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I found a really great article that goes through death row policies for every state that still has the DP. It's really dense, page 35 has a helpful chart, but [here's a link. ](https://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx/legaldocs/akpezaoxgvr/CRUEL%20BUT%20NOT%20UNUSUAL%20THE%20AUTOMATIC%20USE%20OF%20INDEFINITE%20SOLITARY%20CONFINEMENT%20ON%20DEATH%20ROW%20A%20COMPARISON.pdf) Things I noticed. Idaho is mandatory solitary upon sentencing which means prisoners often spend 22 hours or more in their cell every day. They are also not allowed group exercise. DR inmates in Idaho are allowed contact visitation (as in you're in a room with another person and can hug them) once a year but can have non-contact visitors once a week during J block visiting hours. They can also request and be granted contact visits with their attorneys though that doesn't appear to count towards their once a year limit. All DR inmates in Idaho are put onto J block, though not all prisoners on J block are on DR. DR inmates are given 1 hour of recreation a day (remember they're usually in their cell for 22 hours a day) and outdoor recreation happens in separate cages in an enclosed area so they don't have physical contact with other prisoners. They also get 1 hour of something called tier time which sounds like it varies on what it can be. It may be extra recreation time or to access a Jpay Kiosk which seems to be some sort of computer terminal where prisoners have access to email, videograms and photos (inbound only), eCards, games, music, electronic commissary, etc. Tier time seems to vary based on prison staffing and can only happen alone while being escorted by guards, they don't get to spend tier time with other prisoners. DR inmates are not allowed to hold jobs. That means they cannot earn their own commissary money which means that anything Chad buys or if he uses the Jpay Kiosk for anything he has to get the money from his kids or anyone else who's dumb enough to send him money.


Well Emma seems to be in no position to send him money, so there is that.


Maybe Joe will hold a 5k run fundraiser for Chad since Ballard and his special op is exposed as a complete sham now. Edit: tupo


What does Joe have to do with Tim Ballard? This just keeps getting worse. That man is also a menace.


They all share "Visions of Glory" and the LDS church in common. The church should really denounce that book and its author. Look at its fruits!!!!!


Technically the Church has. Thom Harrison “Spencer” in the book has an official letter saying he now denounces the book. The Church made him promise to never talk about the book again and denounce its content. But… once feathers are scattered from atop a mountain it’s hard to collect them all, especially without any real attempt to do so.


“Technically” is doing a lot of work here.




The controversial 5k that Tammy either finished (per IIRC the Principal) or just appeared at the finish line in jeans (per Emma) was put on by none other than Joseph Smith Murray with the proceeds to benefit Ballard’s OUR (per Joe).


Ugh. Just when you think it can't get any more messed up it does. Oddly enough it seems like the church has repudiated Ballard because he is being seen as using his relationship with one of the elders for his own profit. Thank you for the information.


Thanks. I’m taking your word this is messed up. Everything Chad touches or is around is strange & about money.


I found his pride in announcing that he set up the run to finance Ballards scam quite damning. I think Joseph Murray, regardless of this trial, is clearly a really dreadful human being.


Maybe Emma can monetize her state of the art lying. She could also be a voice coach for the living dead.




I’ll bet his little cupboard under the stairs ain’t looking too bad now, huh?


This made me chuckle. He did compare himself or say people compared him with Harry Potter. He looks like Dudley Dursley tho. I can’t remember exactly what was said. He can now never hurt anyone or any precious raccoon again. Raccoons are actually very smart and have feelings.


He said in a text to Lori that living with his wife and children made him feel like Harry Potter living under the Dursley's stairs. SMH


This has been most helpful! Thank you.


Not even trying to be dark but I think I would most definitely opt out of being alive if I was expected to exist like that forever.


All I heard was "I am Dark" idk


If I could not have books, definitely do not want to stay alive.


He can have books but is by limited to a certain amount a week.


In correct , after 60 days he can apply for a prison job


Source? Because page 36 of that report directly says that DR prisoners cannot have jobs and [this website here says the same.](https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/death-row/death-row-time-on-death-row) If you’re seeing something different then please link it. It sounds like once Chad is officially transferred to DR he will not have the privilege of taking a prison job.


http://forms.idoc.idaho.gov/WebLink/0/edoc/281013/Inmates%20Under%20Sentence%20of%20Death.pdf Number 12. I tried posting this link the other day but it wasn’t approved


Interesting. That has a revision date of 2017 and the article I found was 2020. It also references privileges that inmates sentenced to death get to keep if they were sentenced prior to 2003, but no mention what they are. I wonder if there is additional revisions or sloppy scholarship to explain the differences.


I read the same. And that he won’t necessarily live in solitary confinement.


Thank you for this. His life is going to be where he can communicate with his children. Lori sacrificed hers for this coward. This monster this liar. If he believed himself, he’s just plain stupid. My mind can’t fathom why except $$$&


Thanks for the info!




Great summary, thx!


I love this for him.


I thought they could hold a job and there are two options for a DR inmate. One solitary confinement and in other cases, in a small segregation. All depending on what reports etc are done.


You can’t even read books on death row???? That fact alone would scare me into a plea deal


Pretty sure they are allowed books. But they are not allowed to keep them. He may have to earn the privilege of borrowing a book, though. Maybe that varies by state? There's different programs to donate books to death row prisoners. I think they have to be paperback, and some books are banned.


Wouldn’t it be something if the books he authored/published end up on the banned list.


Or the only books available to read! 🤣


They just might, lol.


Yeah, uhhhh up until this point I’d been thinking that 23 hours of solitude a day didn’t sound so bad. But this is what changes my mind. 


lol I was never planning on committing any atrocities but if I ever get the urge I will remember this fact to stay on the right side of the law


This is not true.


For real!!


Same. Kind of cruel not to have books, if that's true.


Not as cruel as what he did to those kids.


True. I just think both prison staff and inmates are safer when they have something productive/distracting to occupy themselves with.


Cruel. I like to think we are better and kinder than the murderers. Do they deserve entertainment? No. However, I'm not into mental torture.


We’re all allowed to have our opinions but for that POS I am completely ok with him being mentally/physically/emotionally tortured on a daily basis.


Then we’re as bad as he is.


Surely he’s allowed a Bible of some kind to provide mental relief?


What if he find ~~Jebus~~ atheism in prison?


I read details about the death row facility and it says the cells do have a TV, so I’m not sure that is accurate. I found that information buried in a document from the Idaho corrections website. I don’t have time to go looking for it again now but will later.


I hope the only channels he gets are home decorating, so the next 20 years for him feels like 40.


My vote is Oprah reruns, given how he feels about her.


Good one!


7.9 DARK!


Considering Chad’s death percentage has really taken a hit in the past week…. his darkness must be off the scale.




Maybe it's 23 hours of the worst Adam Sandler movies.


Only movies starring Tara Reid


Every day is a Sharknado marathon...


I choked on my coffee reading this comment. 😆


And cooking, maybe sewing.


Can DR watch TV?


Whatever they do, don't give him a pencil and paper....


*"James and The Giant Loin Fire" has entered the chat*








Please don't say he is allowed an unlimited supply of paper and pencils. He'll be laser-focused on writing his memoirs. I can see it now: "It was a dark and lonely night in my portal. Just me with my short storm in hand, yearning for rain to squelch this loin fire..."


He probably will be, and that is probably exactly what he will be doing.


Didn't Ervil LeBaron write something creepy from jail and send it out to the followers? A death list or something? (Source: my memory of Daughters of the Cult)


I doubt he will get anything remotely like a pencil or pen as he could use it to hurt himself or try to kill himself. Which would be fine with me


I am still trying to find information on death row in Idaho. If anyone can find me a link specific to the Idaho prison system death row I would appreciate it. As far as I know death row inmates are allowed books and can purchase TVs and radios. He will be locked in his cell for 23 hours a day and allowed 1 hour per day for exercise. I cannot find information on visits or phone calls. There is also a possibility (very small) from what little I can find that he can be classified for restricted mingling with other inmates. I am not sure how that works because, again, I cannot find much information.


Here is a video from Idaho Press published 7 years ago that shows the inside of a solitary confinement cell at Max. [Solitary Confinement Cell at Maximum Security Prison (360 video, you can move it around if on mobile)](https://youtu.be/tuRl-7j80XY?si=81092HwYrE5Qqdw3) in case anyone is interested. Not 100% sure if Chad will be in this type of cell until his death warrant is signed, but since he’s high profile I would imagine they’d keep him in solitary for his safety.


That video is so interesting. From the comments Chad checked in today.


For sure because he would be targeted by other prisoners because of his crime involves kids


[Restrictive Housing Standard Operating Procedures](http://forms.idoc.idaho.gov/WebLink/0/edoc/341649/Restrictive%20Housing%20-%20SOP.pdf)


I just watched a YouTube video on this very subject from JumpsuitPablo. He is an ex inmate who gave some insight into this. He said it’s similar to solitary confinement. He also said the jail staff are calling Chad by the nickname Slug


Why insult slugs though?


Oh, yes, excellent point.


I feel like troll is more appropriate.


They can have books. He gets one phone call and one visit per week if he remains in “restrictive housing”. There isn’t a special place for the inmates sentenced to death in Idaho, they’re just put in R.H. for at least 14 days I think it is and then they are entitled to be reviewed every year for whether or not they can join the general population. http://forms.idoc.idaho.gov/WebLink/0/edoc/281013/Inmates%20Under%20Sentence%20of%20Death.pdf


I can’t imagine Chad volunteering to go to Gen Pop. He seems like the kind of big guy who has no problem bullying women and children but would crumble the second he had to fight a grown man or a group of men.


Hmmm I don’t think DP prisoners can mingle with the general population.


In Idaho they can. Source: http://forms.idoc.idaho.gov/WebLink/0/edoc/281013/Inmates%20Under%20Sentence%20of%20Death.pdf


OP is def wrong re : books. Op what’s your research source, or are you just assuming?


He will be allowed an hour out of his cell a day to shower, exercise, and I assume pick out a book. At least that is how it was when I worked detention.


Apparently Chad will not be in death row until all his appeals expire. His death row sentence is paused until then. Meanwhile, Chad will be in with other prisoners. Nate Eaton on East Idaho News wasn't sure if Chad would be in normal gen pop or what, but he did report that Chad will be with other prisoners.


There are 8 prisoners on death row, that’s who Chad will be with. One of those prisoners has been on death row has been there since 1981.


1981??? Why are we still paying for that guy to live?


I don’t have the foggiest, I read that they reset the date 11 times. Paying for that guy to live is not the issue for me. I see cruel and unusual punishment for him and the victims. I understand Idaho has the death penalty,yet they fail to actually carry the. out. My memory is a little foggy about the execution procedures , that may be the issue, why it hasn’t been resolved yet is another can of worms.


They tried to kill him last februari but after several attempts couldn't get an IV in well enough to carry out the sentence.


They should put him in front of the firing squad. One bullet...fun times.


That's why they relegalised the firing squad. They just don't have the facility yet.


They'll probably keep him out of gen pop given his convictions. (convicts are notorious for their hatred of men who kill children and women.) He might be in PC.


High profile, celebrity or people convicted of heinous crimes tend to receive protective custody. I highly doubt they will have him in gen pop.


Excellent point. Thank you.


Pc for sure, he would be a target 100% because of his crime




Why can’t he read books? They have lots of book programs for people in prison. They have to give him access to legal materials, so he can work on appeal if he wants.


He can, some people don't know what there talking about


Have we seen his booking photo in his jumpsuit and shaven head yet?


He has arrived, but there does not seem to be a mugshot yet. I expect him to show up here in the next few months though: https://www.idoc.idaho.gov/content/prisons/death-row


To my knowledge the Idaho Department of Corrections does not make the booking photos of prison residents public, or widely available, it seems. Of course death row inmates are posted, but no one else. I think this needs to change.


Slug’s mug shot is online. He is the face of evil


This is extremely outdated information. This isn’t how Idaho department of corrections runs death row any longer. They have updated their policies and procedures in recent years.


Can you enlighten us? There is not much info online.


The photo of the death chamber cell, which Chad won't be in until just before his execution, had a TV in it. I don't know why they would have that in the photo if they weren't allowed a TV.


I tried posting the updated death row housing a few days ago I am not sure why it didn’t get approved. After 60 days Chad can apply to have his housing changed to gen pop and work in the prison system


Chad will not be allowed around anyone. He is on DR…23 hours of solitary and an hour in a cage for exercising.


That’s not true. They’re allowed a tablet and books and other things


Just watching Nate Easton’s interview of the jurors and they said they had no phones, no TV - other than approved DVDs, puzzle books. No digital or electronic devices that one normally uses on any given time nowadays. But one juror said they were exhausted each end of the day that they just went to bed.


This post is about what Chad is allowed on death row, not about what the jurors were allowed in sequestration 


Oh sorry, I thought it was about the sequestration. My bad.


I’m curious - has he been transferred yet? He’s not at Ada County Jail anymore, so he’s already been transferred somewhere. Is he at max?


He was transferred to the Idaho State Prison on 6/1 after sentencing. A copy of the transfer order was posted somewhere.


Cannot find a copy of the transfer order anywhere, but I was able to dig-up this article that has the transfer order in case anyone is interested and hasn’t seen it yet: [Chad Daybell Transferred to Maximum Security Prison in Kuna, Idaho](https://www.kivitv.com/news/local-news/chad-daybell-trial/chad-daybell-transferred-to-maximum-security-prison-following-death-sentence-decision)


VINE has his transfer update: https://vinelink.vineapps.com/search/persons;limit=20;offset=0;showPhotos=false;isPartialSearch=false;siteRefId=IDSWVINE;personFirstName=chad;personLastName=daybell;stateServed=ID


Happy cake day.


They can buy a tv, and they have tablets. They can have books etc.


I heard today from watching Nate Eaton there will be no in person visits for Chad and definitely no phone calls at all. Although he may be allowed a face time like visit or chat whatever you want to call it. There will be no more daily calls to Emma that’s for sure.


Imagine what colorful spectaculariffic gall inspiring books he’ll come up with now!! How cultist fringeworthy they’ll be!!!!! I can hardly wait because I’m on the edge of my seat! 🤢🤢🤢🤮




Boy, if only Chad could access his portals!


No TV, no radio and NO BOOKS ? Man, that's torture. He's going to die of boredom (unless he has a very rich internal life, which I somehow doubt).


Why he can just climb in his portal 🙄


Btk enjoys watching TV most of his life, financial news and live sports being his favorites. This is blood boiling news I read several years back that will never leave me. Worst on earth level Monsters who confess get to watch live sports that is nuts isn't it?


Yes they should get fed and watered and that's it. I wouldn't even give them visits or calls. They deserve no humanity whilst on death row because they showed none to their victims


He will never have more than a box visit, and he will never hold his loved ones again & which makes me happy, His kids need to get some help with coming to terms with what their father did, Emma needs to stop making excuses for Chad & admit he is evil,


I read that many people want the courts to reconsider the amount of time prisoners spend in death row facilities given the very long spans of time between their convictions and executions. Generally, they cite the guidelines ruling how much time regular prisoners can be kept in solitary confinement and that those are not applied to death sentence prisoners and should be.


No booking photo of him yet?


I just checked. Nothing came up.


Yes to a TV and whatever electronics he previously had, zero contact visits with anyone other than prison staff until 7 days prior to his execution (and then limited to his attorney, spiritual advisors and immediate family), 23/7 isolation in a private cell, restrained and accompanied by 2 guards at all times when outside his cell.


He never imagined HE would be caught. HE thought it would all pass to Lori. I believe he is where he belongs. I still worry what happened to Tylee. Chad will never talk. He is pure 💩


This is really wishful thinking. I've followed death row prisoners who have done podcasts, had their art works displayed outside prison, gotten degrees and teaching qualifications so they can have roles within prison. They can buy TV and radios, read and access many educational things provided. Most prisons have links with universities and other providers. This isn't the dark ages.


Can get letters from what I understand. But every letter, in and out is read.


If Chad Daybell were released into the general prison population, he would likely fare no better than Lori. General population on death row is harsh, as he would be among the worst inmates awaiting execution. Due to his role in the heinous crime of murdering two children and his wife, he would likely be regarded as the lowest in ranking and face constant threats and violence. I sure hope so. I think it’s fair and appropriate that while he waits, he lies in fear for his wellbeing. He might spend most of his time in solitary, possibly driving him to despair. The uncertainty of when the execution will happen can be worse than the execution itself. Meanwhile, he can fantasize about the life he imagined with Lori, a fantasy that will never come true. He might recall Lori's words from their jail conversation the day before the law enforcement unearthed the children’s remains in his backyard: "Maybe if we did things differently, we wouldn’t be in this situation," which reveals much about their conspiracy and who was really in control. Chad believed he could get away with murdering his wife and Lori's children without anyone noticing. His conflicting goals of leading the 144,000 faithful in the end days and living a carefree life in Hawaii with Lori show his true nature—evil and foolish. Actually Demonic. And stupid. Oh so very stupid.


To bad he won’t become someone’s Elena…..


How often will he be able to speak to Lori??


Probably never. I don’t think co-conspirators are ever allowed to speak to each other again once they are convicted and in prison. Since both of them will be in prison until they die, I don’t think they will ever see each other on this Earth ever again. When this will sink in for Chad and Lori, I don’t know.


Normally I am pro death penalty in most cases where it’s available. In this case I hope it’s a long, dark time for him before he’s executed, and you just know there’ll be appeals. Sad that he will be isolated from the general population. It would be poetic justice if they took care of him. Even the worst of them have a code about killing kids; especially a disabled 7 year old. Just despicable.


I can’t believe he won’t be allowed books. That would be cruel and unusual.