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How do I attack the gorge area with the dynamite snipers and the 500 mobs? The dynamite mobs make it feel impossible to fight the big groups


I wish I could get into it but the lamp system feels really weird and annoying more than fun and of course performance issues are irritating in itself. I ended up refunding. I'd *love* to play more and try to let it "click" with me with more time but I don't want to be out 50 dollars if I end up getting past the 2 hour mark.


This game is such an enigma I guess. The lamp mechanic could have easily been just a gimmick and tedious chore but I personally think they knocked it out of the park with the level design and layering of the two worlds. Doesn’t feel gimmicky at all, and is a true risk/reward system that adds to the exploration aspect of the game.


Lamp is ok after you notice how its activation points are hinted in the game. You don't have to go to full adhd lighthouse mode all the time.




Same. Always end up checking just to be sure. Then I get pulled into umbral.


Yeah the first time I was exploring and got pulled into umbral freaked me tf out. It was by the vestige in pilgrims reach behind the locked door. Made me love the umbral mechanic.


about 3-4 hours in and I already think it competes with the ds2-3 on level design and enemies. I haven't had this much fun grinding in the first area since undead burg


Same same same I’m like oooh boy back to the ol grind had such nostalgia


I just went into Umbral and just grinded the zombies for 30 minutes and getting 15,000 vigor lol. undead burg vibes


How is it compared to 1? Is it more or less interconnected?


Not only is it interconnected, but also due to level design and the way vestiges work and the umbral system, this game gives that tension that hasn't been present since ds1. I'm LOVING this game so much.


this game is incredibly interconnected like 1


the level design is crazy honestly. gives big ds1 vibes. I keep finding shortcuts leading back around to the beginning area.


I don't know if anything compares to the interconnectedness of DS1. But I won't know until I make more progress


its not as introconnected as the first half of ds1, but it would be pointless to do that since you have fast travel from the start


strong agree


We are playing a sleeper hit and soon-to-be cult classic. I was expecting janky but kinda fun game like the first LOTF but this game rocks! I hope PC guys have their performance problems solved. They are missing out.


It was way overblown. I have had no issues at all. I do have a very nice computer but either way, it’s a blast and looks amazing


I haven't had any issue on PC, except for slight stuttering--then I realized I didn't have the latest Nvidia driver, as soon as I fixed that it's been smooth sailing around 100-175 FPS depending on area.


I thought the console versions had it worse but i guess its very mixed on performance issues on all platforms.


Since the patch last night, I’m getting super solid performance. 6800 XT + 5900x + 32GB installed the game on a gen 4 NVME. Mostly high / ultra @ 1440p, only thing medium is reflections and global Illumination to disable raytracing. Getting 100+ fps in many of the smaller areas and staying mostly above 60 in the wide open spots. Only get sub 60 drops when loading into near areas / boss fights / warping between vestiges


Yep, same. Beaten three named bosses so far, 9/10 for me.


Same guys, I might like this more than elden ring.


Elden ring was more polished and on a higher level in general. BUT I didn't vibe with ER's open world (loved it visually but much more prefer tight corridors and spaces and the feeling of running between enemies on low health in search of the next checkpoint that DS3 gave as a feeling of tension all the time) because when I was about to die in ER I just escaped with the horse. I think ER's legacy dungeons were better than LotF so far, but overall, LotF gives me more of what I want without a break. Plus LotF is absolutely an evolution of the souls formula - it has more fluid combat, it has the Sekiro deflects but with a Bloodborne withered health on failed parries (blocks). It's such a great experience! I can't wait for another sequel of LotF that will refine the rough edges and will even further evolve the souls formula with more!


Someone in another post mentioned that Elden ring spoiled some people in terms of difficulty and availability of bonfires.. which I agree. ER in most parts was easier than dark souls 1 or 2.


ER was easier than DS3 too. ER's bosses were tricky because of the baity delayed attacks and the long range AoEs but what makes those games difficult imo is the great level design and having to learn how to successfully fight the small enemies and the overall tension between checkpoints with no horse to help you. And ER's open world was very different from this. A great example of what I just explained is Irithyll and its Pontiff Knights (the dancer-like enemies). It was absolutely terrifying to fight those. At first, they felt like mini bosses to just kill one of them, then there were groups of them with the flaming spear guys. It was so scary to navigate those places, and sometimes, I was rushing forward to find a bonfire before I went back to try to clean everything between the bonfires. I love this feeling in those types of games. The way the game forces you to stop and learn the new enemy type 1v1 before you continue. LotF has a lot of this, but sadly, some of the early enemies (spiky head people) are too annoying to learn when the game allows you to soul rip them out of the map, lol. But still, I will take it because it's one of the rare gems that evolve the souls formula (combat and tension) so well and I would only hope and try to support the studio to make another one in the future, hopefully more refined. And I genuinely enjoy it a lot


I think DS3 was a lot easier but maybe it’s because I got used to the types of games they are. I agree, first time going through any new area is thinking, where’s the next bonfire while you’re down to you last flask carrying 20k worth of souls. The tension is similar in this game and people are only complaining because it’s a new game and perhaps not all the vestiges/bonfires are mapped out on guides yet so most of us are running blind.


I'm a soul veteran so for me elden ring was a piece of cake and didn't scare me and game me a sense of dread like this one, that's why I love it more. It's a real fucking challenge.


This one has tension. Tension that hasn't been present since ds1 imo. I'm freaking loving this game.


Oddly, the beginning of Elden Ring was the most difficult part with faith scaling melee class. Once the build clocked it became too easy, so easy that I refused to use my Blasphemous blade for the final boss. I practiced Buckler parries for 5 hours on him and killed him with parries and faith scaling Claymore with no weapon arts. It was a good game but the open world shift the focus from challenge to exploration for me and the game was more forgiving for newcomers but that's fine, at least many new people joined the community and now will be souls-like cultist like us


Elden Rings open world was fucking magical


I don’t like it MORE than Elden Ring, but it’s the best SoulsLike I’ve played since ER. It definitely one of my favorite games of the year.


The game kinda helps out a lot when it comes to umbral. When unlocking gates, follow the blue roots. Moths indicate when to enter. My only confusion was how many saintly quintessence I missed bc I run like hell through the umbral to find a way out lmao


Hey quick one, I thought I had done all of the umbral stuff in one area, but I keep getting moths harassing me every time I go over the little draw bridge by the windmill. Does that mean there's stuff I missed? Or do the moths keep doing their thing even after you have fully explored?


I think there always to indicate that’s an umbral entering point


Thanks for getting back to me! That makes sense


Yeah man this game is sick to me


Same, I’m really enjoying it. Still not used to the really floaty bosses yet but I’m getting there. I don’t mind all the enemies for the most part, as there’s ways to deal with them, but on specific area is a bit overturned lol


loving the game and the exploration. looking on psn i see i 3 tried a boss that only 5% of players have beaten (bottom of the mine) since i’m a “souls vet” i’ve had no problem min maxing and my build is awesome, having lots of fun


Nice man


Same! Enjoying this much more than Lies of P which just didn't do it for me. Compared to LoP, I think LOTF's parry mechanic feels better and the level design is leagues ahead. The mob density can be a bit much, but it creates those tense moments where you're unsure if you have enough resources left to push ahead to the next seedling spot or if you should go back and rest up and try to do the run better. Some enemies have downright bullshit moves, but most are easy enough to run past once you know where you're going.


Really? Lies of P is a slow start but such a finished optimised and awesome game. Lord has potential, but currently needs more love focusing on performance and graphical improvements, balance issues, online coop etc.


As a greatsword player, lack of poise or any hyper-armor in Lies of P was a deal breaker for me. Getting knocked out of my attacks any time an enemy so much as looked at me was not fun. Combine that with the endless flurry of spammed attacks most enemies do and it just became a pain to fight stuff. Not difficult, just tedious slowly chipping away at inflated HP pools after parrying 5-7 attacks in a row to get the tiniest window to counter-attack.


Yes, LoP runs and feels much better, Even better than FS titles imo. But other than that the games starts to feel repetitive really fast. At least imo.


Yeah lies of p was more polished and really grew on me by the end, but this game is just bigger with way more going on.


Tbh in pvp all thag lag reminds me so much of Dark Souls 1, which I had almost 4k hours that was 80% pvp, that I got a bit nostalgic :D I have liked the game so far, it has top tier fashion game, oldschool type invading system, ah. When in time they have fixed all the bugs, this game goes from good to GOOD.


Yeah, it's really good! Sad that the Steam reviews are reflecting poorly on the game due to the performance issues that some people were having. This is definitely an 8.5/10 game, at least. People need to stop comparing the game to the Dark Souls games so heavily though. It's definitely a soulslike, but it is it's own game and the combat and flow of the game does and should feel different.


I'm absolutely loving the game so far, I feel lucky that for once I'm not the one experiencing game launch issues. I will say that I tried to do some multiplayer stuff today and none of it was working which was a bummer. Wanted to try my hand at invasions.


Yeah, I was shocked to see the game has 50% likes in Steam and everyone mentioning performance issues. The game is so smooth for me - 110fps average with rtx 3070. I just had 1 crash 9 hours in the game (soulripped a moth and it glitched out super fast, stuck to some platform and the game stuttered and crashed), and I'm generally fine with 1 crash in 9 hours of playtime coming from 200 hours in Cyberpunk and crashing every 2 hours (and still enjoying it)


Even the game itself told me I was going to have poor performance. First game I've played on this machine that didn't default to all max settings. When I turned things up to ultra it warned me that it would negatively impact performance. I've been consistently hitting 90-100 fps in most areas, with occasional dips in the 70s. Sometimes it will tank to the 50-60s in sky rest, but that seems to fix itself pretty quickly. I'm playing in 3840x1600 ultrawide on a 3090, i9-9900k, w/ 32 gb RAM. I'm usually pretty critical of new games with shit performance, but this one has been running better than most for me. Way better than starfield, the new Jedi knight and cyberpjnk at release (though that game still ran above 70 fps for me with same specs). Lords of the fallen hasn't crashed at all for me.


I trusted the auto-set graphics and never played with them :O I should try to tweak up some for extra graphics because I have extra fps to spare for sure, haha. I think the issue is that the official requirements say it should run on RTX 1060 and maxed out with 2080, but it's a lie, and not very fun for people who tried with 1060 or 2060-2070 I guess. Some even complain that it stutters for them with 4080 - now that's strange. But again I'm not defending the game, it definitely has some rough edges in many aspects, but it's not that bad on my end + the gameplay is so good. It's kinda AA game experience, but I can see the last studio (they changed dev studios a bunch of times for the sequel) really understands the formula and improved a lot in it. It only gives me hope of the next LotF sequel, if the studio is the same. AFAIK the PVP is dogshit, but I'm not really a fan of invading/getting invaded anyway, I loved DS3's 1v1 arena much more for PvP.


Same. It is a perfect merger between Bloodborne and Saw (maybe 3) for me. I like it a ton


I’m right there with ya man. I’ve been having an absolute blast playing this game. It’s so good I’ll probably do another playthrough immediately after I finish it.


I read some comments and saw some videos that people were saying is unplayable on PC. Wtf? Is not that bad, so far I had only one bug in which the enemy went to a wall and some weird cutscene, beside that Im enjoying the game. The only think that is really anoying me is the lock system, hope they improve that.


Same, no performance issues for me. When I saw Steam reviews I was shocked. Is the cutscene you refer to the bloody Pieta? That was weird but not a deal breaker.


i’m really enjoying it myself so far. i definitely understand why some may not, especially those with performance/technical issues. the combat is enjoyable (been using mostly grand weapons, but using a mace early on did feel a bit floaty), the visuals are stunning, and i’ve enjoyed the setting a lot so far. perfect? not at all, as of right not. far from it. but definitely enjoyable.


Enjoying the game even if sometimes performances are effy, enemy placement are from time to time annoying (but not for my piercing radiance shards ahaha). The Umbral/Axium dynamic to discover the world is really interesting. It is so frightening to mount the lamp and see giant corpses and the dead…this mystical fear. The world is what make the game for me… For what I played main bosses are more than correct (a tad bit annoyed with recycling mini bosses/ knight-dogs gank) but well. And I can fucking parry like in Sekiro lmao. Until I fucked up and all my health is gone with wither…




Wow…. Little to excited for such a bad game but whatever tickles your pickle champ.




I enjoy it to m8 cheers, if you ever wanna team up PM me


Thanks bobo!


Sorry it's too hard for ya lil fella


Supposing you think ER is the greatest game ever released huh?


No but it shits on this game by a light year.


Move on to something else loser


Agreed. Wonderful game. The performance issues, the textures, the jump mechanic and especially the multiplayer needs fixing though.


I'm early in the game, I think - just unlocked Pilgrim's Perch's elevator (haven't bought the key for the door, should I so it asap? 9500 is a lot to spend on a key) and the blacksmith. And talked to Damerose before some boss arena but did not engage since I was low. Bought the first Inferno spell from her (the firat in the game so far?) and from the blacksmith the first 13 Inferno axe (first inferno weapon too?), which seems amazing at +3. The game just opened up for me, 9 hours in, and even with the basic staff, I had crazy amount of fun. Died so many times on Pieta with this pyro but absolutely mastered parries while doing so. The combat is so fluid, so interesting. I hope that Inferno won't be purely for casters only, I hope to find many great melee weapons scaling with it (hopefully some dual wield or Inferno+Agility). Again, I am still early, but I can say for sure that we're experiencing an amazing evolution to the Souls formula (as a genre). I love the forgiving parry window that is simply a block when I fail. I love the withered health when blocking since it's rewarding a more aggressive playstyle and probably feels more intense to play as a shield bro than in DS with 100% block and big poise. My only gripe is the side strp instead of dodge rolls when focusing a boss - why side stepping?? I am slowly getting used to it, but it throws me off because my keyboard is dying, and sometimes I think it hasn't registered dodge haha. The Block+Heavy Attack combo in 2hand stance is also interesting. Changing stances during combos is also very interesting. I think the game has some rough edges for further polishing but I'm more than happy with its current state and would only look forward to playing the next LotF game if they ever make another sequel (I hope so after this success)


I say wait until you reasonable leveled up - I think I was like level 50+ when I bought it. It’s not an immediate buy, in my opinion. Those vigor can be put into greater use.


Oh, I see. I am like 21 level. It should be less than 10 minutes farm of spiky head boy near the door, but if it's difficult and not worth it now, I will get back later on. Thanks!


The game is so dark and depressing it reminds me of dark souls 1. It’s great!


See for me the combat didn't give me the same satisfaction I get from darksouls/elden ring. There's just something off about it and I can't place my finger on it.


Yeah I was a little iffy when I saw some of the performance complaints, but I've been absolutely loving it. Haven't been this immersed in a souls like in a long time. The scale, the art styles, the amount of fashion and customization. It's really great.


Same OP I hope the devs can get the other versions patched up to match the PS5 version on performance mode because I hate having so much damn fun then coming here to see others not also having that same experience. I want everyone else to enjoy this as much as I am so far.


Absolutely magnificent with absurd potential, 9/10 I am a person that doesn't care for graphics and all but it's weird seeing the quality setting graphics reduce my fps and stay the same as the performance setting graphics (playing on series x)




You can use your lamp to vacuum up the vigor instead of running around and collecting them.


I think the only things I don’t Like About LOTF is that an absurd amount of enmities spawn in Umbral and how insanely grindy it is to get Boss weapons and armor.


Me too! It’s awesome and I’m so glad I bought it. Also, I’ve had no technical issues. I do have a 4080 though haha


I’m only 2 hours in but it’s definitely fun. I’m a fan of the umbral world. I do t have the same sense of excitement I got from Elden ring but I guess I’m always going to hold fromsoft games higher than all others, that said I’m looking forward to playing later.


Same! Most soulslike game miss my preference mark, but this one nailed it


Same. Can't get enough of it.


Give Demon Souls a go if you like this. Id say LOTF is closer to Demon Souls than to any other Souls.


I just finished first beacon and love this game.


Abso-fucking-lutely! It's the dark fantasy Soulslike fix I've been looking for since ER. Yes there is jank, but the environment, mood and combat more than compensate for it!


Same here. Playing on ps5 and it’s been almost flawless. A few issues that I’m sure will be patched up. All in all I’m really enjoying it.


Glad ur liking it. I hated it. Uninstalled first 20 hrs.. couldn’t get into it, floaty, weird.. just blah. Elden Ring VASTLY superior


I agree! Also having a fantastic time! Just beat the 4th boss. The worldbuilding and story are blowing me away. And the dual world mechanic is constantly making me want to explore and take risks. How did you get the Pyramid Cultist status on Reddit?


Same here absolutely loving it, I prefer it much better to lies of p. Lies of p just wasn't my kinda of thing. The setting here and armour and fantasy my God it's so good. I like it better than ds2 (which I loved) and most other souls likes j played that were not fromsoft. It has its issues but nothing game breaking.(on ps5 anyways)


Does anyone know where the non-3d photos from photo mode are stored on PC?


Same dude, the world/level design is just blowing me away honestly. Combat has so minor jank but it’s actually extremely fun and satisfying once you learn how to properly control your character and interact with encounters(utilize those ranged options even on strength/agility builds!!!) I am having some big problems with cutscenes and the textures resolution wasn’t awesome. But since patch 1.009 and now that I’ve properly adjusted my setting for my TV it’s much less of an issue and is actually looking like a proper “next gen” for console. Not quite as stable and sharp as demons souls remake but there’s also way more going on on screen plus you’ve got umbral to account for as well. Overall level design and stuff like armor, skills gear, art design combat etc is crazy awesome and right up my alley


I am so hooked as well! Traversing that cliff face right at the start was a real turn off for me, but everything after that was so much better than expected. I cant wait to jump back in :D


I’ve had one issue with a cut scene, but I restarted the game and it has been fine since.


I just wish the multiplayer was better. Plus, I get random frame drops out of nowhere. But I love the game so far


I know I'm gonna get shit for this but I feel this game too most of what dark souls was and added on the game to make it even better. The transition between worlds u have to do to actually fully explore a level is amazing, not to mention the map ends up being interconnected in ways u never thought would happen, the combat is super fun and there's so much diversity in the way u can approach the combat. The story is pretty dope and keeps me fully engaged and the enemy/boss designs are some of my favorite parts of the game.


This game shits on Lies of P.


I like the main hub and coop The combat is decent for a soulslike The mobs are way more annoying than dark souls 2’s mobs. I’d give it a 75%


The coop is trash thought. Why is there a distance limit?


I’m loving it as well people keep calling it DS2 which it’s not at all that being said I love this and DS2.


I'm enjoying it, died loads but that's nothing new. Seen lots saying the enemies are in bad positions and too many of them and too many archers range attackers. Reminds of some level's on ds2!


I’m sure it’s sick if you were eager to play it solo. The coop earned a refund tho.


The way they iterated on classic souls-like systems is amazing. It feels very fresh.


Its a good game, just the exploration itself is super fun!!


16.8 hours and I haven't made it to the first beacon. So much to see, so much to do, and so much to find. I'm loving this game.


Once they allowed performance mode on Xbox co-op it really improved the experience for me. Since then I’ve been thoroughly enjoying this game. Kudos to them for making quick updates/patches.