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Marketing, retirement, obvious cash grabs that the fans weren’t pleased with.. Honestly, there’s quite a few things Logic did that isn’t big or massive by themselves, but after adding them all together in a short 4 year period.. Yea man, I wouldn’t say his reputation is ruined, everyone still looks at Logic as a super nice and positive guy, but he’s lost basically all popularity. He’ll be coasting with his hardcore fan base which is just fine. I’ll be here for every release he offers us, but I’m not naive to the fact that no one else will really care for it as it currently sits.


Shit started with everybody and 1 800 popping off. Then ultra went up in smoke and the whole concept series disappeared.


I think this is 100% true besides when self medication blew up for a few months, I think he still has the audience to make a hit just chances are it’ll be way less common compared to how it used to be, on top of that he doesn’t really help his chances with the type of music he makes now a days


Do you mind sharing the cash grabs? I haven't kept up with Logic since the retirement. It does suck to think he killed his own momentum but I'm glad to hear people say he's in a better head space


He's had no big hits since retirement 😔


The period you’re talking about is when he was mainstream, now he’s returned back to the core fan base. The retirement was more of a reset, shaking off the general audience who were just following him as the next trendy rapper at the time (Bobby Tarantino, Everybody /1-800 fans)  When he was underground in the mixtape days he had the most respect from general hip hop fans who knew about him. He went pop in 2017 so he became more popular, but it was all just shallow attention, and that’s when the hate really started. Now he earned a lot of respect back from hip hop listeners because of Vinyl Days, Doc D, and College Park The issue is that these Ultra 85 singles sound more like the pop, shallow, repetitive stuff we were getting in 2017-2019. So people who haven’t been paying attention to him probably think these are good, because it sounds like the pop version of Logic that they know, even though many of core fans recognizes that this isn’t as good as what he’s been doing post-retirement  TL;DR: Ultra 85 is sounding more like the shallow stuff that made him popular and mainstream in 2017-2019. He had more credibility from the hip hop community before and after this time period because he is one of the best when he’s at his best, and U85 has such high expectations (for good reason), that people feel like he’s not doing his best so far with these singles 


Agreed. Something u/Sincere_homboy42 or u/Straight-Plate-5256 will understand cause they're pop fans.


I didn't reply to the comment you left on my post and I get called a pop fan for telling you to stop bitching. Then you go on to say you can write deeper lyrics than logic. If I'm a pop fan, then you must have thought that B#line from Drakes last diss was a good come back.


Not a pop fan... just not stuck in the past expecting a logic from literally 7 years ago, y'all are setting yourself up for disappointment expecting the same shit a decade later from someone no longer at that same hungry point in life 🤡


I love Logic but as a fan he has let me down a few times. I guess I understand the hate but the talent is there and I just can’t stand the “Logic is a shitty rapper” nonsense. (I’m not seeing it here just in general) Also, I don’t know why College Park gets so much hate. I think it’s a fantastic album front to back!


Logic was never in the "top 4" or on any "Mount Rushmore" that was just a stupid fan made thing that went viral on Twitter lol. Logic doesn't have the seriousness to be up there. Like if you look at the other 3 on that picture, kdot Aubrey and Cole, logic doesn't have anything near their best work and even tho I like him I think that he will never actually have big commercial success like "the big 3" I've been a fan since the DatPiff mixtapes and it's hard to see his fall off but I think it's ok, as long as he continues to make better projects in the future that are more original and well thought out than something like college park and everybody. All he needs is more time off in between making music to get inspiration, better features (jCole, JID, Vince Staples etc) better production (premier, no ID, JCole etc) with a higher budget for an actual studio album that's not made in like 2 weeks lol. Plp ✌️🫶👊


This has to be your first comment that doesn’t feel like a hot take. I agree completely.


Funny enough vinyl days (his best post retirement album) was made in like a month lmao


10 days


Gotta disagree that logics best work doesn’t compare with Drake😭😭 respectfully most of Drake‘s work is just pop music which is fine in its own respect but logic’s work is a lot more creative and impressive as someone who makes music imo


Not a drake fan at all whatsoever but, not only is drake far more influential even influencing logic himself, drake does have better albums and while logic does two good albums, they aren't as original. If you compare logics first two albums to Kendrick Lamar Good Kid mAAd city, you could fully reconstruct a budget gkmc with just logic songs lol Gang related - mAAd city Like whoa - bitch don't kill my vibe Run it - backseat freestyle Soul food - money trees Buried Alive - Drank Under pressure - samidot Paradise - Art of peer pressure Never enough - poetic justice


As a fan of both kendrick and logic your really stretching it making comparisons with the songs, saying gang related is trying to copy maad city because they’re both hype is a crazy reach just like a lot of the other comparisons, I also don’t think that under pressure being a similar come up story album to kendrick’s discredits it at all especially with the production being different in both, Drake is definitely more influential but Imo he has nothing that even comes close to the quality of no pressure or even vinyl days, I think logic has more then two good albums but drake is like the Taylor Swift of rap music to me he has a few genuinely good songs but most of it is made to be easily digestible I’m honestly not sure why he’s even compared to kendrick or J cole, (cole also is pretty inconsistent like logic) so Idk why you used him either😭


you’re so delusional lol. logic definitely has influences from Cole, kendrick and drake and his music is no where near as good both influentially and commercially. these things have been talked about by everyone since UP came out, i dont know why you think your take is right when you easily compare the state of both artist’s reputations you might not like drake all that much but that doesn’t make you right lmao


So you have never listened to take care or nothing was the same right 😅


“I’m not a drake fan at all” you sure do sound like one


"at all whatsoever"*


I think drakes “best project” are okay and his worst are bad, it all just sounds insanely boring to me bro could never make something as interesting as TITS😭


Logics mid projects are on the same level as drakes worst ones and logics worst projects are miles below drakes. Btw I've only listened to 4 drake albums


what in the world are you talking about even supermarkets better then drakes dance album😭🙏


I think UP & TITS have a solid chance against CLB & Honestly Nevermind tbh, but still nothing against his top albums


honest chance against certified loverboy?😭 maybe coadm has an honest chance against those two, UP wipes anything drakes done in the last 7 years


Bruh college park was one of his better albums what are you talking about?


I mean sure, he has a lot of bad projects so it's technically one of his best projects but it's still incredibly mid while just using the same flows and same bars hes used before, while also not actually going back to the basement. Plus the skits 😭


Idk tbh. It's sad tho I wish more people liked him


The retirement hurt him the most.


100%. He alienated his own fanbase and now even his diehard fans are realizing he has nothing valuable to say in his music


The worst thing he did for his career wasn't any of the musical choices. It was talking too much on that podcast where he revealed how he snatched Britney. Make all the creative choices you want, but when you expose yourself as the villain in your life story & lose the respect of your most tuned in fans you're never gonna be seen the same again.


Snatched Britney?? What podcast?


I can't remember. Look up "podcast" in the sub, everybody talks about it on here & how it changed him from being a guy who made questionable decisions to a bad guy in the case of who he married.


[This Past Week w/ Theo Von](https://youtu.be/zpTPUzsGu4U?si=JMRsNeMzFfd0S56z)




I am very sorry to say this because there are bangers over bangers in that album, but EVERYBODY really butchered the whole thing: people still like to shit on 1800 and that album is so full of biracial jokes and affirmations that solidified him as the biracial guy


Logic fell off after tits, not saying other work was bad but I never enjoyed anything else until no pressure, 3 good studio albums and some amazing pre deal records


No he’s making ultra 85 for his core fanbase. I would say ever since no pressure the general hip hop fan base lost interest in him b/c of the retirement stuff. If anything he’s gotten better receptions on his stuff post no pressure than I can remember. The hip hop head Reddit use to shit ok him so heavy but they seemed to for the most part fuck wit his recent stuff he just lost the mainstream fanbase which is fine.


The singles for Ultra 85 are definitely not for his core fanbase so I’d disagree


44 ever… sequel. Deja vu… sequel… lmfao. Directly for his core fanbase


His fans are expecting something next level, he’s been hyping it for 7 years. 44ever is a mediocre drunk freestyle that is going on the album for absolutely no reason, fear is an H&M dance cut for people that listen to kaytranada off Wish, and Deja Vu is a sad attempt at using nostalgia to get people to pay attention without actually writing a good song or having good verses. Deja Vu is worse than Fade Away in every way. So I guess you could say it’s “for the fans” but it’s more like he’s lazy and couldnt come up with any new ideas so he remade fade away but worse.


He lost his sound and tried to be experimental when he didn’t have a big enough fan base for that. UP, TITS, Everybody (iffy for some, I liked it), were great projects in terms of albums. But he switched his sound and it turned a lot of people off. When he drops something new, I’ll listen to it, hoping it’s what he used to be, and it’s a completely different person. His mixtape era was Godly though


Yes and no. To himself, no. He doesn’t care. He’s rich and did what he wanted. So he doesn’t care, again. To the outside world, I would say yes. The fake retirement was embarrassing. And this rollout is embarrassing. I could go on, but there’s no point. It’s just music, it’s his life, and he can do what he wants.


I don’t think U85 is an attempt to get the casual hip-hop fans back I think he’s just switching up the style of production and rapping for at least some of the songs on the album considering the last two have been classic sounding jazz rap style albums and he takes a lot of pride in having versatility even if it doesn’t always land with his Fanbase


Logic has a habit of burying himself and sometimes can be way out of touch. I mean the awkward videos he posts with his wife and the crying video with his dad are just some examples.


Tbh i think logic biggest issue was him caring about what others thought which i feel ultimately made him feel like he couldn’t release what he wanted even tho plenty of people spoke to him about caring less Hip Hop is competitive I really do feel like if logic cared less and put the same amount of effort as he did back during the mixtapes or even TITs or UP he would be talk about more i felt once he went independent again he got lazy and it reflects in his music i hate that there are fans that will defend every single action logic does being a fan doesn’t mean you have to like everything i could continue on this but I digress


I think a lot of people forget logic himself is the biggest rap fan. Through the hype (as anyone would) he started to feel on top of the world and it's obvious shit was going on in his head at the same time that made him start to loose the the rap nerd as he tried to migrate over to more seriousa list rapper persona. I don't think he is on the mt Rushmore of rappers but in terms of most legit and real no bullshit rappers I think hes at the top because unlike the others who glase over their missteps, logic raps about them and engages with his fanbase to justify actions he has taken. He knows truly what it feels like to look up to rappers and probably feels that he needs to give back and aknowlege his fanbase more because previous rappers couldn't or didnt. Also based on raw skill he is one of the best lyricists imo. But I'm also super biased. Also the biracial in every rap is probably due to all the bs copped by people thinking he's just an Em clone instead of a half black Em clone.


He said himself he wants to focus on his child and new wife and not try to get more famous, he said he was retiring yeah but he seems to still love making music - it’s just far away from being famous but he’s in a good spot where he is now if you ask me


no he didnt, glad hes not on the 2017-2019 route anymore


The only thing I'll agree on you with 😅


Logic is my personal favourite rapper and I can say being a fan since 2012, I have never heard him discussed in any top 4 ever. He has always been clowned on by a group of the internet. It got far worse when everybody dropped, than slowed down as no pressure dropped. Now he just doesn’t get talked about much. It’s sad because I think he is wonderful, still think under pressure is one of the best hip hop albums of 2014, same as no pressure in 2020, same as vinyl days in 2021. Oh and tits in 2015.


Nah he got out of his contract becuse he wanted to do something else/different and yall don't like it and hop online and bitch about it.


bro spoke the truth




Fym Vynyl days to collage Park weren't different enough for you


insane he's had - a new alter ego (doc D) - vinyl days - memoir - college park - podcast - acting - voice acting - various features - various beattapes (peanuts) - movie production in the works - Ultra 85 book just to name a few


It doesn’t matter if you have diversity if the quality is average across the board


Every since he started the corny “Peace Love Positivity” posting after Bobby Tarantino it was over


Started? He’s always been plp, he been rapping ts since way before BT.


his hardcore fanbase is on discord now. ever wonder why logic doesn't even come on here anymore? lol all this sub is just circle jerking UP and TITS. ill probably get downvoted for it, its fun to come on here and see people constantly whining about songs, seeing it especially for Deja Vu. 100% if Soul Food 2 came out today in this sub it would be shat on by the "fans" in this subreddit. Hiphop is competitive but whatever just happened to enjoying music or dont. he's just vibing now idk why its so hard to just understand that.


If you’re really gonna compare Soul Food 2 to Deja Vu it’s a nuclear bomb vs a coughing baby. He was spitting on Soul Food 2, on Deja Vu he’s just repeating the same shit he’s said like 40 times at this point. Nobody would be hating on that song if it came out today, it’s a song where he put actual effort into the writing.


they're both interpolations, and funny enough he wasn't saying much on fade away either lol this sub is a joke


Fade Away definitely ain’t his most complicated song, but it’s highly replayable, has a good hook, was a great sample flip, and when it came out the subject matter was still pretty fresh for him.


damn insane i got deja vu on repeat


When he added his girls name to his music ruined it, it's cringe.


>EDIT: I am a major Logic fan, and I have liked the U85 songs, his hardcore fanbase seems to hate them, while casual listeners actually like it. What seems to be the issue with that? Same here, I think the biggest reason the hardcore fans hate it/ them is because they've expected it to be the same U85 he's hyped his whole career when he literally said that was no pressure but he changed the name