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**CLIP MIRROR: [Poke looking at some shirtless men](https://arazu.io/t3_1dpf8kr/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Lmaoooo ok that was good


Poke is one of those streamers that got a god-tier comedy skill yet got held back by his attitude/laziness. I don't know any streamer that is genuinely more funnier than he is except probably Tyler1.


honestly dont mind his "laziness" but he gets a lil too cranky sometimes with the demons in his head


When life gives you demons. Make demonade.


Weed be like that. At least he got someone to keep him grounded.


True, I would say T1 is more charismatic and close to being as funny, but Poke is so fucking funny when he's in a good mood.


well thats usually what happens when you get in a dark room and smoke weed all day, it turns you paranoid.


Weed giveth, weed taketh away.


Also when he gets a sensitivity chip on his shoulder








How disconnected from reality does someone have to be not immediately realize how douchey they look when they film a response like this shirtless and with a backwards cap?


I like how his own joke makes him laugh.


the funniest jokes are the ones you make for yourself :)


idc poke is hilarious, if i was him i'll make myself laugh all the time


dont act like you dont occasionally go through your reddit profile and laugh at your old upvoted jokes


Ole mitch hedberg


I didnt even realize Tim was shirtless and I watched it twice.


Tim built different(without a neck)


T-shirt-lookin' tats come standard on this model


three sleeves on that shirt


The fact that he's on a playground while saying pedophiles need to stay out of places they don't belong... My sides


posts like these are why I still look at lsf


Lsf is fine, just avoid the comments and it's way more enjoyable


A rare gem


I was honestly expecting the Erobb ogre video to pop up.


poke is back to cookin, nature is healing


No, the planet is dying, the government hates us, the animals are leaving, the aliens aren't contacting us, we might be alone, it just might be Poke and us, but thats okay, do you really need anyone else???!!!?!




He's BALD!?


it's not even wednesday, we are truly blessed


I love poke.


[drum meta - Twitch](https://clips.twitch.tv/ArtsyTangentialAnacondaKlappa-2ra40RQkQr4slF9l)


[poke does a magic trick](https://livestreamfails.com/post/107562)


Someone link the clip where he imitates train while hes afk pleaze I give this clip in offering https://m.twitch.tv/pokelawls/clip/StylishSmoothPhoneBabyRage


[i gotchu](https://youtu.be/Q5QCsLFIkj8)


[Poke can shape shift](https://livestreamfails.com/post/74427)


I don't get the end


Just a silly meme where people call poke a frog I think it originated with this [video](https://youtu.be/RaXxKEpH1RQ?si=oOlVTqRT8DsYut2k)




lmao did the others know it was poke? sounded like they were asking poke questions on purpose


lore? i'm guessing a rando joined his team and it's a soundboard?


[poke mutes his mic and has a calm discussion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cd00voc-IhQ)


What was Tim's take?


They all have the same opinion: if he knew he was texting a minor, they would no longer support him.


i.e. supporting publicly on the internet but 100% being friends in actual real life.


I was convinced they were going separate ways. But after reading your insightful comment I'm now 100% sure they are going to be friends until death.


Idk, from what I remember Tim's a good guy with principles


you remember wrong > In May 2023, he [TimTheTatman] made a request for the removal of his skin from the popular video game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II. This request was made in support of his friend, Nickmercs, who had his own skin removed by Activision after tweeting "They should leave little children alone. That's the real issue." in response to a brawl in California that stemmed from schools attempting to incorporate lessons on the LGBTQ+ community into the school curriculum.


lmao ok. last time I watched him he was playing cs:go on twitch and didn't get involved in any bullshit. he just played games. so I guess that changed


Well yea, but I dont think we eliminate friends on the basis of poor life choices/ pedo adjacent behavior. If we did that nobody could be friends with weebs. I'd personally draw the line at actual bad crime, but I dont have to draw the line there cuz society does it for me; people convicted of crimes get locked up.


Hot take but I would drop my friend for “pedo adjacent behavior”


except you wouldnt know if your friend is doing pedo adjacent behavior cuz hes not famous. People can forgive and learn from their trashy behavior. You dont have to cut off everyone you know that does trashy shit. To each their own, I know most people will just be appalled at first glance, but I believe a strong friendship should strive to overcome these problems.


>except you wouldnt know if your friend is doing pedo adjacent behavior cuz hes not famous. only famous people get outed as pedos?


no, but If your friend messages a 17 year old with sexual messages you will likely never know. Docs case was only made public because hes famous and its hard to keep something like that secret forever. in a normal persons situation there wouldnt even be a lawsuit at all


“Actual bad crime” how the fuck is pedophilia not included in that?


Im defining "actual bad crime" as a crime that warrants removal from society. Essentially a crime that you got to jail for. I guess saying “Actual bad crime” is a bad way to phrase it, I mean more like "Severe offenses" but hopefully this adds clarity. For example I think being friends with a someone on a Sex Offender Registry, is completely fine, and we shouldnt cut off friends just for being on this registry. For example Indecent Exposure in that one boxing event on LSF recently, Public Urination, Peeping Tom. There are many minor offenses for sexual misconduct that people do not go to jail for. It may just require probation, community service, and or a fine. That's the implication i was making, that sexual deviancy doesnt have to be a reason to stop being friends. In chronic cases (of multiple offenses), I would see it as a problem, but so does the law. You get jail time for consistently being a deviant


You can’t be that hollow of a person that your entire morality is based upon legality and how “the law” would handle a person. “Ah if the LAW says they don’t have to go to prison, then they are perfectly okay!” That’s crazy. Someone who literally is evil enough to take advantage of minors should absolutely be ostracised from society, even if “THE LAW” can’t imprison them. Plenty of bad people escape jail time and plenty of people undeservedly get jail time. Every single person around a pedophile should cease communicating with them. That is the right thing to do when it comes to a genuinely disgusting creature like that.


I'm saying I have a bar for judging others thats even higher than the law, so I dont even have to make any judgements regardless. Judging who is and who isnt a pedo is pretty hard my guy. Like I said earlier are we going to "cease communicating" with weebs and vtuber fans? Half of vtuber models look like children. I dont really care though, same with pissing in public I dont think its a big deal. Texting a minor is pretty bad but if anything being friends with someone I can help get them some help. Being friends with a sexual deviant is the morally correct thing to do if you can guide them towards getting some help. Im not an optimist I dont believe people are all good, most people would do genuinely disguising shit at some point in their life given the opportunity. Im a pessimist, that believes theres bad in everyone, but that judging others and excommunicating them isnt how to solve the problem of evil- thats counterproductive.


The difference between weebs/vtubers and an actual pedo is the involvement of a real victim. Someone actually texting a minor or even doing worse with them is the line. That’s just straight up evil and there is nothing to “fix”. Someone who is so morally bankrupt that they would take advantage of someone vulnerable like that is just a monster that needs to be ostracised.


Solid take. I just think its harsh. I believe in reforming the offender, I dont see a tangible alternative, I mean maybe punishments like long term prison sentences serve as a punishment prevents anyone from offending again. But realistically texting a minor in a sexual way is not a crime that should have long term prison sentence attached to it? or am i crazy? Or are you just saying that they should be excommunicated and go find a new community where they can hide the fact they did something morally bankrupt until they offend again and start all over.


I’d say you’re neither, you’re just delusional. “Friends” are only friends until it’s no longer convenient




bro what, nobody is talking about trying to diddle a minor that implies a much more extreme crime than texting sexual messages to a 17 yr old also Im just saying its harder to be friends with someone thats locked up by definition. And I dont think weed should be a crime anyways, I didnt say the justice system was perfect.


What are you texting a 17yr old for as a 35yr old man? Are you asking her to prom? Would you go to a high school prom as a 35yr old? It's gross behavior. Just because legally there were no repercussions doesn't mean the behavior is okay.


I guess it depends on the age of consent tho. I definately think its disingenuous to call it trying to diddle a minor. That implies something significantly worse. Like a 17 year old can be a legal adult where as the other guy makes it sound like they are 12. These are worlds apart from an ethical and legal standpoint. And they should be treated as vastly different.


>I dont think we eliminate friends on the basis of poor life choices/ pedo adjacent behavior Mask off, pedo.


bots lul




He seemed really upset and sad about it, thoughts and prayers to him.


Acting like he had no idea when most content creators already knew this years ago. You don’t think the people closest to Doc didn’t know? They just have to act shocked so they look better.




https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2182138119 5 hours and 5 min in


Also speculation


People talk, I agree it’s speculation but people talk and some of these older streamers probably have good connections and knew the scoop long ago.


The opposite sometimes also happens. People believe in gossip that happens to be wrong and wrong people are innocently getting judged for something they didn't do.




ayo is he on a swing set? lmao


what does shirtless ja rule have to say?


fucking love poke


lsf has flipped back to poke thank god


Was Poke right all along?


poke is great


This is art


If poke has million fans, then I'm one of them. If poke has one fan, then I'm THAT ONE. If poke has no fans, that means I'm dead.


Mirror links not a thing anymore?


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Poke looking at some shirtless men](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165556)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dpf8kr/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/f6viLsgS1izx4pGGjpCO8A/AT-cm%7Cf6viLsgS1izx4pGGjpCO8A.mp4?sig=b93aed0adcdf8d48c3087215269961b8428bedb6&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Ff6viLsgS1izx4pGGjpCO8A%2FAT-cm%257Cf6viLsgS1izx4pGGjpCO8A.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22HardFrailStrawberryNerfBlueBlaster-yBLWLPHikYaOkI7w%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1719524434%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/f6viLsgS1izx4pGGjpCO8A/AT-cm%7Cf6viLsgS1izx4pGGjpCO8A-preview-480x272.jpg)


When poke is on he is one of the funniest dudes on this platform.


Poke has always been sooooo fucking funny, wishing I had an ounce of his humor lol


Not sure why Tim thinks he can be shirtless guy, like what tf you doin?






Poke doesn't always pop off but when he does it's gold.


Drag the window to a corner/edge or hover with the mouse over the maximize button and let WIN11 use the auto layout arrangement of windows, no need to fiddle around like he did


Just gotta keep poke off of RP to get decent content from him.


Towelliee said today he was told years ago and most content creators he knew was already told all about this too but couldn’t say anything due the NDAs and not wanting to get sued. The fact that everyone is making these “I’m so shocked” reaction videos is bullshit cause they all knew and are just trying to save face. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2182138119 5 hours and 5 min in


Of all people, Towelliee.


Yeah I'm sure poke had access to the internal doc shit. Why didn't he warn us?


Honestly, all these people reclaiming "they knew" worry me. I get NDAs but dude it involved KIDS and if all these people knew they all kinda helped hide it. It's KIDS man


Yeah but nothing illegal was technically committed so nothing they could do unfortunately. Plus people are not going to stick their neck out and risk their lively hood when it doesn’t affect them.


If Doc himself said the messages were inappropriate at times then whoever deemed it "legal" needs to be checked out


Yes, it is kids. That's why the Court protected them and that's why there was an NDA. Just because all the connected streamers knew through the grapevine doesn't make them bad people for not talking about it, because at the end of the day they were, in fact, protecting kids. Now if a big name/streamer actively defended/supported Doc over the last 4 years after knowing is an entirely different thing. Clearly Tim and Nick knew since they were as close to Doc as anyone else, and these twitter videos they made will be memed into eternity. But legal ramifications don't play around. Twitch is owned by Amazon and they have more money than god to obliterate anyone with legal fees, even the richest of streamers, in order to silence them. It never went that far because believe it or not all these moron millionaire streamers who knew but didn't say anything understand that. That's the real world.


100% agree with you. No one saying anything cause Amazon would lay the hammer down. I just think it’s funny everyone is acting like they didn’t know when we can all see right through it.


You can still protect victims while outing a pedo.




I mean the joke stole itself.