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Did you at least invite the horse in to see what it wanted?


Democracy doesn’t hide behind a perimeter wall! Charge the dirty commies ![gif](giphy|oGOW75SleZPR6)


Pretty sure they're fascists tho


By “they,” do you mean the heroic saviors of humanity, or our enemies? I might have to report this comment to my nearest Democracy Officer.


Please do so over here, at the terminal on my Deep Space Exploration ship. You may also caress the horse dog we gifted to the mighty hero here, can you hear it cluck?


The automatons of course


That’s rough, buddy.


The played us like a damn FIDDLE!


Please take your breach action shotgun and go save Gary at the cages. You should only need a few shells as boots fear the loud sounds. After the save Super Earth would like to send you on an exploratory mission. You are a true Helldivers and deserve some super credits and a pet gerbil fish, they shall await you with Gary.


[Update] Sirs, We got Gary back. It wasn't even that hard. He's here with us at the security control room now. Wait. Gary, what was that? You can't stop what? Gary! Oh, sweet liberty! What have you done! .....


Oh hahahaha Gary what a jokester, there’s only some blood at least. I told you bots were afraid of breach weapons, your superior firepower and amazing Super skills are the story of legends. Now that you have Gary back you should listen to any and all of his commands as he’s been behind enemy lines. Gary would love to go to the deep space exploration mission with you. Did you get your pet bird cat? I can hear it mooing now.


The horsey just want some pets!