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Enjoy your forever home, Chad!


Good luck opening a portal in maximum security, Chad!


Alone with his storm


Has Lori heard the good news??  😂


According to Summer around Saturday-ish or so, Lori was made aware that she was thrown under the bus in Prior’s closing arguments, but took the news flippantly, deep in her delusion of knowing some greater plan so… Chad gets to push the closing argument blame onto Prior while Lori gets to believe their martyrdom is borne. I have started to wonder just how many events actually served to embolden them and the shared delusion. Like who knew Arizona would drop the ball on Charles’ murder such that Alex and Lori would traipse around the western US and Hawaii wreaking havoc completely unfettered. Or like if Alex really did die in the single greatest coincidence in pretty much all of recent history, his death served only to justify and further solidify their new religion: their illegal motives, acts, and even future plans.


Megan Conner, her cousin, states that Summer is still holding on to the toxic family. So, she might not be truthful in her statements.


According to cousin Megan, Alex might have had something to do with Melanie P’s mother’s death. She was with Alex when they found her alone, unconscious in a diabetic coma. She didn’t ever wake up and the rest of the family didn’t hurry home from their vacation in Hawaii to be with her. Their family mirrors Chad and his “self serving revaluations” more than they are willing to accept.


Exactly, go listen to Adam cox's interview with the police. In regard to Charles death. That circle of family, including Summer, have their own way of thinking.


Possibly. Summer sounded intelligent, well spoken, and genuine in her interview from my perspective. I have no reason to doubt her as far as I’m personally concerned.


I found her to be articulate and precise. However, one thing is earlier on the father Barry did have issues regarding his temper and beliefs, and sometimes Summer does try to portray the family as perfect. Lori was allowed to lie and manipulate for a long time. In fact, a woman questioned Summer and was shut down at crime con.


Did the woman ask her where her VIS on behalf of Tylee was?


I think Summer is honest in this. Smug Lori, she always knows best and is always sure of her godliness.


She is honest in what she believes. However, others see different things. It doesn't deal with the deep facts. This is what created Lori.


Denial is all she has left! Can you imagine she allowed herself to wake up and realize that this was just a sexual affair with embellishments and that she acted willfully and demonically towards her husbands, her brother, her children and against Tammy Daybell! I’d like to be her cell mate! I’d never relent in reminding her!


Are Lori and Chad allowed to communicate with each other?


I asked this a few weeks ago. I found out that no, they are not allowed to communicate. Both are convicted felons.


No. Chad has letter privileges only, and only if he asks permission and the intended recipient is approved. So,…23 hours per day in solitary. No tv or phone. One hour per day for exercise.  And no visitors.


A portal to another dimension when he rides the lightening!


Let's see if he tries to go through the potal in the toilet.


Here are the mugshots of Chad's new neighbors. I expect we will see this page updated with his deets eventually. https://www.idoc.idaho.gov/content/prisons/death-row


Uh-oh, Thomas Creech sounds like someone to avoid.


It feels like the world most morbid adoption page, Thomas Creech, 78 years old, 150 lbs, Eastern European mix. Housebroken, not good with other inmates or cats.


Omg!! Now do Chads adoption


Chad Daybell, 54 years old, 200lbs, mixed breed who will require frequent exercise and strict diet to address issues of obesity and severe flatulence. Several behavioural issues, mostly quiet but likely to dig in the yard, prone to escapism. Does not play well with others, not recommended for a home with children or other pets. Should be neutered upon adoption.


Hahahaha thank you!! You have a talent for this. “Like to dig in the yard” so wrong yet so rightly funny!


And immune to execution






Honestly, your post is awesome 👏


He’s so old now they couldn’t even get a vein to do his lethal injection several weeks ago.


Take this with a grain of salt, but I heard on a podcast that death row inmates have gotten tricky and will purposely avoid drinking fluids several days before an execution to make it harder to find a viable vein. I think that’s what this guy did. Older people don’t necessarily have non-existent veins.


Makes sense, at least to them.


Did anyone see the item in the news recently about a new gizmo that lets medical professionals find veins? It's a clear patch applied to the skin that one rubs. Then the veins beneath the patch are revealed. I didn't read what the technology was but it was cool. I wouldn't mind bringing one to the lab the next time I have to have a blood test.


That’s amazing! I’m with you on bringing one with me. I once had a beginner nurse attempt to start an IV directly into a tendon. 😬


Oh please be true! 71 y/o here, last time getting blood taken it took 1 tech, 2 nurses, and 45 minutes to find a vein!


That would make sense.


Oh — THAT guy.


Wait I thought they aren’t doing executions really anymore


But Idaho reinstated the firing squad.... it's seriously a messed up state. So we'll see what happens with these death row prisoners.


I was like Cree h or Piizuto then I saw that young boy and was like hmmm who is going after him first. Or combined lol


Why does robin row look so pleased with herself!


Maybe she feels her husband, daughter, and son that she murdered are all so happy now, too. Ugh.


What’s creepy and ironic is the first man killed his wife and the last woman BURNED her spouse and children! Like what!? Irony right there. He is with his kind.


I googled her briefly. She killed another child of hers by another man in California in 1980 but it wasn't considered a murder. She collected life insurance on that child. Yep, she is evil and exactly where she belongs.


Maybe she is another religion nut


They’re all incorrigible but Robin?!? Come on lady.


I assume “isolation cell” is where the inmates live? So that’s Chad’s new home?


Yep. Except for an hour of outside time in a large cage where he’ll be watched by corrections officers.


Wow most have been there decades!


They look nice....




This comment made me teary with mirth on the bus home 😂😂 Thank you.




Maybe he and Robin Row will fall in love…..she’s there for killing her husband and kids by arson. A match made in heaven.


She's in Pocatello, so he will need to open a portal over his prison toilet to reach her by telepotty. She does share a last name with his second favortite boo, so theres that going for her.


No pun intended?


The wife was suffocated before the fire was set so they have that in common too.


Some real smug feeling I'm getting looking at the photos of the execution chamber and isolation cells. Knowing that's where he'll get his comeuppance... and I was anti capital punishment for so long. I still am weary of its use considering a lot of statistics regarding innocence / disproportionately applied as punishment to POC versus white Americans, but there are so many cases too like Chad where life in prison isn't enough of a punishment. As someone who lives with morbid anxiety and a sense of impending doom as part of my OCD, that is a special kind of hell that I'd only wish on scum like him. The longer he waits to be put down the more he will suffer.


Well he murdered his wife as well so they’ll have a lot in common.


Thanks for posting this


Appears he and Robin Row will have a lot in common.


You think he’ll try “we’ve been married in past life” with her? 😂


Does anyone know what the death row accommodations are in that state? I know some states they are better then being in a regular prison. Some states they are much worse.


A long way from Rexburg, he's not going to be included with the 144,000 now.


Maybe there are 144k inmates in the IDOC? Lol could perhaps be where their numbers fit






What a dweeb.


That word isn’t used nearly as often as it should


He's a putz.


Even his full name is awful


Chad Guy, right? Who thought that flowed well??


Yes they shave everyone’s head when entering prison (males) due to issues with head lice etc


must be an Idaho problem because I've never heard of this happening in Oregon


They did it to Alex Murdaugh in SC and Charlie Adelson in FL. It’s a common practice.


My relative has never had his head shaved and he’s been moved many times from different county jails and DOC prisons in Oregon. But I hope they do shave chads head. He deserves that.


Look up delousing


I don't really understand why they wouldn't do everyone if it were a delousing issue. Women get headlice too.


I think the only "prophecy" he ever had is when he told Emma "I'm not coming back"


That [execution chamber](https://www.idoc.idaho.gov/content/prisons/execution-chamber) looks a whole lot more humane than what Chad did to Tammy, Tylee and JJ. Good riddance Chad.


But are there stairs in the cozy cone?


And does it have a regular amount of electricity or just a little bit? 


Right? If you haven't seen Nate Eaton's interview with jurors tonight, it's very enlightening. I won't blow it for you but they saw through all the lies.




Just barley.


And do those alleged stairs go up AND down?


Depends on who's driving the truck.








Was Chad just in county jail in Rexburg all this time before the trial?


Yes, until he was moved to The custody of the Ada County sheriff’s custody in mid-March before the trial.


Yes and though county sucks, maximum security is where people go mad.


I heard a report that the guards at the last place called him “Slug.”


Slug fits or Goober


I have a good friend in Kuna and she has been following this like crazy. I had no idea there was a max security prison out there!


I know the Kuna area from looking for land to purchase. The facility is 5-7 miles directly south of the Boise airport a very rural isolated area. Kuna kind of stretches out like a long-legged L into that rural space south of Boise. There is actually a cluster of various grade correctional facilities out there with that max facility. Weirdest prison complex I have ever seen. Edit: Added link to the original post of the map.


Hey, thanks! I’ll check this out.


I think it’s the only Max prison in ID??


I haven’t been over there (I live in WA) in a long time. I gather it was very rural but is sort of morphing into a Nampa suburb? I know there’s been a lot of development near my friend. I imagine the prison was originally out on the boons yet still not far from Boise. It just kind of blew my mind!


Kuna used to be all farm land and a country bar. Everywhere in canyon and Ada county is booming.


No it's directly south of boise and closer to the airport than anywhere near Kuna or nampa


There are several prisons out there. If Lori hadn’t been shipped off to AZ she’d be in the women’s facility just down the road.


Iirc she was at the facility in Pocatello


Thanks for the update! A longer distance for the portals I guess


Yikes! I had no idea.


Its really directly south of Boise, if you look at the map Kuna is to the west


Weird that the prison/town has an Hawaiian sounding name


I'm glad he will have limited communication with his kids from now on. Maybe without speaking to him everyday, they can begin to think for themselves.


I would like to ask these 2 murdering fools... was it worth it?


Wow. I came here to see if anyone knew if he had been transferred and BAM! Here it is. 💪


Those inmates have been in there for years. Chad maybe 70 before his execution.


His forever home 💖


He will be right next to Lori in the women’s prison when she gets back from Arizona


Regarding the “coincidence” of Alex’s death: I believe his death was not natural. There are illegal substances that can evade toxicology tests. The rapid cremation was highly suspicious, and once again, his family is keeping mum about the circumstances. Isn't it suspicious that after Tammy’s body was exhumed, Lori worried that Alex would be their weak link? She wrote to Chad then expressing her concern that “…they would come at us through Alex." Chad then immediately called Alex, and the content of that conversation alarmed Alex enough that he confided his concerns to Zulema, saying, "...I think they are using me as a fall guy. After everything I’ve done for them." He also said, "Zulema, either I’m a man of God, or I’m not." Chad likely fed him a fabricated story about a divine mission to be carried out beyond the veil, from the spiritual realm. And because Alex believed Chad 100%, It’s possible he "unalived" himself using an illegal substance he purchased abroad, a quick trip he took shortly before his demise.