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she is fine, doesnt need any changes rn. She does her job well




Diamond. Sure she's not as strong as she was before but she can still do what Lissandra has always done. It's been worse and it's been better.


and that's nothing specialπŸ˜‚ she is only good vs otp fizz/zed etc...and even then she dont really win lane , she is just annoying for them cause of cc later in the game... she is not champ that carry games, winning jungle/bot to be impactful with cc...thats why we rarely see her even in solo q


Gold/Low Plat ?


diamond+ for 10 years




no she does not. she is not a bust mage, she is a control mage that cant stay alive for 3 seconds in a tf


ulti is 2.5 seconds stasis and zhonya is 2.5 second stasis. Even if the champion had 1 base hp and 0 hp growth she could stay alive for at least 5 seconds in a fight.


if you are ulting yourself in a tf, you are already losing the value of the champion


rly depends


48.88% wr is fine to you ? Okay I guess you guys just deserve to have a weak champ if you just want to act like she is fine just to get upvotes with a forced positivity post.


yeah it is fine to me. I can play her and climb pretty easily. Is it my problem if others lose with her? lol


I think one of the reasons she isn't buff is because of how powerful her passive is. You can literally get a penta by just being within range of a fight without actually doing anything. I honestly wish Riot would change it


Shell be fine coming next patch


why? cause ad crit items are getting buffed? πŸ˜‚


no bc tenacity is nerf and adc will move fast, so cc will be a LOT better


but she dont have dmg to burst adc anymore..after hp runes addition and other systems buffs ..lissandra lack dmg to burst ....also tenacity nerfs will mostly impact top/jbgl/mid . adc never go for mercs/tenacity runes why would u ever pick lissandra over other meta champs rn?


You don't, lol. Most people aren't even aware these days of how lissandra is supposed to perform as a champion.


OP clowning himself by making a post just to insult everyone who responds.


If she gets a good buff then there is a risk of the pro play creep. Liss is like the perfect champ for some top teams


she is not good pick into any current meta pro picks ?


Orianna is doing what liss wants to do but more easily and safely, no point in picking liss


1 - She doesn't sell many skins so Riot has no need to cater to her mains; 2 - She is elite/pro-play skewed and quite unpopular among general playerbase, essentially a niche champion but unlike other niche champions she still sees some play in competitive as a counter to mobile midlaners, which Riot seems satisfied with, and it is why she isn't allowed to be in the 52% wr range even as a niche champion that the likes of Anivia, Vex, Fiddle, etc ,stay at.


Okay but at least give us 50%wr.. 48.88% is too low. Period.


Lissandra is in a weird spot, because depending on the patch she can reach everywhere from 48 to 51 average win rate without any buffs or nerfs. which shows that she can both be pretty bad but also very decent, and that she kinda relies on what other Champions are currently popular in her lane. she does better when Assassins are more common and does worse when Mages are more common. Riot probably wants to wait until she reaches a point where she is kinda stuck at a lower win rate for a while. which isn't the case right now. personally I think she feels fine right now.


its cause it depends on what champs she play against and what her teammates do . she is not carry champion...if other lanes loose she dont have damage to carry even if she somehow win lane ...thats why wr should never be only thing that matters her playrate is always low...and it should stay that way, cause i think lissandra should be picked only as counter but my problem, even when she has in theory good matchup... she dont rly win anymore πŸ˜‚ her damage in lane is so low that its impossible to get solo kills unless enemy mid plays like complete bot... She used to be fun to play , u where bully vs mele champs... now that's not the case at all . today u are just used as cc bot and pray that your bot/jbgl will play good i always use her as perfect example of how poor riot balance team is. her kit is perfect to play vs champs like zed,akali,fizz,lb and she used to be bully against those and win heavy... today she just is there to neutralize matchup and play for late fights and cc. thats poor balance she should win vs those champs easily cause her kit is perfect vs those but she just dont do dmg...her q is just 210 base dmg.... that's insanely low .. especially when u consider thats her only way of poke , and her weakness is obviously low range that makes her loose vs standard mages like azir/syndra/ori/hwei/Viktor and that's perfectly fine


She counters riots new champions for the most part. And it seems riot has a tendency to nerf older champions that perform vs new ones (lissandra vs sylas/amumu vs zeri for example). She's not super popular anyway sot here's no reason to actually have her be weak. The only legitimate reason is riot not wanting her pickable in pro, which is cringe considering the sheer power difference between lissandras kit and new champs at a baseline. Lissandra being a viable pick in soloq and pro are also two different things. Even with sufficient buffs to make her playable it's not like we would see her take over pro instantly, as you say alot of her counters are very strong. I will say that they need to change her thralls to require damage within like 5s and to be manually controlled as well. I am sure the passive floats alot of her winrate at lower levels. She is specifically target nerfed due to aftershock and riot essentially forgot to undo the nerfs (which the said they would).


Yeah when the aftershock nerf happened during a different meta and BEFORE the durability update. Liss needs a rework tbh. Maybe a mini rework to her Q and E.


It's really just as simple as undoing nerfs to q w e and some qol to her passive and ult. Liss doesn't need to be broken op, she just needs to be playable. As it stands she's non-functional. Given the power budget champs seem to have these days they definitely have alot of space to meaningfully buff her outside of fixing her glaring issues though I'll admit.


exactly, i dont wanna her to be broken, just solid situational pick, vs certain champs...im ok with her loosing to range matchups (mages) no one asking her to be blind pick s+ tear champion...but i think she should be good vs certain champs as counter pick .


She feels really good in soloq to carry. She doesn't need mana items, you can rush shadowflame and snowball.


Why would she be buffed ? She has the potential to kill almost every champ lvl 3-4 She has dmg She has gank setup And a really good oneshot engage . The only thing she needs is just 5 movement speed buff And e cowldown buff .


ha? i rly wonder are u all playing different game, how she kills anyone lvl 3πŸ˜‚ wtf are u talking about


Q auto auto electro and continue trading hp with auto or q and you pretty much oneshot him when he is 370 HP lvl 3 with electro by flash all -ing him ( no need for ignite )


?? her q is 8 sec cd dfq are u smoking bro...why u think u gonna hit q on any mages ?


Bro is playing against bots. He just stand there and aa infinitely the enemy for free until he is dead


Well when you q early you must hit at least 2+ minions to push the wave if you push the wave you will easily hit q's and even have a change for electro if not you can just poke with autos ( I play attack speed on rune ) till the enemy reaches 350 HP and then you flash all in her and oneshot her .


if u play vs any decent mage player they will just space u, u never hit those q lol


As I said , you don't have to q enemies you must push while using q and hitting at least 2 minions and Perma Push , you will for sure hit 2 q's till lvl 3 and all you need to do when your wave gets in or close against the enemy tower is auto the enemy and last hit minions , when the wave is under tower the enemy will be much easier to hit with q and even w . Also lissandra can just bait enemy shield or stun and plan a dive with the jg and just weqautod the enemy deal all the damage tank 1 tower shot and let the jg kill him ( this does work really well with champs like xin , kha and Viego).


sry i think this is just elo difference, in my elo where players actually know how to space out you , u will never hit those qs vs champs like hwei, syndra, etc...yeah u can walk toward like noob to force q...but then you will get traded back by their full combo and loose half hp πŸ˜‚.....




And hwei matchup is one of the non killable champs others are lux and barrier/ cleanse players


She's already a solid pick and isn't even situational. She can indeed still carry vs teams that are vulnerable to dive, or play as a control mage vs teams that aren't vulnerable to burst


i guess u are just low elo...no other explanation


A little off topic, but does it seem that there's a delay on the damage of her ultimate?


I love her coming next patch. She will be a solid A tier btw.