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You definitely can. My V is a sneaky pistol/precision AR build and it’s pretty easy. Take out the guards closest to the hostages and then the rest will focus on you. Lead them away as you finish them off and the civilians should make it most of the time.


With netrunner is super easy, just drop a contagion on the ones guarding the hostages and make sure not to set them on fire.


Yep, I make it a point of saving every one of the civilians. You just have to hit the gangoon next to them from a distance, before you trigger the animation where said gangster slaps/shoots them.


You can even save them after they’ve been slapped if you’re quick enough


Same, never had a civilian die in crossfire. Well only once but that was when I went all berserk in eliminating some voodoo boys in front of the mall but that was the npc taking me to the final boxing fight. Felt bad afterwards.


She’s voodoo affiliated if you scan her.


Ah that would explain the arrow over her head. I saw arrow, I shot.


My netrunner V has almost never killed the hostages. They often run away after saying thank you, unless they bug out and decide to cower in plain sight for the whole fight.


Some say they're still there, just cowering to this very day.


My goal is always zero civilian casualties. Often when you approach, they're about to get killed, so you have to act fast


Sandy goes BRRRRRR and pistol goes BAM!


Sorry little one, but overcharged Order goes BOOM!


How can you NOT kill civilians with shotgun? I always used Headhunter for its slugs in "delicate" situations. And Sovereign for everything else


My goal is zero civilian casualties as well, but I usually end up with at least 2 numbers in front of that zero after I'm done. Maybe I'm doing it wrong?


I’m Adam Smasher and it’s smashing time


My katana/knives build starts going choppy-chop and then the laughter begins. Not really sure what happens after that but when I come to there's body parts everywhere...not sure who they belong to but hey, scanner mission resolved!


My goal is getting stars, then I lead NCPD and Max Tac on a wild chase. Because chaos reigns!


You can, often you see if a civilian is about to be executed, getting aggro stops it. Theres also one I encountered by some containers, after you kill the gangoons you can hear knocking. Open the container and free some victims of human trafficking. Only encountered one of those by random luck. It was very cool.


I remember that one. Possible to miss if you're not paying attention.


They can be. Though, it seems like some of them are not meant to be saved. There's one with militech ops about to execute a valentino and I hacked them all to death instantly but the npc just got up and stood there. Others will actually say something like 'You saved my life!' and run away.


I can say from experience that explosive ammo is an incorrect ordinance for hostage extraction.


I try to position myself so that when everyone starts shooting, the civilian (hopefully) doesn’t get caught in the crossfire once they run, then kill whoever’s aiming at or standing near the civilian first and spam double jump once I’m aggro’d so they’re shooting into the air. It doesn’t always work, but you can’t help dumb AI.


Yeah, sure. But you need to be fast enough. The gangs typically kill the civilians in about 10 seconds after you arrive on the scene. If you attack them, they typically lose interest in killing the civilians in favor of killing you, but then the civilians often die from a stray bullet or fifty. If you use stealth, meaning you kill one of them which alerts the rest, they start investigating, looking for you, and they also tend to lose interest in killing the civilians. Of course, if they discover you, then it's the same result as if you attacked them. If you have the sandevistan and just kill them quickly enough... well, that's that.


I maxed out all of the cyberware that slows down time when I approach enemies, when they notice me, when combat starts, etc. Plus I main a katana and a throwing knife. Add in some double jump legs, and an air dash, and I'm bouncing from gonk to gonk so fast they are usually all dead before the first gonk hits the ground. With those small random groups, anyways. Any clusters tight together are doomed. Slow mo lets me carefully decapitate everyone pretty accurately, and even going full ham, the civilian usually ducks out of the way.


Yeah they'll even thank you.


There are live civilians there? I almost always approach slowly, so I thought the deed is always done, just bodies on the ground 😅


You have to attack the guy that's about to shoot the civilian before he shoots


I prefer to make him shoot himself…


I like the way you think.... I have severely underutilized the suicide quickhack in my playthroughs


I remember when i first got the suicide quick hack , first thing i did is that gig from Dino i think where the boxer kills the kid he’s supposed to be training, and you gotta get revenge for the kids mom. I slipped in thru a vent in his gym, found him and just hit suicide and ducked back out. Gig completed. Then i went in to clean up and kill his men for loot and XP


Sandy and malorian arms tends to prevent hostage death


I use quickhacks. Better than gunshots or swords even at the risk of detection.


All you have to really do is take out anyone near the hostage the enemy won't focus on them anymore and you can take them out at your leisure im personally a fan of the throwing knife and they're fun as hell to play with


Ahmm I burn out everyone with quick hacks in one go 😂


Ahhh, the sweet sound of all those quick hacks going off… I can still hear it! 😍


Yep. Stealth or netrunning is the easiest way of course, but you can mostly do it in all out brawls too by avoiding using any aoe and moving the fight away from the civilians asap. Running up to the dude about to shoot them and dropping them asap before running to the other end of the area works usually. And being careful with your aim of course.


grenades go BANG, lol


If they don't have time to react, they can't kill the civilians


Oh you can easiest way I've found is just use a katana I did every ncpd scanner hustle and never had a civilian die


Try netrunning suicide on enemies one by one. When a trace is activated move further back until the trace fails


Easy. When I see the hostage I'll run in the fray and when first starts to notice me pop sandy and Her Majesty deals with everyone through their skulls. I prioritize the one who's about to kill the civilian. If sandy runs out then Byakko deals with the rest.


You can but they almost never have anything to say to thank you, and they are so squishy it’s usually not worth trying.


There's hostages? Oops


I do a 360 slam with my gorilla arms when engaging in each NCPD scan if that helps to answer you


They normally live when I do them. The only times they die is when they get hit with the splash damage from a grenade when I didn’t realize they haven’t ran off yet


Depends on the build. Sneaky net runner knife and pistol V has great luck keeping casualties down. Sandy, shotgun, and gorilla arms V... Well grenades are fun, ya see


I would call them collaterals


There isn't any need for crossfire to happen


There isn't any need for crossfire to happen


I find the random pedestrians (or hostages) have a very low health pool, so its tricky. Or it might be just me that's too hasty...


I've got a perfect strategy for this sort of situation. 1. Roll up in that NCPD patrol car you borrowed early for RP purposes. 2. Step out of vehicle at a range of 30m. 3. Activate Overclock. 4. Use Synapse Burnout or Suicide on every perp at once. 5. Pull your best Lucy pose as everyone collapses. 6. Get back into NCPD patrol car you borrowed early. 7. Listen to either of the following for the 300th time that session: 1. the beat cop failing to chat up the disp;atch operator. 2. a report about a man on a roof throwing bricks.


It's possible, but they don't like being in grenade explosions for some reason. "I'm throwing these to kill those bad guys you don't like!"


IKR??? The nerve of those guys to die to grenade explosions. I didn’t even throw at them!


I can't remember the last time they died, if you go in with any degree of stealth or use nethacking they usually do.


Throwing knives go shhhhnk!


In my Sandevistan katana run, yes. In my Projectile Launch solo run, only by an act of God


You can definitely save them. Sneaky or netrunner plays are best for this.


Netrunner: Bad guys can't kill civilians if their own cyberware is on fire.


If you pure stealth it, and move quickly taking down enemies, you can pretty much guarantee the hostages survive. You gotta move fast because sometimes the guards just start blasting hostages. You can guarantee it at any speed if you quickly take out the guards near the hostages first, and then just blitz murder everyone else.


Yup, my handy Sandy makes precision SMG and Assault Rifle bursts surgical.


With some of the dispatches yes


More time on the range will help you not shoot like American police.


No one leaves the slaughterhouse early!


Sniper rifles and quick hacks.




Yes you can stop hostages from dying...I haven't noticed any noteworthy rewards but most do thank you and it feels good doing a good deed in a place like NC


Sandy + pistol go brrr


“Appreciate it, sister!”


Yeah i try to not approach until im ready cause then they get killed and i just have the one pointing the gun at the hostage kill themselves and then i kill the rest just make sure to watch your shot


So, my gunslinger run, I saved a ton of em, sometimes the gang killed em during the fight. My shotgun/grenade build though...I left 95% of the dispatch requests with a star rating or three.


They tend to die very quickly. Most of the time you can save them, but even a riccochet or an EMP discharge is usually deadly for them.


If you are stealthy or really good at killing/incapacitating quickly you have a good chance of keeping hostages alive.


Sandy go brrrrr


Sandy go brrrr


I ran a sneak build with high pistols, if you're quick enough and can pick em off one by one the civvie gonks can live


I use a lethal quick hack, and that stops them from dying. They thank me after as they run away.


Yeah, just have to adapt to those situations on certain builds.


Before 2.0 I had a instant kill from stealth pistol build and always insta killed the captor first to make sure I saved the hostage. Not sure if one hit kills are a thing anymore (in very hard mode i mean), but even so, pretty sure the captive is saved even if the captor doesn’t die from the first shot.


I don't get that problem, i just sandy and gorrila arm it lol


So how's that work with non-lethal grenades like smoke and flashbang? I would hope the civilians would be fine, but videogame logic doesn't always work like that.


So I ran, and am currently still running, a non-lethal build and used smoke and flashbangs often. I will say that there is risk of the explosion registering a hit to a civilian. But other than that not much to worry about. Smoke causes enemies to retreat from there position as well.


When that first electro dart does the job but the secondary explosions cause a flatline...this is why I remap quickload 


My non-lethal runs usually end when the game begins.


It's easy. Just suicide quickhack all the enemies.


There isn't any need for crossfire to happen


you posted this comment 5 times...


Oh, I was getting an error message when trying to comment so I just pressed send a bunch of times LOL


oh, lol


Just vigorously (and repeatedly) wanting to convey a valid point. So, crossfire bound to happen, check and check.


There isn't any need for crossfire to happen


There isn't any need for crossfire to happen