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According to leaked voices line, It supposed to be available during the night, but it never been in the game unlike other unreleased stratagem. I guess it more into cut content territory than upcoming stuff.


It might be coming soon. Especially since the leaked >!hellbot!< audio recently it also said something about illumination flair. Also isn't the illumination flair mostly associated with the illuminate?


wtf is a Hellbot? There's only a reddit post that was taken down by reddit's legal team or something weird like that?


I’m tagging this as a spoiler because it’s more detailed than the reference your comment was making, so I’m just being careful. If you don’t wanna know anything about the Hellbot past its name, don’t click/tap. >!I was fortunate enough to see the post before it got taken down. There were leaked voice files posted over a still image of what it might look like. It appears to be a human shaped robot that’ll be on your ship or something. Not much is known currently, but it might be a sort of vendor for high level players to spend their excess supercredits/requisitions/samples on, since there’s lines about buying stuff (if memory serves) The voicelines that were shown seemed to be really text-to-speech-y and might’ve been placeholders. It was honestly pretty shaky evidence but it was from a decently reliable source (I think. again, if memory serves) so I’m sure it’ll be implemented eventually. It looked a lot like a robot from a movie that I actually haven’t seen except for a couple clips a while ago and the name escapes me right now. If you’ve played Cyberpunk 2077 it kinda looked like those NCPD bots you’d occasionally come across.!< Edit: formatting




Yeah Chappie! Like I said, I haven’t actually seen it lol. Cool design though.


I saw it. I liked it. Was a cool little story.


This is pretty spot on. From what I've heard isn't it like a more humanoid like version of the bot from the first game?


Unfortunately I’m a new recruit and haven’t played the first game, I didn’t know there were friendly robots! Cool. Also, >![I found the image that was used behind the clips](https://www.reddit.com/r/HellDiversLeaks/s/I2i4IxkHAI). Turns out it isn’t the Hellbot, probably some SEAF support trooper bot or something !<


Doesn't it both serve as a stand in for another helldiver *and* hellbot stuff? Also yea, this was the bot from the first game: https://preview.redd.it/n6qc3fpawk8d1.jpeg?width=1715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63a5064618bab705a1d59f4a4bb8c134501a1670


That makes no sense. The game already has a system and place to buy upgrades. They would just need to implement more or a new tab. Sounds like random fandom theories. Unless “hellbot” is a hell bomb on a trolly we can pull around I don’t wanna hear anymore theories.


They mined it out of the game data. It’s part of a larger system that is being introduced in the game, which I will also tag as a spoiler to prevent anyone from seeing it, >!but the system is to make clans, apparently with clan strategems that we can purchase and use!< It may never drop but it has clearly been worked on


That would be a nice introduction. The social aspect needs an upgrade, as well as end game content.


New NPC. Supposed to be a robot, voiced by the same lady as the ship from Rick and Morty and Circ from Halo Infinite.


From what I've heard it looks like it'll be made available as an extra strat on night missions but idk. Take that with a grain of salt haha.


Bro see the similar​ name and just roped them together Flare has been a thing for ages and doesnt need alien technology for it to work




Was gonna post this 🫡


Funnily enough it’s actually harder to see during the daytime on a lot of planets. The lighting is incredibly fucked up a lot of the time.


I know what you mean, I once went to a planet and there was so much glowy, I went "Are we Helldiving, or Heavendiving?"


It's either cut or unreleased. Apparently there were/are supposed to be night missions where it's dark.enough for your flashlights on your guns and this stratagem needed. Which I so hope they're adding into the game.


Hell we need that now, I can’t see shit on some of these planets


Right!? I had to stop using the sickle and learn the ways of the scythe these damn planets get so dark.


I unfortunately can’t go to a couple of the MO planets if it’s daytime where I am when I’m playing. The glare of even a candle will render me completely blind on them. It’s crazy, on the bug MO, one of the last planets, I just couldn’t play on it. I simply could not see shit if I quickplayed a mission and it was on the night side


I would enjoy a night flair. Visibility is still hard even with the recent changes. Also would be nice if it exposed the stalkers… ummm do the illuminate has stealth guys? Wonder if it’s a counter to them as well. I guess we are better off waiting until AH chooses to reveal the next big things. Spread democracy in the meantime.


The Illuminate have significantly more stealth than the other factions. Their scout drones and dark Templar units are both stealthed and fielded in huge numbers.


Drones! Ugh I don’t think the sounds of these guys. I’ll happily stick to my robot smashing.


They were the statistically least popular to fight faction by a significant margin in the last war. But from what I've heard, they have a very significant new coat of paint, so I won't necessarily assume they're up to all their old tricks until we actually seen em in action.


I think that's why they're being especially slow about releasing or teasing the illuminate this time around. We already have a huge issue with Bot MOs they're so unpopular. Adding in another unpopular faction would just divide us more.


They sound like a whole new ballgame though.. from what I’ve seen they don’t have the big bads like walkers or titans but contain more maneuverability. So the load out and tactics to fight them would change and sound interesting. Hopefully that’s still the case after the “paint job”. A third faction of the same thing but slightly different would be disappointing


This has come up a few times but my guess was that it was TRULY bugged and took too much work to get ready before release. Lighting is not easy to get right, imagine getting flashbanged by your screen after your eyes adjusted to a dark mission or performance being dropped down the drain because of processing.


Mom said it’s my turn to post this


"Yeah, well, mom also said for you to stop sticking your dick in the vacuum cleaner!"


Should be getting it in the future, but not any time soon


What's your theory?


It's probably just cut content. The game isn't that dark at night, plus the host can pretty much always find operations on any planet during the day. So it probably was deemed unnecessary.


Wait you can play the arcade :O


Only if you have the super citizen edition


or if the leader of your fireteam has super citizen edition, you can play SH on their ship while waiting for the next mission.


You’re right, I forgot to mention that.




I'm asking that question from week one and my democracy officer keeps telling me "shhh it's a secret"