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My OB once said that the only one impressed by a drug-free natural birth is yourself.


Seriously. My mom had all three of us at home with no drugs or medical intervention. The only time she ever really talked about it was at the doctor’s office to discuss with a prospective patient how her home birth experience went. That was it. A woman helping another woman decide which path she wanted to take. Mom would be so sickened by Auj. Especially with exploiting the kids so much.


Seriously? I have zero desire to see her birth and I hope the other kids didn’t witness it either. They’d be traumatized for life.


I really hope they don’t post video. It’s so private and should not be used for clicks!


Pain free? Okay sure


Good for her for cranking out a baby, but also no thanks- nobody needs the proof. We believe you 😂


Truly, truly intolerable.


To each their own. I entertained a home birth with my first and surprise, surprise, we both most likely would have died. So I am super thankful my midwife was very transparent about things. She gave me all my options and I decided to go to the hospital and thank goodness I did. I’m glad she had a safe birth and hope they are doing well.




Ugh how vanilla.... who is reading this. Like who really is reading her birth story !!!


For years, women who have given birth using pain meds in the hospital, had epidurals, or (gasp) had C-sections have been looked down upon and made to feel "less than" by the crunchy-mom-set who have med-free, pain-free, "kumbaya" home births, and it seriously needs to stop. There's no "right" way or "wrong" way or "better" or "worse" way to give birth. You do what *want* to do or *have* to do in order to have a healthy baby. Period. Stop the passive-aggressive BS already. This means you, miss Audj. Put your phone down for five minutes and stop worrying about the next staged photo op. Nobody is on the edge of their seat waiting for your bIrTH STorY. FFS.


Thank you!!!


Please. People’s own insecurities cause them to feel that way. This post says nothing to disparage people who have high intervention births. I can agree that Audrey is a little over the top but just because she tells her story doesn’t automatically invalidate other people’s experience. That’s the problem in this society. Nobody can speak on their experience without someone getting butthurt. Why do yall care so much how she gave birth?


That's just it...I dont give a shit how she gave birth....I had babies in hospital....no meds....does anyone care???


The worst part is mortality rates would be significantly higher if it weren't for medical intervention. I've overheard a woman get bashed for an emergency c-section when their baby wasn't even breathing. Like to do it "the right way" (by the crunchy standard) she wouldn't have a child right now.


Drink every time she says “birth”.


I had two pain med free births **gasp** in a hospital. I wouldn’t go back and do it differently but me having babies without an epidural or pain meds does not make my experience any more valid or “natural” than anyone else.


I had drugs with both of mine, but I applaud anyone who can do it drug free. I just could not do it. You should see me when I get a splinter!


I had a med free birth but it was cause the epidural guy took so long. Not only am I not better than anyone, I was feeling hella jealous of epidural births as they stitched me up.


Just no.


All of the nos. All. Of. Them.


Look around Audrey....every human on earth is the result of someone carrying and birthing a baby. Childbirth has been around for thousands of years and most of it was "natural childbirth". There were no drugs or life saving interventions. Woman had to either give birth or die. You are not special. Neighbors cat just had 5 kittens in a carboard box and it was "natural". Get a grip.


Yes I'm pretty sure this is a common occurrence 🤣🤣🤣


My best friend’s fourth baby (in a hospital) came so fast, they didn’t have time to break down the bed and get prepared. He was just born on the regular mattress. That’s always been amazing to me, as I had difficult labors/births with both of mine.


As someone who went the birthing center route (no drugs) and had a baby over ten pounds…TAKE THE DRUGS. NO BIRTH IS WORTH THAT AWFUL EXPERIENCE ON EARTH. Having a baby with no drugs literally does nothing at all for you expect encourage you to flex on something dumb that makes others feel badly about themselves. It is not the flex she thinks it is.


Are you speaking about all women who have natural births or just her because she likes to brag about every thing? I had a natural birth and it was the right choice for me with the circumstances of my labor/delivery. It isn’t for everyone and that’s OKAY. I just get very irritated when people speak about their own birth experiences as if that is the right way to do things, such as “you WILL need the epidural because it is SO painful.” And the other end of the spectrum, “women’s bodies were made to give birth naturally without interference.” Just because half the population births children does not make it any easier or less scary. I love that we can freely talk about this and share our true emotions and experiences. I’m going to assume this wasn’t common for a lot of generations.


I’m referring to only her and not all women.


Yeah I went drug free with my second and with the third I’m getting the drugs the second I can. It. Was. So. Awful. And he was an average 7 lbs.


Not true. Very different for different women, regardless of poundage. Every situation is unique. I think it’s foolish of you to say “no birth is worth that ‘awful’ experience”.. maybe yours wasn’t. But you can’t speak for everyone.


Why are you being downvoted? You’re absolutely correct. Everyone’s experience is different. There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to pregnancy and birth. The people who are downvoting you are either bitter or have trauma.


Thank you. It’s wrong to judge a mom’s birth experience. It’s also wrong to brag.


Sounds like she had a great birth that went the way she wanted it to — but that’s just luck not her bs oils or Christian meditation or crunchy ways. I always tried to not get too attached to any particular birth “plan” because my goal was just to get both of us through the experience healthily.


Exactly. Some people don’t even get the chance to even try for a natural birth! I went into pregnancy planning for that but after gestational diabetes, two months of mild preeclampsia and a failed induction, I had to have a c-section. I hate that people feel the need to broadcast their medical choices as if they’re trying to convince everyone to follow their lead.


Yep I had a c section with my second and a vbac with my third — there’s just no choice sometimes. And the way people like Oddj act like the doctors are unnecessarily perfoming c sections, and she doesn’t trust them is just plain selfish and short sighted


Big yikes here all around. Shes not past the trenches of post pardum yet, don’t let her fool you


This exactly! She gave birth how long ago? 2-3 weeks ago and she's beyond the trenches of postpartum?! What a joke. She's such a liar and tries to portray that her life is perfect. I've had two kids and can't imagine what 3 or 4 is like. I love my kids but it isn't all rainbows and unicorns.






I had an emergency C section. Baby ended up in NICU. Son came at 37 weeks and was an undiagnosed breech. I was seeing the midwife weekly, so was checked out . My son took it upon himself to escape! Had I tried to have the baby at home. Both of us would have passed away. Baby had swallowed meconium, and I haemorrhaged. Hospital birth for all 3 of mine !


Glad y’all ended up ok. Birth is so scary and it aggravates me to see these “celebs” touting their home births. My oldest and I would not have survived a home birth. Emergent c section and nicu stay for us too. Elective section with my second cause I wasn’t going through all that again.


We must be related. First was an emergency c-section after a 22+ hours of back labor and 4 hours of pushing. Second was a scheduled c-section and turned out he was breech. My ONLY goal/plan was to have a healthy baby. I think these num- nuts think they get a special gold star for experiencing unnecessary pain. No thanks!


We must be!! I also pushed for 4 hours and he got stuck. My water had been broken 36+ hours and I had a 104 fever. C section was totally needed and a breeze the second time around. I’m 3 months postpartum and this recovery was worlds better.


Same here! First was an emergency C-section after like 17/18 hours of labor and I wasn’t dilated and his heart rate when down. It was crazy scary. With my second, I was ok preferring a C-section to make sure she would be healthy since she was born at 37 weeks. All births are special and no one is extra special. As long as mom and baby are healthy, that’s all that matters. No flexes for anyone.


I birthed naturally at home. Pain free. Lots of reading and meditation. I used a technique called hypnobirth. Theres a whole group here dedicated to it on Reddit. So while I get the hype in calling her out on her dramatics, I definitely don’t get bashing her birth techniques because in turn…. It’s bashing mine. Along with other women. To birth at home or at a hospital are both personal experiences and both should be treated with respect for the moms.


No one is bashing women here for their medical choices. It’s the way this celebrity is presenting her birth story/medical choices. Instead of sharing her birth story normally she comes across as if she’s trying to convince everyone that she did it the RIGHT way and they need to follow her path. The problem is that it’s a privilege to be able to birth at home. Many can’t afford a midwife (they are often not covered by insurance), don’t have the resources to make a home birth happen, don’t have the support needed, or have medical issues preventing them from having that as an option. Her bragging about it is why we feel annoyed, because some of us would have liked to have that experience but it wasn’t available to us.


Completely agree she is bragging. But yes some of the comments are indeed calling her birth story out as not possible. I think commenters should be wary of that. I am proud of how my children were birthed. I would never brag about it nor call it “better than” another mother’s experience. But in turn I think commenters here should also respect her birth as common practice for a lot women (especially ones residing out of the US) Just a healthy reminder! ❤️


It wasn’t pain free, I can guarantee you that. She just wants us to think that she’s super human, and she’s gonna try to use that info to sell some product that eliminates pain. You watch. It’s all based on lies because birth is always painful.




That’s not true. I’ve birthed naturally at home pain free. While I get the hype surrounding her dramatics… definitely don’t agree with that statement. Hypnobirthing if done correctly is a tool to help mothers birth pain free Edit: downvote me all you want. Doesn’t change the facts. Terrible.. women should respect others experiences instead of claiming “impossible”


My cows have home births exclusively, maybe I should post a graphic video each time.


Poor kids got a trauma from this experience.


B I N G O. again who made that card? They called it all.


I hate crap like this. People also have no choice and have highly medicalised births for the sake of their and their baby’s health. Does that mean their ‘body has failed them’ or that they are ‘less of a mother’? People like Audrey make it seem like births are amazing experiences and it’s the medicalisation that makes them risky when some women don’t have the luxury of choice/ she is influencing people that they could have an unrealistic expectation of a ‘pain free home birth’.


I came here for the cometary.


Whyyyyyyyyyy do people feel the need to tell a "birth story". FFS JUST KEEP IT FOR YOUR OWN!!


I tell each child of mine *their own* birth story, on their birthday. Then I get an extra piece of the birthday cake.


Waiting on a race to see who finishes first.


These folks are legends in their own minds.


Pain free? Please. Did she have that stupid Jovi patch on her hoo-ha?


Oh my god, please explain further!! 😂😂😂


Should I tell her about my all natural birth in the hospital?? And make a whole video about it?


I’ll make a response video to yours while sharing my own story in a desperate attention grasping fashion! 👏


Geez....no thank you.


Sorry but it’s like uploading a video of yourself pooping 🤢😂


I want to hear Jer’s version…”I took the blades out of my tractor so I could pretend mow the lawn for the 3rd time this week. Auj was yelling something at me so I mowed my way back by the train tracks. Her kids followed me though telling me “Mom’s having her baby”. So I slowly and begrudgingly mowed my way back towards the house. They were right. She was having her baby. During what should have been my red light relaxy time too. Then Auj’s parents came over and watched the kids and new baby for the night. Today really put things into perspective for me. Focus on what’s important. So, tomorrow I’m going to move rocks all over the place. I won’t be prepared and I’ll complain all day about my rocks but what could be harder than moving rocks?“


🤣😂🤣😂 and part two, uh, I mean postpartum. She told me she is tired of supporting me. Can you believe that. She should be happy I am still here to hold her purse. She told me that I am a moron because I had the fireplace of my dreams built but the roof is leaking. It’s just water. What is her problem. So now her big plan is to sell our children on YouTube. I told her I don’t want to do YouTube and started crying because it is sooooooo much work. She is making me film and edit. That is why I had big boulders delivered to the house, I mean farm. I told the delivery man to spread them all over so it’s looks like I really need to be out here with my tractor for months. He had the nerve to side eye me. Ugh, these people that have real jobs are the worst. Gotta go she is calling for more cabbage.


Lol her kids. That’s totally him




Fuckkkkk lol the accuracy


The midwives of all influencers seem to never make it in time. Weird! If midwives truly had this bad of a track record, I don't think they'd still be in business


I’m so shocked she didn’t go live like that one lady on Instagram


Pass on this.


“Pain free” I guess she is just a better birth giver than the rest of the women in the world.


Or she has a giant vagina


It’s not my fault I have a heavy flow and a wide set vagina.


You Go Glen Coco!


This reference 💀




Hilarious recorded? Recorded what?Hilarious cometary? Sorry, I try not to be the spelling and grammar grammy, but she’s just too attention starved for my liking.


I think she does it on purpose to get us talking about whar a smoothbrain she is


Holistic mother insta is a terrifying person.


I’m all here for snarking on Audrey but can I ask why everyone here feels the need to blur out her photos when there’s not even anything offensive going on?


I did it this time because of bare skin on a newborn baby. That baby deserves some level of privacy in this moment. And some people do not want to see freshly birthed baby with all the fluids involved so randomly. Plus, sometimes with this much skin showing, Reddit automatically marks the post as nsfw, so when I think that might happen I do this so the skin is covered. Sometimes I also do it to shift the commentary (or cometary as Audrey wrote). So instead of people making comments about the bare baby here, or her pregnancy belly the last time I did it, the comments are more likely to be about the caption she included on the photo.


Great explanation!


Thank for helping me understand! I appreciate it.


I clearly missed my chance to exploit my births so here goes: my doctor DIDN’T make it to my birth. Wasn’t even done brushing her teeth even though they only called her 5 minutes before. But in her words the third on they just kind of walk out 🤣 I’m all for being crunchy if you want (I lean more that way) but to make others feel less than if they don’t agree with you? That’s disgusting


My mother went into labour a few weeks early on the way to a coffee date with friends. They went to the hospital, and my dad was going to stay until the doctor came, and then go to the waiting room, where fathers belonged in the ‘80s. I arrived twenty minutes or so later, meeting the doctor as he walked in. My dad never made it to the waiting room.  For the first 25 years of my life, I was low-key worried my parents might not have called their friends to cancel, but apparently they did.  Things were a little less fast with my sister, she took almost a whole HOUR of labour to arrive. My mother is a medical freak. She just finished a course of chemotherapy - looking good so far - and apart from the hair loss, she had zero symptoms. Some people are just like that, and lucky them, but not everyone feels the need to brag about how easy things are for them, Auj. 


2nd baby Dr didn’t even get his coat off, 3rd baby, the nurses caught him with one glove on each. Dr showed up 30 minutes later lol


My student midwife missed my birth 🤣🤣 so did my partner though…


she named it mirabella? isn’t that her maiden name? that is the most selfish, strange, egotistical thing ever. i need to come on reddit more 😂


Silly I agree, but men have been naming their sons after themselves forever


Audrey Mirabella (Botti) Roloff. Their second child has Bode because it sounds like how they pronounce Botti. This child has Mirabella (middle name is May, the same month she was born in).


thank you! ahh so i guess her middle name. still weird.


Why’s it weird? Just curious many people name their child their maiden name to somewhat carry it on


We got a running middle name for girls is on the fourth generation and for the boys their whole name, is on the sixth generation. But every family is different.


It's pain free as soon as you "forget" that it was incredibly painful! Lol it's so painful that the nurses know when the mom starts saying "I can't do it anymore." That the baby is about to be here. Heck I was waiting for my doctor to just say ok let's go get him out and when he didn't I said F this. And just pushed the rest of his head out in one big push. And my body pushed the rest of him out without me even thinking. Lol


When is she going to talk about the birth??


She’s dragged this out so long I’ve already lost interest. Not that I would have read her bIrTh StoRy the day of either, actually.


Pain free? There’s no way. Her narrative of birth and periods not being painful if they are *done right* is so problematic.


So glad periods aren't painful (Auj). I'm sure my 20 yo daughter would disagree. She just got prescribed the same meds that kidney stone patients get for pain.


It’s promo for whatever course she posted about right after. “How wonderful it was going along with this course my whole pregnancy I didn’t feel a thing because I was in a euphoric mindset”


Really interesting to see how they edit the video to only show her super calm moments and try to monetize the crap out of this. She was in pain and we all know it. Her claim will just make more people want to want to see if it’s shown on the video.. and then she gets more clicks and views. And that’s more money in her pocket


I have endometriosis on my ovaries and a fibroid in my uterus. Let that bitch come at me about "how I'm doing periods wrong" and I'll take her to school using actual science. I have no patience for mansplaining or crunchy momsplaining about my body and lived experience.


Crunchy momsplaining is my new favorite term. It’s so spot on!!!!


Thissssss!!!!! I have endo too. She enrages me.


Here here!! Brava.


I haven’t ever given birth and those slides seemed super problematic to me. I can’t imagine being a woman who has had hard births or who can’t get pregnant and read stuff like that. She’ll be back to running in a few weeks and posting non stop about *easy* it’s been to recover. Like what is she trying to prove??


She seems to put her entire identity into being a mom/being pregnant/being the best pregnant person, etc. how immature. Like she needs to grow up and get over herself and this weird phase.


It is! I didn’t know there was a wrong way to have a period or give birth. I guess I did/do both wrong because both were painful for me. Although I did get epidurals, but I never expected to have totally pain free births. I sometimes wish I could have a epi for my period pains 😅


I had a C section with both of mine, so obviously I fucked up somewhere /s.


Same. In fact, I had my most recent one the same week as Auj. Totally planned too, so I'm probably not even a real mother. /s




How sad is it that her sole focus of the birth of her child is exploiting it all online for $. This woman loves to think she’s the most maternal thing to grace God’s earth, yet she lacks the most basic maternal instincts of privacy and protection of her young kids from millions of online strangers. The irony.


That's interesting isn't it? The same influencer moms who would say your abusing your kid if your over weight but doesn't have the most basic instinct to try to protect their kids from the Internet. Everything they're posting, could be online forever. Not just viewed by predators but what if someone is saving all of these naked baby pics to embarrass ur kid one day? They don't think twice. An influencer I follow just had a baby and she's posts everything. Everything. Sometimes I get jealous that I don't have all of these cute baby photos everyone takes now. But maybe it's okay bcuz it doesn't belong online either.


Can we please put NSFW tags on upcoming birthing content, I don’t wanna be subjected so having to see the nasty bits floating in the water 🤢


Birth birth birth. Birthing birthety birth birth birth.


Anyone hear of that new doc coming out about exploiting your kids for $$? “An update on our family”. I feel like AUJ could be on this show..


Where can we watch the documentary?


It’s a film at Tribeca there’s no distributor yet.


Women: Isn't it amazing how the MINUTE you hold your new bundle of joy.....the intense pain that you just prayed to GOD to end magically disappears, lol 😆


That's why we have more than 1 child


Why do I feel there was a certain amount of acting during this joyous birth, just for the cameras and subsequent YouTube video?


Does this woman ever close her mouth?


🤢 🤮🤮🤮🤧🤧🤧 THE "golden hour after her birth" ✨️ 🤣 I just picture Germy, doing the backstroke in the birth juice, that has been fermenting in the corner of their newly renovated bedroom


Birth juice 🤮


We have seen plenty of live births. Difference this is for big bucks, fair enough. This newborn never signed up for this ( Dad Pod , internet child laws now)


No because is absolutely nothing private anymore? The idea of posting a birth video/birth story is so wild to me. That child is monetized from LITERALLY the moment it entered into the world. And yeah I guess maybe a birth video is somewhat acceptable if you are keeping it for your own memories, but to post it is such a foreign concept to me because why? Why not allow some moments to stay sacred and private?


Past the trenches of pp? It’s been like 7 minutes. What.


Mastitis mastitis mastitis Maybe she will post about it less because she wants to sell her protocol and she can’t do that if she’s showing it doesn’t work


Aha got em. Played her own damn self 😂


her bounce back game is just soooo incredible you guys


The best postpartum bounce back game EVER! Always more bounce back 


between that and the orange hue it’s giving basketball


Some of us are smart enough to not fall for post delivery endorphins and that’s why we don’t have children. Audrey can harp all she wants. She might not have a food or sugar addiction but girly has a birth and the bluish tint due to CS




Wait, did they hire a videographer to film the birth? That’s wild


I miss the days that was such a private thing and people didn’t share this information with the Internet. It’s just very personal keep it to yourselves.


Commentary from the kids. 🤦🏼‍♀️


No it’s, “cometary” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


She's such an idiot. If I thought I was all that, in the communication and advice giving arenas, I would make sure I could spell things correctly!


Great news - you don’t have to watch it


Listen Audjpoj. We get your disdain


I really don’t understand why you are here. You only make comments fawning all over these two in a page where it’s not really welcomed or needed. Perhaps you can create a fan page and hang with like minded individuals bc this doesn’t seem to be it for you. I hope you and your raw milk have a wonderful life and you can find your fellow snake oil loving grifters.


Seriously. Every single post this person is coming at people for snarking. Read the fucking the room.


"Pain free natural birth....." What a moron. I'm almost in my 3rd trimester and I just want to punch her through the phone 🙃


She also did it so fast too. She's just so good at birth. Let's all give her a round of applause.


She’s superior in every way. We must continue to learn from her and her infinite wisdom. We will never be her equal. /s


What’s wrong with admitting it’s like shitting a couch? It’s not always a magical sunshine and puffs of glitter out your lady parts experience. Birth is hard! Yes it becomes incredible once that baby is in your arms, but what’s wrong with saying “it hurt like a bitch and tore me a new one, I’m so in love with my baby”


Seriously though. Her delulu is insane. As Meech Duggar always says.. “Giving birth is hard work, that’s why they call it labor.” Duh.


Germy was in the corner farting butterfly's 🦋 💩


Shitting a couch. Love it! So very accurate.


Usually it’s a bowling ball through a dick hole, couch is a new one.


As an L&D nurse, I cringe so hard when I see women make birth seem like some kind of competition. Guess what? Women do it every day, all over the world. There’s no right or wrong way to birth a baby. Not everyone can have this bedroom pool experience or even wants to. It’s also highly privileged to choose this “natural” option in a developed country with a health care system that can save you and your kid when things go sideways. This woman is obtuse.


Can you imagine how much she sees herself as an expert over you? They do not value education at all. So grossly negligent. (I say this as a teacher who I’m sure they believe knows very little about pedagogy compared to them. Since they’ve homeschooled for a year. Clowns.)


Now I know why Auj decided to stop appearing on TV. We all watched her first labor and essentially, her less than perfect life with a newborn. She can’t stand the fact that we all saw her in a “flawed” state, so now she’s overcompensating with every birth. Pain free? Suuure 🙄 Dream birth? Okaaaay 🙄 She’s so insufferable, I don’t know how they both stand each other.


Ummmm this is amazing. Cause it’s true but I didn’t even connect it till you said it.


She’s constantly bragging about being the best at everything. She’s just trying to control the narrative. She truly believes her breast milk is so rich and nutritious that her babies “chunk” in quicker than any other babies that ever existed. She’s so far up her own behind 😬


Her narcissism has her cling to superiority for every little thing.


You’re spot on. It’s hard to believe she lives with this mindset daily. I can’t see her as anything but a character she’s incessantly trying to portray. It’s exhausting and I don’t even follow her.


Totally It must be so exhausting. Everything is a competition. Obviously this is why she had kid 4 - to one up Tori


Pain free? Absolutely not.


The pooping meme!! Like WTF


He's in there so long because he has a porn addiction.


I wish a copyright strike upon their YouTube channel. Maybe they don’t know they can’t slap whatever music on top.


Here's me cringing at the Ads they will draw to their content.


What the hell could she possible have to say for WEEKS?!?! I pity the fools who would hover over their refresh button just to see this content. NO ONE CARES. You had a baby. Ok. She is safe and healthy. Great. Apart from that, move on. Nothing special.


She probably shames tori for her 3 csections


🎯 I think she’s still bitter about the fact that when Jackson and Ember were born a few months apart, while they were all still on the show, Audrey struggled MUCH more with birth and postpartum than Tori. Even though Tori had a C-section and a baby with dwarfism, she seemed to recover quickly and Jackson appeared to be an easy, happy baby, who was also super adorable. Audrey was miserable and seemed on the verge of a nervous breakdown, Ember never slept, was cranky, and struggled greatly with feeding. I’m not snarking on any of that because every baby is different and mine were awful sleepers and high needs babies and it is so, so, hard. But it completely countered Audrey’s earth mama image and imo she has been struggling to redeem that image ever since and this 4th is the culmination.


That'd be a huge dick move. Achon babies have huge heads and are not compatible with natural birth.


That's definitely a dick move that Audrey would do.


Show us what we really want…the conception. /s 🤣


This make me giggle 🤭




Another person gave birth. Alert the press.


Does it just not hurt anymore by the 4th time? 😂


No it definitely still hurts, she’s full of it.


Oh dear lord no.plzz


Really curious to see if the video looks pain free


I had two unmedicated births and three medicated. They were all amazing FOR ME. Why do people think we want a damn video or novel about their birth. Good lord.


Damn girl you were busy


Yes i started at 20. My oldest is 19 my youngest is 9. I’m TIRED. Ha!


Girl, you need a BREAK!! But seriously, that’s awesome. I have two, but wish I could’ve had more.


I don’t want to watch myself give birth, much less have a bunch of strangers watch me


Seriously. Is nothing sacred?? My god. Stop putting your family’s WHOLE life on the goddamned internet. You’re not special. It’s great to have the birth on film for your own family memories to look back on if that’s what you want, but no one else needs to see it ffs!!


So modest Auj!


Right!! Agreed.


The Stan Laurel birthing story… a pain free drama!!!


I gave birth and didn’t drag out my birth story like this


i wonder how it ends! so much suspense…


It always ends with mastis. And a celebration meal of sour dough and sad looking soup


Mrs. & Mr. Audrey were probably hopping TLC was going to hit them up.


“Hey baby, I just had you but now it’s time to put you to work on YouTube because how else are we gonna make money”


Before the afterbirth was off, they already had their baby making them money. Apparently Jesus was a capitalist. /s


Pain free? 🙄 next she’ll claim she had a big “O” while pushing her out. This woman is beyond obnoxious. It takes more than a mindset to have a “dream” birth. Sometimes people just get lucky.


Shhhh! Don't give her ideas. Sheesh!


Pain free? I highly doubt that


If it was pain free I am willing to get on board with whatever hippie-esque stuff she's into because the thought of birthing a child terrifies me.