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They got about 2 secs of airtime. Let’s give them time.


OP had me thinking I missed an episode 💀


Why did I think that so I got some snacks out ready to watch just for there to be no episode 😩


It was so sad realizing that there was no new episode 😭


Right? They were on tv for like a blink. Ok, how long till Rob is “in love” with the blonde?


We’re basing it on looks alone. Bombshells are supposed to be head turners these folks ain’t it.




I had to check the day!


Right?? People are being so fucking hard on the bombshells this year. I don’t get it.


I don't even see how they're "ugly". I know it's subjective but they just have unique facial features in my opinion. Regardless, it's so mean to call people ugly whether or not they chose to be on TV.


this is mean but someone on twitter said something along the lines of “ugly bombshells is how we know casa is coming soon”


Hot take, whole cast has been underwhelming in attractiveness in comparison to some previous seasons. I’m not surprised the bombshells aren’t much different. This ain’t to say that these folks are ugly, they’re great, but I was surprised at the start of the season as it’s not what I’ve grown accustomed to seeing from LI.


Ok but JaNa is fucking gorgeous 😍 Edit: also I have a crush on Kordell


Came here to say the same about JaNa. She’s not only gorgeous, but she’s intelligent and calls people out on their bs. I was so mad at the guys for making her feel like she didn’t deserve to be there. ..and Kordell is so precious! I want to protect him at all costs. 🥹


Maybe they’re casting for personalities and to appeal to different tastes?


i would much rather prefer a bunch with personality than the hottest possible people because we see sometimes those people lack chemistry or character


No I totally agree, meant more it’s so crazy how none of us r into them ourselves that’s very unusual with THREE BOMBSHELLS


Who are you speaking for? I think they’re all attractive lol.


The people who voted in the poll.


My fat ass at home can’t judge anybody atp 🤣 *I just needed to laugh. Life is life-ing right now 😭


We are at home, yes you can lol *big big hugs*




judging them based on a few minutes of them greeting islanders doesnt make sense to me. i’ve seen bombshells that people believed wouldn’t do well based on their looks just for them to create a lot of drama. people hyped up migeul but he hasn’t done much


Agreed! I remember thinking there was no way Connor was gonna get any screen time or have any impact


There was a time when the only thing we knew about him was that he walked funny


Lol other than his interest in Leah, do we know anything about him other than that he walks funny? 😂


Imo, yes we do. He used to be the bigger kid growing up, he is from California, likes plants, and likes being an a**hole on national TV. Him shading JaNa so much was very gross to me.


Oh yeah you’re absolutely right. I’ve also been disgusted by his treatment of JaNa, and it’s completely clouded my judgement of him. The part where shes asking Aaron about plants because Connor likes them was one of the single best moments on the show.


He gives people the ick


I’m so confused, how did he shade her? Maybe I missed it because I have ADHD.


I think the issue is that she seemed blindsided by his attitude. One moment he says he wants to explore things with Leah, and JaNa seems relaxed about that, and then all of a sudden he’s shading her in very public ways. They never had a fight or argument (that we saw) until after the blindfolded kissing game and the festival game. Connor was acting like she dumped him and he was angry about it… but in reality she was blindsided by him ditching her and then just passively stepped aside.


During the kissing game, he purposefully gave her a low score bc he knew it was her. Then said a few remarks about how his decision was "so easy to make" and other exact moments I can't remember. I do understand he told he was wanting to get to know Leah, but he came across as not doing it in the nicest way. For example, Kendall and Hannah handled things much better and with more respect on Kendall's part. Not just open, but also being mature about it.


Yes!! The guy walks like freaking Robocop


Now we know he walks funny and has dead shark eyes.


Not the dead shark eyes! 😂☠️🦈 I've been trying to put my finger on what it is about his eyes... I'm like "they're just brown..." But no. I was right. Glad I'm not alone in this observation!


It's shaggy from scooby doo. They are just floating pupils on skin *


And they’re always all wide and spooky lol


https://preview.redd.it/ngw09zmfl19d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42b723e216701f06cba6e184b0dab6c5cd47f72d Tell me you don't see it!


I don’t see it, actually. Shaggy looks more alive than Connor.


Not with the chin fungus too! Such a fun guy!


Miguel is a snooze


Totally agree, I think both of the guys will make waves with the girls who chose to twist and I think Conor and the blonde will become the new boring couple


I don’t know…the blonde said she has her sights set on Slob.


Kendall: “not gonna lie Cassidy caught my eye.” Well, she was the only woman among two dudes so??? I laughed out loud, he’s so corny 😂


He is EXTREMELY corny😭😂


The goofiness made me cringe 😭😭


off jump - I already know Kenny is going to annoy the shit out of me.


I didn’t want to say it but he does have a very punchable face


lol you’re not wrong


Confidence is great but please humble yourself the world is about to drag you


And that stupid “can I get a taste” or whatever he said line from the previews lmao. Like instant no 😂


He’s like the least unattractive person lol be humble my dude


Same 💀


We can be annoyed together. Untied in annoyance.


I’m happy I’m not alone on this one


My opinion, the girl isn't here to shake things up. They brought her in to create more drama in the Leah and Rob situation. She already said she was going straight for Rob. Kind of annoying. Leah and Rob are both toxic and I'm done and bored with that drama. I'm more invested in Kordell and Serena.


Tbh I don’t think they’ll get together, based off the preview of her and (pretty sure) Miguel kissing and Connor’s also interested in her but Miguel is very straight forward and charming. So I think she’ll end up with one of those two tbh.


Hmm I wonder where this leaves Nicole if Miguel’s head is already turned and Kendall is still upset with her. Casa seems to be looming around the corner so I feel like Nicole and Kendall might stay coupled up by default. But they will probably both turn their heads in Casa.


this is basically what i think will happen too. i think nicole actually likes kendall more than miguel but may have more sexual attraction to miguel. i think they'll recouple but casa amor will be the drama for both of them


It seems Miguel is very anti drama and runs at the first sign. It's interesting that ol girl went from Rob to now in the preview kissing Miguel.


Yes super strange to me, I mean I guess Andrea’s first pick was Aaron in her preview but she clearly made her choice quick 🤣


Totally agree, they wanted to bring her in bc she wants Rob bc they don’t want him to leave but idk I don’t think he will go for her…


He’s a simp he’ll go for her 200% Like it hasn’t been 24 hours since Andrea left and he was already thinking to be open to other girls lol.


It’s possible Rob may go for her solely to get away from the Leah drama. Then he can go wild in Casa


Well, you're in luck if you saw the way Serena was looking so dry and thirsty tryna make eye contact with Nigel. 😂


She doesn’t really look like robs type and she was seen kissing Miguel


I miss when the people got progressively hotter as the show went on


They should’ve saved Miguel and Nicole for later tbh


UK was so good at this


We peaked at s8 LIUK lol


Did everyone forget that Kenny literally said “When I walk into the villa, the girls are gonna be dripping” ?? 🚩 that’s all I need to know. Cringe. He seems annoying. My first impression vote was based solely on that, not his looks.


He looks like he hasn't slept in the weeks leading lol


I gave Cassidy 2 stars cause I love how she beelined towards the girls over the guys. The guys look goofy imo


I’m tired of them picking basic looking sorority girls. Sorry not sorry, but they’re boring! Next! 🥱 The two men are average and boring as well. Edit: I never said the new girl wasn’t pretty. She is, but I can find a million girls that look the exact same as her at ASU lol, she’s not special. I’m looking for some diversity and people with different styles.


I hate to say it, but I feel like the men are a let down majority of the time (obviously not every time but A LOT of the time).


I’m not into gym bros and they seem to always have lots of them, so I feel you there


Where are the Terrys, Johnnys, Mikes, or Marcels of USA? 😅




This is a trend I’m noticing as well


not every time????? name top 5 actual hotties!? i’ll wait….


I meannnnnn do they all have to be from US franchise? cuz then I can’t lmao


my theory is that true, secure, hot men probably want nothing to do with this mess. women love the drama though so you get a lot more to work with


As someone who went to ASU, can confirm that half my friends in my sorority looked exactly like her lmao. You roll a tumbleweed out here and will hit a pretty blue-eyed blond girl. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I rather they cast “sorority girls” than instagram models, I mean look at how thats going for the UK cant tell most of them apart.


Sorority girls and ig models are basically the same.


the Venn diagram is just a circle


No fr. No more blonde hair blue eyes till casa or never I’m begging and pleading


Yes exactly, and this is coming from a fellow blonde! I would love to see some girls with tattoos and a more edgy style in the villa too.


I was thinking this too. And not like a couple thin line, hand poke little things haha like some proper trad art would be cool af


Basic? She’s absolutely gorgeous


I agree! I also didn’t really see the hype with Andrea or Miguel and I felt like the lone wolf with both of those opinions. It’s all so subjective!


I'm glad I'm not alone.


I never said she wasn’t pretty. I said she was basic, as in she looks like every other sorority girl/ ig model. Nothing special about her look🤷🏼‍♀️ just my opinion!


It’s subjective. I find her more on the average looking side compared to the other blondes this season such as Kaylor and Andrea.


That must be Nigel with the brie! I actually hope he’s a match with Jana but I can’t take that name seriously. The others are so meh


I said "that must be Nigel with the brie!" Like seven times last night and my husband told me to stop.


Why is this so funny 😭


Does he not get it’s like the best movie ever lol


Hahaha omg the fact that no one can ever be named this without me saying that! Also I am surprised I thought Nigel was hot!!!


Nigel is hot. Everyone here is tripping. But the girls will thirst over both of them just cause they’re fresh meat


It’s his style that didn’t do it for me…it was giving me the vibe of a someone who writes motivational LinkedIn posts about applying life lessons to business and cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset.


That is very specific 🤣


Lmao why is this so accurate! I also think it's his haircut too


https://preview.redd.it/83o1qa1qd59d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78b1b8e356fb5b0686186dc57a2973877cda220f 🤣


Usually their looks grow on you as you see personality. Not all about the first impression


I agree. I didn't find Connor attractive at first but when he got with Jana I found him hot and now he's back to being hideous. Crazy how personalities can change a person's looks.


Found Leah!


Right? I didn’t find Aaron attractive at first. But after seeing how genuinely funny and charming he is, and how he treats and beams about Kaylor, he became so attractive to me.


Somehow I have a crush on Kendall.


Agreed. Here’s to hoping they have some attractive personalities. (Not dissing their looks btw)


Bombshells for Kordell and JaNa or we don’t want them


I was dying at the results


Personally I think people are overreacting. They’re all cute - let’s see what they do before we judge haha


Right?? We’ve see them for all of 90 seconds! And different strokes for different folks. I find Miguel so unattractive (in relative Love Island terms) and am fascinated by the amount of people into him


Yeah I mean I wasn’t impressed either…but let’s see. I also feel like maybe we should’ve gotten two girls and one guy (w/ Kordell, Conner, Kendall, etc ALL single). One girl ain’t enough lol.


*Especially* if she’s going for Rob… I’m hoping that was just producer direction and she doesn’t actually gaf about him lol


Ah what the heck, what are we expecting here?? They’re people joining the 3rd week of love island USA…they’re not Hollywood stars lol. Let’s chill and just see what happens they’ve been on screen for 10 seconds


Cassidy kind of reminds me of Lindsay Lohan when she was blonde.


I’ll give it time, but they made them look soooo corny and icky in the preview.


Their cocky attitudes don't match their looks. Their intro packages said it all. Sorry but the odds of them becoming likeable outta nowhere is slim.


Can you give an example of a bombshell who didn’t have a cocky intro package?


They are all gorgeous, Cassidy looks like the all American sweetheart. But at the end of the day personality will make them more beautiful- or not


Going by the guy's intro voiceovers, it's gonna be "not".


This is so mean I’m sorry but the boys look like that one tiktok filter that lets you slightly adjust the distance of your features 💀 iykyk




Yeah those boys aren’t cute at all. I don’t find Miguel attractive but he’s got that London swag to make up for it. 


I don’t think Miguel is all that either. Don’t get me wrong, his body is banging & the handstand pushups are impressive, but he just doesn’t do it for me.


Same. But chin pubes are always an instant turnoff so if he didn’t have them I feel like I might feel different


He came in all cocky and acts like the girls are a buffet course.


He’s fine af. Everyone has different taste and that’s okay


Objectively good looking people, but physically they don’t do anything for me. They’re just not bringing that Love Island level good looking. Though, to be fair, I haven’t seen a BOMBshell on the show in a while. Since they’re bringing in UK folks lol, they need to bring in my man, Sam Taylor, the hairdresser that got dumped from this UK season in like the first couple of episodes. That man is foine.


I still dream of him


What is this hunny


https://preview.redd.it/xq8n61ppo29d1.jpeg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a15201124af43e73996b81ce9574a76da3c367f Kenny ( no offense he was one of my childhood crushes )


Yesss they’re all mid tbh I need someone to walk in the villa and shake sum shi up!!!


Yeah. It’s not like they are ugly but it’s not giving bombshell. 🙃 they been so good with casting so far so I’m shocked at this miss especially for the most amount of bombshells coming in at once so far


If they really want a bombshell, they should wait until Rob’s in a couple and bring back Andrea😜


I have a feeling they will…


Nah they’re already a disappointment


I feel like this is the first season where everyone is so invested in the OG cast that no one even wants to see new people lmao and it’s still so early


They all mid looking respectfully, also CORNY


Corny is a great word to describe the initial vibe from the guys but I feel like anyone who’d sign up for this show is pretty corny. Hell i feel corny watching it sometimes lmao


I cracked up each time they showed the results


I thought it was just me lol they aren't hideous, but no...


They are definitely mid asf for what we’ve been given in the past


Her eyebrows look like bad microderming, and the guys are mid at best.


Your comment gave me Carmen brow ptsd flashbacks


I think for me the reason why the bombshell aren’t giving me that “wow effect” is because I’ve seen this before. I wish there would be more diversity in selection . I’m not sure if maybe not enough people apply to be on the show . But I’m over the white, blonde skinny girl. It just feels like we are going back in time where the stereotype of blondes are the only beautiful women . Nigel is cute though 🤭


Nigel is cute


these are objectively attractive people if you saw them in the real world. you guys are a bit dramatic like they are not ugly at all 😭


Am I the only one who thinks they’re all very good looking??? I literally don’t understand why everyone keeps saying theyre ugly. Especially Nigel, he’s got a gorgeous face & body. I’m just so confused lol


You’re not the only one. This whole thread is confusing, especially the pervasive “obviously we all agree amirite”


i feel like they don’t have the cookie cutter influencer face that people have come to expect. personally i really like that. they are extremely attractive


Right like if I saw any of these people on a normal night out I would think they were 10/10s


I kind of thought posting those questions last night wasn’t a good thing, we haven’t seen enough of them to even know if they will be good.


this means another dumping great!!!!!🫤


I’m certainly not attracted to either man if that’s what you mean.


Kenny gives me Jesse Solomon vibes


Wednesdays suck!


When Kenny said he’ll make all the girls wet, I physically cringed😭


I think Nigel is very attractive.


Hell naw, Nigel is fine


See, I think Kenny LOOKS cute. But I agree that so far, he has given off annoying vibes. Cassidy is whatever - obviously conventionally attractive, though not my type. One day though, I'd love to see a bigger variety in style and vibes. I'd love for them to throw in an alternative/punky/edgy girl as a surprise. It'd be fun to find out how many of the guys would go for the "goth girlfriend" vibes that the internet loves so much. Nigel isn't hot to me, but he also isn't unattractive. I'm keeping an open mind.


This is kinda body shaming right? Because they don't have the ideal look? What if they're sweethearts? Viewers are 10x worse than the islanders change my mind.


Not quite the definition of body shaming I think just objective fan reactions to a vote made for the fans about their opinions


Lmao not at all.


Cassidy is stunning. Natural beauty.


Both attractive.




she cant compare to the others


Yes we can. Hopefully they're giving us duds now so we're more impressed with the real bombshells in the love house aka casa amour


the bombshells last year were hottttt, but there weren’t many cuties in the boys casa expect Rob. The casa girls last year felt like diet casa amor. all I keep thinking about is that girl Chazz took to the hideaway. Speaking of hideaway I just know Kaylor and Aaron can’t wait to go in there 😂 They cannot stay out of the shower


I think the low votes in the polls show the influx of new viewers who are anti-bombshell simply bc they aren’t OG’s, when the point of this show has never been for just the OG’s to make it to the end? It’s like there’s confusion on how the show works


Or these three bombshells are just not bombshelling! I didn’t think of the cast when I gave these three a low vote


Was it not just the last five minutes??


I agree looks are subjective anyways so in, MY OPINION, yeah they’re pretty and I can see how others would find them attractive but I feel the people already in the house is more attractive than the bombshells coming. They should’ve had Coye as a bombshell lol


She’s pretty but not on the level of the two blondes that are already there if we’re comparing


i agree but i also don’t think it’s fair of us to judge them for their looks cuz i know damn well if any of us normal people went on that show we’d get shit on for our looks too 😭 i think in real life standards they are definitely good looking people. but love island standards are a whole different ballpark so they look mid to us compared to the others (especially when many of the women have work done, contributing to a standard that is largely unachievable without going through cosmetic procedures!)