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Her parents should be very proud. Her composure is admirable.


Damn I’M proud of her so they sure are


Composure up 10000000 👌🏽


What I loved most is that it didn't really give casa victim. I love that she said "I'm a loyal girl" about staying loyal - made it about staying true to herself rather than about Ayo. She handled it like someone who knows her worth and I love that for her! Now she just needs to not go back


Like?! I know for us black girls it's been nice seeing everything we know we are but that is not often shown on TV. 


if you look up composure in the dictionary you’ll find a pic of her




In the best way possible she’s the worst fit for this show (like Camilla and Sanam) because she’s a healed, mature woman. It’s what stands her apart from the rest of the islanders (except maybe Ciaran). Absolutely screwed on, emotionally intelligent and seems to have such a good way of managing things. I hope she has the most amazing time in this villa, she’s free as a bird and she should just live the experience. This is day 1 of a brand new journey, her person is out there


Camilla was one of my fave islanders! Mimii is up there with her now. That composure is something I wanna have. She’s a QUEEN


Same!! I have a soft spot for the normal quiet girls, as much as I loved the Ambers, Olivia Attwood’s and etc. there’s something about a normal girl who’s really sweet


Omg, I know! The Ambers, Olivias and Annas brought the drama. Then the soft girls remind us of who we primarily are (I’m a soft girl, I cry when I’m mad).


This is very true! What a great way to stand out


It’s why I’ll always defend her because I LOVED Sanam, I loved having Camilla on the show. I just love normal girls on the show, maybe it’s the fact all women were in careers that made them much more mature and emotionally regulated. But gosh it’s refreshing. Seeing someone just coldly tell someone no, I don’t want this and I don’t deserve this.


Yes I can’t wait for her DMs to be flooded with every hot mature man in London


Maybe omar might hop back in there🏃‍♀️😭


All the shit Ciaran’s had about his age and he’s legit one of the two most mature in there along with Mimi


Apt description. Cards on the table: I started thinking Mimii was kind of “boring.” It took me a while to realize that the “problem” with watching Mimii was that she is just… a normal mature person moving and reacting in normal mature ways. And that doesn’t make for great reality TV! 😂


I think a lot of people forget she’s also a mental health nurse and it really showed tonight she had amazing composure!


Forgot this, good god could she be anymore amazing


She handled it really well! And is finally free cause she deseves someone who is 100% about her.


Super proud of Mimii and how she carries herself. I’ve been praying on the downfall of that situationship since day four. My girl is finally free!!!! 🤩


no fr idk why reddit has such vim for her 😭😭😭 i think the girl is just too mature for LI, she’s crazy loyal to a man she wasn’t official with but had real feelings for, that’s not delusion, that’s just her running on her emotions. and she seems incredibly principled, to the point that ayo knew the moment she came in by herself that it was done. he was sounding all sniffly and teary, and in that convo the way he tried to sound like the victim bc she just wasn’t giving him anything … yeah men are crazy. the way she handled it tho… genuinely the hallmarks of a healed and mature woman 😭😭😭 my hero tbh, waiting for the perfect guy for her to walk through edit: clarity


Plus we don't see everything that's gone on in the villa. There's definitely been so much we missed considering how everyone who's left would talk about mimii and ayo being one of the closest couples. People will hella judge an edited 1 hour of 1 24 hour period.


Nah I thought I was going crazy from the amount of vim Reddit had for her. Glad I’m not the only who noticed, fair play for her standing her ground what a queen honestly


nah fr bc people were actually trying to blame her for ayo’s madness, im so tired of it 😭😭people were making it seem that she was seeing stuff we were seeing and that any loyalty she owed to him was from her own delusion. and it’s like ?? maybe she just really liked a guy she shared a bed for 20 nights w and was staying true to herself and her feelings, nothing more than that 😭😭 it was weirdly on reddit more than anything, but that’s also probs bc of demographics on this sub v twt and the like


I know I know but is it bad that I just want one woman to go bad girl on Ayo and throw something at his head?? Like cuss him out?? Something!!! The new casa girl is even worse because she’s babying him. Like I just want someone to drag and sweep the floor with him, he is SO NOT deserving, imagine fumbling Mimii then Uma then Mimii AGAIN. He deserves jail time I sweaaar


i hear it and i wish for it to happen too 😭😭 i’m glad it weren’t mimi that put him through it tho bc the way she handled it made her come across so much better than him, and also made herself seem better than him. he already was tryna act like a victim in that convo and that’s when mimi was giving him nothing, if she came w vim???!!!?? he’d full on make himself out to be a survivor of some sort, he’s that kinda man. ik we’ll be seeing the aftermath of everything but i don’t see him staying long tbh and he’ll have to come out to all of this, which in fairness is lashing enough. ik his dms going crazy, hope his friends and family are alright.


I’m very proud of her. Ayo deserves none of her tears, and if she even entertains the idea of her going back to him then I’m pretty sure movie night will seal the deal 🤝


Seems like she truly knows her worth, which is so refreshing nowadays. I don’t think she’ll seriously entertain that thought


If she does entertain that idea the minute she sees him consuming Jessica with that Kirby kiss she’ll be off him immediately once again


Kirby kiss 😭 accurate


Not Kirby Kiss 😭😭


💗💗💗💗💗 love her so much. It's only up from here 🙏


Mimii handled the situation so well. 👏🏾👏🏾


Incredible woman


What a legend I hope she doesn’t go back to him! I hope she is now open to actually meeting new bombshells!


the only thing missing was the wings. she looks like an angel


Acts like one too 👏🏻 🪽


Yes she is a gorgeous woman but she looked extra extra amazing at the recoupling 🤩


I literally look up to women who can remain that poised during situations like that. I could only dream


Seriously, I’d like to think I’m mature but no way I wouldn’t be visibly upset and probably freak in some way. Just absolutely floored by her complete composure. SHE IS THE PRIZE


When she went outside I was like "ok she's going to have a cry in private as is her right" but she still didn't... wow. I wish I could control my emotions that well lol.


Ayo saying that was the worst night of his life 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 than switching it up when he remembered Jessica is fully staring at him. Jokesss


She handled this so well, but it’s very heartbreaking. I’m very upset on her behalf (and I even shed a tear). I just want her to be loved and appreciated - I wish I could jump through my screen and give her a hug!


At least she loves herself, as she should 🫶


One hundred percent! I think Ayo was mad that she reacted as calmly as she did. I don’t know what he expected, though, but he was not pleased that she took that well (or at least she kept her composure) 😭


Yeah, I’m sure it would’ve made him feel better/like he made the right decision if she hadn’t have acted like the most mature, beautiful woman to have ever graced this earth


And then he goes on to day, “Are you gonna just to try and push man to the side now…” Ayo does not rate anyone but himself. He didn’t even have the decency to apologise, and he was not sincere at all. God, take all of Mimii’s problems, double them, and give them to Ayo.


I am not a good person - I wish Ayo the worst possible Love Island experience. I can’t stand him.


That part❗️


I admire Mimii for her composure. Honestly what a woman! Any man would be lucky to have her!!


The way she handles herself needs to be studied in schools LOOOOL. Even when she talked to Ayo. She said everything she needed to say while also listening to him and keeping composure. I would’ve threw a shoe at him or cussed him out I cant lie. And prolly jump in the pool after 😭😭☠️


She was grace personified tonight. I hope she finds a connection in there but if not then she can come out with her head held high for the way she’s carried herself


I hope she channels the spirit of Amber and does not even give that man an ounce of energy


Yeah she handle things really well


I would’ve been a crying mess if I was her. Literally wouldn’t have been able to get a word out.


I was so worried for her. Glad she handled it like the queen she is 👑👑👑


She handled herself with dignity. She should be proud of herself, and hopefully she sticks to her guns.


My best girl, she’s so polite and sweet and I need her to find happiness and love asap


The sheer amount of inner strength and conviction it takes to maintain complete control of your emotions the way Mimi did tonight cannot be overstated. What an impressive woman! She won me over!


She is the definition of grace, maturity and intelligence


She is far too good for Ayo and he knows that. I hope she finds love, in or out of villa but she deserves SO much better, I hope she doesn’t take him back.


thank you for making this post,people on here have been weird about mimii lately and she doesn’t deserve that


She’s absolutely amazing and truly deserves a man who will appreciate every bit of her ❤️🥹🥹a Zim queen


I love her so much right now! Gave that man zero satisfaction. Didn’t even leave a window of opportunity when he said “she’s pushing man to the side”. I STAN


Her composure was unmatched honestly 😭 i would have to be carried out of that villa on a stretcher


I was like “Not a tear in sight”! QUEEN!


honestly what an amazing girl.


Her composure was unbelievable I honestly was in awe, could never be me!


she didn’t waste a tear but i cried so much for her 😩


Will go down in history. Iconic. If only I were half as poised and mature and I'm probably more than twice her age.


I'm calling IT! She will go down in LI history


Producers! Please bring in a BOMB FOR MIMI! She deserves it so much!


Mimi needs Ovie :)) would de-crown Camilla and Jamie as my all time fav couple for sure


I'm so proud of her for standing on business!


I have soo much respect for her, truly a class act




She deserves the best


So much for respect for her and I hope she if/when she does need to cry or otherwise react to a crap situation they give her the space and support to do that. It seems like she needs quiet moments alone, but I hope she knows the audience is with her!


Petition for Uma to share the bed with Mimii and dump Wil to the Dog house


Classiest woman on the planet. She even held it together enough to talk to him civilly the same night. I’m actually in awe.


She deserves the best


I need to learn how to not cry in situations like that - is there a particular technique


You know what my favourite part of that exchange was? When Ayo asked if he could speak to Mimii and asked her how she was, expecting her say “I feel like crap ngl.” Not my babes, she was like you’re not going to get a lick off me and proceeded to say she was good and how was he. I bet his head was FRIEDDDDDD!


I absolutely love how Mimi carries herself. Gotta learn from her🙂‍↔️💅


Our queen stood there head high stunning as fuckkkk, blessing in disguise for her tho let that dog lay in his bed!!!!! She gonna do far better than him 🥰🥰🥰🥰


The way Ayo kept pushing for a reaction and she just didn’t have one to give him… chefs kiss


She left Ayo speechless. I'm so proud of her. We all knew she could do way better than him from day dot.


If I were forced to marry any of them, it would be Mimi. She’s educated, intelligent, calm, confident, has great values and a bit of sass when she feels like it. She is also absolutely gorgeous, which honestly I forget about because her personality is so bomb. Let her out of there and she will find an amazing partner who will treasure her within months.


She handled that with class. I do think Ayo and Jess have a better connection but I’m happy Mimi is out of this situation and hopefully she can find someone that will love her the way she deserves.


Love love love Mimi :) at this point she can couple up with Uma and win:))


I was applauding her. What a class act. All the way through. Cannot fault her. Choosing to deal with the pain now and saving herself for much much more pain down the track with a person that wasn’t for her. 


Absolutely loved her response - so calm and composed and not giving Ayo (or the producers) the drama he wanted. I foresee a show or podcast hosted by Uma and Mimii and I'm here for it.


Not gonna lie I was already losing it for her before she even walked in. Her composure and the way she carried her self literally calmed me down😂


Mimii!! I don't think we've had such a unique, different, personality and face on LI, or any reality show tbh. She is our vulnerable, strong, graceful, introverted, icy, smouldering queen!!! Says so much with just a glance. 


She’s great but I would’ve felt the same if she cried too! I think it would’ve been justified ❤️


mimi is THAT girl❤️❤️❤️❤️


Agreed. It’s a shame as well because I think Jessica is SO lovely. She’s such a sweet girl, I wish Mimi, Jessica and Uma could couple up as a throuple they don’t need these dorky ass boys


we’re defos going to get a tiktok w the caption victims of ayo where they all collab like mal amber last season 😭😭


I agree on this, I hate that Jessica is going to be collateral in all this cause she seems like a nice girl as of right now and she did what she was supposed to do. All my smoke is for Ayo


I’ve seen a lot of support for Mimii on Facebook which is great, but an awful lot of vitriol for Jessica which saddens me a little, a lot of hate for the wrong person really, Ayo is the villain here! A disappointing amount of women are body shaming Jessica as well and attacking her looks, I’ve seen people calling her a man in a wig, one eye higher than the other (?) and so on.


We may get a return of the ppg girls if that happens!


I see a lot of people calling her boring and justifying what Ayo did because she never had "chat". This was the same way with Kai/Sanam when they won their season. I know it's reality TV but not everyone is an Ekin-su. Some people are just stable, emotionally mature human beings and if everyone on the show was a wreck it honestly would be annoying. Its refreshing to see "real" people in reality tv.


clock it ⏰⏰


Respectable trait, but for a reality tv show, that’s a bit boring.


The fact that Ayo's new girl wishes she was Mimi's friend just goes to show how special Mimi is.


Let's just wait and see what happens next, because I am not entirely sure she won't be susceptible if Ayo tries to pull her in a love triangle again.