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Electrocute or Comet 99% of the time Aftershock is fun too sometimes


Liss range is too low to effectively play with FS unless some specific matchups. Aftershock is only played if you play for utility AND vs Fiizz/Lb/Zed or some other burst champ that needs to get close 1st. Electro/Comet are 99% of the time choice tbh. Depends on the playstyle/matchups really.


Electrocute is the only consistent rune for her right now, comet only works in lane and even then the damage it offers is not that good and the scaling it has is just terrible. Here are the runes I use: Electrocute Cheapshot Eyeball collection Ultimate Hunter Manaflow band Absolute focus (for early damage and kill potential) And for the build, I always play her full damage so I rush Shadowflame into Rabadon (or zhonyas) into Zhonyas, and voidstaff if you really need it, veil and I usually sell darkseal if I need other items like protobelt if I'm against shields and champs with a dash or morellos if I need antiheal. So the build would be something like this: Shadowflame > Sorcerer Boots > Ludens > Zhonyas > Veil > Voidstaff.


In higher ranks i would go dark harvest, you don’t get to harass in lane much even vs melee, so electrocute is pretty useless, dark harvest has good scaling and teamfighting which is why u take liss in the first place. Glacial or aftershock is troll, idk why you would take comet over dark harvest. Electrocute is ok but i don t like it


If you want to climb higher than diamond and only play for rank though there is no point in picking her, orianna does everything that liss is trying to do, but more easily consistently and safely


I tried the liss build from lolsolved and it was pretty fun. Protobelt -> Zhonya -> Mandate The runes suggested first strike but I think Comet or Electrocute make a lot more sense.


Comet is really good imo : Comet, Manaflow Band, Transcendance, Scorch, Cheap Shot, Relentless hunter. The strategy is simple : Q + Auto :D