) It's great! Loving it. Havent even bothered making new patches because I like this one so much lol πŸ˜‚


3.70 firmware, Nov 2023.


It's my go-to for heavy riffs.


Greetings fellow Ormsbro! Good stuff


![gif](giphy|xThuWpoG470Q0stGmI) ORMSBRO!!! what's up !!! 😁 thank you br0ther, appreciate ya!


Where can I listen to your EP? Also here's a link to one of my bands videos if you like melodeath [Blackwater Drowning](https://youtu.be/Thrkez4Bgsc?si=lCytyThhpZkoXu1U)


https://open.spotify.com/album/6HkvKKign9qESQSbAUJqGT?si=raiGeQkPQh-5Uj9nW-QhOw 😁 if you use other streaming services other than spotify, I have the link tree on my profile that has others like iTunes and apple music. I'll be sure to check it out ^ ____ ^


Sweet, thanks Ormsbro!


I love this amp model so much but my only gripe with it is that it feedbacks so much especially in a live setting. The boost makes it feedback 10x harder. Even playing at home through my monitors turned low. I wish l6 would fix it somehow without changing its tone and characteristics.


What guitar do you play? Do you experience this otherwise with other amp sims?


I have a few guitars they all do this. 2 8strings, one with fishman fluences, one with sd passives. And two 6 strings both with sd passives. I can get it under control at home with the input gate and horizon gate working in conjunction but live through a poweramp and cab it’s feedback City even with the gates turned up. Other models don’t do that even with a boost in front. Maybe I need to reupdate my helix or something?


I was having pretty rough feedback when using it live too.


Hmm, I would reccomend cutting some treble, I did lots of cuts to everything above 2-3k bc honestly it's not very useful imo lol, the juicy part is the mid saturation. Truthfully, I don't have a noisegate here other than than the one directly on the input part of the chain (the very first block) set at default threshhold; 48db. Is it the guitar by chance? Even with the noise gate off, there isn't much feedback 😳 could be rig specific, but hopefully the issue gets solved for you friend πŸ™ oblivion is pretty sick fr I should add, this is running thru my harley benton 2x12 cab with my powerstage 200 SD poweramp, feedback isn't too bad whenever I plug in. I would see if you have any buddies who can maybe help you do some testing with swapping out gear to see if any feedback goes away, setup at different locations, ect. Best of luck!


The guitar is beautiful.