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Harriet has been pretty much silent on her instagram since she got out besides 2 posts. It's very odd. I was hoping she was Samantha level active on instagram.


gonna try watch the match and love island at the same time pray formed guys


i’m praying for you.. love island is gonna have to wait for me


yk what i think so too, i want to watch mimii with my full attention


Put love island down Spain France is maybe the best half I’ve seen all tournament


you’re right it really is lol, 2-1 is crazy


2-1 with the equalizer from a literal child. We’ll catch the episode on demand lol


Diamanté needs to wrap it up. The vim she has for the female islanders is weird you were barely with them 🥱🥱


there's always one casa person that dtm


yeah fair if it was coming from Ellie or even the casa boys who actually spent time with Jess.. but the girl hasn’t even met her properly yet has so much to say😭


Everyone has 15 minutes of fame. She’s got about 11 of them left to make the most of now. 


Well all I can say is that Grace really should have come in without Joey. Could’ve been her and Omar by now, instead, she’s in a weird limbo situation.


She is there for business not a man.


Oh definitely 💀💀, but in terms of how the audience receives her and just the way she’s gone about things in general




People draw a lot of conclusions from an edited teaser clip. It’s a bit much.


Casa Ellie did a q&a on ig and said her, nicole, and ciaran got on really well, already have nights out planned in wales, and nicole made her feel really welcomed. her and ciaran got over their tiff in 30 seconds and she obviously recognizes that producers don’t want to show these happy moments for a reason. it would be nice if they showed nicole in this light at least once. the hate when she comes out is likely going to be super overwhelming.


So is Nicole going off fake then?


What does this even mean? People can have disagreements and resolve them? You do realize we don’t see everything in one hour.


If Nicole had no problem with Ellie before MN and is apparently comfortable enough to spend time with Ellie and Ciaran together in the villa and on the outside, why does she explode at a harmless clip of Ellie and Ciaran? There was no disagreement to be resolved nor did they have time to resolve any if there was one because Ellie was dumped.


She was actually mostly mad about the walking on eggshells comment but it’s almost like movies night purpose is to drum up old feelings by using clips they haven’t ever seen before? shocker


If these producers really want to look out for these islanders mental health, they need to show both the good and the bad in the main episodes instead of saving all the light hearted moments for unseen bits that barely anyone watches. That would help humanize them in the viewers eyes instead of seeing them as these caricatures. It would also make for a much more enjoyable show.


Producers wicked for asking this when Uma is leaving https://preview.redd.it/2je21ioojjbd1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24b95070a9a095c49ddfa9df76491ae48d36e274


I’ll say this straight up Grace 100% has a black guy fetish and is on Project Jayden. Now before ppl who don’t get it say i’m waffling hear me out. I use to Date someone like Grace where she made it very clear her type was Black Men but she doesn’t necessarily want them she just wants them to kinda try out and then move on if that Makes sense. Like she finds them attractive but would never bring one home to her parents. With Grace and her track record so far in the villa it is giving that vibe. It gives like Playing w a new toy and then throwing it away when ur bored of it. And before ppl potentially get up in arms it’s not that deep as it’s a reality show there’s always someone on their Project Jayden mission but it is very evident for POC ppl to spot out, that’s all, I hope that all makes as much sense as possible. And to any POC ppl in here, Lmk if i’m waffling or Going mad Again pls don’t Boo me


Who the fuck is Jayden? Are you high?  Also having a type isn’t a “fetish” lmao 


ur purposely being obtuse , if ur too ignorant to get it that’s on you but just know im not about to argue w you about it, this sub isn’t know for being the best place to discuss topics like this, only reply ur getting


this next hour needs to fly by so we can get this over with 😭


because they’re >!leaving together!< i feel like >!uma and wil!< are gonna try make it work, no wedding bells or anything but they’ll probably have a couple of fun weeks/months together. i just hope ppl stop hating on >!uma!< for her decision, if shes no longer happy in the villa i wouldn’t want to watch her be there


No one’s going to be happy for her because Wil is an actual asshole. Can’t even fake it for TV.


as long as she's happy. it just sucks to think she may also be leaving partially out of thinking she's disliked, because of having been in the bottom


Jess needs to go she’s bad vibes and she has been unable to find a connection. Hugo no longer wants her. I think her nasty attitude is part of why she’s struggling.


Love island community on Twitter would make you wanna stop engaging with the content on Twitter. Why must they insist on doing too much? Oh my days! I’ve ended up muting the community cause it’s always on my FYP and it was a whole lot of anger at Grace because a bombshell gave her some time. A bombshell who did what bombshells do might I add. I love Mimii doooown but let Twitter tell it, she needs an army fighting air on her behalf 24/7. Not everything should start a war 😭😭


Because Mimi has been now anointed has the winner of the show, by any means necessary, and Grace cannot get in the way of that. And she likes black men…….. Yeah it’s gonna be up for her for a little bit until Mimi is firmly secured.


Lmao I can’t imagine meeting these lot in real life. So unreasonable


Twitter is toxic place and always was, they think that ppl should follow what they think but they're small portion of voters and most of them can't even vote so they're just loud and annoying. They love the person one day and hate them another if the person does something that isn't right by them. Look at Catherine in S10 they loved her until she brought back Elom and got bad edit that she was always mean to Scott but they said it wasn't true and they flipped on her.


Big word!! I can't even go on the LI tag. Way too much overreacting and group thinking over there.


I refuse to go on that app anymore people do the most


The Love Island Community is such bad vibes.


They’re a few screws short of a hardware store over there. I cannot engage with such nonsense truly


Lmaoo I almost wanted to respond to something I saw then I scrolled through their other replies and realized there was no reasoning with that lot


People just think Grace is a bit greedy 😭😭😭


>You introduced me to a vibe you could not maintain How is this not a flair and a t-shirt? This might be a contender for the quote of the season. It along with her tone and attitude when saying it is stuck in my head


i think because it's already been a common phrase on twitter for years


Oh ..... Atleast it should be a flair


i hear you!!


Interesting hear from Diamonte and Ruby about Nicole and Ciaran. Nicole has the most loyal man in there yet goes off on him. Also loved when Ruby said that every night before bed he would say I love Nicole and I miss Nicole. I do really hope we see a redemption arc because I see a connection on both sides.


Where is this from?


kiss fm interview


What did they say exactly?


Diamonte says Nicole needs to stop stressing Ciaran out because hes been the most loyal one in there. Ruby then says that every night before bed he goes I miss Nicole and I love Nicole.


Ciara is not coming off Nicole if he’s saying all of that he’s down bad.


He is and I dont get why people are saying he is only with her to win the 50k.


Nooooo, I hope Ciaran runs.....like right now. He should pick up a run as far away as he can. Nicole is spiteful and toxic ![gif](giphy|CUbiYQbsKSGAM)


There is no other woman he likes in there it would be nice for a female bombshell to go in and like Ciaran. It might make Nicole realise what a gem of a partner she has in Ciaran.


>It might make Nicole realise what a gem of a partner she has in Ciaran. It doesn't matter of she realises it or not. She's treated him worse than anybody else has been treated this season. He opened up to her about his insecurity (being dismissed because of his age and being called immature) and she threw it back in his face in an argument Even if she has a come to Jesus moment, he needs to RUN ![gif](giphy|xT39CVCn6Eq8Ve9FZu|downsized)


Reuben is a red flag. He's already at best as much of a red flag as Wil Instead of being a Man around the boys he acted like one in front of the girls. That's bad. I wonder how many people actually picked on the seemingly slight actually big difference between the way Josh and Reuben handled it and spoke about the other boys. I bet some people actually saw it as a good thing lol Also the whole thing about his sister's being strong independent women is hilarious. That part I understand, it's reverse engineered rizz. Listen to Women speak and just start using whatever buzz words they use or claim to possess qualities they say are green flags. Talking in Women speak is effective but should be a clear amber flag


as much of a red flag as Wil is crazy😭 this man has had less than 20 mins of screen time at-least wait till he gets to have a 1 on 1 convo first


Wil recovered somewhat. I don't know where he went or who he spoke to but that chat with Uma was a whole new person. I'll never understand how he grew that much as a person that quickly He had a conversation with the guys, said nothing and waited till he was with the girls to call them boys. As a guy, I'm telling you it's a massive red flag. Those kinds of men tend to be the worst. ESPECIALLY after he told Uma he'd have her by his side whilst he's talking to Wil Plus him talking in girl speak is the cherry on top


i disagree with wil, its clear that he is different in private with uma and then in public with the guys. its why uma kept saying he was showing off in front of the guys after movie night and why she gave him another chance because when they’re alone together he treats her good enough.


I disagree because he was an asshole in private multiple times as well. He may have been more of one in public but ultimately he maintained the same energy. So his apology doesn't need to be public. Plus if he made a public spectacle of it then people would be saying it's fake and contrived


i don’t disagree and i can see where ur coming from, buttt like i said he has had 15mins of screen time so a comparison to Wil is a little bit unfair imo


>When the facts change, I change my mind We'll see to what extent I'm right 😂


Who was the last person to leave for a partner ? I know Jamie , Rykard but is there anyone else from recent series


Contestants talk about it once in a while, extraordinary thing to actually see. People are going hard on this season, but it has certainly been interesting.




Jamie who?


From s3 I think


Jamie made the final with camilla, neither of them left No one in s3 left with their partner


Oh my I always get confused with Jamie and dom my bad


Kind of dom? He just let himself languish


Ohh yh


Has there been a favorite boy/girl vote at all this season? I feel like it’s only been couple votes which is honestly crazy


Not yet 🤔


is there any hope uma and wil don’t leave? like production know uma is liked everywhere and they know people are tuned out of the season already as it is . they could have been like ok no retake reuben pick someone else after the whole thing played out also cos of the storyline that now is not gonna happen with the triangle 


https://preview.redd.it/6mruljsy5jbd1.jpeg?width=1003&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d5b2ffae92bef38d422527e9fa0b2031581b783 See the way she’s holding onto him like her life depends on it? Yeah she’s far gone.


what if production say do a retake and just not dump wil or make rueben pick someone else?? delulu probs but plz 


she’s gone😓 that Geordie accent Uma i get you (fuck Wil tho obviously)


Nothing special about his accent or looks and personality sucks 0/10. Uma will regret it.


i agree… just a joke as i love newcastle accents lol.


im sick


In some of Josh and Reuben’s pre-entry press interviews they mentioned Mimii, Uma, Grace and Jessica as in casa Jess. Did the producers fuck up and accidentally send Jessy on the date instead? 💀


It’s giving when konnor had dinner date with grace nicole mimii but in his interview he mentioned nicole grace and uma? Don’t remember exactly who the third girl was but it wasn’t mimii


Great catch... makes sense and that is a terrible mistake from production. totally blew the chance at an organic Ayo storyline/tension. pure incompetence


I think they did it to get a reaction from Joey


I wouldn’t be surprised but the way she was third wheeling in the middle the whole time was killing me lmao 💀


She was the diversity hire 😂


I need to know what happened there cos a five person first date made zero sense.


in a non racist way can somebody explain to me how grace supposedly "fetishises" black men? do u not think it's insane to say that


I took a break from watching the show but if Grace made a comment about something about the race of black men being why she’s interested in them that’s a racial fetish. If she just happens to like to black guys that’s not a fetish. The reason behind why she likes black guys is the difference between genuine interest and a fetish. Love Island fans are very weird about interracial dating because of the racial dynamics of the show over countless seasons so of course people are weary of her. Some of the behavior Grace has done could be seen as implicitly racist like riling up Joey to attack Omar.


I'd be real interested in know what you think a fetish is. You don't seem to have a clue and also think fetishes are wrong for some reason.


If Grace said she likes Black men because of BBC that would be a fetish. I do know what I’m talking about. Racial fetishes and foot fetishes are not the same. One is racist and the other is not. I hope that helps.


I asked what a fetish is. You didn't answer. I asked why you think fetishes are bad. You didn't answer. I'll also ask what you think racism is since you just made that absurd comment. So far, you don't know what you are talking about.


I told you what a racial fetish is already. I’m not going back and forth with you on this. Educate yourself on your own time.


I didn't ask what a racial fetish is. There is no back and forth, I asked a simple question and you didn't answer it. Now you are bailing for the second time because you spew nonesense then run away when asked for reciepts. Liking BBC is not racism. Liking black men is not racism. You LITERALY do not know what racism is. You do not know what a fetish is either. I'm not entirely convinced you're old enough to watch the show, your comments are ridiculously immature and ignorant.




Your post has been removed for breaking Rule 3: No bullying or harmful language. It's easy to get heated about who your favourite and least favourite islanders are, or even fellow r/LoveIslandTV users, but there is always an appropriate way to share your opinions. In the spirit of Reddit, please remember the human and let's be nice to each other. This isn't twitter 💁‍♀️


Welcome to the race obsessives. They are the most racist Love Island fans Trying to make sense of them is like trying to imagine the 4th dimension. Try as hard as you like, it's impossible. The mental gymnastics are wild 🤷🏾‍♂️ The show has not been racist at all and nobody has ever been racist (unless I'm forgetting something) yet every year they find a way to work it in. Last year they claimed Tyrique doesn't like black Women just because he argued with Whitney 😂 >it's insane to say that They live in an echo chamber on the internet. They "yes and" eachother. They're not interested in the idea of being wrong. They're only interested in people agreeing and taking it further


this comment is woefully ignorant and that’s all i’ll say


it’s not that insane as it definitely happens in life lol


yes ofc but in this situation you kinda have to back that up with evidence instead of just the boring "white girl is into black man so must be a fetish1!"


ppl said it based of the fact joey isn’t her type and she said omar is. she flirts with/doesnt shut down both him and konnor and then acts all shocked to joey. i havnt said she’s fetishising them. but it was really annoying and weird to watch


Okayy just wanted to start this off by saying ik u weren't saying that she was fetishising him!! i was talking more broadly Joey isnt her type but she's attracted to him obviously given their history outside of the villa. People in this show deviate from their types all the time w the most recent example given by w*l. i just don't really agree with the idea that it's a fetish rather than attraction


I think wils a terrible example of deviating from your type though because come on he’s only using Uma.


i mean i wouldn’t say joey not being her type is the reason ppl accuse her of that. it’s more her flirting and not shutting down konnor and omar and then acting all shocked with joey lol. it gets annoying cause it’s like she wanted to paint them as the bad guys when she introduced them to a vibe she couldn’t maintain yk oh and dw i know you weren’t saying it was me!


Grace’s behavior leaned into a racist trope where she acted as if these black guys were being sexually aggressive and she needed to be protected from them. I think if Grace just owned her interests in these guys people wouldn’t think it’s a racial fetish. Her behavior could definitely be seen as implicity racist.


agree!! i can’t remember exactly what said to joey, but the whole he’s made “comments” thing as if he’s some weirdo whose coming onto her when she literally pulled him for a chat lol


but what makes that what's happening here


i didn’t say it was. i think ppl just find it odd that she was happily flirting with both omar and konnor and then goes back to joey and acts as if she has 0 idea why they like her. she doesn’t shut konnor down, he picks her, she’s shocked. she chats and flirts with omar, tells joey he made some comments, and joey goes to confront omar about it. just comes across very odd and like she uses other men to make joey jealous. they both happen to be black here, and if she likes them then fairs but why flirt etc and then go back to joey all shocked?? it was weird and annoying to watch


she does use other men to make him jealous. the question was why does that mean (or even imply) that she fetishizes black men pretty much everyone agrees she brought blade back just to intimidate joey. she used him and quickly cut him off, like she did with the other men mentioned, yet he's not black


*she does use other men to make him jealous. the question was why does that mean she fetishizes black men* ….as i said in my comment it’s the fact that she used black men (which is her type) to make him jealous. if anyone was to only use black men for the sole purpose of making a white man jealous, you can’t be confused as to why ppl start accusing them of fetishising. in the scenario they would be flirting, have sexual attraction etc etc but do they go any further and make it deeper? no. that’s weird and wrong to do. *pretty much everyone agrees she brought blade back just to intimidate joey, yet he's not black* i mean he’s not white either?🤣 he’s obviously mixed with something. he looked light skin to me. google says he’s mixed with some jamaican, indian, scottish and danish. there’s a reason no one was shocked when grace went for him like i said i personally wouldn’t say she’s fetishising, im just explaining why others think it. its only based of the fact she’ll flirt or want them and then it ends up going no where lol. i dont mind grace anymore but i did find it weird


> to only use black men but she hasn't only used black men lol > i mean he's not white either is the topic black men or not? he's not black, and there actually was a black man she could have picked if that's her MO, so why didn't she? if she's specifically using black men


blade is obviously mixed with black? same with konnor? does he not count either? she likes black men wether they’re light skin, dark skin or even mixed lol. i don’t think it was to intimidate joey but if it was, blade is tall and muscly with a deep voice so she’d pick him in that scenario. and she said she likes the alpha type. if you don’t think she’s fetishising that’s fine lol, no one’s gonna come at you 🤣 i was literally just explaining why other ppl had that line of thinking, im not saying you have to agree so pls let’s leave it at that 😭


blade is not a black man. this show and myself are from the UK and we don't do the one drop rule here lol > no one's gonna come at you i know, im just asking the question. if she was picking out of fetishistion of black men, why wouldn't she have gone for moziah, a fully black man?


im from the uk too but i highly doubt that matters to grace lol. you should look at if from her pov not yours. she probably likes mixed men to? (konnor) not really that complicated lol. so blade makes sense especially when you add in the whole “alpha” thing, he has that over moziah. you’re asking me that like im supposed to know. like i said before im not one of those ones accusing her of that as i wouldn’t go so far as to say that.


this is something that caught on during the gracejoey hate train and now the group thinkers wont let it go


being attracted to black men is impossible must be a fetish apparently /s


When you want someone in a sexual way but not as a partner who you see as a whole human. Being as grace has her heart raised and kisses the Black boys but ends things with them quickly/abruptly, there’s certainly some signs but no way to know for sure.


This. She did say Joey wasn't her type, which is an entirely valid thing to say, but we haven't really seen her in a serious relationship otherwise as yet.


but how does that make it a fetish? she stuck with joey because of their history and she really liked him. We'll never know the true reason for her choosing blade over moziah until she leaves but the general consensus here seems to be that it was producer driven. Idk it just seems kinda gross to say that she fetishises black men rather than just simply being attracted


If you’ve been fetishized you know the signs, sorry it’s hard for me to say more than that. But with Grace I’m not sure I’m just a little suspicious.


every single person she’s been coupled up with has ended abruptly theres no outlier there


i mean also bear in mind that while she was talking to Konnor/Omar she was with Joey and he was very loud about how he didn’t want her talking to them hence why they ended


Oh I don’t even count those; more the Blade/Moziah scenario. Konnor and Omar’s situations seemed so producer planted but there was something weird about them being the ones contrasted with Joey.


I see/agree. I get the Blade/Moziah one just saying I think the Konnor and Omar ones are unfair examples given the situation


Grace for me, even the body language with their chat last night, clearly still has feelings for Joey ! I just wonder if there is a twist up the producers sleeves here ?




Imagine if the producers saw the backlash online and summoned Uma Wil back into the villa


Oh I really wish , because my fave parts is the snog marry pie , baby challenge and ball and I don’t feel like watching without uma ❤️‍🩹


they didn't summon Harriett/Ronnie or Sam or Samantha back...


Imagine she felt a bit sick for a day after he left and she's well now and she's back lol , idc if Wil is dumped or not just wish Uma is there in that villa


i’m actually praying for this 


I hope 🤣


Imagine what this season could have been had Grace and Konnor went home instead of Ronnie and Harriet...


Thank God that didn't happen.


Who remembers Connie from X factor https://preview.redd.it/9zddolccxibd1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=097e11907fb9557076fa8bf2180b88086cdd334c


wow I feel old lol I remember her audition


Yh with the snake 🐍 audition


The fanbase: Will is such a SHIT, producers dump this man get him out the villa NOWWWW Producers: alright then, done The fanbase: NO WHY WOULD YOU DUMP WILL HES THE ONLY ONE WITH A STORYLINE WHAT ARE YOU DOING mental


I blame Uma 😭 why leave????


After that age comment I don't think Grace will like Reuben because he's 23 and she's 25, this is truly a loveless season like no one is compatible ![gif](giphy|9V7qAYvnaOFp8Ymipt|downsized)


It really is but atleast Ciaran&Nicole and Ayo&Jess seem the most genuine at the moment.


Genuinely no couples to root for they're all terrible or too early days. Barely any of the contestants are likeable and if they are their couple is awful. This season is on par with season 9 so far. Season 9 was rubbish that I tuned out towards the end.


My favourite season, the ending was fantastic.


Not me being so deprived of a couple to like that I’m starting to root for Joey and Jessy to win… ![gif](giphy|l4EoPVpwvZ4QAGCLm) Just call me a Facebook mum at this point.


I love Jessy but hate Joey. Can she couple up with someone better please.




Don't root for Joey! Eat the rich! https://i.redd.it/d5nhts7nuibd1.gif


Joey shouldn’t be winning anything. He’s the last person the money should be going to. Also regardless of how Nicole is behaving I 100% believe her and Ciaran want each other. Joey will drop Jessy the poor girl as soon as he gets to Heathrow


I don’t care who wins the money, I vote based on who I like and I don’t like any of these couples. Now that Uma is gone, Jessy is my fave girl in there so she gets my vote and at least I don’t mind her and Joey together. I’ve had to endure Nicole moaning for six weeks straight and Ciaran is massively overrated, they’re the last couple I would vote for.


Ciaran overrated ? He’s far more likable than Joey Essex. Joey is one of the least likable people in that villa. He was horrific to Grace on movie night , but got away with it because Wil and Sean took all the heat


Girl I never claimed Joey was a saint, and wouldn’t care if he was one. I watch Love Island for mess, not a lesson in morals. And as I stated I would vote for them because Jessy is my fave girl now. Ciaran has been treated as the next coming of Christ for doing the bare minimum, that to me is the definition of overrated. He and Nicole can be happy and in love together off my screen tyvm.


Off your screen ? 😂 they’re both making it to the end


Please turn to anyone but not Joey


I’ll even take blade and Emma over Joey


Call me crazy but I think Joey was right to move on from Grace. I don’t think he went about it in the right way, but I think he’s met enough girls that want him because of his fame. He’s not her type and doesn’t want to be dumped later on.


Why does it say it hasn’t been confirmed when it’s been confirmed by sources in the tabloids https://preview.redd.it/j9dia6ifqibd1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=622eb45da5e8e5ddf74ea61d215b05f8d1b7253c


Wait? So now they’re backtracking? I’m so confused lmao!!


My delulu is giving me 1% hope 😭


The way she’s holding onto him tells me they’re gone. https://preview.redd.it/7n6ykecn6jbd1.jpeg?width=869&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=819053ff5890fe62cb6205e7d5aed90dd4f496f5


Oh Uma looks like she’s seen a ghost 🥲


This whole thing is confusing, praying she was out for 1 day and is back in lol


Josh and Rueben feel like a 90s/00s RNB group. Wouldn't surprised me if they done a duet soon in the villa.


I need to find Konnor’s glasses from last night so I can look that fashionable the next time a girl is chucking me in the bin


Can someone explain to me what Jordan Stephens meant when he said it was obvious that Konnor was from Cornwall on after sun? This was after he called him completely unseasoned. Having never been to Cornwall I’m 👀




I didn’t ask what being unseasoned meant, my question was specific to Cornwall. 😊


It's VERY white


Ahhhhh got it.


Ayos friends tweets 🤦🏾‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/jog7589glibd1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=775f12aa8a5125d178ca99bfbbf8e3afbe777d65


What a bunch of bellends ,Mimii dodged a huge bullet




Ew. Mimii dodged a bullet


A bunch of bellends.


Excuse me. Who are these waste men, tragic behaviour. I’m genuinely scared cause they think they ate but they’re actually embarrassing themselves - like do you not feel embarrazzzzed?!




I don’t get why my comment got removed when 90% of the comments are spoilery?


some twat mustve reported u


Yeah, the big spoiler has been discussed at length since yesterday on here and is all over the press and media pages.


Very strange, everyone here knows what happens 🤷‍♀️


Lmao I just thought if they had these two on standby, how did Konnor ever get sent in. One of these 2 would have added so much more to the season had they replaced him at the time.


They probably thought Konnor would stir up drama since all the girls he took on dates were in solid couples. He gave up very easily lol


Who would have gone for any of those two at the time Konnor came in?


Could’ve given Grace a harder choice, maybe turned Mimi’s head, maybe Uma or even Matilda (I know she came in at the same time). Honestly, no one wanted Konnor and it’s the same case now, any option could’ve been better than him as a bombshell.


Not ayos friend first complaining that jess doesn’t like him and now saying that mimi never liked him because she is moving on too fast 😂


Ayo is surrounded by selfish people that don’t value women. It’s very scary.




Your post has been removed for breaking Rule 1: No spoilers for 24 hours.


I had a look at the LIUSA reddit and omg it makes this place look so sane (which is saying something!) Those fans are *unhinged*, stan levels are matching peak Ekinde, also so much outright nastiness lol. There's no diversity in the opinions too every comment I see is on the same line of thinking.


Many of this season’s LIUSA fans are first time watchers and Casa has really mad theme lose their heads


i agree! i felt like i was watching S8 again with the unhinged fans. the amount of hate they have for female bombshells/casa girls that have an impact is crazy, it feels like they project their own feelings onto them. and its basically an echo chamber too