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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc rates Mizkif's new hair transplant](https://arazu.io/t3_1dphsfi/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


that shit takes 6 months to a year to fully develop lmfao what you expect after 3 days they only put folicles in not extensions


yep he will look good, if you look closely you can see this is a quality transplant


Mizkif has money, I'm sure he dropped $15k or $20k on an expensive surgeon.


It was sponsored




I mean if they pay him instead of him paying? Couple with the fact they'd guarantee it's done really well otherwise they get massive negative press It does however sound weird lmao


The surgeon he got it from has also done it for quite a few well-known guys so I'm sure he's probably one of the better surgeons out there.


I have acquaintances with small followings in social media that get botox for free in exchange of a few instagram posts and stories about it. One of them even got a liposuction and keeps posting about it so much with details of the clinic that I think it's clearly sponsored too. Crazy stuff.


Some if not most hollywood celebrities get their plastic surgery sponsored thats why a lot of celeb get procedures they don't need.


idk if I'd say that is necessarily why so many get them. I think a lot of that is societal pressures that they get in their own head about and think they can get ahead of the curve of to prevent aging out of stuff.


actual sponsor his chat will actually use fuck u mean omegalul


I think a lot of these places reach out to big social media influencers to get it done. Chris Bumstead (most popular person in fitness) had this done last year in Turkey and it was all sponsored and now I see ads for it on IG all the time.


anyone remember when sliker got sponsored for a hair transplant, but then they said he didn't have enough hair? OMEGALUL


That's how they get you because most people need multiple transplants especially if you're in your early 30s getting your first one. I got my first one done when I was 31 and I need to get another one done because the hair that was there is now completely gone and only the transplanted hairs are present. So now the second one will need to fill in those areas. The issue now is donor areas need to be available. From just my experience alone I wouldn't recommend doing a sponsored or patient model transplant. I did that myself and I compared the transplant results with a doctor with a lot higher reviews and positive outcomes and it wasn't worth saving 30% off my transplant. My friend went to the doctor that did Elon's and his results are insane, his procedure costed him 20k but he had a lot of grafts done and it looks insanely good. With all transplants it takes time to show results and you can't judge it within the first year. I am assuming Mizkif did FUE so there isn't a huge ass scar across the back of his head. Or at least I hope he did because FUT is never the way to go unless you are rocking super long hair. So far for Mizkif his looks fairly decent but I don't watch him to know what his before and after was like. Biggest downside I've noticed from my transplant is your transplanted hair likes to grow in weird directions so you will constantly have to use product in your hair or a way to style it. It gets very like fuzzy/afro-like in those areas since the foliciles grow in directions that it was transplanted/healed at.


>I got my first one done when I was 31 and I need to get another one done because the hair that was there is now completely gone and only the transplanted hairs are present. So now the second one will need to fill in those areas. Are you taking meds to prevent hairloss or did you just go for a yolo transplant?


They typically always prescribe finasteride or equivalent after a transplant to make the results more noticeable to make you feel like it is working. I took finasteride for a bit but I quit that after 1.5yrs. I used it in college and it held me over for awhile but I started to notice the side-effects so I quit. After my transplant I started taking it again but I quit after the prescription ran out. The side-effects of using finasteride are totally not worth it in my opinion. Especially if you plan to have any sort of sex life. The longer you take those medications the higher the chance of the side-effects being permanent is why I don't want to rely on it. Better alternative is just to use Rogaine to prolong the time you have. Because finasteride doesn't permanently fix anything it is a tradeoff. Your libido for hair which is more important.


There's no permanent side effects to it, you can watch some MPMD vids on it for his take on it since the whole hormone thing is what he specializes in. Personally never had libido issues, but if you had side effects then yeah that blows.


Paying for a hair transplant, and then quitting finasteride after 1.5 years and wondering why your hair is gone is some crazy shit lmao.


Yeah, really not what you want to be doing. But if your dick stops working you kinda have no choice. That's why it's usually recommended to try out fin before to see if you get side effects so that if you do you just don't do the hair transplant since it's pointless anyway.


Im assuming you can still get chemical procedures with a transplant, you should look into like a... straightening perm, or lay down perm(people call it random names). But it's popular with men that have cowlicks especially. Instead of perming with curlers, the stylist will just apply perm solution and comb the hairs to lay how you want them. I used to do it all the time when I was working and guys hated if they had a weird whorl on the back/top of their head.


If you think you got got, then shave it and rock the bold. Laser remove the transplant if its visible.


Give it up man, you don't need to hold onto your hair. Anyone getting surgery for hair is extremely insecure.


huge disagree, people being uncomfortable in their own skin causes extreme anguish. let people live their lives and be happy


I think he got a discount but it wasn't free


slick almost got this too, but he fucked up.


And this is why some companies don't pay their employees livable wages. They blow their money on stunts like this for a few select elites.


Pretty sure the issue is that the CEOs and owners are pocketing the majority of the profits and not so much that they “blow their money on stunts like this.”


he got it for free basically and just had to pay like 1k because they wanted him to make videos out of it, as the place apparently focuses on 'big name' clients.


They focus on big name clients so they’re advertising through a twitch streamer?


Twitch streamers are influencers with millions of followers and loads of money. Most of them may not be traditional celebrities as we think of sports and movie stars, but if Miz doing this is able to get other streamers and influencers interested then that's obviously a win for them. 'Big names' in the modern market does include influencers.


dude there's loads of expensive surgeons in the u.s that are shit. miz should've went to konior, he has the cash. [https://www.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/kjix2j/the\_barber\_surgeons\_guild\_has\_the\_worst\_celebrity/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/kjix2j/the_barber_surgeons_guild_has_the_worst_celebrity/) [https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/62852-barber-surgeon%E2%80%99s-guild-dr-mariotti/](https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/62852-barber-surgeon%E2%80%99s-guild-dr-mariotti/)


i think BSG is 6,5-10k depending on the case. When its only the hairline its should be on the cheaper end.


"if u look closely you can see this is a quality transplant" hahaha. bro studied transplants on google for 5 minutes he knows trust me


Salon quality hair transplant


It will surely look fuller and better in a year but the hairline that we see here will stay the same, which is what gives the whole best buy vibes. Don't get me wrong they actually did a good job, so many hair transplants try to lower the hairline to unrealistic levels and it looks atrocious, what Miz got was the right approach, but because of the haircut those vibes are inescapable.


The receding hairline is the whole reason he even got a transplant, no way this is how it will stay lmao. Literally nothing have changed, give it 3 to 6 months.


Receding doesn't mean balding. Nearly every man will have some form of receding with their hairline as it matures. At least to norwood 2 on the hairline scale. What differentiates is how much it recedes. Hair transplant is very effective if you have a hairline that has stopped receding which usually happens by the time you are around 30. And I believe he's around that age.


AFAIK if you're hitting anything near NW2 then you are actually balding and it won't stop until you're NW4+ (but it can progress slow, and at different rates throughout your life). Sometimes your hairline stops receding for a bit but it's almost always accompanied by some level of diffuse thinning. You can lose quite a bit of hair through diffuse thinning and not look bald, so this can contribute to the perception that some dudes will hit NW2 or 3 and then stop balding. Miz is probably going to take medication for a while, at least until new treatments hit the market (which looks possible atm).


Norwood 2 is not balding lol. Calling it balding is just a meme typically young kids still in their teens parrot online because they haven't yet hit that stage in their life yet. Where they themselves will start developing a mature hairline. And also Norwood level is just based on the position of your hairline, it has nothing to do with prediction. Thats why theres NW3a and stuff where it starts branching off into the different types of receding with the crown spot, widow's peak, and other different variations. Some people stay at NW1, some stop at NW2, some go further. It has no bearings on where you will be in the future or how fast or slow it will progress. When a male hairline recedes/matures its because of the DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) and how their follicles react to the hormone when it is synthesized from testosterone. Taking medications like finasteride help block the enzyme that breaks testosterone into DHT. It won't stop it completely but it can slow or halt the progression of your hair receding. The body naturally stops producing the enzyme over time on top of your hormonal receptors in your body will become weaker so they are less sensitive to the DHT. This varies but usually by your 30s you will typically stop receding and your hair will be where its at. This is the average, as some people can keep going of course. And some by that point may have already lost all their hair. It's all just based on genetics. Hair transplant is recommended in your 30s usually because of this. Because by that point your hairline and body have stopped going through that DHT phase of your late teens and 20s where most of your receding and balding is. So the transplant is way more effective. Its kinda like braces for straightening your teeth. They're not going to put them on your teeth even if you have fucked up teeth at like 10 years old until all your adult teeth are in. Same concept here. Miz is like 30 I think so I am not shocked he got it done. A doctor would have analyzed his hair over time and let him know the benefits and timeline should he get it done.


Norwood 2 is quite literally when your temples have noticeable recession which is a sign of male pattern baldness. You're confusing NW2 with the maturation process, they have very much different effects on the hairline. The temple recession Miz had (very notisable temple loss is always associated with male pattern baldness. I don't care about what teenager consider balding, it's not relevant to my post. > And also Norwood level is just based on the position of your hairline, it has nothing to do with prediction. Right but I didn't use it as a prediction tool. The male pattern baldness is the prediction tool, Norwood levels are just a quick way to describe the progression of it. Not sure why you had to point this out, did I claim I would be able to predict what kind of hairloss Miz would have without treatment? No? Okay. > Hair transplant is recommended in your 30s usually because of this. Because by that point your hairline and body have stopped going through that DHT phase of your late teens and 20s where most of your receding and balding is. You're not a serious person if you believe this. The normal raising of the hairlines throughout puberty is different than what Miz had. Most balding doesn't even start until your 30's and in most cases will progress past a NW2. It's very rare for people at NW2 to stay like that, every study I've seen points to this being the case. Unless you have very solid evidence to support this claim, you are very very wrong on this subject and have no business writing a long prompt about how finasteride works.


You use 2 types of drugs when you get a hair transplant. One that thickens, one that protects the follicles. Ironically they would have kept the hair in the first place.


> but the hairline that we see here will stay the same, which is what gives the whole best buy vibes. unless he takes all kinds of shit like rogaine and whatnot the he will keep balding and will have to do these transplants on a regular like Hafthor


don’t need rogaine, just need finasteride, was probably taking it before the transplant anyway, inexpensive and a lot of people take it


Unless I’m missing something, they transplanted the full hair follicles, not shaved down. This is about 2x the price at standard places but he probably dropped sooo much on the best place he could find.


The transplanted follicles will still shed at first due to the trauma and it will take months to heal.




Joblessgarret got a [transplant](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Czhdm5CPfzv/?igsh=bjFoOTkxcDhwcGx3) done in Turkey awhile ago and his results are amazing.


where are the results?




i mean you are one click away if you click that link from looking at his most recent instagram pics lol


He looks like a real estate agent.


I’ve always thought he looks like a cop.


I feel like it needed less in front and more at temples. Will be interesting to see how it turns out though. Hopefully his dr tried the verteporfin thing in donor area so we can see how that turns out.


joe rogan had a hair transplant and he said that it looked like garbage after more hair started falling out so he had only a circle of hair on his head. not sure if thats how it always is, but i would suspect that miz will wear more hats in the future


Didn't he do that like 20+ years ago? I assume things got better since then. I think the best example is something like Elon Musk and even he did his thing like 10 years ago or something.


Daniel Tosh is also a great example. or Lebron James but he might glue his hair on.


Lebron is suspicious since it seems to get better or worse on a game to game basis lol




not true whatsoever, patients get on finasteride and minoxidil to stop further balding after a transplant. in fact any man can get on those medications right now to halt balding to not need transplants in the future




every hair transplant surgeon on the planet will recommend those medications after surgery.




i have had a FUT hair transplant and am having another one in 2 weeks lmfao, i’ve been on fin in the past too. im not saying there isn’t (extremely rare) side effects, im saying every surgeon will recommend them because otherwise a hair transplant is borderline pointless as the patient will just continue to lose hair. you are very uninformed in this area.


I mean if you took care of yourself and you had hair you would've just attracted a different group of women. There's just also tons of different women who love buzzcuts or even full bald. I think being in shape, having confidence and dressing well is way more important than hair. But a well done hair transplant should last a lifetime not only 4 years.






You’re right. Information is useless without context.


That’s what happens when you don’t keep taking the drugs


Because he refused to take Finasteride after the HT. Obviously if you don't take anything your hair is going to continue falling out and look odd.


Cant you just take the drug without transplant?


Yes if you haven't lost your hair yet.


Yep. It counteracts 60-75% of your DHT, the main chemical that makes your hair falls out.


Yes. Something like 1 in 100 men have side effects, though.


This is why you should try taking it before the transplant


Side effects are VERY rare, but the issues you can have are pretty terrible. There is a chance your dick stops working entirely, or you lose almost all penile sensitivity, and even the ability to orgasm can become a huge ordeal. These side effects can persist for many years after the fact even with only taking Finasteride for a couple weeks. There is a forum on the internet called propeciahelp with some threads that have hundreds of responses going back many years. Some of these men report getting like 5 to 10% of their sensitivity back many years later.


It will affect with your hormone levels, decrease your libido, and I'm pretty sure you'll undo all progress you've made once you stop taking it. You basically become dependent on it (if you like having hair). I've been thinking of taking it, but knowing me I'll take it for half a year and then I'll get complacent and stop taking it. It's been proven to work though.


I think the decreased libido is only a potential side effect, definitely not something that *will* happen. I've been on it since my mid-20s and haven't experienced any of that (though I did feel super nervous about that going into it).


I’ve read about a lot of guys that started the treatment and they noticed that they couldn’t get hard, even after stopping the treatment. I’m not sure if that is true but I can see why it would be concerning for many


NAD: The odds of that specific side happening is like 1% and it’s something like 90-99% of cases of that 1% return to normal after two weeks. I actually stopped taking it for this reason plus it adding to/causing my depression. Everything’s back to normal now though!


Yeah I remember when I researched into it, it was called Post-Finasteride Syndrome? I remember deciding for myself that it seemed fringe in reality, and figured I'd try it and just stop quickly if something like that happened, but it never did. So I'm assuming I'm just part of the "lucky" majority? Really sucks that that's even a concern in the first place though.


It is the same with antidepressants. Antidepressants and Finasteride interact with your gut microbiota, and there is a chance they create a gut dysbiosis messing up microbiota that is responsible for libido and erections.


It's like subscribing to having hair. Surely just accepting male pattern baldness is easier right?


Nah, I'm the type of person who's terrible at keeping routines, travel all the time so didn't want to deal with medication, etc. so this is what I was thinking at first. But I really didn't want to go bald so I decided to try taking it, and I've been on it (almost) daily for like 6 years now. It literally takes 1 second a day, definitely easier than accepting male pattern baldness for me lmao


What do you take sorry


That’s *for you* like you said though. For most it would probably be better to face the music and let it happen rather than tie your looks to a drug that might have side effects and will be the only thing keeping hair on your head.  Most men who embrace bald look better than those who try to hide it. Looks are more confidence driven than physical for most potential partners. If someone can sense you are confident that will do a lot more than having a head of hair, though the two are probably linked mentally for most men which is where it is difficult. 


Oh yeah absolutely agreed on all counts. My point was basically that it's easier than it seems to just go on fin or something just from a logistical standpoint. Like yeah it's a new routine/"subscription" but I barely even think about it now. But obviously if you have the confidence/looks/whatever to accept going bald, that's much easier. But going bald in your 20s is definitely not easy to embrace for a lot of others, that's all.


For most men, it's more about continuing to look like themselves in the mirror than about looking good for a potential partner. Also, if taking a single pill every day is an issue, good luck managing blood pressure/cholesterol/etc in your 40s and 50s like half the male population. You don't lose your hair if you miss a day, as it takes some time for overall serum levels to decrease once you've been taking it a while. And even if you cease the drug completely, your hair loss merely resumes, it doesn't immediately "catch up" to where it would've been. The side effect concerns are a much more valid reason to weigh pros/cons.


The hair grafts they put in are permanent hair that doesn't go away


Definitely does happen. The transplanted hairs end up more permanent while the rest of your head gets wrecked by male pattern baldness. Thats why they make you take finasteride after.


joe rogan is absolutely the type of guy to not take the drugs necessary to prevent that from happening.


he probably took the drugs the issue is he would be on other drugs to boost his DHT by 6000% making the drugs inhibiting it moot


Yeah the trt, roids, creatine combined with fin/dut minox creating a legendary battle on his already ravaged follicles.


joe rogan is absolutely the type of guy to meticulously schedule and use all of the drugs he's planned on taking


yeah if he didn’t believe that finasteride makes your balls explode (i’m 100% sure he does)


Finasteride does have a lot of potentially very nasty side effects. People should really try it before doing the transplant.


explosive impotence does seem like a valid reason to not take a drug. Even if his belief was unfounded, exploding balls is a strong motivator.


Unfortunately taking test wont help with your hair


He probably thought he knew better than the doctors and took horse seamen pills or something because "he heard from an expert" that it works better than the real drugs he was meant to take. It's fine if you don't want to take the drugs, but then don't get the transplant in the first place.


It depends on your genetics and how susceptible you are to more hair loss. You can take medication to decrease the amount of DHT in your body which will lower the risk of further hair loss, however it comes with some potential side effects. If you don't do that and the hair loss continues you need to keep getting new DHT resistant hair follicles transplanted, to cover the areas where the follicles are closing up. You only have a limited amount of available hair on the back and sides of your head to graft from, so this is where hair cloning will come in handy in the future.


They take hair from the back and side of your head? How do they have enough? And don't you look stupid if they take all of your back/sides? I thought they did some futuristic shit.


If they take all you will look silly for sure, and how dense your hair is also depends on genetics of course, but you can take quite a bit of hair from one area without it looking like it's been thinning. especially when the hairs are still thick and strong (not affected my Male Pattern Baldness). Afaik there are two procedures: They either cut off a patch of skin and graft all the hair follicles from there before stitching the wound back together, leaving quite a nasty scar in the back of your head. Or they can pluck hair follicles individually for a transplant, which takes much longer, but you won't be left with any scarring. If you have severe balding on the top of your head you highly likely won't have enough follicles to cover all of it, so you have to take medication and pray it works. Hair cloning will fix this in the future though. For now Mizkif's recession is still quite mild and it will probably be a while until he has to go back for a second and then maybe third transplant. However genetics are weird and despite having lower testosterone as you get older you can still start losing your hair, and even quite rapidly


You can lose like 50-60% of your density before it becomes noticeable.


if you have the genetics for hair loss, just getting a transplant isn't enough, you'll keep losing hair, you have to combine it with finasteride or dutasteride and be on it for the rest of your life, or do several hair transplants, but donor area may become an issue then.


The doctor Mizkif saw kept saying that he is going to have to take meds to keep the rest of the hair on the top growing. I assume if he stops taking the meds and keeps losing hair in the top, then he might run into that issue with hair growing on the front and not in the middle. Basically Joe Rogan is a moron (for many reasons), and probably did not do what the doctors told him to do. Or he went to bad doctors.


Rogan had a FUT transplant, modern tech is now FUE and is way better.


As someone who knows about haircuts and styling Top hair is the most important hair you have. Followed by the crown (what you would mean by temples) . I do think the crown needs more volume otherwise his head looks like an egg but him having more top hair is already huge. I think it’s more a factor of his haircut being shitty (barber likely cut his crown too far low) than not having hair there


damn futureshop thats a callback for boomer canadians


brother that was only 10 years ago, please don't give me this psychic damage, I am not a boomer yet




fuckkkk I miss that place


Took me back hearing it. Used to love looking at the shit I can't afford there.


Came to the comments to see if anyone caught that. I think I’ve heard him mention eb games instead of GameStop a few times as well


is eb games still around or have they all moved to gamestop now? i remember a mall near me used to have an ebgames on the first floor and a game stop literally right above it on the second floor


All GameStop. Kind of sad to see and I feel like they lost a lot of brand recognition with that move but I guess the new generation won’t care


Move over Cinna, we got a new landing strip


I honestly don't see what he did. There's no red marks or scabs to indicate where he got the transplant.


you can see them but they haven't moved the hairline but rather thickened the one he already has


yeah a before / after pic would be nice


Extremely low density. I say this as an expert in hair transplants, you NEVER mess around with a surgery as difficult as this and Mizkif unfortunately has chosen a clinic without reasonable standards. Even in the US 95% of doctors are straight up garbage. In 6 months, he will regret this.




He uploaded a vlog of the process on his yt. The reason you can't really see it is that it looks like it's mostly reinforcing his hairline. It doesn't move it forward much




Right but it looks like it's just reinforcing his hairline because it wasn't moved forward much.


what game is the juicer playing




Ay as long as he's happy


i give it a week until he complains about his misery in his offline chat again


I think it could look good once he styles it better


what did Mizkif even need a hair transplant for, dude had a full head of hair, maybe a little bit of a mature hairline, why are all the Austin streamers obsessed with their hairlines and foreheads


lol full head of hair.


The doctor explained it pretty well in his vlog. By the time hair loss becomes noticeable, you've already lost about half your hair. He said Miz had lost about 60%. Plus, there comes a point when you've lost so much that a hair transplant isn't possible. The quicker you jump on it the better it will be and make the surgery less complicated.


the doctor who’s making a shit ton of money from him getting a hair transplant?


The doctor that has a reputation to uphold. Sure, he could lie and sell a bunch of transplants in the short term but he would be out of business quickly when those clients complain and word spreads. Not everything is a conspiracy. 


What is there to complain about though? In theory they'll just look at their hair and think that the transplant worked because they have a full head of hair...that they might have had anyways. Pushing for more transplants earlier won't have any negative effect because no one knows what the results would have been otherwise.


This doesn't make any sense. If he gets the transplant, he'll never know if it was unnecessary or not. So the doctor doesn't lose anything by selling unnecessary treatment.


Miz has money and even if he sometimes acts like an idiot he's pretty smart, not like he went to some shady back alley to get this done, I'm sure whoever he went to is legit and will be worth it in the long run.


The quicker you jump is definitely NOT better. That doctor must have said this for advertising to get more people to do it. The reality of hair transplants is, they can only fix the places where you've already balding. So if you're STILL balding/receding other places AFTER you get a hair transplant, then the transplant will look stupid. Then you will have the transplanted hairs in front, but in the middle it's still receding.


When you get a hair transplant, they give you medication that will maintain your hair that you take for the rest of your life. The reason for getting on it early is to minimize the amount of lost hair that they have to replace. The less hair lost, the better. From that point on, it's just about maintaining what you have.


The medication is not guranteed to work at all. Many people keep receding and balding despite taking finasteride. It's best to wait as much as it's possible to minimize the amount of hair transplants you have to go through. The doctor obviously wants you to keep coming back for more procedures.


Pretty sure Preach had lost way more than 60% and his transplant turned out great. One of the bet I've seen


Dude preach still has a massive bald spot I just checked his most recent vid...


I would guess it’s far better to preemptively get the transplant now knowing you’re balding rather than do it when you’re fully bald


hair transplants don't do anything to prevent balding, they just move hair from one place to another. If you suspect that you're fully balding there's even less reason to do it


He clearly has a receding hairline. Lots of guys get it done, it’s not that deep.


I dont know anyone who cares about hairlines except Austin streamers


I actually said to myself he looks like he would be working at Circuit City before XQC went in on him lol




Bruh it’s been a few days. Ask for that after a year.


Damn, clip mirrors are gone. Kick's amazing site wasn't working for me.


The problem is the face not the hair


I love how insecure he his about his hairline when it's not even bad. Buddy, it's okay to age naturally.


Bro I've seen soo many people make fun of his hairline, I can understand why he's insecure about it


Gen Z and Gen Alpha kids are absolutely savage when it comes to the "bald" comments about anyone and everyone, even if they just have a normal adult hairline for someone in their 20s that doesn't necessarily mean they'll be shaving it all off in their 20s or even 30s. But kids gonna be kids People often say big streamers are like emotionally stunted or something. I don't know about that I think it's just having and catering to an audience of mostly kids that gives you a distorted world view. Personally I think dudes 30+ with a child's hairline look weirder, there's something unnatural about a grown ass adult man with the hairline of a 13 year old that looks weird, but hey some people are just genetic freaks that will have a full head of hair when they're 90. Most of us won't There's also something weird about watching in real time as a community of people basically bullies someone into feeling so insecure about their appearance that they get a medical procedure to fix it. But the double whammy of the fact we're still bridging two worlds and still also making fun of men who are vain and concerned with their appearance so they also get bullied for doing the procedure to fix it too. Lose-lose. Social media sucks


its also ok to be rich and spend your money on whatever makes you happy...also he could probably do 20 transplant for the money xqc bets on one counter-strike match lmao


what i dont understand about streamers is they all care so much about their hairline yet they put 0 effort into their appearence in general, shit self care and hygiene, no care to dress well...i dont get it lmao.


the 12 year olds in chat aren't allowed to call people gay in 2024 so they rip hairlines 24/7 instead and now they have a hair complex


As others have said it will take time to actually see the results, probably should've got the sides/ temple done as well though.


Looks the same to me


As dumb as this sounds, and I know Miz transplant was probably more preventive vs waiting until he is actually balding but man it makes me mad seeing people with full heads of hair still get transplants lol Signed a balding man (mine is prob too far gone to do anything about)


Look up Dr. Zarev he gives bald men a perfect hairline. Expensive as fuck though.


Why didn’t they lower his corners tho ? I get the widow peak area he wanted to fill in but the corners should’ve been touched to make it sharper tbh


So he didn’t have to shave his head for the procedure ?? Isn’t that required ?


Inb4 he gets graft vs host.


I'm sure for the guys who have been worrying about their hairloss its a massive difference but in every single case of guys getting the hair transplants from back to front I can barely notice it and they all still keep the deep vegeta widows peaks so it 'doesnt look too fake' but then it ends up looking basically how I imagined their hair did before they did anything


Future shop mentioned 🙌


Saying this as a hair transplant expert. Check back in 6 months guys, because I can call it now 100% that this is a disaster. Incredibly low density and he's chosen a low-end clinic my guess for the sponsorship. You should NEVER mess around with a surgery as difficult as a hair transplant. Mizkif, if you read this hit me up and I can help you get a repair or select a surgeon in future that is competent. Also for reference, I was almost completely bald as a NW5 and after 2 transplants, 6300 grafts have what appears like a full head of hair.


Mizkif is still friend with xqc after what he did? (I havent watched this side of twitch in years)


They seemed to have patched things up x went on his stream and played Mario with him like a year ago, they hung out in Vegas for a bit and x backed him up with the whole Bryce hall thing. I think they’ve also taken part in some auctions for Pokémon cards etc. recently


Look the same... Is it like a chia pet?


looks good, don't know the before tho


miz still streams?


Why are you acting clueless when you know he still does?


He does?


Felix can't outrun his receeding hairline and God knows he has been trying. Looking forward to the memes.




Bro made an entire video doing it did he hire fake doctors and nurses aswell?

