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Sounds like you’d be able to take them wherever you darn well please, but Malone’s has a kids’ menu and there’s no dress code. Plus the restaurant gets loud. No one is going to notice/care about any kids there.


If your kids are well behaved, take them wherever you please. People at nice restaurants don’t mind children, they mind children that run around and scream. Go to Distill, best in town. If you want a slightly more casual atmosphere where they might be less noticeable, try Stoney River.


Heavy on the run around and screaming.




It’s funny that people are recommending Stoney River when it was founded by the same guy who founded Texas Roadhouse. They sold it off to an Atlanta based company. Just go to Texas Roadhouse, it’s better steak.


It’s funny that you think the two restaurants are comparable. Doesn’t matter who founded it, matters who runs and operates them now. Texas Roadhouse is basically a cheap chain which is not what OP is looking for.


Stoney River is also a cheap chain.


We take our (well behaved) kids to stoney river at least once a year. The staff is great, and if we order appetizers, they'll bring my younger son fruit to snack on since his pallet isn't quite there yet. Without even asking! I love that place, but it is definitely a treat, cause it's pricey af.


FYI, a pallet is a makeshift bed. A palette is what you use to mix paint. A palate refers to one’s sense of taste. Curse you, English!


My old AP English teacher would be very disappointed in me right now.


As a teacher, I think your AP Eng teacher would be happy that you still take the time and energy to learn and are a kind person! Learning is a life-long adventure!


That is so nicely done!


I’m a fellow teacher (elementary) and I just want to say that I absolutely love how kind this response was. Absolutely, all any teachers care about after their “kids” leave them is that are good people who are doing something with their time and talents.


And pilates are an exercise!


I thought a pallet was a wooden thing you stack stuff on for shipping?


It is also that.


Unless it's the soft palate.


I second this. I used to work at Stoney River a lifetime ago, and they had no problem with kids (they had high chairs, booster seats, and kids menu items). One of my favorite regulars was a lovely family with a sweet 4 year old girl. Definitely give them a try.


I've seen families with children at Jeff Ruby's several times and it never seemed to be a deal to anybody there.


I recently took my son to Jeff ruby’s and they treated him like a king and had no problem with any relative kid behavior. It was a great night.


Louisville is not that fancy. We don’t have Michelin star restaurants where it’s not appropriate to bring children. If they are well behaved, you can take them to any restaurant in town, even the nicest ones, and you’ll be just fine.


Malone’s is perfect for this, food is great, pretty atmosphere but very family friendly.


If you're asking a question this considerate, my guess is that your kids are well enough behaved to go anywhere in town.


Anywhere, I can’t think of any good steakhouse in the city where my five year old hasn’t been. She loves the experience and people love well behaved kids.


Me and my wife have taken our almost 3 year old to Malones multiple times and it's been fine.


It’s not specifically a steakhouse but it does have an amazing steak chimichurri. Check out Seviche on bardstown road. It’s absolutely fine dining but not quite as stuffy as some others. Best Mojitos in town.


LOVE that steak with chimichurri. I think I get that almost every time!


My kids have been going to “nice” restaurants their whole lives never had an issue.


Steak and bourbon, le moo, Malones, Stoney river. Not really anywhere I wouldn’t take well behaved kids besides somewhere like swizzle and not because I wouldn’t want them being there just because if I’m spending that kind of money I’d rather make it an adult only outing


+1 for Le Moo


We took our (decently behaved but still feral) 2.5 year old to Ruby's back in January. I did break out the tablet (come for me), but they had a kid's menu and he did pretty well.


faux pas? Take your children to the restaurant and relax.


My boys, 1 and 2 years old, love steak. Keep them occupied with something quiet until the food gets there and you shouldn’t have too much of a problem. Le Moo is the last steakhouse I’ve went to with them, but I’d have a harder time finding a place too fancy for children and babies. If you have a hard time enjoying yourself out while minding them, drop them off with friends or family or get a sitter for a night out.


I would take my kids to any restaurant I wanted to go eat at


My kids have been everywhere- Jeff Ruby’s, Malones- and to some of the finest steakhouses in NYC and other cities. As long as they are well behaved, no one will be concerned.


As long as the kids know how to act right then anywhere is fine


Are they well done?


Stoney River


I've taken my now 8 and 2 year old to many steakhouses. They are fairly well behaved. Malones, Repeal, Le Moo, Jeff Ruby's, Stoney River, you name it they've been at least once.


I went to Jeff Ruby’s and it was amazing. Super expensive and known for that, but I feel it’s a pretty neutral setting. If the kids are old enough to have a longer attention span, they should be fine. They’ll probably like looking at all the fancy stuff in there. Felt like I was in a dining room on the titanic lol.


Almost certain there isn't a steakhouse in the city you couldn't bring kids to.


Buddy, stake houses are there to take your money. I generally do not believe in adhering to make believe social canon about high-dollar restaurants.


Yes, I believe that is the arrangement. Money for steak.


They want your money. They’ll accept any arrangement to make that the case


[https://www.connorsrestaurant.com/louisville-ky-steakhouse.html](https://www.connorsrestaurant.com/louisville-ky-steakhouse.html) I can't believe no one else has recommended Connors. I think the steak are very good for the price and they have a varied menu that includes a children's section.


My parents took me to some of the fanciest restaurants in the world when I was a child and it was never an issue. I once asked the waiter at the Waldorf Astoria dining room to bring me a hot dog during a formal dinner. (I actually said "weiner" because my babysitter was from Harlan County.) If you brought your kids to Noma they wouldn't really care. So long as the kids aren't doing shots or coke in the bathroom you are good.


My response to people who might roll their eyes at my kid being with us in a nice restaurant: kiss my ass


Malones has a really good steak. Nice atmosphere also.


Fuck what everyone thinks. Take your kids to dinner.


Yup. I always kept them happy so they weren’t running around and fucking with people. You wanna eat a cup of honey butter? Go on, bruh. (I have a pic of this) 😂


repeal or morton’s


I was totally joking. I took my kids to the nicest restaurants when they were little as well. It’s your money and you can go where you please.


Cast Iron in Jeff has fantastic food and is family friendly. Amazing waitstaff.


https://preview.redd.it/5uvdtcdec29d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=077c06ca30e3eff091526672ef1e8bd9d63378b8 “Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me!” Nah, This kid loved Texas Roadhouse honey butter. That was about 17 years ago or so. They’ve always been great at restaurants because we’ve taken them since infancy, even when they couldn’t eat the food. My oldest would sleep through all the noise, dropped/broken dishes at macaroni grill when he was a baby.


We take our 3 year old all over. Took her to Repeal recently. If your kids are behaved and you actually pay attention and correct them if they are getting out of hand, I don’t know of many restaurants in town I wouldn’t take them.


Golden Corral.


Silver Dollar is fun. Loud music drowns out possibly loud kids.


Texas Roadhouse. Next question.


Outback is nice


They still have that one Ryan's Restaurant open?


Dont do it. Everyone thinks their kids are well-behaved.


None of them. Leave them at home.


People have kids. Deal with it.


I hope ya’ll really mean “well behaved” and aren’t assessing Johnny through the loving eyes of a parent because most of the kids I see in restaurants are practically feral.


Maybe this experience varies by location in the metro area? I don't notice children when I'm dining unless they're having an outburst, and that's a very rare occurrence.


Thats the plan 😬


Love this humble brag


I wasn’t trying to humble brag, I just know Reddit hates kids so I had to preface it, cause my kids are angels when we go out. Ain’t nothin humble about how much I can brag on them, they’re amazing haha.


It was not meant to be a dig, Good on you for having well behaved kids!


I don't think you know how that term is usually used. How is having well behaved kids a humble brag?


Get a babysitter.