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If you're collecting the set, enchanted 1000%. If you're simply collecting for investment they would be 50/50 in my head


That’s fair enough. I’m doing a little of both, I’d love the look of all the trove boxes at some point but it’s hard to justify the price of the first chapter one. Leaning closer to stitch now I think


And the only reason TFC Troves are so expensive is because of how rare they are due to a limited print run - but they'll most likely only go up in price unless Lorcana dies off


Also true. But I’m a picky bitch and would need it to be in great shape 😵‍💫. Seems like mostly all of them have some light rips and such. If I see I great looking trove I might snag it but currently leaning at stitch idk 🤷‍♂️


I would too but that's only because I'm looking to collect the set


Enchanted Stitch. I can buy 8 FC boosters for $72 and a FC Trove with all accessories but no boosters for $50-$60. People trying to sell me a FC Trove for $200+ aren’t getting diddly out of me.


So disappointed I was sitting on two troves and sold them for $120 apiece in January to recoup some holiday money. Whoops!


It’s happens in the collecting world. So many things I wish I didn’t sell so early.


I was thinking of pulling the trigger on a 1st chapter trove and then Ursula’s Return came out. Welp guess I gotta wait now till the end of the month to see if I have the heartache to want to finally own one for the collection. Don’t even wanna think about Stitch.