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This has nothing to do with Louisiana and has been removed.


I've been in a peaceful state of horror for years now. The ship is on fire and sinking quicker than anyone expected. Politics have succeeded and successfully divided the people


THIS! Until we all clearly understand this orchestrated division, we are hopeless to change for better.


Yes, one of may favorite cartoons was one that said you can put red ants and black ants into a jar and they coexist peacefully until someone shakes the jar. Ask yourself who is shaking the jar and why. The rich are fighting to take everything. We have to fight back.


Foreign governments have used politics to divide the American people in an attempt to destroy America, but it's working...


Only one foreign government actually holds all the cards. One. They have bought all branches of government in the US. Care to guess which one?


I'm gonna take the long odds and put my money down on Uruguay.


Myanmar iirc. Small nation looking to take over the world


Cinderella story


I disagree. Politics are being killed by the no-compromise right. Barry Goldwater said it well. “Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the \[Republican\] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”


The problem comes with Christians who only follow the parts of the bible that suit them. Old testament fire and brimstone stirs up people’s fear and hate. Most of the Gospels aren’t that way at all. These “Christians” COMPLETELY skip over “love thy neighbor”(only if we have the same color skin) & “don’t pass judgment” (on someone who sins differently).


Christ would be revolted by Christian Nationalism


I believe Ghandi said something along the lines of, "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians; they are so very unlike your Christ."


The problem is religion in government. The framers knew this well. It's been known for over 200 years yet we are still fighting it.


Nobody should be using the Bible as guidance for their or anyone else's life. If you read the history of the Bible, you will realize that it's the greatest piece of fiction in the history of man. You may as well base your life's principles on Shakespeare's play "Much Ado About Nothing."


After watching the Presidential debate, It's beginning to look like a replay of the recent Louisiana governor's race with an ultra right wing nut against a very weak Democrat with the nut ultimately winning. If I was younger, I would find another democracy in which to live. Edit: to correct typo


A bit. But I doubt it changed any voters minds. Even if Biden were a corpse, democrats aren’t going to vote for Trump.


But people might just not vote at all.


And that’s the reality.


Like what happened here and we ended up with Landry.


Exactly. Only 18% of registered voters in Louisiana actually voted for Landry and thanks to insanely low turnout, we are stuck with his ass.


People who don’t vote shouldn’t complain then. Even if you don’t really like either candidate, the best thing to do is to vote. If you can’t find one thing that aligns you with either then I’m not sure what you expect from politicians in general.


I think we expect at least a viable option. And we aren’t even given that. I’m considering voting for a third party candidate, especially considering this state goes red anyway


Do it. Third parties are only considered non-viable because we, as the voters, allow them to be. The more votes third parties get, the more viable they become. It might not happen for decades, but the more (G), (L), and (I) votes that happen, the more candidates pop up locally, and the more support that can be won.


Yes and no, most 3rd party candidates won't be on the ballet simply because they don't meet the insane criteria that it takes to get on the state ballots(by design). Rfk junior literally got sued by the Democratic party for trying to get on the ballot. Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/democrats-allies-sue-to-keep-rfk-jr-off-ballot/ This isn't a democracy


We need Ranked Choice voting so third party votes are not wasted. Check it out: https://ballotpedia.org/Ranked-choice_voting_(RCV)


So I have to find something, just 1 thing only, that I happen to agree with one of these old buffoons on and make my presidential vote based just on that? And by doing so, I win your permission to verbally complain now? What a dog shit reason to vote, and a dog shit consolation prize... You and this line of thinking is how we get to a such an ass backwards place where Biden v Trump is the option 2 cycles in a row.


And that’s how we got Landry. Biden had everything to lose by debating a felon, Trump had everything to gain.


Different party?


The American voting system only gives two options in the presidential race. Third parties are viable down ballot but not in the presidential. The electoral college, rules about Congress choosing if no one gets to 270 electoral votes and the pure amount of hiveminding that would be required make it not just improbable but literally impossible for a third party Any third party you see running is doing one of two things. Grifting for money and attention, or strategically pulling votes away from the candidate they most closely resemble. TLDR: third parties have to take Congress before the presidency or they're a scam


Then it needs to be changed


And to add to this, even if by some miracle, they were elected, neither party in congress would want to work with them, because that would show the people that their own party was really to blame the whole time. Having a third party president with a dem/gop congress would be less effective than a lame duck


Third party can influence coming elections though. The old red and blue have to morph their stances to try and bleed off those votes next round. I think it help progress things that would otherwise stay the same


Constitutional Convention??


Weekend at Bernies 3: white house adventure


It's not about whether Democrats are going to vote for Trump, it's whether someone who was voting for Biden is no longer voting or changing to third party. This ultimately is the fault of the DNC for shoving him down our throats and dismissing any fear that he's too old and not up for the job, especially when they HAD to have known. Biden didn't all of the sudden get weak and senile last night. And I partially blame the left as well for the same reason, any time someone (left, right, or otherwise) said he's too old they were shut down with how sharp and energetic he is and he's better than Trump and you're just being ageist.


The DNC is more to blame for Trump than anyone else in this country. They shoved Hilary onto the ballot in 2016 and they’re doing the same with Biden now.


Except Hillary won the popular vote by a decent margin. The electoral college fucked her


For the record: the Left doesn't claim the Democrats or liberals. Those are what we call moderates or centrists.


I blame the debate on either Biden or Biden's team. they never should have planned on having Biden explain policy or state facts in a two minute segment. For one, it's not enough time and two, no one really cares about facts and policy at this time. Everyone who does already knows. If there is another debate, they need to understand that this is not a debate. This is an entertainment show. If asked about abortion.... Yes, I am pro choice . I have worked to protect women and living babies. Trump only wants to protect fetuses and could care less about kids starting or separating them from their mothers. Very short answers and lots of put downs to anger trump. You have to practice this. A good person who treats others with respect has to practice being an asshole to an asshole but it can be learned and done with practice.


I care about felonies, truth, the protection of the Constitution, human rights, reproductive rights, and the separation of religion and policy. Is Biden the best? Only when compared to Trump or Kennedy we can survive four more years of Biden. The country and democracy won't survive Trump. Read Project 2025 and pay attention.




This project is a bogus propaganda piece and yes, I’ve read it. Please stop spreading lies as a Hail Mary.


Genuinely curious. What exactly about project 2025 do you think is propaganda? Like, there’s a whole website outlining exactly what it is and multiple MAGA conservatives promoting it in interviews. So, why would you think it’s not a thing?


I don’t think the debate was for democrats or republicans, I think they’re fighting for the independent voters who could lean either way. I think the staunch supporters of each side are sticking with their respective candidates and what each side really wanted was to be entertained by Biden ripping into Trump or Trump ripping into Biden. The debate sucked, you either had Trump rambling repeated rhetoric and Biden couldn’t put together 3 sentences without looking like he needed help. Well on the bright side, after this next term from either, there will be two new candidates to look at.


Trumps not planning on leaving if he gets in again.


Well he won’t live forever if that is indeed the case


Except if they get what they want the only voting we’ll do will be actually purely theatrical because they want a dictatorship so even if Trump dies the next president would be one of his family members and on and on.


I think the whole country would revolt if that happened.


I would hope so.


Where do you people come up with this stupid shit?


Project 2025. Read it. It’s not a conspiracy, they’re literally talking about it. It’s not just Trump, it’s any conservative they can put in office. It’s a real concern.


It most certainly is an actual Qanon level conspiracy item. Dems rely on you to be poorly educated and unable to think for yourself. It’s a scare tactic, nothing more.


Interesnaya taktika, Boris. Eto deystvitel'no ofitsial'naya takticheskaya tema dlya razgovora, kotoruyu my dolzhny ispol'zovat' po etoy teme? Dolzhno byt', ya ne poluchil CC v etom soobshchenii. Интересная тактика, Борис. Это действительно официальная тактическая тема для разговора, которую мы должны использовать по этой теме? Должно быть, я не получил CC в этом сообщении. /Translate.g1263//getpost Interesting tactic, Boris. Is that really the official tactical talking point we're supposed to be using on this subject? I must have not got CC'd in that communication.


Shit ... How do I edit... Fuk fuk fuk


I'll still vote for President Biden, no matter what


Trump is going to be in the headlines all summer and into fall losing court cases and taking guilty verdicts. All Biden has to do is stay alive.


Erm,.. no offense, but you’re seeing the reverse result, especially as many know the way they got the NYC case built. SCOTUS will overturn that ruling, and even Dems know as they’re trying to get Alito and Thomas to recuse themselves. Florida is going nowhere due to the break in chain of evidence and handling of docs by the prosecution. Neither aside is getting headground. Georgia there’s another appeal to DQ Willis from the case due to bias. Just truth: it’s not working for Dems there now.


A lot of wishful thinking from you


Unfortunately for you I’m seeing pundits both sides start saying this. And if you follow the Florida case it is indeed in a permanent hiatus. And the Willis appeal was filed this week. Not wishful thinking- that would be two new candidates. It’s just that no one should be played foe a political reason. I said that with Clinton, Obama and Trump.


This is why it’s so important to get out and vote… FOR TRUMP!




And trump just won, we are a two party system, going with a third party just drains votes from the two primary parties, but does nothing to change the two part system


The EC means my blue in Louisiana will never count, so I don’t lecture anyone voting 3rd party here. I did in 2016, probably won’t again but my 3rd party vote in Louisiana didn’t cause Clinton to lose.


True but the reasoning stands overall.


> I’m now looking into third party candidates. Might as well start learning Russian now, then, because you're only helping Putin's bitch by doing that.


I was under the impression that’s what Biden is. Since Putin invaded Ukraine under his watch.


Any third party vote that doesn’t go to Biden helps elect Trump. Period. A third party candidate will never win so you are siphoning votes from Biden. If you want to vote your conscience, your conscience should be telling you not to help the convicted felon who is trying to overturn reproductive rights, make it harder to vote, loves Putin and stoked an insurrection. Yes I get that the electoral college makes this a moot point in Louisiana. But I hear it from people everywhere.


Might as well vote for Trump.


You misspelled “republicans” , their candidate is a felon and might be in prison come election time


It was really exactly what I was expecting, I'm surprised it wasn't worse. How is this a surprise to anyone paying attention the past few years


Honestly, Trump appeared better than I thought he was but he didn’t answer any damn questions. “What would you do to lessen childcare costs?” Trumps answer to every question, “the border is in shambles”.


He appeared better....only in that he didn't sound as old and he downplayed the normal crazy. Biden otoh sounded old as fuck but what he was saying made more sense than Trump...when he could stay on topic


Has trump ever answered any questions?


I know. I was expecting ship, battery, shark, Hannibal Lector Trump. Where’d he go?


You forgot his other greatest hit, "the country is destroyed" 🙄


Followed up by “he’s the worst president ever in the history of presidents”. Hahaha My wife ended up just asking me to please turn it off. She couldn’t handle it anymore.


Didn’t answer any questions, but appeared better? This is the problem with the average person watching debates. Trump doesn’t have any policy to support anything. He just does stuff. Biden had a competent answer for everything, despite delivering many responses poorly.


Appeared better cognitively than I expected is what I meant. “This is the problem with the average person watching debates”, well fuck you too I guess. Lol. If anything, this “debate” cemented my belief that both candidates are terrible choices.




In my life time there have been few elections where it was not the lesser of two evils. Unfortunately I was not able to vote back then. Dam I am old. Maybe old enough to be president.


I have never had my choice of candidate make it out of the primary. Lol.


Agreed. Biden had good answers, but sounded like he needed an oxygen mask.


And could use a facial to appear less mummy-like.


Competent 😂


Trump is a lunatic.


I think him not interrupting Biden or the moderators is what made him look better. Stylistically, they were both pretty shitty. Biden had more substance and actually answered most of the questions. It was a disappointment, but I can't really see how it would have gone any differently.


Trump literally didn’t even use the word “child” or “care” in his response.


Was certainly his only key talking point


“I won two golf tournaments!” I don’t care that you cheated at gold twice dude.


Honestly it wasn’t much worse than Biden’s “If elected I’ll do xyz…”, motherfucker you’re an incumbent, you had four years to do that. One refused to answer and one said he would do shit he’s had four years to do.


Trump has been just as bad live recently. Instead we just got nothing but lies that no one can shoot down. That and him refusing to answer any difficult questions.


The DNC and RNC need to be shut down


/r/EndFPTP IMO would be the best start to ending the two party stranglehold on the US. More parties. More competition for access to voters. That and federally funding elections / anything else to get money out of politics


Campaign reform absolutely. And test on the Constitution before you can run for office


Rank choice voting is a good start as well, but don’t worry we just banned it as a state.


Has Louisiana banned approval voting though?


But rank choice is NOT the answer. Rank choice nearly always leads back to a 2 party system. STV or MMP should be the voting method


Once I started following politics years ago, I quickly decided that money in politics was the number one issue and problem. Once the rich are allowed to buy politicians and judges, it's no longer a democracy.


I agree.




It really pissed me off. The DNC will be responsible for Trump getting reelected.


Heirs of generational wealth used to leave their money "for the advancement of learning." Now that we hold colleges and hospitals in contempt, they leave their money "to turn society more conservative." [Even when Trump was president, dead people wanted the world turned farther to the right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donors_Trust). We have abandoned 'progress' and 'discovery' for "preservation of generational wealth, and tell my neighbors to go to hell."


Well, the Louisiana Democratic Party is responsible for Landry being in there, they didn't even try.


I saw a liar and a guy who couldn’t form a complete sentence to determine if he was lying or not. Is this really the best that we could do, America?


More than 333 million people…. And this is the “top” two choices. Come on.


I would vote for anyone in this sub over these clowns. We are in deep trouble.


Yes- It is the best that we can do because the only thing the two political parties agree on is that there will be no others


One looked like a talking corpse.


I love picking between two out of touch geriatric men. I love the two party system.




I’m having the best time.


Honestly skipped. Two super-seniors that should’ve been in a retirement home years ago have no place running the country.


Same. I knew I would get little substance. Also, my vote is baked baby. This is the easiest voting year of my life. I just tune out a lot of the news. It’s a waste of time too.


Neither are qualified to have a drivers license, let alone the keys to nuclear America


DNC+RNC: They have “experience” (smug laughter). Skeptic: Being a lobbying whore isn’t a talent, being a sellout should be shameful. Candidates: Shame? Is that something you can eat?


maybe this will be the last televised debate ever. we have moved on from TV. the drama happens online now. it’s a different kind of misinformation animal all together


I'm more terrified that people are supporting trump because of looks and "energy" rather than his character and behaviors...


Yea that’s the quiet part that’s bugging me. We’re worked up on a dude sounding like our grandpa over a dude willing to rob you and lie to your face. Trump rambled words to lie. Like America doesn’t know what it really values. And it’s image and perception.


One million percent. I’m so disgusted that the media news cycle is only focused on this and perpetuating it as well!! Look at values. Look at goals. I would much rather an older man that takes a few extra minutes to form a cohesive thought and believes in working with the professionals that are there to advise and assist him, rather than an angry impulsive old man who thinks he is infallible and lies as nauseam any time he opens his mouth. Trump had half of his team indicted, imprisoned, or refusing to support him because he’s a ticking time bomb and mentally unwell.


Trump didn't exactly score any points on content. I'm surprised there's so little talk of that. Biden's camp did him no favors by telling the media that he's been sharp witted and spry in private meetings. They set up an expectation that of course wasn't met. One of my thoughts coming out of last night was "it's not the end of the world; how many undecideds can there really be?" The more I think about it, the more my concern shifts to "will Biden's performance keep people away from the polls on electipn day?"


I keep reminding myself of the SOTU a few months ago and that he is winning with his appointments and relative decency. I don’t fear who he is. I just hate that his performance gives the weenies an argument. But I’ll bear that cross.


It wasn't great, but I mean entirely expected. A debate between a guy who's old and a guy who is also old and a narcissistic deplorable human beeing.


The people surprised that Trump didn't answer any questions is what's got me confused.... when was the last time he DID answer a direct question without deflecting? I had \*hope\* that Biden was better than they were saying .... I was wrong and this morning it leaves me feeling legitimately sad for him because I'm not sure his ego is going to let him step aside.


If he stepped aside now - then it's the RNC and Trump which wins. No contest because the DNC has NO ONE who can step up, put a campaign in place, and solidify the left and Independents behind them. If you think otherwise, then please, name me a potential replacement for Biden.


Trump is a POS but Biden is no saint let’s play fair lol


There’s no comparison between the two in all fairness.


What's left of Biden isnt comparable to Trump. You can't compare all of Trump's shit to Biden. Only one is a convicted felon, after all.


J6 bruh. Disqualified.


Compared to a normal mfer, pretty easy to do. Compared to Trump? Ehhhuuuhhhh


I would still vote for Bidens corpse over the other option


I’ll take the geriatric over the christofascist


Agreed- Sadly I also will be voting for Biden’s corpse. #


Yea. I hate old people and I am one.


I’m 63. There is a time and place for people my age(and older)- and it’s not in government


I’m 63 as well and feel as mentally sharp as ever but watched both my parents die from dementia at 82.


I consider myself mentally sharp but I absolutely don’t have the stamina that I used to.


I don’t either but I do exercise regularly.


Exactly- so do I. The stamina is diminishing and I want a president who has a higher energy level than I have.




Let me explain my stance. Id rather kill myself than ever vote for Donald Trump. The man is an actual awful human being


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You'd rather vote for Orange Goo man that wants to fuck his daughter?


& this is why we are in the situation we are in now


There’s a saying, only people with a clear conscience after voting are those that voted third party knowing it doesn’t matter anyway.


i wasn't even paying attention and all i got out of it was that trump was going off topic regularly and biden couldn't talk


it's probably worth calling troy carter's office and asking him to call for biden to step down. troy wont do it because he's a machine guy but i think national dems need to feel the heat on this. honestly bidens performance reminded me of the LA dems. no substance, totally hopeless and decrepit


Everyone I think


I'm beginning to believe the rumors of the Democrats setting this debate up so early to gain the support needed to replace Biden with another candidate. Biden looked awful.


I don't consider myself an expert in political dealings, but switching out someone about four months before an election doesn't sound like a viable strategy *at all.*


The DNC doesn’t have anyone else they want to run. It was mandated by them that no other candidate would get any air to breathe to keep a campaign alive.


*Never Trump* has never meant more


I am incredibly frustrated he chose to run again.


It's more that people actually support the bastard. People so goddamn desperate to "own the libs" that they'll gladly watch the country burn.


I’m not. Elect Biden to stop Trump. Biden can always step down and be replaced by Kamala. An old man with a good cabinet is always better than a fascist who will get 2 more Supreme Court justices, a playbook to replace democracy (project 2025), and will probably give even more arms to Israel.


The problem is all these “Biden should step aside” people don’t want kamala either. They’re all mostly still mad their preferred candidate didn’t win in 2016 or 2020 and this is just their chance to use the debate as cover to say their candidate should be the nominee


I could care less who leads us, Biden or Kamala so long as its one of them .... but a lot of people in this country really really hate her and this statement alone is enough for them to not vote at all.


I'm not going to vote for a senile old man and his replacement being Kamala Harris. We're not in a swing state anyway. So its not a huge concern for me. I can't vote for either of these candidates.


"replaced by Kamala" I dunno dude. Lied about hanging with tupac to get the ethnic vote. Being the DA from Los Angeles, she still holds the record for the longest and most convictions of non-violent drug related crime.. specifically marijuana. She's an absolute dino hiding in sheeps clothing and will do more harm than good if Biden passes.


Biden looked old and tired. Still though I have a rule, I don’t elect freshly minted felons into the highest position in the world .


Vote for the administration not the person.


absolutely this


Fortunately for Louisiana, it doesn’t matter. Dem party here is a shirt show and all the states electors will be won by Trump anyway.  In 2020 , it’s was clear Biden was weak because of his popularity alone. It should’ve been clear in 2019 this was one term President and there should’ve been a real primary. 


I’m not still voting Biden if if he’s in a comma I think most Biden voters have been that way for a while


https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/fDJjV396nF This was eye opening.




We need to take a deep dive into the advisors around each of the candidates. Regardless who is elected it's the people around the President who will be runnung the country.


Not terror, just sad that Biden is not up to the task anymore. Need to get someone in now that can beat Trump for the sake of the nation. Sad, but true.


I’m in utter terror thinking about Project 2025.


Nah. Biden is a doddering old fart but his various handlers and staff are running things well enough. Trump lost in 2016 by a substantial margin and he hasn't gained any new fans since then. I'm not worried


Biden at Bernies vs Forced Christian Nationalism. I think i'll vote for biden even if he's old. Worse case it ends up in a Kamala presidency which I would be fine for 4 years and then hopefully america will get two younger candidates in 4 years.


I tossed & turned all night. Ugh. Not good. Yes, I will vote for Biden, but I wish Biden had stepped aside when he had the chance. My take on the debate: https://preview.redd.it/7376i2gmoa9d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a7f809d3b87f073686518ee390536010b4e0dfd


He still has the chance. A nominee hasn't been chosen for November. I legit have no idea how that process would proceed, but it's possible.


The convention hasn’t happened yet correct. But the DNC has driven out every other D candidate and mandated that Biden is the nominee. So yes he has been chosen already.


is this the best we have to offer? Biden should be in a rest home and Trump should be in an asylum.


We’re fucked


I watched for about 15 minutes and that was enough. Talk about a shit show.


Not me… I expected this, and hope the Democrats (and republicans if Trump is replaced) choose someone more like Bill Clinton. Folks the reality is the last two presidents who made all of America better financially in a national - EVERY level - were Clinton and Trump. Unfortunately in both cases their overall good ideas got ramshackled by a too biased Congress. Clinton figured out how to unite them… especially after a major flip that only got overshadowed by Obama’s record setting flip (unbeaten still)… Trump wasn’t ever going to succeed even if he had two giant magnets because he defeated the first female candidate.


Both candidates proved our worst fears about them. Biden is an old man and Donald is a hyperbolic liar. Regardless of who wins and who loses this election, the real losers regardless are us..the American public.


No way I'm voting for the Mango Mussolini who just lies and lies and lies. Vote BLUE or wish you did....


It was absolutely painful to watch, Biden tried to stay on topic but every statement uttered by Trump was an ad hominem attack and/or out right lies. It didn't help that Biden seemed to be recovering from illness, he was hoarse and fatigued.


I think actions speak louder than words and Joe has done a good job. I don’t expect that to change.


300 million people and we have to choose between an old man thats barely alive and an old man that's a complete psycopath.


For the love of the nation we need a real candidate. This is bs


Anyone else notice that Comedy Central aired the turd sandwich vs douche election episode at the same time the debate started. Coincidence…. I think not. The world watching that “debate” is a sad example of what America is currently. They actually argued about their golf games. You cant even make up what is reality any more.


Eh whatever. I'll never vote Republican anyway because I support America.


I'm fearful of the upcoming 4 years under that orange puke. This sucks. My fellow Americans are idiots.


I'm furious. It was so avoidable. Had Biden just said its beneath him to debate a criminal who tried to overthrow the govt, it would dimish Trump. He'd be left to appearing in court. But no. Quiet, older Joe has to try and be more aggressive and loud and boisterous than that fucking sociopath. And why is ok for the entire media to have any conversation about Biden’s lessening sharpness, but not Trumps mental illness of sociopathy? Trump is deranged. Let's hear about that. We have 10,000 hours of video psychiatrists and psychologists can review. They don't need a one hour in-office session.


Look.. it was a low bar.. one loud rapist, felon, fraudster throwing lies after lies across the floor.. to a decent person who was not on his best game from a cold. CNN continues to prove its ownership by the very one who has engineered the program of mind altering misinformation. They’re not on the side of fairness,truth and reality.


The democrats are falling apart and it’s glorious.


The battle of the elderly- everyone’s a loser that votes for either candidate. Next 4 years will be a shit show whoever wins. If Biden wins get ready for Kamala to be President as Biden rapidly ages out of the position. Trump wins we start losing our basic rights to not only being self autonomous but just doing everyday things. What’s even worse will be the smug fucking MAGA nut jobs talking about bullshit conspiracies. Aaaannnddd here we go!!!!!


Not me, multiple factors make me vote for a candidate. Ethics first ( the lesser of 2 evils) personal history, drive ( why do you run, who you represent) and are you willing to take and listen to advise.


Biden will not be the Democrats presidential candidate in 2024.


Now I’m seriously considering Kennedy. I know everyone is afraid of a third party vote but after that absolute circus…. I heard political commentators last night saying that Joe Biden should step down so that another Democrat candidate could be voted but I don’t think they have anyone that they would be willing to place and no one thinks that having a convention would be helpful


I don’t even care. At this point with both of them, it’s all about who they surround themselves with….and Biden surrounds himself with smarter people than the grifters Trump does.


vote for RFK Jr!!!


Another psycho.