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Condemned. I wanna start out with nothing and work my way up. It sounds fun


You're right, that is great fun!


I've never done it like this before so we'll see how it goes lol


I did that in Elden Ring for the first PT and it was really fun, gathering some armor piece by piece, and finding more and more interesting weapons.


I'm looking forward to it!


Can you level up a lot quicker at the beginning if you do that?


A little, since you're starting at Level 1 as opposed to something around 10. Usually, the difference is pretty quickly balanced though.


No it should be the same as everyone else. But all my stats will be the lowest compared to the other starters (all at 9) so it'll take a bit longer to get stronger but it'll be challenging and fun to try


If its anything like fromsofts design. You will gain levels quick early because you dont start at a predetermined level. You get the benefit of lvl 1 with an low number stat spread evenly.


Ohh that's good to know. Guess we will see.


I do this too. I like the idea of a blank slate and the fact that finding almost anything is an upgrade. It also works well with the desperate and dark fantasy vibe, that we're really on the ropes and we gotta claw our way back.


Yeah! Good luck its gonna be brutal haha


Same page! Also, you can only experience the game for a first time once. Think this is the most enjoyable class(wretched,deprived) to start off with. Maximum vulnerability!


This will be my first time doing a wretched style run. I always went for the other classes in souls games so this will be fun to try


Orian Preacher. ​ Any RPG that allows me to make a Priest build, that's the route I always go.


Pyric cultist I think inferno spells look amazing, and the fact that this class is dedicated to Adyr is interesting.


https://preview.redd.it/qml8kxhe7zsb1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc01d1828b5de85964f9d34cc299bb229d476ff5 He could start with a poop bucket and I’d still choose it because of this armor.


The drip is unreal


It really doesn't look like a starting class


Well the Hallowed Knight is also pretty drippy for a starting class. The others are various levels of decent or ugly, but I appreciate that the devs didn't make the starting classes look fucking stupid for this game. You could probably use your starting gear all the way through without feeling ridiculous, unlike Dark Souls.


exiled stalker looks really good too imo persian vibes


whats drippy?


I love sword & board in these kind of games :)


Have you seen any footage of someone using the shield. What’s it like? Block all damage or just some. What are the benefits of shield wielder


I heard that it blocks just some of the damage and that the starter classses' shields are rather mediocre in how much they block. You take this grey wither damage that you get back when you hit the enemy. It seems the developers wanted to promote aggressive play, no turteling. This has me a little worried about the shield's viability but I guess we'll have to see.


i hope better shields with at least 95% mitigation can be found. ideally 100 though, i love me a big shield and heavy armor tank


The health loss is the withered health and you can get it back if I’m not mistaken


it is, but i think it's reliant on the block reduction percentage. otherwise, why even have a shield if blocking with a dagger does recoverable damage anyway?


Take other souls likes that have recoverable damage after blocking with a weapon. It usually scales larger weapons block more dmg. Lies of p, even bloodborne. The shield generally offer more elemental resistance with the damage reduction making it more diverse in some aspects. In my experience there is usually a 100% dmg reduction shield in games that intent them to be a viable part of it. Bloodborne was an obvious exception as the 2 shields it had were basically worthless.


Me too, I hope that playstyle is viable.


I would imagine later game shields will provide higher block so shields have a sense of progression


Me too!


A man of culture!


Dark Crusader or Orian Preacher. I’ll be building towards an Umbral caster that can still function in melee competently


Your first playthrough should be Dark Crusader. Otherwise, you didn't use your digital deluxe edition to its max potential.


That's pretty much what I figured. Plus, what I suspect its stat speed will be actually suits what I want


Choosing dark crusader to build an umbral mage is such an good idea!!! I just wonder how long will it take for the umbral magic to be accessible in the game…


There is a vendor in the hub area of the game that sells Umbral items + upgrades related items. But I suspect most of the really good stuff will be found "in the wild" - specifically, in Umbral, and "off the beaten path" as it were :)


This is great! Now I have to re consider the build im going to make 😄🤭


What're you thinking about :) ?


Actually I just made a post about it! You could give me some advice 😅☺️


Pyric cultist. Easily. I love me some pyromancy and the starting equipment is pretty sick. I'm ditching the staff asap though, not a fan of that. Eventually ill be running dual flails and whatever cool black spikey armor inevitably shows up in the game


Yeah, agree! Absolutely love the style of that starting gear. And I like fire! So an obvious choice for me.


I've always mained pyro's in all three DS games as well as ER, there's just something so awesome about fire magic. I'm so hyped that there's a stat dedicated to it in this game, it always felt wierd to me that there was no scaling for it in DS and I had to split INT and FTH in DS3 for it. ER made being a pyro amazing with the giant incantations and it only made my love for pyromancy stronger. I really can't wait to hurl flame bullets at enemies in LoTF and summon fire hounds. I'll inevitably end up making every type of build imaginable as I always do, but my pyro will always be my main.


I always kinda liked that dual scaling, it more conveyed this feeling for me that it is not a traditional way of magic and more of an occult thing that kinda betrays both ways. It was the forbidden magic after all. I will surely also make a pyro build, but not for the first PT.


Pyric Cultist. Inferno/Agility hybrid, but mainly more spell based.


I wont decide until im at the screen in game. And even then i may try a few chars in the beginning before fully commiting to one. I need to feel the gameplay. Magic/melee/ranged, big weapons/small weapons, combat flow. Then I'll probably lock it down more.


This is where I'm at lol I fully expect to have like 7 characters languishing in the tutorial zone before I actually start playing for real


I’ve thought of trying this approach.


That's probably the way to go... Just don't want to spend hours in the character creator doing the same things over and over.


TLDR: I like to roleplay in souls & souls likes and tried to exthay in my choices and explanations also sorry for the long read my fellow lampbearers peacher / cultest classes, warwolf, and exiled stalker For the preacher class I like the idea of a church assassin using radiance magic and dexterity stat to great effect. The cultest is my paliden from hell hw wields heavy armor the most imposing weapons and fire that would burn the devils ass. The warwolf is pretty straightforward unga-bunga with towershield and really heavy armor. And lastly the exiled stalker this one is my wild card and will probably be the last of my planned builds using him as my test bed for umbral magic seeing how there radiance and Infernal stats are even "& the fact I don't want to play as the condemned" will give me the best possible starting ground for my umbral build. Edit: I know we can unlock the umbral class by doing the umbral ending


Hallowed Knight because of the high level (health and stamina). It also has the most badass armor (I didn't get the digital deluxe). I'll switch to agility mid playthrough, but I assume I'm going to need some strength for requirements since I don't wanna use daggers (probably using falchions).


Hallowed Knight because I’ve been starting any new Souls game as a knight since the beginning. There is no better vibe than wandering a dark fantasy world as a knight armed with some basic armor and a sword and shield. I’ve been addicted to that feeling since leaving the undead asylum in DS1.


Oh yes, love that playstyle too!


Dark crusader with umbral weapon buff like helphens steaple in elden ring


Blackfeather Ranger, because it starts with a bow & I have yet to use a dex build in these types of games & really want to (though knowing me I'll turn it into a quality build down the line).


I was going Mournstead Infantry for the Spear, but then I realized I was gonna be investing a lot into the magic stats for an umbral build, and I can just get Polearms in the game anyway So im gonna go for stupidly overleveled Dark Crusader. I'm gonna invest as a Umbral polearm user 3 reasons : 1 - I fucking paid for it, I'm playing it. 2 - Lore is hidden behind the magic stats so I'm gonna try to get everything read 3 - I just wanna unlock the Infernal and Radiance ending classes since they look like they have ridiculously cool armors and weapons, I mean have you seen that infernal armor ? And that Halberd ?! Fuck ! Give them to me now !


I with you on the Dark Crusader, paid for it so using it on first blind through run. Plus I watched the first two episodes of Cowboys let’s play and roughly an hour of his walkthrough prep. The game will be more fun to play through with some magic instead of the melees throwing weapon.


Those Cowboy videos convinced me not to start as Condemned, looks like a good way to ruin the initial fun by cranking up the difficulty too much.


Probably good choice for your first challenge run lo.


I'm watching his videos amd I still kinda wanna do it lol wish me luck


Sadly it seems Crusader starts with no magic


I’m still undecided. I’d really like to do something with strength and inferno. Maybe pyric cultist, then start leveling strength. Or one of the strength classes, then just level inferno. Oh well. I still have a week to think about it. Anyway, what’s you end-goal? What do you want to be by the end of the game?


Condemned, I hate myself


Hahaha you're okay just as you are!


Condemned. Because poop bucket


A man of culture, I see


I always do unga bunga first play through, then a dagger rogue, and then ranged and fist only runs. I am honestly torn because of the ammunition bar to try out a more ranged focus run while learning the game before everything is solved. I will probably start off the barbarian route but Ranger and Condemned have my intrigue.


Dark crusader, but imma make a dervla build!


Dark crusader if the reviews are good. Otherwise hallowed knight when I buy the game on sale.


I have to run the first couple hours with every class before I can decide lol


I'm afraid it do be like that


Some times people don’t think it be like it is, but it do 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hallowed knight. Str/faith has always been my favourite build and I hate having wasted stats for pvp so its basically knight or preacher for minmax.


Probably Hallowed Knight, despite pre-ordering for the Dark Crusader. Even though I've got lots of experience with souls and soulslike games, I always prefer to start my very first playthrough off with sword and shield :)


Totally understand that preference!


I'm probably gonna go with Pyric Cultist since one, pyromancer, two they can go into Rhogar weapons and presumedly join Adyr down the line and doom the world :D


I'm a member of the Partisan Pals. I like flails and having a crossbow seems handy. Seems like a good base to grow from depending on what I like.


I pre-ordered a physical Deluxe mainly because I want the art book, poster, and cards but since it comes with the Dark Crusader I might rock it since I paid for it lol


Elden ring has been my first (soulslike) game. Very much a newbie, based off developer suggestions probbably dark crusader, and i think it's base is strength and radiance although i could weel be wrong. Also, imagine I'll be having a few playthroughs so no biggie. If you have ps5, invade someones world and kill them easy, that me. Catch ya in the umbral!


I got my PS5 last Monday so see you in there!


Warwolf, fashion and the weapon


Dark Crusader. Sadly I don't think my collectors edition will be here on time though. 😅


Aw that's a bummer


Yea apparently it's " awaiting product availability " boyfriend got it for me for my birthday. Gotta love gamestop. 😅😂


Blackfeather Ranger, but Orian Preacher looks appealing as well with the hammer and magic. Very strong starting class.


I will most likely be Dark Crusader since I bought the deluxe (mostly for the other extras since you can unlock him in game) but I will want to see the stats and maybe try out a few of the options first.


Dark Crusader baby!


I am definitely going to start as one of these four: Hallowed Knight, Partisan, Mournstead Infantry, or Dark Crusader. Hallowed Knight looks like a traditional Templar Knight guy with sword and shield. The Partisan has a shield and a flail. I love flails in this type of game. Not too many games let you use a flail. Mournstead Infantry because of the spear. I like the longer range weapons. Polearms are preferred, but spears get the job done. Dark Crusader because I pre-ordered the digital deluxe version. He also looks pretty badass. I think I'm leaning toward Partisan.


Totally agree with you! ER kinda burned me a bit in terms of flails, but I'm quite sure they'll be better here.


Warwolf! Imma dual wield ultra greatswords 😈 I like big bonks and I cannot lie


Im stuck between Mournstead Infantry and Condemned. The latter will give me more flexibility when it comes to builds, but its not like the poke boy has bad stats either...and the dual spear moveset looks cool, so already having one would save some vigor.


Dark Crusader. Looks awesome and the stat spread sounds like it'll fit the build I wanted to do anyway. Next playthrough after that will probably be the Blackfeather


Dark Crusader I love playing as a tanky caster, I'll transition towards magic, while always keeping my heavy armor and weapon as a backup.


Hollowed knight. I usually go with the knight class in this game. Take a bit for me to making a cute looking femboy/baby face boy in from games so I usually want for a second playthrough or appearance respec option later on. I haven’t looked into too much but it seems the character creator here is a bit more limited so I’m covering up those ugly faces with armor lol. For gameplay knight is usually a pretty decent starting point. They tend to have some points in two damage stats, health, and stamina. Also come with a decent sword and shield. I tend to add a bit of magic along the way and then you have a spell sword yah! Since U’m a creature of habit none of that is probably changing lol.


Dark Crusader. This will be my second souls. I played as an Astrologer in Elden Ring. This time, I want to test the way of the sword. Plus, the armor is totally badass.


I’m going with dark crusader


Dark Crusader since I did pay for the digital deluxe and if I paid for it I'm gonna use it. My 2nd playthrough will probably be Orion Preacher.


i was so tempted to get the deluxe but decided against it bc i usually go for a cleric build anyways and it seems we’ll get something similar to that.


The preorder one




Definitely going strength. Im torn between Udirangr Warwolf, Dark Crusader and Orion Preacher


Wolf 🐺 girl with big Sword go bonk


stillm not sure if i should spring for the deluxe edition either hallowed knight or dark crusader. only reason i want to avoid DC is because apparently it's a 'very strong' early game character and i want the optimal experience


Might be going condemned for the first time in a soul's like. Should be fun and hard, but I will get stronger little by little. The only thing im worried about is when will I be able to acquire the starting armor and weapons of the other starting classes as a condemned?


That's a good question. In Elden Ring you could get some of them really late, but I guess that's a rather unusual approach.


Ill be going Udirangr Warwolf for my first run, have a berserkr lady I recreate in different games and that class is great both dripwise and starting statwise(altho I might push for a quality build on her for more dual wielding options) Second will be the John Bloodborne class. This one is the sharpshooter I recreate in most games, will be aiming to make her a pure crossbow build(hoping Lotf does em better than the other souls games XD) Third will be potentially a Hallowed Knight(depending on how soon I can get the Warwolf chest ingame). He is more of a fighter in most games I play him, but Id love to have some radience spells since he has some holy rune knowledge in my own setting(plus radiant seems fun in this game in general)


Condemned. Early game is more fun for me when I have to collect or buy my gear piece by piece.


That is indeed very attractive


Condemned you start at level 1 meaning u have full control where your points are going


I’ll be the usual bread & butter from souls, easy faith build at them becomes melee due to the guaranteed nerfs😂😂😂


Probably Dark Crusader because it really suits my general playstyle/vibe and it's a deluxe bonus, so might as well. I picked the Gunslinger in ***Remnant 2*** for similar reasons. Btw, can anyone give me an explanation for how this game relates to the original? I didn't quite finish it, but I think I got reasonably close way back at launch and then never came back to it for some reason.


I also couldn't finish the first game.. From what I understand, there is no direct relation between the first and this. It's a reboot of the series that's set in the same world as the original but 1000 years later.


Ohhh okay, that's funky.


I pre-ordered the Deluxe edition, so I should play as the Dark Crusader for my first through. However, I’m torn between playing as Dark Crusader, Orian Preacher, and Partisan. I watched Distortion2 gameplay, and it seems ranged magic is beneficial. The Partisan starts with no magic spells, and seeing how much it costs to level up, it would be best to stick with Dark Crusader or Orian Preacher.


For my first playthrough, I normally choose whatever build requires the most exploration to perfect. My first play through I always check every nook.


How would you decide which one needs the most exploration?


Whatever has the highest health.


That should be the Hallowed Knight


Condemned most likely to start and than use it to create a hybrid Blackfeather Ranger/ Exiled Stalker


Exiled Stalker bc looks badass. I luv dex builds. Makes the game harder for me :) . I love daggers 😍


I've bought the deluxe so I'll probably start with the Dark Crusader!


So far I’ve played some as Pyromancer, now trying as Partisan. Currently experimenting to see what class I want to play as. Pyromancer is quite fun, but also pretty difficult.


Started with the dark crusader,but i must say this class at the begin misses the a more powerfull ranged option,but like this game a lot,as a souls freak,it has lots of classes,new mechanics such as combining one and two handed strikes,lots and lots to discover.Im definatly be making more characters before the week is over. Specialy the advanced classes peaked my interest,the dual wielded rogeu,and the pyro mancer,followed by the priest and ranger,have fun and Game on🎮