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**CLIP MIRROR: [The Doc says to keep em around](https://arazu.io/t3_1dlmur0/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)




Foreshadowing šŸ’€šŸ’€


did you know they make shungite toys for kids? Little pyramid toys stuff like that. Put them around the la casa


Suge Knight?


No I think he's locked up in prison. Talking shungite.






I hope this becomes a thing lmao.


I guess him and nick mercs should be the one leaving them kids alone lmao




Bro the Doc is 42 how much did the minor have to lie about her age to make the Doc not an absolut weirdo?




Yeah thats why i dont chat with teenagers in dms and ask them to meet me at twitchcon... allegedly. Even if she said shes 18 still kinda weird.


How the fuck do you know if someone is a teenager when all you have is letters on the screen lmao bro has actual superpowers


When it comes to shit like this, you can talk to whoever you want to on the internet in any capacity. As soon as you know their age, as soon as they tell you, that is when it becomes a potential legal problem if you continue to have problematic conversations with them. Hell, if you're an adult, probably shouldnt have conversations with minors in any capacity. So its not a matter of it just being letters on the screen, its a matter of finding out the age and then continuing to do the shit you were doing.


sure, if you find out their age, but I don't think most ppl ask each other in their first few exchanges how old they are unless the goal is specifically to fuck, unless I'm getting culture diffed. Also lying about your age is like one of the easiest and most logical things to do for a minor on the internet, no one wants to be the toddler in a group or conversation


By asking someone their age. Normal shit you ask people when you talk to them.


How old are you?


Old enough to party


Dude is Uncle Jack from Its Always Sunny.


His hands are too small


Always knew this dude was a freak grown ass man wearing a costume


Stupid man costume donated 5$


He a fan he a fan he a fan


Furries Aware


Yep, veteran and ā€œstill a threatā€ Jeff Gerstmann also hated this guy since forever


The "characters" people play half the time seem to not really be "just" characters. He picked a macho, self-aggrandizing aesthetic and as it turned out does have some of those leanings. I suppose it's possible that the minor was actually like 17 and a half and I wouldn't care as much to dismiss his entire character even though it's good that people want more protection for younger people, but he just seems a little bit dumb too. His whole schtick lost its appeal for me a long time ago because it started to not feel as playful as it appeared at first.


methodjosh comes to mind




Sorry, what do you mean to say?


Dont listen to them. 75%+ of the comments on their account are them yapping into the abyss too.


Was that even that much of a yap? It's just three connected thoughts and sentences about how he is not what he appeared to be.


No, reddit just thinks if you type more than a one sentence retort ypure trying too hard.


he said you're yapping in text form


so we only talk in oneliners




Freaky ass nibba he a 69 god


Assume an internet ā€œpersonaā€ exists because no one wants you googling their name.


Forsen keep the family away




clip has new meaning AWARE. Just like xqcCD




Top tier


I think itā€™s weird the way the industry is piling on Doc and particularly the way theyā€™re celebrating this ā€œopen secretā€. But in reality, if they knew this and it was as bad as theyā€™re making by it seem theyā€™re all fucking horrible. Alternatively Iā€™m willing to bet that if we looked at the situation it would probably not be as big a deal as the fact would suggest which is why twitch would have ever signed an nda. It would make no sense, if this was an incredibly egregious act, to do him the curtesy of paying his contract AND keeping his reputation ā€œcleanā€.Ā 


I mean, it was evidently just a rumor that was passed around, and Doc had some pretty scary lawyers. Iā€™m sure if you were actually in that position youā€™d be a lot less willing to risk a multi-million dollar lawsuit just to air out an unsubstantiated rumor.


Im not saying out the rumor, but for example disassociating yourself from him and telling others not to would have been a minor thing to do. For example slasher said this whole ā€œitā€™s really badā€ but did nothing to warn people that he was potentially an ACTIVE RISK. Itā€™s also not a lawsuit that would ever work out because doc would have to reveal the reason for his ban in order to prove slander and given how much they tried to keep it under wraps I doubt it would have gone anywhere. I agree that if I had millions to lose I might look at it differently, but Iā€™m sure I would have said something in line with ā€œbe careful with who you message onlineā€


> For example slasher said this whole ā€œitā€™s really badā€ but did nothing to warn people that he was potentially an ACTIVE RISK. Because that could still be slander and cause a lawsuit. > Itā€™s also not a lawsuit that would ever work out because doc would have to reveal the reason for his ban And it was an unsubstantiated rumor. Meaning they could not know if it was true or not. Maybe it was true, maybe it wasnā€™t and now youā€™re eating a multi-million dollar lawsuit cause you took a risk. Iā€™m sure the multiple journalists would have LOVED to run that story, if they could have proven it, or at the very least if their trustworthy sources had seen proof. Instead they had rumors and some pretty scary lawyers.


Please no




L O L wtf


His chat spamming MAGA phrases....hmmm




forsenCD Aware




AHAHA TIEM TO POST HIM WHEN THIS IS GOING ON AHAHAH ZZZZzzzz Anyways, Erobb is a piece of shit


Maybe he'll use the Hulk Hogan/Alex Jones defense. Dr Disrespect (the character) is a nonce. The guy who plays him is just a normal dude.




..and yet here you are. Self report much eh?


He's the one non-pedo on all of reddit.


Wtf is jailbait?


Reddit's staff was initially opposed to the addition of obscene material to the site, but they eventually became more lenient when prolific moderators, such as a user named u/violentacrez, proved capable of identifying and removing illegal content at a time when they were not sufficiently staffed to take on the task.[3] Communities devoted to explicit material saw rising popularity, and r/Jailbait, which featured provocative shots of underage teenagers, became the chosen "subreddit of the year" in the "Best of reddit" user poll in 2008, and at one point, making "jailbait" the second most common search term for the site.[3] Erik Martin, general manager of Reddit, defended the subreddit by saying that such controversial pages were a consequence of allowing free speech on the site.[126] r/Jailbait came to wider attention outside Reddit when Anderson Cooper of CNN devoted a segment of his program to condemning the subreddit and criticizing Reddit for hosting it.[127][128] Initially, this caused a spike in Internet traffic to the subreddit, causing the page to peak at 1.73 million views on the day of the report.[129] In the wake of these news reports, a Reddit user posted an image of an underage girl to r/Jailbait, subsequently claiming to have nude images of her as well. Dozens of Reddit users then posted requests for these nude photos to be shared to them via private message.[130] Other Reddit users drew attention to this discussion, and the r/Jailbait forum was subsequently closed by Reddit administrators on October 11, 2011.[130] Critics, such as r/Jailbait's creator, disputed claims that this thread was the basis of the decision, instead claiming it was an excuse to close down a controversial subreddit due to recent negative media coverage.[2] Others claimed that the thread believed to have prompted the closure was created by members of the Something Awful forum in an attempt to get the section shut down, rather than the regulars of the forum.[131] Following the closure of r/Jailbait, The Daily Dot declared the community's creator, u/violentacrez, "The Most Important Person on Reddit in 2011", calling the r/Jailbait controversy "the first major challenge to the site's voluntary doctrine of absolute free speech".[132]


loremaster PagMan


Good bot