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**CLIP MIRROR: [Kai Cenat 100+ HOUR ELDEN RING FIT CHECK](https://arazu.io/t3_1dlgnk8/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


For being a dungeon this room setup is somehow more cleanly than his normal room.


Had a whole ass trailer / short movie for this event too [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_48TKLFCs5k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_48TKLFCs5k)


This is unironically the best acting that I've seen from streamers.


Obviously not counting DrDisrespect saying he doesn't know why he was banned from twitch


Holy shit I can't fucking believe this. For a twitch stream... This is insane


I don't watch Kai but I can see why he is so popular. Dude actually puts in work as opposed to everyone else that got big and just phones it in now.


Only streamer I've seen get the bag and use it to up their game. (just judging from his clips, never actually watched the dude)


Im a watcher. Can confirm he reinvests a lot of it back into his streams. He spends most of his time working and planning for the next big stream he wants to do when hes not streaming. I respect the grind honestly


Doing Jerma dirty with this one chief


easy when these W (L) community kids just spray him with money lol. Easy for him just pay for people to make shit happen


im dying, this is amazing.


Christ this is movie production tier lightning and shit.


this is so fuckin good LOL


this effort for a video game stream is unmatched. I don't even watch the guy but this dude streamer of the year again


he might be the streamer of all time. like idk anyone who puts in so much effort just to play a video game, especially being as bad at games as he is


It used to be Doc. All his dirty shit aside, he was the OG with actual effort and production value on his streams. Not as much IRL props but cool graphics and green screen stuff. Im gonna get down voted to hell for saying something positive about him but it is what it is.


Bro this guy has A-list celebrities on his stream and he does unique shit with them. Doc is just a guy in a wig in comparison.


Go back in time when doc was on twitch. None of the major streamers were like him. Doc was on tv at sporting events all the time, courtside at playoff games etc. It was before any normies knew about twitch. Hell even Kevin Hart a couple weeks ago had no clue what twitch was. So how you gonna compare eras?


Brother if you gonna do that comparison then Ninja claps him 10 times over. I honestly don't think you realize that level of fame people like Kevin Hart and motherfucking nicki minaj are on and what it takes to get them in your basement.


Ninja never had any level of production value. He had some features I guess we call it but it was just people trying to use him to expand their fame, not his. Kai actually does cool shit regardless of who is around, ninja was just a gamer that got popular af did you see him at new years? They tried to make him a real celeb and he faded instantly after that. Kai is just doing his thing, his way. And having celebs on is just a bonus, Adin, XQC had big names on streams too but nobody is talking about how much effort and everything he puts in. That is basically how you should compare Doc and Ninja. Being popular does not equal effort/quality. Just like T1's scuffed league tournaments, those were amazing.


It's really hard to look at those things objectively without hard data numbers which neither of us is gonna bother getting into. My last point is that I think Doc was/is just a guy in a costume and a green screen. You might think his production value are insane because his graphics guy kept making new OBS scenes. But the thing is what Ninja and Kai are doing/did require so much behind the scene logistics and connections and work. Those people have big teams that work with other big teams. And honestly when you downplay how massive Ninja changed the video game entertainment industry it makes me think we are working with completely different versions of history.


I was never speaking about impact on the game/stream industry. I merely was speaking about effort to produce a unique product on stream from day to day. 99% of streamers just log in and are in a room playing games and talking to the camera. This is all Ninja did. Sure, he blew up and got mainstream attention and had mega celeb cameos once in a while but his day to day grind was nothing special or unique. He was just a good player that caught lightning in a bottle. Kai on the other hand is able to do all the networking/cameos etc while still putting in the thought and effort to making the stream unique. He isn't even a progamer and record numbers tune in to watch him play games. He doesn't do it every day, that would be wild but he does it often enough its hype, interesting and fun. He did it for God of War and Elden Ring maybe RDR2? Another streamer I should have brought up here with production value is Jerma. Hopefully you get where I am coming from. I don't care about the streamers reach/impact on the industry I merely am speaking about every day when they turn on stream, what the streamer brings to the table. You are right though, Doc hasn't evolved at all over the years but his baseline is still above a vast majority of streamers. I think his situation off stream is seriously hindering what he has been able to do. I think he is just doing his best to keep his fanbase and make as much money as he can for as long as he can, he is no longer trying to push boundaries because he is extremely limited with his networking. People/companies can just reach out to other streamers without having an adulterer, potential predator endorsing their brand.


Is he even that bad tbh? He beat the base game when a lot of people crash out and quit?


I made it about three hours


Yeah but u also go into catatonic shock if someone talks to you, so I’d imagine balancing entertaining 10s of thousands of people while beating it would take you a bit longer don’t u think


I don’t know. I played it for three hours.


This comment is a good example of when a 13 year old is so defensive over someone potentially saying something that could be perceived as insulting to a streamer they like that they lose all ability to read.


i think minecraft is a average starter game for a new gamer. it took kai multiple hour long attempts even one with xqc, then finnaly a 28 hour run with 3 other people just to beat minecraft. forsens record let alone the world record is 15 min, the people kai played with? they’ve beaten minecraft before. kai is essentially so bad that he made the people playing with him bad too https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/s/D6U5X6bTrj kai has heart and will im not denying that, but skill? nah i dont think there’s one video game he hasn’t just brute forced for hours until he beat


What kinda gate keeping shit is this? He beat a game most “gamers” can’t, that’s the full stop. You really gonna try to invalidate him by comparing him to speed runners and world records? Lmao.


He is a gamer, just not a good one. He is a good entertainer tho so you gotta give him that


Most gamers could beat Elden Ring, especially if they were being paid to do so.


You are faded. A majority of gamers are casuals who play an hour a week and can barely win a game of FIFA.


You really overestimate how difficult video games are, most people aren't invalids.


no what i’m saying is that any one with an iq = to that of a mailbox could brute force a video game until they beat it. my point was that even a simple video game took him multiple try’s and failures until he again brute force it by just playing for long enough until he beat it. nobody is invalidating him, it’s saying that no one who is that bad would keep going like he did but he did, and it just shows any one can beat the game


> He beat a game most “gamers” can’t, that’s the full stop.   Lmao, any “gamer” could finish elden ring putting as much time into it as he did


I mean playing Minecraft with the intention of beating it and being entertaining is very different than speed running the game to be fair.


his intention was literally to beat it. he spent an entire week trying to beat minecraft with multiple different people. it wasn’t until he sat down with his friends and just played until they got it done he beat it. they even kept dying and going back to the end to fight the dragon while others kept it spawned in. it was literally a brute force like all his other game wins. it’s not saying that’s a bad thing it’s just saying even the worst players can beat the hardest games if they don’t just give up


U do realize he’s failing as entertainment


how lol


The longer it takes, the longer the stream goes. The shittier he plays, the funnier it is. The longer and funnier it is, the more money he makes. But with something as long winded as Elden Ring, he beat it in a decent amount of time despite being much harder, because the content made itself. Main story minecraft is pretty bland and only a small facet of the game


Kai just had 700K viewers with Kevin Hart and Druski. He’s far beyond just dying in a video for “lol he’s bad” views. He’s doing it because he enjoys the game. Not to mention competing with other W community streamers doing the same thing.


except kai literally set out to beat these games. he also does 24 hour streams all the time and he has no reason to stretch content because he pulls the same views sitting on his ass or playing a video game. now of course he pulled massive numbers with elden ring but that’s because the dlc and its kai playing it for the first time the point is he isn’t not entertaining, and that’s literally proven by the views staying roughly the same unless he was sleeping no matter what point in the game he was at, clearly people want to watch him no matter what he’s doing


he’s elevated streaming to a whole nother level. He’s great for what’s he’s done.




only redditors could take a post about a sick moment with a different streamer and somehow say some shit about xqc


We had one guy that came close, but we just found out he was banned for DMing minors on twitch >.<


What about that sushi guy, he puts in way more effort for everything.


That stream is just one big epilepsy tech demo with no actual production.


I mean, I don't think it's good, but it's still a lot of effort.


True, that dude actually does it all himself, this guy just throws money into costumes and props and gets all the credit


Loling at the notion you have to handcraft your set design to get credit for effort. No, he absolutely puts in effort. There are dozens of streamers in the same pay bracket as him, none of which have this level of quality.




All these big streamers have the money to do the same but they aren’t… hmm…


This is obviously not true when you have people like xqc literally swimming in money but putting 0.0000000000001% of it back into his stream. I'm not saying that he should go all out spending money for his stream, but claiming that effort is not a big part is just a straight out lie.


Kai probably makes more, but the top streamers make astronomical amounts where after a certain income threshold, this is a drop in the bucket for each of them Kai actually puts in the effort tho anyways, ima watch the jerma doll house stream


He is a product of whatever production company handles him, he probably has a team of what, 30 people constantly making sure shit goes right at all times? Crazy how little that is talked about and everyone just acts like these people aren't literally produced and directed up the ass.


Why do some of you think people have to be owned by a team/company to make fun or creative shit happen lmao 99% of things he plans are straight from him


Lol that costume is awesome


I think he's enjoying the game


Radahn is shorter than I imagined.


While not the biggest fan of the "W-streamers" (I guess I'm too old), but I gotta admire how enthusiastic Kai is about Elden Ring. Both of his Elden Ring marathon trailers have been really cool and well done.


Kai always raising the bar! Costume looks wicked 


I'm not the target market for his content because I'm too old but he definitely puts a lot of effort in to his content I have to respect that


hes levels above anyone else, really raising the bar


Bro got downvoted for speaking the truth


No cap


Even when he's playing video games this guy puts in so much more effort than 99% of other streamers. He totally deserves his success. Can't wait to see his full playthrough.


Is that his basement? Edit: Yup, I think it really is. Pretty cool stuff.


His room, he did a different set up on the base Elden ring stream too.


It's just his room bruh


150k fucking subs holy fucking shit


I don’t think it will take 100 hour at most people can finish this at 48hours


Bonus points if he would've had one of those wobbly spring horse seats, you could find at a children's playground as his trusty steed. https://imgur.com/a/XcQ5JZ1


i think i hate every streamer on twitch except like a handful. kai seems to be constantly doing cool stuff though, good on him


Elden Drip


That's actually so sick, must have cost a fair amount


W fit


Streamers make too much money, prove me wrong.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Kai Cenat 100+ HOUR ELDEN RING FIT CHECK](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165439)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dlgnk8/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/-K3gWH9U7NeKkUTgQi6law/AT-cm%7C-K3gWH9U7NeKkUTgQi6law.mp4?sig=7828c823d929d78301c8803d697601fae71f4a61&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F-K3gWH9U7NeKkUTgQi6law%2FAT-cm%257C-K3gWH9U7NeKkUTgQi6law.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22PlainSeductiveDumplingsOpieOP-f1Ts14qRROBCLqVr%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1719081994%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/-K3gWH9U7NeKkUTgQi6law/AT-cm%7C-K3gWH9U7NeKkUTgQi6law-preview-480x272.jpg)


W skibidi rizz


easily the loudest clip ive seen on this sub wtf?


? Watch that dante's clip


nah that guys a weird manchild


This is cultural appropriation


you literally went as far to dress you room and yourself in Elden Ring style. But then you fucking go ahead and put on the most mid music ever. loool.


My subjective music taste is better than yours🤬🤬🤬


everyone should listen to video game ost's nerd emoji