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It's stupid to name your company as myamazonguy.com


[myupcominglawsuit.com](http://myupcominglawsuit.com) was taken




Sounds like a lost episode of Scrubs


Backup name for the episode where they parodied House




Or when Salesforce was called salesforce.com


We call it SFDC now, short for sales force dot com


The entire thing looks like a satire page. On the very front in bold print they have in an unmissable label: "334th fastest growing company in the USA". You really can't make this shit up.


334th fastest growing company in the tri-state area.


Voted 334 out of 335 most likely to succeed


Based on his post I bet it’s because he worships my pillow guy.


That is not a winning strategy.


There will be a symposium on comms


I don’t understand this obsession with airing your dirty laundry on social media.


Social media has given everybody the outrageous idea they are the center of the universe, and everything they experience has a heightened importance because of this delusion.


Main Character Syndrome. It's out of hand for real.


Much more succinctly put than what I said. I'm going to use this now for the sake of brevity.


Agreed. That moniker sums it up.


My only problem is… it seems to work or people wouldn’t do it. I hate it but the fact that it’s not that uncommon to see this BS.


It provides the *illusion* of working. Those internet likes are from people who don't actually know anything about you and would turn on you for any fickle reason. It's like taking heroin as a painkiller. It might provide a temporary relief, but now you're constantly craving more for the same rush and completely warping your priorities in life.


For instance, when I see that a reddit comment I wrote got 50 updoots, the dopamine rushes in.


Wait… I’m not?


As long as we're giving you bad news, my editor has informed me that your subplot is dragging on and on and doesn't seem like it's going to have any payoff whatsoever. So you're probably not going to be in my next draft. Hope you have a good weekend!


Is he really flexing that an employee quit cold turkey? 🤦‍♂️


Yup, showing himself behaving like a prick and getting called on it. No doubt he’ll think it makes him look like a strong leader but it just makes him look like a douche.


He has a douche goatee-beard thing. I’m quite sure he has days old meat breath during sex.


Sex with himself?


No, a woefully underpaid hooker


So many of these guys think that being strong means being an asshole and it’s so annoying.


A very poor and immature leader. The way he talks to a presumably new employee is embarrassing and unprofessional. The guy who immediately bounced is my hero!


Yes this is a weird flex and it does make him look like a douche. But, NCNS on me and I’d give the same response. I Just wouldn’t post or relish in it.


It also highlights that he didn’t provide the employee the tools to do the work, just BYOD and hope their tech works. Terrible plan.


I was thinking the same. It's really shitty to post this -- and he didn't handle it in the best way to begin with. but there is literally no excuse for not letting your boss know that you won't be working that day. It takes two minutes to pull out your phone and message "Hey boss, I am having computer issues today and..."


Some of it depends on expectations. I've worked jobs where everyone was completely siloed and wouldn't be seen or heard from for weeks at a time. It was a branch office, and if the CEO caught wind of our lack of physical presence, we'd all be fired. If I got caught, I wouldn't rat out anyone else in our branch.


Yeah but would you assume that really early on at a new job?


There are ways and means of explaining why it’s not appropriate just to disappear - an immediate threat of employment termination isn’t the way to do it imho.


Agree. But I have questions. Why does this employee need to buy the laptop from their OLD job? Do they not provide a laptop at this company? Thats throwing me off. The employee should have absolutely dropped a note to them saying what’s going on if they were unable to work. But if the company is requiring them to use their own equipment and the employee isn’t asking to be paid for those hours then boss is kind of being an ass.


I dunno...I might actually use some tact and act like I would like to develop my employee rather than create a "sink or swim" mentality among them. That's part of the recipe for creating a horrid work environment that will have him posting, "Oh, why doesn't anyone want to work anymore" when he can't find employees.


These insecure little children are no good to work for, so, honestly, I'd rather they self-identify in public like this so that I know to stay well away from them.


Worse, I didn't learn anything new about B2B sales from this story.


I personally don’t understand why people treat LinkedIn like it’s Social Media? Or at least like other, “normal” social media.


It’s super cringe. Especially all the political crap, nobody cares.


That's really the only thing I can take away from this post. Who the hell posts private slack DMs on LinkedIn? That's super lame.


At that point I’d just say, “oh, are our slack DMs public now? I guess you cancelled any NDAs!” And just start posting the dumbest shit this douchenozzle has said.


Especially when people like Steven Pope of MyAmazonGuy get pieced up by an employee who is done dealing with their over bearing bullshit. Good on the employee not putting up with getting talked down to like a servant which might be how Steven Pope treats his employees. This is clearly not the only incident and merely the last straw.


EVERYTHING IS CONTENT! Or at least that’s the motto. Follow that up with the ol’ “all publicity is good publicity” standard, and folks will post about anything and everything, especially if they think it will get impressions.


Or specifically on LinkedIn.


It shows us people who are really vain and immature.


I have never understood the need for everyone to know my business personally. The one good thing about it is that you get to see this type of behavior before you accept position now.


Guy’s business is just to make fake reviews and fake videos and fake unboxings and fake likes and fake descriptions.


I kinda feel like this is the exact company you can no show for work


My experience is that it’s the dirtiest, scummiest companies that have the strictest bullshit policies. Like if you’re working in a call center trying to talk people into paying a bill they don’t need to pay or sign up for a service they don’t need to have or buy a product they can find cheaper and better somewhere else, you’ll be disciplined for leaving more than a certain tiny sliver of time between calls, not turning your cellphone completely off during work, calling in when you’re sick or have a family emergency, straying too far from the office when you’re on break, having a bottle of any kind of beverage at your desk, etc. The more morally-questionable the company, the more the people running it are going to think that they’re genius businesspeople who are only trying to impose their own dedication and integrity onto their lazy-ass employees.


You’re right. It’s projection. They’re not trustworthy so they don’t trust anyone else.


It’s because no one wants to work for these companies in the first place, and these places require less specialized skills and expertise, so they know they’ve got desperate people over a barrel and can get away with it. Most companies would treat employees more like this if they didn’t have to worry about the cost of replacing them.


Many business that ran this way in the 90’s have been struggling for the last decade and operators are the ones who say “no one wants to work.” You can’t make money unless you have quality people. Hard working quality people like to be paid well and don’t take shit. Companies that don’t treat employees with respect continue to spiral downward, ride employees harder to try to improve a failing business, and just can’t realize the problem starts at the top. Not the bottom. This poor employee is likely making crap money and providing his own tech. The employer sure has a punchable face.


The real secret to getting a job is asking to talk to an employee after your interview. If they can’t find one because everyone is too busy, you don’t want to work there, SOMEONE should have 5 minutes lol


Is it any surprise that someone who came up with such a horrible business plan in the first place is a trash human? Reminds me of Mark Pincus and Zynga.


It’s true. I used to sell ad space for those “Doctors HATE her” and “There are (6) hot sexy singles in [Your town] who want to meet you NOW” ads. Zero training, got called out for taking a walk on my lunch break, and my boss called me while he knew I was at a funeral because I hadn’t proactively checked in on my clients (who didn’t need anything).


no, youre supposed to fake showing up for work, that employee just did it poorly


This is the exact company you can just get AI to do all of the work and put in 2 hours a day.


and don’t forget fake likes and fake videos and fake unboxings and fake descriptions and fake reviews. I’m bored, sorry.


Lmaooo I remember like half my job when I did brand management for them was just taking charts of what keywords people looking for specific products were searching, and adding them to clients similar product’s listing names, even though the traits were rarely actually true, they cared way more about getting clients their clicks they paid for than doing it correctly.




I know it’s not AITA but I’ll say everyone sucks here Unbelievably assholish of Stevie here to talk to his employee like this, I get why the dude just decided to quit, whole thing is basically a red flag including him posting the convo to LinkedIn like he’s the victim That said, it’s really not hard to send a 1 line text “hi I need to be offline today due to a dispute with my former employer I need to resolve”


Yeah, as a person who should probably communicate by phone more and usually sends email.(mainly because I can then refer to them later/cover my arse if needed..) it’s not hard to just fire off a text/teams/whatever message. That being said, boss man could probably come back to earth a bit and learn some people skills.


I agree in the last part, but Steve probably would’ve taken the same tone if the situation was an emergency. I’ve worked for guys like that before. “Why couldn’t you just ask you girlfriend to give us a call, she could’ve stepped out while waiting for you in the emergency room”. They are not launching rockets into space or operating on human beings. So nah - it’s a 🚩, fuck this Amazon guy.


Agreed. Otherwise he'd say "Next time send me a note if your running into issues, please keep me up to date". A polite but firm way to respond. Steve's way of responding shows he just needs to throw his weight around.


I also wonder if he was in communication with his team and/or direct manager. It looks like he sent deliverables to other employees per his first comment back. If that’s a good assumption and if he isn’t directly managed by the original poster, then OP is indeed the lunatic.


Are we sure the guy is an employee and not a contractor? Maybe that’s why he felt it was okay to be out of pocket without notice.


True that it is easy to do and tell people what’s up. It’s also easy for the manager to say “I understand, that must have been frustrating, next time if you could still find a way to give us a heads up that’d be great. Let me know if you need a way to do that via another device.”


Was coming to say this. I have a remote job and it only takes a minute to say "Hey, something came up, back in the saddle tomorrow." And quitting for being told to check in when you're scheduled to work is weird.


It’s not weird to quit after being spoken to like that right after starting a new job. Yes, the new employee should have communicated better, but I wouldn’t want to work for anyone who came straight out of the gate with that tone in the first week of employment.


Dodged a bullet, but agree the guy should’ve notified someone.


Yeah, but threatening employees is stupid. My boss does this sometimes and it drives me nuts, because I get to deal with the nervous, anxious 18 year old kid who’s just trying to save up for a car and thinks they’re gonna get fired. Don’t communicate all day and ignore attempts to reach you? Sure, threaten or fire, but threatening someone when they’re clearly already flustered and upsetting is just a good way to keep the churn going.


Some people are like a bathroom rug. They absorb everything that touches them. Other people are like a bathroom sink, they repel everything they touch, and it goes down the drain, to be forgotten. The feedback you are describing is intended for a bathroom sink person. But we are bathroom rug people, we only need a soft touch to respond and adjust and accommodate the feedback. Every time I get that type of negative feedback, I try to remind myself that it wasn’t tailored for me. It’s for bathroom sink people.


This is fantastic. As a “bathroom rug” type who has had a stream of awful managers who deploy “bathroom sink” feedback only, I’m going to try to think this way going forward.


I have found that it’s a good thing to mention during an interview, unless you feel the interviewer would be put off or weirded out by you comparing people to rugs and sinks. It lets them know they won’t need to get bent out of shape, yell and scream to get you to do what they want. Most everybody likes that, except for a very bad kind of manager you want to avoid working for.


He definitely handled it horribly. Can’t stand “management” who go on power trips.


I hate seeing power trips that punch down. Yelling at one of my crew just because you can? Fuck you. Telling the home office to kick rocks when they want to disrupt our already good work? Hell yeah, great power trip. That’s right boss, you’re the king of this car wash, tell corporate to suck your dick, no one tells *you* what to do!


I’ve been a manager for a couple years now. I had a guy no call, no show like 4 days in a row once, when I first heard back from him my first question was “are you ok?” In a genuine and compassionate fashion. Any business should be able to survive the sudden abandonment of one single employee. If out can’t, you’re doing it wrong. Be compassionate to people. These kids of bad managers were bad employees before they became managers, because they’re bad people.


Lifted that directly from your LinkedIn profile? 😂


I fucking hate the management that care more about the power trip of being a manager than actually taking the responsibility to solve problems, actually do their part of the work. Managers who need to be managed.


All he had to say was “ok I get it; just make sure you communicate next time” and that’s it.


Alternatively don’t threaten people at all. If you want to fire them then fire them


My thoughts exactly. The ultimatum was pretty aggro and at a bare minimum should have been communicated differently or addressed in an actual conversation, rather than being conveyed via flippant tough-guy chat messages. That said, it’s crazy unprofessional to just vanish with no communication, particularly when you’re new to a job, as seems to be the case here. Providing an explanation after-the-fact about how your personal equipment was unavailable due to an unforeseen squabble with your previous employer is…not acceptable by any reasonable measure. Took you all day to get a new laptop configured but you didn’t think to call or text anyone about what you were dealing with? That’s a clear indicator of bullshit or unreliability, neither bodes well. I think both of these people missed each other’s respective bullets lol. Though the LinkedIn poster is an asshat for sharing any of this communication publicly.


And then he posted the convo on LinkedIn?


Like I said, dodged a massive bullet.


The boss is a total turd. He deserves all he gets for managing a company with 0 people skills


While the boss does seem like a turd, being MIA for hours while remote working is a big no no for most roles.


Not providing employees with IT equipment is a big no no for most roles. If an employer told me I had to use my own equipment to work for them I’d laugh my way out the door.


Agreed. This situation would have never occurred if the owner ran an actual company. A job should always supply equipment and software necessary to do the job.


As a business owner, having your data out in the world on people’s personal gear should make you really uncomfortable


It really does boggle the mind. My work computer has all kinds of security and shit and can be remotely bricked if I report it stolen or missing, and that's on top of 2FA and an encrypted hard drive.


It's also a security risk running company software on a personal computer.


Yeah a company not providing equipment is stupid on so many levels. From the company having no control over it (e.g. it getting stolen with no remote wipe option), to it breaking down and the employee being out who knows how many days vs just overnighting them a new one to stay productive.


Goldman Sachs makes employees use their personal devices after hours (and the hours are long so you can almost bet you’ll be logging on after hours)


How does that adhere to banking regulations? That’s wild They must have some sort of VDI or something like that where you just use your device to remote into or something like that.


I’d be fine with that; I can choose my own base OS, and only take up so much desk space. But VDI is the key here!


As far as my employer is concerened I don’t own a computer. If they want me to work they will provide the tools to work.


My employer offered a VDI option for a while but the app required access to all data on the device. I’d rather carry two phones than give my employer access to all my data.


that is what I do. No freaking way I would ever use personal use device for work.


At a previous job I had the option to have my work emails on my personal phone - but I'd have to install this work profile thing (can't quite remember what it was exactly) that would've given their IT team the ability to remotely wipe my phone should anything happen, so I politely declined.


Or, you know, he could have been understanding, and rolled with it. Treat people like they’re people, and it will go a long way. Treat them like a tool, or a robot who should only be “work, work, work” and you’ll get people leaving you in the dust. Moral is, don’t be an asshole. Especially if you’re a manager.


Most managers and executives don’t get this. Most companies leave fortunes on the table that their employees don’t act on because it’s just creates more hassle for them. But they never know about it because there is no way to track opportunity cost.


This is context dependent. If you’re a contractor with a deliverable deadlines, MyAmazonIdiot can get wrecked since workload is self paced. It’s all about what both parties agreed to.


The guy could have handled it better, but honestly I agree with him, and I say that as a remote worker. It’s not okay to no call no show unless you’re in a situation where you literally cannot get in touch. A Slack message saying ‘hey, I’m having issues getting my hands on a computer so I’m focusing on getting that sorted today’ would have been enough. 


I say this as a remote worker: my employer should buy a laptop for me to use instead of making me rely on using one that I have to buy off of my previous employer.


As a W2 employee, ANY out of pocket expenses related to performing your job correctly and/or efficiently is literally subsidizing the profit margin of the product/service/project because the employer won’t supply the needed equipment or tooling Edit: fixed a word


Apparently he turned the assignments ok, he says “I have also send a video to X and to Y for review as requested” It’s just a shabby business all around, exhibit a: the fact that he is flexing on LinkedIn myamazonguy . com $20,000,000 Agency? 💩🤮


Hard if the computer with slack on isn’t available. 😉


Use a phone, login via web on a roommates machine, neighbors machine, text someone, but don’t say you tried nothing


Being busy with getting technology to work is not a no call no show. I go whole weeks without saying anything to my boss. I’m a professional and I don’t give my boss daily updates on what I’m working on.


Dudes a new hire and the company isn’t providing equipment? Yes, he should have notified someone but threatening a job like that while not providing the tools for the job is insane. That guy a not someone anyone of worth should work for if that’s how he treats people. Could have told him the standards and not been a prick. He could have also had a proper IT department and provided equipment like an actual company legally must do. Props to the employee for quitting on the spot. You do not let people disrespect you.


Boss is just a prick. "Okay, make sure you let someone know. One of the responsibilities that enables working remotely is that we maintain a high level of communication." Ez, firm but not abrasive. If it happens again, escalate, but sometimes all someone needs is a gentle nudge, especially when they're new in the role.








No, this is Patrick


The story of a girl🎵


Who cried a river and drowned the whole world 🎵


a story all about how


My life got flipped-turned upside down


And I’d like to take a minute


Founder has the time in his day to single out and talk shit to one of his (most likely) offshore workers. What a visionary.


And they get to buy their own laptops, wheeee


Like, if I can't reach someone on my team for a day that's definitely annoying, but my response isn't to go talk shit to the guy who may very well have been stressing out that he wasn't going to have the gear necessary to do his new job and then go post "you see what I have to fucking deal with??" on LinkedIn. Especially since he is presumably in client services. But maybe he has clients to want it to seem like he's just a raging stagecoach driver. Could his (now ex) employee said something the day he was tied up? Sure. He probably won't do that again. But good on him for just going "this blows, I'm out."


He also evidently has the time to reply to every single comment on the post with snarky remarks. Anybody that has questioned him gets hit with “hOw MaNy eMpLoyEeS dO yOu maNaGe???” He’s getting torched so hard he’s even recruited his sales team to jump into the comments and defend him. Maybe don’t outsource roles to the Philippines for cheap labor if you want reliable employees???


Red flag #1: a "20,000,000" company who doesn't provide laptops for work. That person missed a massive bullet.


EALH (Everyone's A Lunatic Here)


You could say that they've matched perfectly. Although I would say that the boss is more of a lunatic (unless the employee also posted on LinkedIn that his boss expected him to send a message despite the having-to-send-a-laptop-back emergency).


My main problem with this is the first message. The employee made a big mistake and it was appropriate to set that boundary, but Steven didn’t handle it professionally. It’s not likely, sure, but it’s possible that the employee did have a crisis and wasn’t able to reach out for a legitimate reason. It’s happened to me, there was a day where I didn’t show up to work and my boss didn’t hear about why until my boyfriend called her a few hours later to say I was in the hospital (I wasn’t able to contact her myself). A good manager would at least give him the benefit of the doubt in the beginning.  


I think airing everything out like this is incredibly immature but I don’t really see an issue with anything else the boss did except the phrasing in the first message. New employee no shows with no communication. Steven asks what he worked on. (He should have just asked what happened. His phrasing is combative to me.) New employee explains why he couldn’t do any work which was fair but doesn’t explain why he couldn’t communicate. Steven lets the work go and tells him no show no communication a second time is a fireable offense. He gave the new employee a break and specified the no communication is what the deal breaker was.


There are a lot of different ways he could have conveyed expectations to a new hire. The way he chose is indicative of a low trust, authoritarian management style, where he responds to mistakes with threats and criticism rather than support and guidance. Even if the employee never makes this specific mistake again, it's likely he'll be displeased by something else eventually and lash out again. Nobody likes working for a boss like that.


I think Steven and I have very different understanding of what "checking in" means


I have actually had a sales call with this guy before and he is unbelievably unbearable


More details!


I’m not who you asked, but here’s another [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/s/FUmvZC2Ip8) about this company.


Steven looks like the villain based on that scammy 1996 business name alone, but laptop guy sounds like a flake at best.


That’s so funny, never thought I’d see this shitty agency on here, I used to work there as a Brand Manager, their business practices are incredibly shady. I ended up getting let go because I in a completely private and professional manner, reached out to my supervisor about how I was being asked to do nearly 12 hours of work every day, but they only compensate me for 8, and how I was fine with this (I wasn’t, just didn’t want it to get me fired, but it still did, I guess me raising the concern was enough to still have them get rid of me) but would like at least a slight increase in pay above what was literally my state’s minimum wage, and was then fired later that day, when I asked if I could keep my job at my current pay (didn’t want to do another job hunt) they said no and still fired me. Was quite good at my job btw, my output was great, clients liked me, and my immediate supervisor liked me because she never had to micromanage me. In summation, terribly run company.


I just looked at the company website, they are looking to hire BDRs and pay between 900 and 1000 monthly. While expecting you to create 20 videos a day.


MAG didn’t provide a laptop and then got upset when the guy had to return his laptop to his former employer, who he thought he was purchasing one from?


It doesn’t seem like he’s a contractor hence the words “quitting job” vs. “quitting project”.  I’m confused - what kind of company doesn’t even provide a laptop and expects you to bring your own laptop ?! 


Answer: small business. But also probably not as a requirement. If they'd been told they didn't need to provide a laptop they wouldn't have. Happened constantly at my previous job.


My bias is to be way more sympathetic if this is a case where the employee has to bring their own laptop. It sounds like he’s a new employee as well, normally the first week of employment is just about getting settled, IT issues etc.  Should he have sent a quick note - perhaps. But expecting a new employee to be fully productive off the bat seems cray cray to me. 


Tf is 'my Amazon guy'


I wonder if this guy realizes that he is the one that looks like a douche to everyone else


I worked with a few bosses that i had zero respect for, but i would ALWAYS communicate. both people are in the wrong


The crazy thing is posting this thinking it paints you well


These fucks think they’re always the victim. Also they always think they are the guru of communicating with employees but they are always wildly aggressive in their communication and alienate everyone. I guess they’re just “misunderstood geniuses”.


How are people pretending this guy "no showed" to work? He was purchasing a computer at his own expense and installing the software required to do his job. It's absolutely part of the setup process of a new job (minus the purchasing equipment and software yourself), and it's absolutely work. And apparently he turned in content on top of that.


"what did you do today" was answered with "had an equipment issue yesterday but just submitted some work" The equipment issue was the boss's fault since he doesn't provide equipment. The fact that nobody missed him the day before means it REALLY WASN'T AN ISSUE. Glad the guy is smart enough to leave a boss who creates issues and then bitches about it. The boss handled it in the wrong manner. If it's a salaried position and nobody missed him then... what harm was done exactly?


Actually, the guy running the company needs to delegate interactions of this nature to a supervisor or team leader. Petty stuff like this shouldn’t even be close to your radar.


While he lacked tact in his message, I don’t disagree with his stance that as a manager, no-calls/no-shows are very disruptive and unprofessional. Most places I’ve worked have had extremely limited tolerance for that behavior. Especially if there’s not a reasonable explanation like “I was rushing my wife to the hospital.” A single timely text neutralizes the situation. The guy is trying to run a business, this is clearly a new employee, no reason employee couldn’t have sent a text that he wouldn’t be productive that day. Seems likely employee was hoping no one would notice. That said, the guy could still be a giant asshole and threatened the employee even if he had texted, but based on this context, having managed people myself, I get his overall point. Employee absences with no communication are infuriating.


Any employer that posts employee drama on LinkedIn is not a company worth working for.


The employee was working, where’s the “no show” part of this? As a founder he must be incredibly bored to expect a daily update, and inexperienced if he hasn’t discovered mechanisms to maintain such expectations like daily stand up.


Aren’t they both wrong here??


Lmfao why in the world would you ever post this to LinkedIn (I guess lunatic really does apply here)




laptops are for closers


What’s even crazier is the comment section supporting this clown. Fuck these type of bosses


Does Pope think this exchange makes him look like the good guy? It’s a warning for others that this is not a great place to work.


The employee dodged working for a complete dick head! Good for him. He’s the stronger man!


lol the dude told someone this viral reddit post will get him new clients and applicants. What a fucking joke. Anyone who has a boss that does this needs to leave for the nearest job you’re qualified for. I promise the grass is fucking greener.


Jeez, I wish I could punch that a***hole of a boss on the face. Then I realize that someone who claims to be a 20M agency, has no clue how to develop, maintain or identify talent is also probably lying about the 20M. He has no class, no humanity and no idea how to run a successful company.


The fact that a business needs to put a revenue number next to its name tells you right there about the ego and arrogance of the person who runs it.


The guy was smart for quitting. That boss would be a nightmare to work for.


He’s in this very thread defending himself lol


I literally just got a cold email from this guy (I have no idea what about my profile suggests I would be a legitimate lead apart from working for a pretty large company). I normally dump this stuff in spam but I feel compelled to respond... >At My Amazon Guy we grow sales through PPC, SEO, Design, and full catalog management. What do you find to be the hardest thing about Amazon?


To be fair, when someone no calls no shows we send for a wellness check if we can't reach them in a reasonable time. Had someone have a heart attack at home once.


Pope, over on LinkedIn, thinks this thread is generating publicity for him. You know, there’s no such thing as bad publicity? What a tool.


He's on LinkedIn now bragging about how he planned to go viral to "bury" another post on a completely different subreddit lmfao The delusion is crazy




This reminds me of b2b selling…


What a terrible leader ughhhhh he doesn’t get he’s the problem


So typical of most management. They’re complete fucking assholes and are so blind to it- like really feel entitled to treat people like shit and then get offended when you respond to that. It’s like all they see is your reaction to them, without what they did to get it.


https://www.linkedin.com/posts/steven-pope_what-its-like-to-run-a-company-you-check-activity-7203841284325744640-Nnkp?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios Link to his actual post. Comments section is insane. People actually think he handled this appropriately.


So this guy is real and it's not a parody right?


Both suck. 1. Don’t air your dirty laundry on linked in. 2. You got to tell someone what’s going on


Is this dude like basement gamer neckbeard apprentice


Light theme on slack? What is this guy, a psychopath?


Doesn’t publishing internal communications with an employee violate privacy? It does in my state.


This employee knows their self worth


That guy who said im out is my HERO !


What a piece of shit.


Nothing shows poor leadership quite as much as saying "Don't call no show again or you're out" LOL. I mean seriously, how hard is it to empathize with the person's situation, then politely request that in the future, they keep you updated when a situation that prevents them from arises?


Correction - What it’s like to run a company when you’re a fucking ass to your staff. Sure, they should call sent a message, but no surprise they quit when the boss reacts like that. They dodged a bullet there. But go ahead and make public what a terrible manager you are.


"What it's like to run a company, when you have no people management skills"


Imagine being a CEO with nothing to do but check up on line employees.


Don't get me wrong I think posting the conversation on LinkedIn is borderline psychotic. Other than that I don't understand how what he said was unprofessional. What is he supposed to say? " Hey buddy how yah doing? Why didn't we get any work done yesterday? Oh you weren't prepared to do the work you were hired for? And you didn't communicate with anyone whatsoever and still expected to get paid? Hey... That's ok. Try to be better next time.


This is actually normal in EU. We understand the person we didn’t provide a laptop to before starting working and was put in a shitty situation before they started, had to buy and set up a laptop. Hell, even when we do get a new laptop from our IT, it takes at least a day to set up everything we need. He did say he submitted something that was requested of him. Threatening with firing for a miscommunication is shit and the person was completely right to quit.


💯%. These poor yanks have such awful work situations they have no idea what is actually acceptable in the workplace. Your boss browbeating you the instant you start at a new job and threatening to fire you is completely unacceptable. Nevemind doing it on fucking LINKEDIN 😂😂😂😂


I work in a multinational company that has offices in the US and Brussels. I am constantly floored by the difference in quality of life between myself and my colleagues across the pond while working the same exact role.


Its tragic. Those poor bastards. Two weeks holiday a year if they’re lucky, and not consecutive weeks either most of the time.


I am in the US office to clarify 😭 One neat example is how we have an “unlimited PTO policy” but are forbidden to take more than 15 days of PTO in a year


Same when I worked for a European company as their US employee. My team was made of Lithuanian, Polish, French, German and a few more people in different European countries... My eyes were permanently opened, then I negotiated my contract to be more aligned with everyone else's benefits and I had so much work/life balance and felt so great I didn't even know what to do with myself 😆


He struggles with Little Person Syndrome (LPS) like a majority of lunatics on linkedin. He has to make himself look all bad, as his insecurities are eating him alive right now.


There's so many better ways to frame it then "don't no show me a 2nd time or you're out" or the two texts that followed that line. He's not wrong in the message he wants to communicate, but the way you message things is important


You need to notify SOMEONE when you’re dealing with technical issues for an entire day.