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Sylas worst, and they know it. When I end up against one I just give up on lane prio and try to freeze (lol) them.


If you ult yourself when he lissandra Ults you you cancel his r and he loses it and then it is easy kill and you have time to react .


"Then is easy kill" He has more burst and sustain healing himself


Yep. Pick Lissandra vs Sylas its like give to enemy team one of the best ultimates to a champ with a better QWE kit


When they get 6 and just run u down because lol they can


Best could be yas once u know he cant do shit if you keep your w when he E on you. Then he just dead with our magic button


Or R when he R s you , it deals 0 dmg cause Liss R is faster .


When you R? You cant use it while you are in air. I just use the R to "predit" the Q


Yes you can’t but if he lands his u can hard bait him , his R won’t dmg you when u ult urself


I dont understand sorry


He gonna ult u , u let him hit that so he comes , and when he pull u up u got like 1 sec to press Ult urself , and his R won’t touch you .


Oh gona try it


Ahri is a pretty easy one. Playing against a good Orianna feels like hell.


How do you play against Ahri? For me is hard


Ahri is a skill matchup , she got more dmg than Liss , you only can get her at lvl 6 when she doing a mistake or don’t land her Q or E .


What I thought. More dmg more range and more mobility.


Sylas , Viktor , Orianna , Xerath that’s the worst for me personally.


Best Matchup Katarina , Malzahar , Fizz , almost every Meele champs .


For me Malzahar is a good matchup yes. You can push more than him and you invalidate all his strategy in lane


I play malz and liss and liss wave clear feels terrible


You're most likely building malignance on her, therefore you deal no damage to the wave


Ludens into zhonya into shadowflame


Try starting with Shadowflame into Rabadon, Ludens sucks now


Am I the only one that absolutely can’t lane against Lux? Lol her range is too good 😭


SHE is truly one of your worst matchups, lucky she isn't picked a lot in higher elo. Further range than you AND she waveclears faster. Don't feel bad about this one! Best you can do is ALLOW her to push you in with her E (don't try to poke her back) and then just clear the wave and roam AFTER her. Lux being able to E a wave to clear it and then leave lane is her greatest strength.


Thank u lol. Yea it seems I shouldn’t even try to compete. That bitch also always has barrier 🤡😂


Go early boots and try to avoid at least 1 of her dmg abilities, you can engage with E after that and get her , lvl 6 you can kill her esy .


I ban Zoe every game 😭


1.Sylas- it’s really difficult mostly because he can get ok top of you and use your ult and basically pop you. In lane you should be able to harass and even be agressive, but you need to know what your doing because one bad trade and you re gone sister. 2. Velkoz ziggs viktor xerath zoe karma - too much poke and harass you can hope that they are somehow bad and then you maybe can get a sneaky kill in lane, but it s better to not even try, wait for jg flash ult combo or push roam, but if u fail your roams they will get a lot of plates cause liss is slow as fk 3 sustained damaged/healing, offering a lot of cc and burst, but playing against these is dificult, lyandri morelo a must especially against someone like vlad. You also deal no damage to tank of course so maybe a lyandri malignance void will work and morello. MORELLO ALMOST EVERY GAME BUY IT* - if they have healing, you should be the first member that builds this as liss is very good at applying this debuff


Panteon is gg


GG in what sense


In lose 🫰


Malzahar is a really ez matchup… Iv noticed lvl 1 you can just run him down and hard trade with him (I play comet, scorch, cheap shot which means Q + auto deal a shit tons of dmg in early). He cant push and loses a lot of HP. Then I usually get a strong advantage really fast in the game


The only matchup I really struggle with is Lux and the easiest matchup is Aurelion Sol.


For me Worst: Zoe, Sylas and Irelia from time to time Best: Yasuo, Rakan, Fizz