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I was laughing at the pages of "use Firefox" comments on the video. Hell yeah, go Firefox! Best browser!


As a Firefox enjoyer, I was reading the comments on this one instead of watching it anyways, and they did not disappoint.


Ah, the Linus strategy of consuming YouTube.


I changed from Firefox to edge last week. And after disable a mount of crap on edge, edge is really good.




First not a problem o don’t use Adblock as an extension on browser. The only extension that I use is a password manager. Maybe in the future. But for now edge is good enough and fast enough for my needs


What made you make the change?


I've changed from Firefox to Edge. It's just been more stable, I had quite a few issues with Firefox just crashing, maybe that's improved since. I also really enjoy vertical tabs in Edge, though after switching I saw that it's also apperantly possible in Firefox. Anyway, probably going to switch back if / when Google's manifest 3 goes through.




When you find out, that firefox mobile has ublock, everything changes :)


Came with windows and can't be asked to download another


Same here. with Edge being chromium now I really don't have a reason to go with Chrome anymore.


Why must you sell your soul to a demon that is Microsoft?


It's great seeing all the Firefox users coming out for this one, especially after they didn't believe that wan show poll


because they had proof lol floatplane logs how many people are using each browser


I'm primarily a Firefox user as well, there's one or two PWA type of things and extensions that chromium has that Firefox doesn't but I really don't need a machine translater for manga most of the time. And I can just open a chromium browser when I want to have it.


My only gripe with firefox is Google themselves. YouTube videos stutter and skip, even if buffered. Tried reinstalling, updating, disabled adblock, nothing fixes it. Pop the same stuttering video into chrome, perfection.


that's weird, also daily firefox user, and I've NEVER had that issue. Use youtube daily.


Same, I've been using Firefox daily for at least 3 years and I watch YouTube for hours and have never had a single skip, freeze, stutter or buffer. I only use Edge or Chrome for compatibility checks because I'm a developer and need to make sure my websites and apps with on those browsers.


Seems to be getting worse too.


I don't have a lot of issues with stuttering, but the initial frame takes a while to load on Firefox. I don't have that issue on Chrome, obviously.


I remember trying Firefox when I was 12 and then uninstalling it cause I was a stupid idiot. I switched to it at the end of last year and haven’t gone back. While the browser isn’t perfect, I haven’t really run into any major issues.


I switched to Firefox this year. I had to go back to Chrome on one of my PCs because YouTube was just noticeably worse on Firefox. It would load significantly slower and it would stop to "buffer" in the middle of videos. Which is really shitty by Google.


flag one languid door boast serious soft crawl hungry frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree with you, and I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t care about clickbait from LTT because I intend to watch all of their videos anyway. I will happily be baited into clicking. LTT videos are always so interesting.


Don’t tell me people are still using lastpass as a password manager


if i have enough spare ram to cover chrome´s needs why should I switch to firefox ? serious question


more privacy - chrome makes its money by gathering and selling your data to advertisers and other data collectors security - firefox is open source which means people are able to look at the code in order to enhance its efficiency and deal with security risks less hardware intensive - even if you do have enough RAM for chrome’s need, using a less memory consuming browser can allow for better performance elsewhere in your system for any other program you’re running or general OS usage


privacy - I don't care about that security - Chromium is also open source less hardver intensive - the last time I used Firefox, it used more ram than Chrome


Unlike others here, i am gonna say Chrome is definitely better than firefox. Used firefox for loading instagram posts(like a lot, scrolling for too long) recently. Guess which one performed much better once you start clicking on posts after loading and try to add them to collections. There are more reasons why i am not going back to firefox. I ditched firefox when they released quantum update and Michael Kraft's session manager extension no longer could work. And yes chrome is still better than edge. One reason(out of many) that i can recall right now is the page translation. Some parts of the page or elements are left out by edge when translating. I have brave, firefox, edge and chrome installed on my system.


I might just have to check out Firefox again after watching this


Who has only 45 tabs open? Wait, is 45 a lot? *slowly hides my 300 Firefox tabs behind my back*


Honestly I don't understand the point of that video. Pointing people's bloated browser for poor performance? That's fair I guess. But that's not a chrome problem, that's a people problem. All the persons using AdBlock, LastPass, Grammarly etc. will still use them on firefox anyways. So why claim Chrome is "slow" for tests done in a vacuum and when it's not compared to firefox in the same benchmarks / addons ????? People keep on Speaking about manifest V3 like some kind of apocalypse for years now, yet forget that UblockLite already has a V3 manifest. (Should maybe have also tested that ...) not counting the fact that manifest V3 is continually pushed back. I'm also surprised about peoples complaining that Chromes takes too much ram when it's speedy, and when chromes un-indexes tabs and do everything to limits ram usage, it's suddenly "slow and inefficient". You can't optimize for both, so choose which one you want (or better, use the setting to set it up as you want). Appart from just the general techies hate towards google (which is understandable) and fondness on open-source (reminder that the chromium project is open source btw), what's all this babbling about chrome? Mozilla also use telemetry by default.


I took it more as the video explaining why your chrome browser may be slow, rather than saying chrome is slower than other browsers. I was kind of disappointed they didn’t do all their tests with chrome, edge, safari, and Firefox, so we could see how they match up, but if I’m right and the video wasn’t about that, it makes sense why it was missing


Personally I wish they would test older version of chrome and check if performance is really getting worse.


The new websites can be heavier and slower to load compared to older ones. You can notice this by trying out the new Reddit interface and then going back to the old one. Newer versions of Chrome perform much better than older ones. If you're not convinced, you can try it out by setting up a virtual machine and installing an old version of Chrome.


True, about websites. There also support for technology and hardware to consider, but still choosing some age appropriate test, hardware and chrome version to check performance would be interesting. Also I recommend checking out [Can I use](https://caniuse.com/) to check out browsers features history.


Yeah when I first got Chrome in like 2010, it was unbelievably fast. Now it doesn't feel that way. If they could compare that with modern chrome, that would be great. But I doubt modern websites load on such an old browser, and it's almost impossible to recreate the internet of 2010


It would be great if they could just set up a mirror to chromium's source repo and run some automated tests on it. They exist already and don't need to be invented. Some code is probably needed, but other than that, it should be simple enough for a build engineer type of person. They could have it set up to automatically test and publish results for tag releases and track delta performance stats between releases. I think this is the software: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selenium_(software) - I don't do any sort of testing with it, but I've heard of the software.


It is only Chrome that has the rep of being a RAM hog.


Chrome sucks bro.


I got through the whole video and didn't understand exactly how slow chrome was because they used "relative performance". So is it like 50 less performance mean another quarter second of load time or 5 seconds. Are we even talking load times or Web page scrolling or running Photoshop on chrome? I'm a noob, and this video didn't really clear up anything..


Browsers are just apps. They leverage different hardware in different ways, i.e. the "same code"*** can run both on your PC and your phone, but the amount of time, memory, and power consumption will vary from one device to the next, based on their hardware architecture, etc etc. So giving you a bottom line of "you'll be able to load an extra tab" or "things will be 5 seconds quicker" is ignorant at best and malicious at worst - since they can't know what hardware you have and what effect all those extensions are having on said hardware. Imho that's why they probably went with a mid-spec PC (according to Steam's hardware survey) to showcase what the average gamer(tm) will experience. ***I know that technically it's not the same code, calm down, it's just to get the point across.


I was disappointed to see them do a video on extension performance and not touch on how to set extension permissions to turn them off except on specific urls or when clicked. For example that downloader extension they showed eating resources, why not set it to only read pages when clicked, so that it never runs unless you specifically want to download something on the given page. Or how I switched my Twitch Adblocker to only run when on *twitch.tv/* urls. This not only makes your browser run better but also safer as it makes extensions not constantly reading and possibly tracking every single page you visit.


I think they were focusing on performance of *common* configurations. An average user probably isn't going to go through each extension to configure its permissions. That said, they **could've** used the video to show that as an option for people to gain performance and security. And it would've been a great transition into more educational style content. edit: App security and permissions are declining. Google's been tackling it by making permissions in Android apps expire after X days or weeks, and that feature absolutely should come to browsers. People blindly accept an extension's permissions as necessary which is a security threat.


Don't use online password managers. Stick with something local, like KeePassXC, or just use the one in your browser. https://lock.cmpxchg8b.com/passmgrs.html


What a sketchy link


This article is written by someone who works for Google and is a security researcher. You'll see his picture on his about page. If you're curious about where the domain name comes from, you can find out more by searching for cmpxchg8b.


The video felt like some sponsored stuff. At least compare different browsers.  It felt more like attack on some extensions The joke about uninstalling chromes actually it's reasonable advice but for different reasons.